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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

My boss is an easy going guy. But i'm glad that he's cool with it.

They only asked for last months check stubs, but since Hubby doesn't have the stubs from when he was out they need a "Wage Verification" form to be filled out. And since mine is so new I don't get a paper stub cause it's an internal thing and can only get it while at work (online stuffs). So they had me fill one out too.
But i didn't make my monthly wage last month cause i only worked 6 days in April. Hubby was out from mid March til the end of April from his accident. He's paid a daily rate and weekly check.
I'm nervous :|
And i think it will take at least a month and a half to hear from them @_@
StarGazer - I hope you can get your insurance worked out, I know how much it sucks not knowing. As for being cold, it might be from the pregnancy, some women feel constantly cold. I'm always going from being super hot to kind of cold. I've been third trimester in the heat of the summer before and it really sucks, I'm glad I won't be so huge when it's 90+ out lol, especially with my other littles always being out and about. I'm glad your boss is okay with things too, makes stress a lot better to deal with when your job isn't putting you down about pregnancy!

bdb - exactly the same for me! I think there's also some connection with my prenatal vitamin because I always feel even more ravenous after I take it. I forgot to take one last night before bed and didn't have such an issue over night of being starving. I'm going to try taking them differently and see if that helps.

AFM - yaay 12 weeks today! I also am excited to see everyone's scans coming up. My food just goes right through me, and I feel it's going to get worse in second trimester with the constant hunger. I still had some issues with my appetite not being there entirely last night, but I did manage to scarf down a grilled cheese lol. I've been craving monkey bread all week, so I plan to make some up this afternoon!
Jessica, yay on 12 weeks!!!!

Stargazer, I hope you get your insurance straightened out. The being cold I think just comes with office jobs lol. I've had a few different office jobs through the years (before I went to being a SAHM) and they ALWAYS had it freezing in there.

Thanks everyone for the sweet comments on baby <3 We are in love :cloud9:

Baby has had me on my toes with the nausea again lately though. Day before yesterday I felt miserable all day, yesterday morning I threw up after drinking some water, I also threw up dinner and felt miserable most of the night. I had some nausea this morning too. Blah! I'm SO ready for the nausea to leave lol. I don't need it for reassurance anymore since I can hear baby if I need to on the doppler, so it needs to be gone!
So sorry about your nausea :(. I hope it passes for you soon. Mine still comes and goes but not nearly as often as it did a few weeks ago. And your scan was great!
My insurance doesn't kick in til July... I mean I can wait. Hubby is a little more stressed over things than I am, but when he stresses I get worried that I should be too.

I wasn't too worried about how my boss would react. I knew he had a young one so he can sympathize some. But i was more worried that I'm in my probation period .... telling work about something like a pregnancy is a big thing....I just felt it fair in case i had to schedule a bunch more appointments as quickly as I did with my next two (less than a weeks notice to request time off).

The temp i think is controlled by the people across the hall. I've been instructed many times not to engage with them. " "Smile and nod', is all you should do". They are a special bunch of people that we had join the company....idk if the boss even talks to them... So I doubt that i can get the temp adjusted. :/
The guy that's supposed to be moving my desk can change the direction of the air... but i doubt it will help too much. It's in the middle of my ceiling :sad2:

My appetite is the best during the day. Mornings I muddle through a bag of gold fish and my mini donuts. At night is might be able to have food, but mostly something small and my pears. Since i get home around 7 i usually just veg on the couch and take a nap, eat a little something then go to bed around 9-10
Markswife lovely pic, so sweet

Stargazer hope you get good news on your insurance and glad all went well telling your boss.
I feel continuously cold so far this pregnancy, it’s horrible and I look a bit daft with a fleece on when everyone else is in a t-shirt

Jessica happy 12 weeks

My nausea seems to be getting worse by the day, I was feeling better for a while after eating but now it gets much worse after eating. I’m just thankful I haven’t actually been sick, it’s more a sea sickness feeling that I can’t shake off
My “nausea” the closest thing to it is my acid reflux. But instead of going away after I eat and relax it’s all day yuck feeling. When I cough I can gag, when I burp I pray that it’s just a burp and nothing else.
I’ve luckily only had 1 bad bad day where my acid reflux caught me. But I had a feeling it would cause I didn’t sleep well cause my dogs dealing with allergies and kept waking me up.
Mine feels like motion sickness a lot, but I think mine has gotten a bit worse, too. It isn't all day like it was at the beginning but I've progressed from mostly just dry heaving to actually vomiting :blush: :wacko: It can go bye bye now anytime lol!
Jessica- happy 12 weeks to us :cloud9:

I'm sorry you all are still dealing with nausea. I couldn't imagine. I only had 1-2 weeks of it and it was very mild. I could not imagine dealing with it day in and day out.

Markswife- Love the new avi! I take it you all made the big announcement?
Jessica- happy 12 weeks to us :cloud9:

I'm sorry you all are still dealing with nausea. I couldn't imagine. I only had 1-2 weeks of it and it was very mild. I could not imagine dealing with it day in and day out.

Markswife- Love the new avi! I take it you all made the big announcement?

Thank you! Yes we did! :) After seeing a healthy baby we were comfortable making the big announcement. :happydance::cloud9:
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend

Only 2 days to go until my hospital appointment, but sadly nothing exciting like a scan at this appointment boo. This feels like the longest 12 weeks ever
Hey ladies, I hope you all are having a relaxing weekend. Nothing much to report over here; just counting down until my 12wk scan and appointment on Wednesday.

This is my older two kids' last week of school, so we have lots of functions to attend. All 3 also have their dental checkups and cleanings on Tuesday.
Can’t believe some of you ladies will be in second tri soon, how exciting!

Bdb good luck at your scan.
I hope everyone's weekend was decent.
Saturday was ok. I work an 8 hour day at my part time job. I'm gonna try to keep up the hours as long as possible. (it's my spending money).
Sunday was rough... i'm really hoping this morning sickness chills some in the next few weeks!

I'm 10 weeks today! Get to see my little jelly bean on Wednesday! I'm super excited!
I think I slept a total of 3 hours last night. I woke up no less than 8 times and just could not fall back asleep. I'm not sure if it's pregnancy related or not (only got up to use the restroom once), but I'm exhausted!

Are you ladies having the blood test done at your 12 week appointments that also determines the gender? I'm hoping my doctor will do it for me on Wednesday. I had it done in my last pregnancy (without knowing), so I assume I will be able to again this time around. If so, it looks like I could know what I'm having within a couple of weeks. :cloud9:
Good morning ladies, I hope everyone had a good weekend! I've been reading but haven't had a chance to respond.

StarGazer - I actually have to take a ppi for my reflux because I have GERD really bad. Sometimes I still get heartburn later in pregnancy and it is really uncomfortable. It can cause nausea, so hopefully you can get some relief soon. Hoping second trimester brings it!

Markswife - Sorry you're dealing with such nasty nausea as well, it really sucks! It's good you made the announcement :)

MrsDuck - the time will fly, lol. I hope your appointment goes well anyway. 12 weeks will be here before you know it!

Sushai - I know, it's crazy! But also exciting because soon we'll be doing gender guessing and complaining about different stuff :haha:.

bdb - I still haven't decided on getting the 'Harmony' test. I never had it done with my last kids, but I'll be 32 when this one is born. I really don't want to stress over statistical numbers because I tend to overworry and over think *everything*. I'm sorry you didn't sleep well, I know I've had a few nights like that as well, so I hope you get some rest today or at least tonight. Exhaustion is no joke! Also, yaay 12 weeks.

AFM - Weekend was busy, I did give in to a couple of cravings like fish and chips (omg so worth it) and I made monkey bread Friday night. It was so sweet and I wasn't used to all that sugar so I felt super sugared out for a bit afterward lol. Allergies are getting bad around where I live and my constant runny nose doesn't really help. I'm also having such vivid dreams. They're so full of drama and action, it's crazy.

I can't wait for you guys to have your scans this week!
My bloodwork is this Friday. As well as my pap (cause i'm not due for one til July) and the body exam physical. I'm really not looking forward to it even though they told me it was supposed to be "nice" ... idk. Last week when she just "measured" me and poked my tummy I felt horrible the rest of the day. so idk .... I might have to take the day and recoop from it. (Not that i want to loose hours at work, i just don't think i'll be worth anything, even if i am just sitting here)

My reflux has never been bad enough to have to take something. I've been doing great these past few years maintaining my anxiety and making sure i don't have issues. But hormones are probably screwing me up too much to maintain. Like sunday, I felt ok... then i wasn't feeling well, and then it was over......and i just zoned out the rest of the day trying NOT to aggravate the tummy anymore than necessary. If i keep having days like that I'm gonna look at the list of pills my doc gave me that are approved to take for nausea/morning sickness

I had the most bizarre dream about my husband giving me a tumor-sized hicky .... later in the day he came and kissed my neck and i freaked out LOL he was like "what?".... *shaking it off* "you just reminded me of my freaky dream"
My dreams fade on me, but I can recall a few... nothing crazy except that one so far.
So i was scrolling through the bump pictures.
I just have my normally chubby belly right now. :/ I haven't taken a picture in maybe 2 weeks. But i doubt i look any different.
I've heard it's normal for the first not to show until mid 2nd Trimester. True???
Ooh its lovely seeing you we're all plodding along very nicely! I remember joining and seeing BDB at 9 weeks and thinking it would take me ages to get there and now im 9 weeks tomorrow!

Hope your scans go really well and get a lovely pic!
Here in the UK the harmony test is £500 which we can't afford to have done really... I think our dating scan can give us some answers if the baby has anything wrong so will see what happens.

AFM, I've had my routine midwife app where she took lots of blood and gave me all my paperwork, she's sent everything to my chosen hospital so should here soon with a scan date!
A lot of my symptoms have calmed down but I get very tired... And this is going to sound crazy but a couple of times I feel like I have felt bubbles or something low down! I have had 2 babies previously and have a weaker uterus, its probably nothing but I have definitely felt something!

Hope you ladies have a great week and bring on the scan pic :-D xxx

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