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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

StarGazer - I would really look for something with ginger in it to help with your tummy troubles. I swear by it, it helps so much! As for your appointment, sorry it bothers you when you get poked and prodded. I haven't had a pap done in years as I just cannot afford the doctor appointment, my insurance does not cover it (gotta love the USA). As for bump pics, there are some pics of us in the facebook group, and our bumps. We're only just showing but it is still fun to see! I love bump pics :)

buttercup - I definitely have felt the little bubbles as well, it's crazy! Happy 9 weeks, and it's good you had your appointment and all is well.
I'm really the worst in the mornings and evenings. During the day at work I manage by eating random snacks.
I was drinking ginger ale, but so much of it and it starts to taste blah (like everything else i have does) I was sipping (just sipping) some mountain dew (for some caffeine really) and all of a sudden it started to taste like a cleaner fluid.... i had to stop. I have a sprite now, and it's starting to taste like the cup. idk I everything I try changes flavors :(
I don't know i'll manage some how.

I'm on facebook only once in a blue moon. I was trying to stay active in a etsy shop group and fell off that band wagon. I usually get on to clear my notifications, make sure some of my friends are still alive and get off. I browse instagram more often than anything. But to be honest with the new job and long hours I really barely get on anything more than the couch.
The only reason i'm on here, is it's open on my phone when I open my browser and when the ADD kicks in at work i hop on to be nosey.

I'll probably take a pic when i get home -- if i feel up to it.

And your pap is a preventative exam insurance is supposed to cover it by law. It's anything extra during the visit that you'd have to pay.
Now this year around i don't have insurance and i'd have to do a self pay. But .... things kinda changed finding out i'm pregnant. (<<< gaaah that still sounds so unreal)

Buttercup -- i could swear i feel little bubbles too!!! I can determine it's nothing gas related as i can feel most of that up near my tummy.
jessicaftl-I was team yellow the first 2, but not sure about this time because I think I might want the kids to feel closer to a baby "brother" or "sister", iykwim. I'm a light sleeper too, but since my husband's surgery he has to sleep in a special bed for awhile so I've been letting the little ones sleep with me because I get lonely! Yay for the 12 week milestone!

bdb84- I understand the need to plan for a boy or girl, but I've never liked the color pink and I was glad we stayed team yellow for my first because all the gifts were gender neutral and so not only did I not get tons of pink things for gifts (first was a girl) but everything worked for my second, a boy, which was great because I had him a week after moving into my new house in a different part of the state and we didn't have time to do much shopping! It sounds like this is going to be a busy week for you! Make sure to try and rest, even though I know that's hard.

StarGazerRose- I'm sorry you didn't get a scan, but you will soon. I have had bad pregnancy brain too! It makes it difficult to get things done when I keep forgetting what I am doing! I've been getting really hot, not cold, but it probably has to do with hormones and stuff for both of us. I also had problems with insurance and didn't get an appointment until 9 weeks but everything is finally settled now but it is a pain with all the stuff you have to do to get things sorted. Yay for your scan on Wednesday!

markswife10- That's a great heartbeat! It is relieving to see or hear that little noise, isn't it? I have IBS and nausea normally and ginger tea and eating small bits more frequently seems to help a bit, even though I actually don't like the taste of ginger.

Mrs.Duck- It sounds like everyone is having bad nausea! Hopefully everyone will feel better the more we all progress.

Buttercupbabi- I'm glad your symptoms are calming down! It makes it easier to get things done when we don't feel awful Vall the time. How cool that you might be feeling something!

AFM- I had my daughter's 7th birthday party and it was a huge success and everyone had lots of fun but my feet are still hurting and I'm still tired and I know I looked tired, but since I haven't told anyone yet I didn't have an excuse for them! I tried to hear the heartbeat before but didn't so I made myself put it away until 11 weeks and last night I tried again and we heard it after only looking for a few minutes! :) It was so nice to hear! I never really had symptoms before with my other pregnancies and didn't at first with this one until I started taking the progesterone. I'm wondering if maybe I either don't make enough or it's borderline so that's why I had the miscarriages and no symptoms with my successful pregnancies. I never had it measured before or took it before, but I had a different doctor.

I was just wondering about something. I don't know with this one, but with my first I had an anterior placenta and it took forever to feel the movements and also made it hard to hear the heartbeat. I also had horrible back labor and she ended up being sunny side up. Has anyone else had both? I am wondering if the anterior placenta makes it hard for baby to face the correct way towards the end.
Brieanna, I had an anterior placenta with my third, I noticed a huge difference in feeling her move and finding the hb with my doppler took a bit longer! Funny enough she was the only one not born face up and I didnt have as intense back pain during contractions. They still hurt like hell, but I remember my two boys being more back intensive and both were both sunnyside up. I'm anxious to see how this turns out lol. Yay for finding the hb, it is so great to hear!
Ladies, I got my anti nausea prescription, and it has really made a difference. It does make me drowsy though. But the never ending feeling of nausea is almost totally gone. I'm so thankful. I get my scan JUNE 1ST, I'll be 9 weeks and 5 days. I'll be getting all the tests done since I'm high risk. My belly is HUGE. Can't wait to see if there are 2 in there, or if my body is just going to memory. I look like I'm 5 months pregnant right now. It's very hard to hide.

I forgot who it was that was going to try to add me to the facebook group??? I don't use the email associated with my account and no longer have the password for it :s

So excited for the upcoming scans :)
Got my scan date today! 3 weeks today! Right on my 12week day!
Can't believe how real this feels, cannot wait for the day to be here as we have chosen not to tell anyone until we have the scan.
My OH is really supportive but its different, I cant talk to him the way I can talk to my friends especially the ones who have had babies!

Hope you are all feeling well today and the nausea is getting better!
I cant believe how exhausted I feel and I slept for 11 hours!
This morning was decent so far. but the day is young...

Hubby bought me a mini heater fan for my office. I'm hoping it will help keep me warm --- i just wish it ran as long as the ceiling vent runs >,< Safety switches....
That was my annvi gift LOL but I'm happy to have heat from something besides my coat. AND i can warm my hands!

Tomorrow ladies I get to see my jelly bean!!!! EEEEEE omg it's about to be real!

Buttercup -- Good luck telling people! Hubby couldn't keep a secret so we ended up telling nearly everyone we knew before my confirmation appointment. (6 weeks)
Then I slowly told other people.
Dove- I'm glad your meds are making a big difference!

Yay for all our upcoming scans :cloud9: I cannot wait to start guessing gender based on 12 week scans.
Buttercup we are more or less at the same point, I had my midwife appointment this morning and my scan is 8 June. I asked about the harmony test and was told the same (I’m also in the uk) but that you are given your odds based on the scan and then if you are high risk it might be worth spending the £500 to know for sure

Brieanna I had an anterior placenta with dd and couldn’t pick up her heartbeat with the doppler until 11 weeks and didn’t feel that much movement but she did come out the right way round

Dove glad the meds are working

I was hoping they might use their doppler at my midwife appointment this morning but sadly not, I haven’t tried mine in a few days so I might have another try tonight, fingers crossed
Yeah that is a good idea actually, the midwife did explain to me that they do check so much more now at the 12weeks scan and after its obviously up to us if we would wanna go further with it but to be honest that's not really the case for us, we would just like to know if there is something to get ourselves prepared for it...

I haven't got a doppler, you ladies all seem to have one is it worth the purchase? I'd love to get one...
Which ones do you ladies use? xxx
I&#8217;ve got a sonoline b doppler, think I got it from amazon last pregnancy
Dove - I'm so happy your meds are helping you! I can't even imagine having that bad of nausea constantly :(.

Buttercup - yaaay a scan date! Only 3 weeks, that's not long at all, lol. I bought my doppler off of Amazon a few years ago, it's called "womb music" I think. I like it, but it is a bit difficult to keep clean. I get aloe vera gel all over it when I use it, so I keep a cloth diaper handy to wipe it clean when I'm done.

StarGazer - it's good when mornings well, and I hope you can stay a little bit warmer now :haha:

AFM I'm okay. I've had a headache since yesterday, I feel it's from stress because it's in the back of my head and my neck where my stress gathers and from not eating enough, since I haven't been getting up in the night to eat the past few days. I ended up getting into an argument with my husband last night and didn't get hardly any sleep, which just made my headache even worse >.< I so wish I could take ibuprofen, because tylenol just doesn't cut it. I haven't taken any yet today, but I did lie down for a little bit this morning while the kids played and now I have a kink in my right shoulder from lying wrong. I'll probably skip my workout today and try to relax and hope for my headache to calm down. The strange thing I noticed when lying on my back was that I can feel my uterus above my pelvic bone now, and I could feel the harder side, where I assume the lil one is lying (lower left) and it's softer on the other side. It made me a little squeamish at first because I know it's so small right now but also kind of exciting.
I hope everyone is having a decent day.
Buttercupbabi we have the same feelings about the NT scan. It’s more about being prepared for whatever comes. Hopefully though all of our scans and results come back perfectly normal.

Jessica, I hope your headache eases up. That’s so awesome though that you were able to palpate your uterus.

AFM, I had some awful crampy pains last night on my left side. No bleeding though but decided to get checked out anyway. Doctor suggested an ultrasound just to make sure all is well. I managed to get an appointment for this morning and luckily everything is well with both babies. It was surreal seeing how much they’ve grown and just how much they were moving around in there. The sonographer couldn’t see anything abnormal or anything that might be triggering the pain. So I’ve put it down to possibly just some awful stretching pains.

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Thank you for the doppler recommendations ladies, think I will buy one! I have so many friends i know i can pass it on to after I'm done with it too...

Aaaah Sushai! Thats the cutest little scan pic!
Must feel so surreal seeing 2!
Are they identical?
Buttercupbabi from what we’ve seen it looks like they are fraternal but we won’t know for sure unless we take a zygosity test once they are here. My twins are di/di but it is still possible for them to be identical although chances are not that high.
Hey ladies, had my scan on Monday.

All went well, apart from baby lying upside down but actually kept fairly still!

Waiting on Nuchal scan results as my bloods hadn’t come back, hopefully should hear soon and have the date for my 20 week scan!

Sonographer moved due date to 30th Nov, making me now 12+5 but we are going to stick with “due in December” when we announce as she based new DD on a regular 28 day cycle, when mine is 35 days, so naturally I’ll be “late” now according to new date unless bubs comes early.

Sickness has subsided quite a bit, only really feeling nausea in the evenings which I don’t mind as I just go bed early haha.

Hope you ladies are doing well!

Sushai- That’s a gorgeous scan! You must be so excited for twins!


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Sushai - Thank you, I took some tylenol and that helped a bit, I ate a lot of extra food to also help offset the pain and that also helped. As for your cramping, it is likely to be stretching/growing uterus, I bet it will be more intense with twins, too! Such a great scan :) so good to see such growth.

Lucy - we share due dates :haha: I imagine I'll also go much later, my others always came almost a week after edd, so I'm sure we'll be here in December. It's super that your nausea is letting up a bit! I'm glad your scan also went well.

afm, I'm doing better today, enough to clean my kitchen and wash clothes and do some yard work after breakfast. My headache is almost gone, but my neck is still a wee bit sore. DH rubbed it for a bit last night and that always helps, so I was able to get sleep. I hope everyone else is having a day!
So i'm still on track for my due date! 12/17

Baby is measuring 1.5in and 10w4d. Heartbeat at 164 (or somewhere around there)

Just so excited!!!! I could do nothing but stare at the screen. It's still so weird LOL

(i'll catch up with everyones posts in a few. I'm still sending pictures to the family)

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