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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Jessica- I can feel my uterus above my pelvic bone, too! In the mornings when my stomach is empty, the little bump is so much more pronounced.

Sushai- I love your scan! :cloud9: I imagine the cramps and stretching will be much worse carrying twins. I'm glad your babies are both growing right on track.

Star- What a cute little one! <3

SS- Well, I thought I was getting the blood test for gender, but apparently my insurance only covers the diagnostics from the blood work now and not the gender portion like it did in my last pregnancy. I was bummed at first, but figured it's probably cheaper for me to get an elective sono in two weeks for $120. And I think it's more exciting to find out the gender 'in person' (during a scan) as opposed to reading the results off paper. :flower: So that's my bright side. I still can't believe I'm so close to finding out.

Buttercup- I eat cold deli meats :blush: I know I shouldn't but I do.
Sushai - sadly garlic has been one of my aversions, which really is terrible as it's one of my favorite things ever! Every pregnancy has some random aversion to one of my favorite foods, and honestly garlic is the worst because I do enjoy eating it on so many things, roasted, baked, simmered in butter and put over baked chicken (lol). I still eat it but in small quantities.

StarGazer - that sounds about right. PB is so good, too, I didn't enjoy it much my third pregnancy. As for the greasy foods, I'd suggest having some tums nearby or something you know will help calm your bubbly stomach. I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy them again soon enough without the bad feelings.

dove - it was a lot like that for me at first, too. I'm not a big carb eater (I learned to cut waay back when I was losing weight years ago and it just stuck). Definitely not like a low carb lifestyle, but I didn't eat a lot of white pastas or breads. Bagels, english muffins, toast with a little pb really appealed to me. I'm glad I don't really eat that much now lol, because they always make me feel so bloated in pregnancy. I hope your appetite gets a bit better soon!

bdb - that's exactly when I feel it too. This morning I was feeling it and I can definitely feel where the baby is, because it's bigger and a bit more 'firm'. I can push it around :haha: but I don't do much. It's exciting, and I am kind of looking forward to having that lopsided bump that comes when they lay on one side.

AFM I'm feeling movements a bit more now, and it's exciting. I can't wait for everyone else to get to feel their movements as well, it's one of the best parts! I didn't sleep well last night so I waited and felt some flips and bubbles down there. 13 weeks today, almost to the end of first trimester. I'll take my weekly black shirt bump pic and see if it's much bigger than my one two weeks ago. I imagine there might be some more pooch on it as I've popped out of my pelvic bone now.

Loving the scans, can't wait for everyone to start the gender guessing! I don't even know if I get a scan until 20 weeks, but I see my midwife next Thursday so I'll talk to her about it then. I'm thinking I will go ahead and do the blood work, if I can go without finding out the gender, that is.
Went in for my work up today. Basically pap smear and a few other tests up there...and blood work.
And yeah ... i wanted a sausage biscuit cause the biscuit and why not get food.... ok ...grease is a bad thing for me!
BUT the doc gave me a few things i can take over the counter and a prescription to help with the tummy issues! Probably more since i've been getting sick a lot more recently than before.

I'm ready for the second trimester so i don't feel so ran over and can enjoy the idea a lot more!

Monday I'm going with my family to the zoo. I'm hoping i'm not gonna die....luckily my mom said we're going early, hitting a few special points and leaving before the heat comes in. I still hope i don't die!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, everyone is creeping closer to the 2nd tri now yay. Hopefully all our sicky feelings will pass by then. If not I&#8217;m going to be the size of a mountain coz the only foods I&#8217;m feeling like are breads, croissants and stuff like that although I am forcing myself to eat other things too
Hope you all have a lovely weekend, everyone is creeping closer to the 2nd tri now yay. Hopefully all our sicky feelings will pass by then. If not I’m going to be the size of a mountain coz the only foods I’m feeling like are breads, croissants and stuff like that although I am forcing myself to eat other things too

I've been wanting biscuits all day...I'm getting sausage biscuits and feeling crappy afterwards cause of the sausage.... i should just start ordering the biscuit alone LOL

I'm ready for the nasty feelings to go away. I wanna relax and chill!
Amazing that some of us are so close to stepping into 2nd tri! So exciting!! Can’t wait for all the gender announcements. We will be finding out, as DH can not wait until the birth plus my kids have watched one too many gender reveal videos on YouTube and they want me to do the balloon in a box one for them lol. We don’t have family or friends close by so we won’t be having a gender reveal party or anything like that, just something small to make the kids excited more than anything. Will any of you be having a gender reveal party?
Ill be definitely finding out too, I need to know if I can reuse all my little girls stuff I&#8217;ve kept
Just been catching up, it’s all feeling very real now!

I love that some of you are feeling movement, if this one is anything like my last I won’t be feeling anything till about 20ish weeks.

I have a big family get together tomorrow, so I’m going to subtly announce by wearing a top which says #preggers and then I’ll announce on Facebook to friends.

My 20 week scan came through yesterday, that’s booked for 12th July, when we should hopefully find out gender, also booked a 4D scan for when I’m 26 weeks, which I’m so excited for as the children can come along to that one too. They are so excited and ask me everyday if baby is coming yet haha.
How exciting that you’ll be announcing to your family Lucy! And yay for a booked 20 week scan!!
Hope everyone had a lovely weekend, here in the UK its a bank holiday!
Been really hot and muggy and not enjoyable at all haha, not with this Nausea anyway!

Here, in Canada, our long weekend was last weekend, so today was business as usual. We've had an oddly cool May, but they predict a hot, dry summer. I am already ready for fall :)
Hi Ladies!
Monday was a holiday for us in the US.
My family went to the zoo. A nice cool rainy day LOL We took our time, hit only a few places and left.
Later while the guys dealt with the food, my mom and I went shopping for maternity stuff!!! I got 2 actual maternity shirts, and a few "larger" sized shirts that I can still comfortably wear afterwards.
My issue is finding a freakin' bra! If I buy the ones that say my size on them, they are WAAAAY too big. I mean they stay the flex up to DD O_O and I'm pushing a little bigger than a B ....If i go down in size, the band is too small. -- Ended up buying the size up in sports bras. I guess that will work for a while!

I think the dog kept me awake last night, which means my reflux kicked in this morning. Urgh ... I can tell the difference between reflux and m/s for sure!
Good morning, ladies.

It's the first full week of summer vacation here with the kiddos. They spent the long weekend at their dad's but the girls came back home yesterday. DS is staying with his dad a couple nights extra this week because he likes going to work with him and earning a bit of spending money.

I don't have much new to report although I do think my belly is beginning to pop a bit more. I normally wake up to a flat belly, but lately it's been incredibly sensitive to the touch and more pronounced. It still looks like I took one too many trips through the buffet lines, though :haha:

I keep feeling something that reminds me of a very gentle baby taps, but then I talk myself out of it actually being the baby because I'm only 13 weeks. But you'd think that by kiddo #4 I'd have a general idea the difference between gas and baby, right? :blush:
Looks like we&#8217;ve all reached the quiet bit of our pregnancy, not that I&#8217;m complaining, the all day sicky feeling has finally reduced to just some evenings, for which I&#8217;m grateful. I seem to wake up with a reasonably flat belly but as the day goes on it definitely bloats up.
Im so ready or autumn/fall as well! Its definitely my favourite season! Luckily my bday is also in fall haha!

I have been feeling some pretty sore abdominal pains lately and even hurts to stand up and its all related to gas, i cant believe how gassy i am! Its getting a little embarrassing to be honest.
Anyone feeling this?xxx
12 weeks for me today! I've started weaning off of my progesterone suppositories and feeling a little better these days (still get bits of nausea now and then but not as bad). I've started being able to hear baby move a lot with the doppler lately. I LOVE hearing those little "whoosh whoosh" movements :cloud9: I've felt the popcorn pop feeling in my belly a few times about where baby would be so I'm thinking it might be the beginnings of being able to feel baby. We are trucking along! one more week until the 2nd trimester (I count 13 weeks lol) :happydance::happydance::happydance:
im so ready or autumn/fall as well! Its definitely my favourite season! Luckily my bday is also in fall haha!

I have been feeling some pretty sore abdominal pains lately and even hurts to stand up and its all related to gas, i cant believe how gassy i am! Its getting a little embarrassing to be honest.
Anyone feeling this?xxx

soooo much gas!!
Good morning, ladies...

Lucy - the shirt was cute, I hope their reactions were fun, too! And yaay for 20 week scan being booked, sounds so exciting.

Buttercup - we also had holiday this last weekend, and it's been cool and clear here, but mostly allergies are the worst! I also have been getting those round ligament pains and they're pretty uncomfortable, especially when standing or moving too fast. As for the gas, I had it really bad the first several weeks, and it was very painful. I still have more gas than usual, too, but not as strong as then.

dove - Fall is my favorite season, but I am looking forward to summer so I can be outside more. I had two pregnancies in the height of the the heat and it really sucks.

StarGazer - I hear yah on the bra front, I spend about 50-60$ for each one I get, but I buy special nursing bras. They're the most comfortable I've found, no underwire but supportive of larger boobs. I hope your zoo trip was fun. Maternity shopping is sooo fun! I have to buy some more clothes because I got rid of all my last ones since I thought #3 was our last :blush:.

bdb - I've definitely been feeling movement as well, it ramps up when I'm anxious or upset or excited for whatever reason. And I bet your bump will pop out overnight lol.

markswife - ooh 12 weeks! Hearing those sounds on the doppler are a bit fun, I can't tell yet if it's my own bowel sounds or the baby kicking.

As for me, I'm doing okay. Last weekend was very stressful and I am anxious to get through this part of pregnancy where my emotions are super strong. If I'm lucky they'll calm down in a few weeks. Last night we got emergency alerts about our water. I live just down in the canyon from a very popular lake that has toxic algae (not really algae it's a bacteria) and it's now in our water supply in higher levels. Anyone with a compromised immune system (ie: pregnancy) has to drink/cook with bottled water. Luckily I found out before the alarms were sent out and my husband was able to get a few gallons from the market. But our water system goes into Salem and there are already massive water shortages reported from stores. About 180k people are affected by this; I'm hoping it can be fixed within the next week, but we won't know. I did notice that they must be draining the lake because the river sounded very high and it smells very musty outside. I kept fish for many years and cyano bacteria is no joke, it even kills pets. That's about all the drama going on for me, :haha:. I hope everyone else is having a decent week.
Jessica- that's no good at all! I hope the water is cleared for you quickly. I live in an area where the next town over (different water system) has water outages about 2x a year. We suffer from it because everyone hits us first to get to our water. :haha:

I am not a fan of the heat. But then again I live in deep south Texas where it's triple digit heat and 100% humidity for a large chunk of the year! :( I live for winter, but I also must note that Texas winters are nothing like those up north. A good winter for us is a typical Fall/Autumn for most northerners. Our Falls are rarely much different from our summers, so you'll often find me complaining about the heat. :blush:
Hi ladies! I hope all is well.

Stargazer- I hope the zoo was so much fun!
I hear you in biscuits! My Grandmother was over the other days she brought strawberries and when I mentioned to hubby to grab whio cream and that I'd make biscuits..she whipped me uobabbatch right then. They were amazing!

Bdb. Such a bummer on the bloodwork... But a blessing in disguise to be able to hear it in person at a scan.

I'm officially 13 weeks! Yay!
Scan the other day was pretty awesome. A Doctor was in the entire time so he answered questions.. and was very kind.
Baby looked marvelous!

20 week scan booked for July

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