Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Dove - I know how you feel, I also got rid of just about everything except what hadn't made it to donate yet. I don't have any newborn stuff, either so I will have to repurchase things and I know how expensive they are lol. Luckily I did keep my small cloth diapers, though. At least buying baby stuff is kind of fun, hehe.

StarGazer - are you going to find out the gender at your 20 week scan? It is so worth it to stay team yellow lol. It is super easy to over buy when you're having your first, so definitely listen to others when they tell you what they ended up not needing. Myself, I'm very minimal, my kids don't usually even wear clothes in the house except their diapers/covers and only when it's very cold out do they wear sleepers. Toddler doesn't happen for so long, I'd suggest if you're going to do a registry stick to a baby one for now.

AFM - woo 17 weeks today! Definitely feeling it, too. I've been feeling movement occasionally and my belly sticks far enough out it's difficult to bend over and do things already lol. Unfortunately, I'm also getting headaches from my allergies and not eating frequently enough, and stress! I hate only being able to take tylenol, as it usually doesn't help the pain and makes me feel stoned and tired. I didn't do much yesterday because of it, so today I have lots of cleanup to do. I hope everyone has a fun weekend!
I'm gonna stay team yellow as long as I can. I really don't wanna find out at my scan. But if little one wants to show us, then there isn't any way to avoid that.
I just wanna see little bit again and know things are going well.
My Scan is in 4 weeks and I'll be 18 weeks then.

I can't wait to start showing. I have a chubby tummy, so i think baby has to get past my extra "fluff" before I can even tell.

I just see so much toddler stuff in the "check list" that the registry gives as a guide. I mean like "Kick plates" for the back of your seat... activity sets that hook on the car seat .... kinda stuff. I'd like to have them eventually but wasn't sure if should be something i should ask for just yet.
I'm not really trying to go over board and put "everything" on the list, i'm after things that should be useful at least for the first year and a half.
There's just SO much.
StarGazer - Idk about where you're having your scan done but I am always asked first hand if we want to know the gender. Unfortunately, I can tell just by the ultrasound even if they don't say so I had ended up finding out I was having a son with my second and it ruined team yellow. Luckily my third time around the tech knew and told me when to look away so I wouldn't see anything! So there's always that. Your scan isn't far away either, I imagine I'll have mine in a couple weeks, I haven't booked it yet, though. As for registry, I never buy special stuff for the car seats, but that's just me. Things you can worry about now would be like bottles if you plan to pump or formula feed, diaper bag, a few colorful toys... it's soooo easy to over buy clothes lol. I end up just buying white onesies and like two or three sleepers because like I said earlier my little ones are not clothed often unless we're going out.
Hey ladies I’m another that has to start from scratch re baby items. We had gotten rid of everything including our tandem pram as Dh had decided we were done after our third... then he changed his mind! I guess even if we had kept some of our stuff I’d still have to go purchase as it wouldn’t be enough for two.

Happy 17 weeks Jessica!! Can’t believe how we’re all getting close to halfway!

Afm, I had my first proper ob appointment at the hospital. The ob I saw is the one who will be looking after me for the remainder of my pregnancy and will see me right through to delivery. We are going through the public system hence why I’ve only just seen the ob. It was a great appointment and we touched on birthing options. We will be making a definite plan at 32 weeks, eeek! She also did a very quick scan to check on both babies heartbeats and they’ve grown so much! We will be finding out genders and I tried in a way to get her to see if she would tell me anything but she just said to wait for my anatomy scan which isn’t til end of July! I also have the dreaded gtt this Thursday, I hate this test the sugary drink always leaves me feeling super queasy.
Happy Friday ladies. We are having a little heat wave over the next week or more in the mid 20’s whoo hoo. I know you ladies who have to put up with the heat all the time want a break from it but we don’t get many spells of hot weather so it’s a welcome change :happydance:

You ladies that already have boys did you crave cake? I had a girl and I’ve never craved cake so wondered if it’s a boy thing?

If you can’t see the baby’s bits on a scan then I have no idea if it’s a boy or girl so totally clueless on nub and skull theories

Jessica yay for 17 weeks and I hope your scan date comes through soon

Sushai yay for getting to see babies again did you get any pics?
I go to an OB/G office that's apart of the big hospital here.
I'll probably have to remind them I don't wanna know, since i never know who i'm seeing. I'm not sure what they'll use, or how clear it will be. But if baby wants to wiggle around and show us (whether we can "tell" or not) I honestly won't care. I'll enjoy seeing my little one again.

I need to find more time to actually sit and look through the website for things to add to the registry. I started one day, got sick and had to leave (closing all the tabs) And that's kinda been the last I've looked at anything. I added my mom to the list so she could help me add things too.

Oh and Jess I meant to say congrats on 17 weeks!

The nurses booked my optional blood tests and the gestation diabetes hour thing.

Can I ask you ladies about all that optional tests and the TDAP vaccine?
I'm hearing mixed things and I have no clue what I should do. I have no family history of anything so I'm debating to do them.
I don't mind blood tests, but these are "screening" not actually to see if baby has said issue. And do I really need the diabetes test???
The TDAP thing seems fake when i read about it, but then again I've heard even more mixed stories about who got it and why others didn't.
First-Time Mom Confusion when no one gives a straight answer --- So from mom's who HAVE kids, what did you do for these??
Sushai - it is good you met your OB! And yuck for the gtt, we don't usually do them until 28 weeks but they usually make me feel like crap as well, just the sugar crash. But mostly the anxiety of what ifs! I hate that the most, so I hope yours goes well. Are you feeling movement yet, I wonder how it is different with twins, I bet it is exciting! I can't wait for your scan next month as well, what are you hoping to have if any preference?? So much fun!

MrsDuck - I can't say that I craved cake with my boys, maybe I did. I specifically remember craving Reuben sandwiches with my second son and spicy cheetos with my daughter, my cravings are always all over the place. This time around I really have been craving lots of seafood. I can't wait to find out what you're having too. Being team yellow I get to live vicariously through everyone else :haha: it won't be much longer that you do have the scan, woohoo!

StarGazer - I had tdap with all my pregnancies that I can remember, with our issue, but I have noticed my midwife does have some anti vaccine stuff going on. I don't agree with that stance, so it won't stop me from getting the flu shot this winter or tdap if I end up in the hospital again. I've also heard horror stories about it but just my experience I haven't had issues or any other moms I've met IRL. As for the glucose test, you can refuse it just like refusal to be induced. Some places will give you different stuff, maybe juice or even jelly beans instead of the glucose drink. I've had a few different kinds and sometimes they let me eat before the blood draw and usually they don't. Either way, you should do it because GD can be really serious if it is untreated. I am hoping I don't have it this time around either, I always get super nervous about it!
MrsDuck I didn’t get any pictures because the scan was like literally a minute just a quick check on the heartbeats and that was it. I don’t mind as I atleast got to see them and had some reassurance that they are ok.

Jessica the reason I’m doing my gtt so early is because one I’m having twins and two I have a history of pcos which increases the risk. Apparently there is a repeat at around 26 weeks which I really hope I don’t have to do. As for movement I’ve been feeling them a lot more in the last week. There’s no distinct kicks or jabs but it’s a definite rolling/fluttery type movement which I love. Funnily they seem to stop when I try to concentrate on their movements lol. Hopefully the movements become stronger over the next few weeks. I do have an anterior placenta with both so that may mask some of their movements. As for genders, we are really hoping for atleast one boy as we want our son to have some company and not be seriously outnumbered lol. But it doesn’t really matter, end of the day we want two healthy babies.

Stargazer I honestly don’t know what a tdap is so I’m off to google that. But as for any test or treatment you have the right to decline or accept to do whichever test you want. But I have to agree with Jessica on the gtt, undiagnosed gestational diabetes can be really serious. It is your choice. There are some mother’s on this forum and on some groups I’ve joined that don’t do much testing, it’s all personal choice and what you feel comfortable doing.
Just had a read on dtap lol. I’m pretty pro vaccines although I haven’t had the flu shot. I’ve only ever done flu shot during my first pregnancy. But like I said before it’s personal preference to get it done or not.
I know I'm quite a bit behind most of you, but I really want to feel some movement. I know I could be quite a ways away from that, as I have a tilted uterus, and I assume that I will have the placenta in front as I have for all of my pregnancies. It usually doesn't happen until much closer to the halfway point for me. I also can't find the top of my uterus, so I'm assuming it's still lower than my pelvic bone. I do have some extra weight too, so that could also explain it. It's weird being in this kind of limbo; I feel awful still, have been in mat jeans since 7 weeks, but no one knows, lol. I am 1/3 though my pregnancy, and hubby and I are the only ones in on it. :haha:
Star- Yes, I received the TDAP in my last pregnancy. Having personally experienced Pertussis (whooping cough) first hand through a relative of mine, I will always do everything in my power, and in medicine's power, to prevent one of my kids having to go through that.

Sorry I have been a bit MIA from the thread, ladies. It's been a chaotic past couple of weeks from having summer visitation with my step-son and having DH gone for an entire two weeks' time working out of town. I'm not sure if it's just that DD2 and DSS are the exact same age (a week apart) and so it's virtually like having twins.. or if it's because DSS isn't used to our rules and routine over here, but our house is always ten times more chaotic when he's here. :haha: I love him to death, though.

I had my 16 week appointment a few days ago. My OB isn't at all concerned that I am not showing yet even though it's my fourth pregnancy. He said my uterus is growing and is right where it should be and that's all that matters [to him]. Baby's heart beat was 155 and was incredibly active. She kept kicking the doppler. :lol:

He's bringing me back on July 2nd for my gender scan. I assume it will be considered my 20 week anatomy scan as well, but who knows since I'll only be 18 weeks. I'm just super excited to confirm if this baby is really a girl, or if my intuition was correct all along and my other sonographer got it all wrong :haha: Either way, I'm anxious to know for sure so I can get serious about names and planning for the arrival. If Baby is a girl she's going in the same room as her sisters. If Baby is a boy he'll go in the same room with DS and my step son.
Jessi and Mrsduck - Thanks for your thoughts, I did some more googling, apparently the scanner is safe.

AFM, I am doing okay. Last night, I had a very weird hallucination for a moment, I saw a bug crawling over my t-shirt, scared the hell out of me!! But just for a second.. Don't know if it is pregnancy related or not!
Sushai - I also have pcos, so I understand the concern there. I hope you pass your gtt and don't have to take the next one either, I hate that sugary drink too - it's so ick. I can't wait to hear more about the movements. I have also been looking forward to having more movements like the rolling sensation when they're a bit bigger. I am wondering if I have an anterior placenta this time again as well!

dove - you're so close! I really don't feel much yet, and usually only when I'm being attentive or when I'm around dh do I notice it. I hope you get to feel some soon; I don't know how it is with a tilted uterus. All I can think is soon enough we'll all be complaining about being too fat and waddling everywhere :haha:

bdb - I understand the business, I figured that was why you were on a hiatus. Hope all is well there with the kids :). I sooo am looking forward to finding out what you're having and if it is for sure a girl! I've also noticed mine kicks the doppler and squirms like mad when I check the hb. Even lying on my back and feeling my uterus I notice the lump where baby is moves all around so I think I've also got a pretty active one (again). July 2nd is soooo close... eeee so excited!

Lady - I'm glad you got some reassurance there for the scan and I hope you have fun on your travels :D. Vivid dreams are definitely a common thing in pregnancy, I see lots of women (including myself) talking about them. Mine are usually pretty adventurous or serious drama.

And for me, weekend looks to be a bit warm so we went into town and I bought some more yarn and some soda pop to have with some special sandwiches (yummy). I didn't get very good sleep last night so hoping tonight I get better sleep. I'll be out cleaning the yard and house this weekend.
Jessica my ob mentioned the whole insulin resistance link to pcos, which at one point in my life i did suffer from, so that may be it.
Sushai yes I had a terrible time with infertility and all the crappy side effects of pcos. I lost about 80 lbs (not sure how many kg that is) and instantly fell pregnant after stopping birth control. I think even if you have gd it can be controlled with diet usually, so fingers crossed everything turns out well.
Thanks Ladies.
I honestly feel vaccines should be taken. It's how we have stopped quite a few nasty ailments from the past from coming back.
I just think Hubby was annoyed that I signed him up for something when I couldn't retain the information. So i'll probably remind him (again) that i have the paperwork on the table for him to read.

I'm thinking I'll probably do the gtt, but I'm still up in the air about the screening blood tests. I already have to reschedule 1 if I do decided to do it. My insurance won't kick in til middle next month, so I can't do the one scheduled for the 3rd. Honestly I might just skip it. I might re-read the papers and see how i feel about rescheduling it.

Other than that. The weekends are always better than my weekdays. Work Saturday kicked my butt, so i slept in longer on Sunday than intended. Went to the In-Laws for dinner (love them, they are awesome) I apparently have an appetite on the weekends too. (Or maybe that this med is kicking in and I get to enjoy stuff again) Ate half a hamburger, 3 bowls of cantaloupe, nice portion of corn, some homemade mac n cheese (family recipe), and some strawberries, OH and a pickle.

And I'm officially 15 Weeks O_O Almost half way there! Still not showing, and i doubt i will for a few more weeks.
StarGazer - Woo 15 weeks, congrats! Weekends are also my favorite because dh is home longer and we get to spend time together. I never did the blood screening tests with my last three, and honestly, unless you're worried about something serious you'll likely be okay! I really do hope your appetite is kicking in and nausea is starting to subside. As for showing, I don't recall showing until I was at least halfway through with my first, it's crazy how fast you pop with subsequent pregnancies, too. Sometimes it happens overnight, lol.

afm - Weekend was pretty busy. Did some serious yard cleanup and planning for one of the rooms in our house, dh will be knocking out a wall in the next few weeks so we are preparing for that. I spent a good bit of time cleaning the weeds in the yard and got some sun. Last night I was pretty tired because I fell asleep before even setting my sleep app on my phone. I ate half a calzone last night but was still ravenous before bedtime.
I mow on Sunday's. I'm trading off between the front and back yard, more cause the dog yard (soon to be shared with a little human) has thick patches, and super thin in other places.
I don't have a garden or anything to weed. But I have to monitor the stupid poison ivy we have and the bushes that keep making their way through our fence. And we have viginia creeper everywhere on the one side of our fence. I can kill a bit of the ivy, but it keeps coming back. And the creeper just won't die.....I also can't find the main stalk to try to get rid of it. (It's from my neighbor's side, and there are trees and bushes all along their side of the fence, so i can't get to half of what i need without ripping down my fence).

Hubby will be working on the house soon. He needs to order a building so he can put all his wood working stuff in it. He'll also store his extra wood for the house in there. We're putting up a wall instead of tearing one down. A previous owner made the porch apart of the house and combined it with the bedroom. But we're gonna put the wall back, to create the bedroom again and a small office/den out of the old porch.
The bedroom will eventually be the kids (when they are old enough to sleep longer, and in the crib) It'll be nice when it's finished mainly to see the room again. We have all out junk in that room right now. And if we stay in the house long enough to have a second kid, they're gonna have to share...cause they aren't moving into our room!

I REALLLLLLY need to go buy some cake .... just a small little vanilla cake. Cause after a piece i'm pretty sure i'll be done with it.
Happy Monday, ladies!

DH got home yesterday! :cloud9: Here's to hoping we can have at least one normal work week. He's supposed to get sent back out of town next week (same day as my scan), but as long as I can have this week with him, I won't complain.

We get DSS back tomorrow evening and will have him through Sunday. In their court agreement, DH gets two full weeks of visitation for the months of June and July, but his ex asked to switch it up a little this month so that their son could attend her family vacation. And then with DH having to work so much out of town this month, I would keep him a few days with the kiddos but then would give him back because I do not feel it's my place to keep him the entire time when DH isn't able to be here.

Some times it's hard to know what the right decision is when it comes to blended families. As the step mom I always find myself trying to not cross any proverbial line so as to continue to keep the peace in a situation that hasn't always been smooth. But there seems to be a lot of improvement lately.

Anyways, I've been feeling the baby move so much more distinctly this past week! <3 Last night I was laying in bed and could feel her kicks from outside my belly. My hand would jolt some each time she kicked. But of course as soon as DH tried to feel her, she froze. Haha.

I still feel hesitant calling the baby 'her'. For as much as I was rooting for Team Blue a few weeks ago, I've bonded with the idea of this baby being a girl and giving DH his first baby girl.. Now I'm worried about his potential disappointment if this baby is really a boy. He says he'll be happy either way, but don't they all say that?
StarGazer - grass is pretty dominant around here, and I'm allergic to the grass blooms, sadly it is a main crop down in the valley and a lot of the pollen gets blown through the canyons. I don't need to weed whack the front, but I do just tear out stuff with my hands and clippers. We don't have much a garden yet and have lots of plans to build some beds up and do our yard but we are still so very very busy! As for the rooms, our house is very small, so having four kids in it will be a challenge, and we eventually want to build like a "tiny house" in our back yard, but we have other stuff to work on our main structure first and the money lol. As for the cake, some stores sell single pieces so you might be in luck there.

bdb - I don't know how you do it, lol, blended families sound hard! My dh has an older son from a past marriage but he is closer to my age and doesn't come around very often. I can't even imagine the logistics you're dealing with there lol. But I can understand spending as much time as possible with dh when you can! As for movement, I can't feel it on outside yet, so exciting that you can. I really am excited for your scan, I hope you are indeed having a girl. Woo, so many scans coming up!

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