Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I really hope this eases up, or I find out if something is starting/lingering.
I ended up leaving work. After my issue this morning I thought I felt better so I ate lunch. It didn’t stay long.
After hugging the trash can I told my boss I was leaving. I feel bad, but remoting in let’s me attempt to work.
Now I’m super sleepy I’m probably gonna fall asleep soon.
I have some watermelon which seems to settle the tummy enough for me to get food in my belly.
MrsDuck how exciting you’ve started announcing! I hope everyone took your news well. I’m also struggling with sleep, I’ve been so restless and wake up even more tired.

Jessica, I’m craving cake so badly! I’ll be whipping up a chocolate mud cake today just to satisfy my craving lol.

Buttercupbabi evening nausea is awful. I too suffer from it and it seems to hit the worst when I decide to go to bed. Hope it eases up for you soon.

Stargazer, happy 14 weeks! Hope your symptoms start to ease up soon now that your in your 2nd trimester.

Afm, nausea has eased up a little during the day but still hits me in the evenings. I am extremely fatigued everyday, all I want to do is sleep. At night however I’m constantly waking to pee or just generally restless giving me not much rest as I’d like. I’ve also been getting headaches and feeling quite dizzy lately, I hope it’s just the amount of hormones in my body at the moment.
Jessica - sounds amazing!! Cake is my best friend right now! Couldnt eat much yesterday but got some Madeira cakes from costco and ended up eating 3/4 of one! I say f*** it! Ill worry about the hips after this baby

StarGazer - really hope you feel better soon! Does not sound good... :-(

Sushai - Just cant get comfy at night at all! Saying that its 10.55am here in the uk and its lingering around at the moment! 14 weeks in 2days! Lets hope it starts calming down soon

AFM, i got a little carried away and bought my first sleepsuits! Ooops
Unisex but here in the UK there is a retail shop called NEXT and they make amazing baby clothes and they had the most gorgeous animal print sleepsuits (comes in a pack of 3) and online it started saying low stock! So grabbed them when i saw it...
Have to start somewhere i guess ;-) xxx
14 weeks today yay, I think the past 2 weeks have gone faster than the previous 12 haha

Sleeping is impossible and I don’t really know why, I just don’t seem to stay asleep for a long period. I propped myself right up as much as I could stand last night and I did sleep better so I’m going to give it another go tonight. I’m also wondering about buying a pregnancy pillow to see if it helps???

Buttercup whoop whoop for making your first purchase, Next is so lovely for kids clothes. I had a look in mothercare yesterday before it closes down but there wasn’t much unisex stuff left
StarGazer - so sorry about your tummy troubles, hopefully at your next ob appointment you can get something figured out!

Sushai - hah, that sounds tasty! Mmm, chocolate... I'm also getting headaches and feeling more dizzy than usual, but that's pretty typical for me. I think a big part of the headache portion is allergies. I can't imagine having the extra hormones, though, yikes!

Buttercup - I went to Costco this weekend and bought some of these cranberry bisconies and they're soooo good. I almost ate a whole one. And oooh, buying clothes with animal prints, sooo cute!! I've yet to buy any new clothes lol.

MrsDuck - Woohoo 14 weeks!!! Ugh, I hope you can get some sleep soon, I also don't always sleep well and it is weird because I am tired but sleep is just too elusive at night, and never during the day.

afm - Was so tired last night and didn't sleep well because I was too hot, despite having the a/c on in the bedroom. Time to change out the blankets on the bed now for something cooler! It's going to be upper 80s/low 90s here this week so I am bracing myself for the miserableness that is hot weather, probably accompanied with humidity. I'm starting to feel a bit massive, especially when I'm tying my shoes or bending over in general or leaning against the counter to wash dishes or prepare food, lol. I imagine I'll get my 20 week scan in the next few weeks and I can't wait to see how much bigger the lil one has gotten since 8 weeks!
Aaah MrsDuck you are officially in 2nd Trimester - Woo! Sounds crazy that us 20 something dec due dates are now getting closer to the 2nd Tri!

Jess - cranberry bisconies sound amazing!

Any cravings ladies?
Mine have been sweets, chocolate, cake and weirdly enough chicken!! I cant get enough chicken!!
Jessica I hadn’t realised your only scan was at 8 weeks I bet you can’t wait for your 20 week one, mine isn’t til 1st Aug

Buttercup I’ve craved bread stuff, croissants, pastries and also lots of fruit
Hi All, sorry I was missing last few days.. I am back with a question, so, I will be flying the weekend before July 4th. Do any of you know whether it is safe to walk through the screening machines at the airport? I can opt out of course, but I have heard stories about pregnant women opting out for the same reason and being treated very rudely. Perhaps I am just being paranoid, wanted to check if any of you had similar experiences?
Buttercup - I'm craving all sorts of stuff, it changes constantly though. I'm thinking pie sounds so good, but I've been craving all sorts of stuff with spicy foods being a big part of it and only certain sweets.

MrsDuck - Yeah it'll probably be around my birthday in July, or this second week. I don't mind the wait, at least. I am excited though!! I think August is so far from now, lol, I get you're anxious for it!

Lady - I traveled by air when pregnant with my first and I don't remember being all scanned, but it was well over ten years ago and I ended up getting a pat down? I really don't know for sure.
I'm right with Jessica. I only had 1 other scan, mine was at 10 weeks and my next is 18 weeks, and that's it. They don't do any additional scans unless I become an "at risk" patient or something is wrong with baby. (and the way the doctors do it, is all "normal/regular" office visits are lumped into 1 bill, but all ultrasounds/labwork/extra stuff is separate; but is still supposed to be be paid before i deliver, so the hospital bill isn't piled on top of what is already due

I managed to eat 1.5 bread sticks and some tater tots for dinner. A few spoon fulls of a shake and I was done.

Hubby and I got into a spat over chores last night .... URGH I guess I need to be dying before he just shuts his mouth and helps out. Maybe when i'm 9 months pregnant and can't bend over anymore is when he'll start believing me I needed him to do his own **** laundry.

I'm ready for my appointment tomorrow. I hope she can help me out with whatever is going on with me. I'm not sure if yesterday was m/s or what was going on.

I'm slowly drinking water and eating a pop tart. I didn't want to risk eating anything heavy to have another episode of yesterday.
I'm still trying to figure out the sweet point for this heater and my office.

And sleep. Man I can sleep at night, that's not bothering me. It's when i get in the office and like today I ran my report (which takes an hour) I snoozed through it, but then 2 hours afterwards..... I literally started working at 11. I couldn't believe I totally did that. O_O' And I feel like if i just leaned back i could fall asleep again.
I didn't think I was supposed to be this sleepy in the 2nd trimester!
Sorry I can’t help as I have no idea about the scanning machines LadyA but I’m guessing the machines would have had to go through extensive testing for safety and if there was a chance of it not being safe they would advise against going through, but I’m just guessing. Good luck on finding out more info before you go
StarGazer - how did your appointment go? I hope you get some relief from the nausea! I really cannot imagine feeling so yuck for so long, sorry! As for your dh, I hope that gets resolved soon. I do most of the housework here but when my dh is here he does a fair bit with me, there is no way I wouldn't call him out on not doing anything, lol. The only thing he really does for me is cleaning out the cat box daily.

afm - this heat sucks, but I am staying cool inside. Dh complained that it was 'too cold' in the house yesterday when he got home, so he walked around with a blanket wrapped around him, lol. I woke up to feeling lots of movement this morning, maybe hiccups? I'm wondering if I have an anterior placenta this time as well because the feelings are muffled like last time. I guess I'll find out next month, but I did notice when it took me 15 minutes to listen to the hb it was moving all over the place. More than likely a very active little one on my hands again. I am looking forward to when it will be the size that I can feel rolling around and I can see movement on the outside. This time I plan to get videos of it as it'll be the last time.
I hope everyone else is doing okay, it gets so quiet here lol.
Afternoon (for me at least) Ladies!

Baby's heartbeat is 156. Nice strong in the middle! :dance:
I'm trying to stay team yellow but I'm really thinking team pink!!!

I wanted to record, but the lady said i couldn't. :sad2: I wanted to send it to my mom! I guess i'll have to wait til my next appointment where I get to see Little Bit with hubby.

I found out ... that the medication the first lady subscribed is for reflux! (i hate when it doesn't say anything on the bottle....stupid prescriptions) So this doc told me it's best i take that every day, and to take Zantac!
I was gonna stop by the store after the appointment, but i got stuck in construction 1-Lane crap TWICE on the same road! urgh! So i stopped for lunch on the way back to the office so i had something to nibble on.

Doc is happy with where i'm at, since my main complaint is the reflux.

So on the way home I'm gonna go buy some Zantac and keep that on me at all times! I'm probably gonna take my other pill before heading home, since that way I can attempt to eat dinner, since I have to let it slowly release (Doc says it helps the stomach lining too)

And as for Hubby. He talked to me the yesterday again (more civilized than the night before) And I guess he's just a wimp ....He said that if he did the chores he'd be physically too tired to work his real job. I'm just like ...... really???!! "You don't have to do them all in one day"... Idk i think he's just a wimp. As strong as he is, he's a wimp imo..... Cause he's complaining about doing a few extra minutes of work. -- Oh and he said he "cleaned up" the bathroom the other day. I looked around this morning.... Toilet is dirty, trash is full, hair on floor ... So am I missing what he cleaned? And this is why I don't get why he can't help ME out. I told him it's just gonna get worse when i REALLY can't bend, or mow.... or whatever else. Idk he's a wimp ...
StarGazer - good to hear your appointment went well and you got to hear the hb. Sorry you couldn't record it, so hopefully next time! As for the meds I hope they help you. I take a PPI daily so I can understand not having it and feeling crappy all day if you miss it. And for your dh, I never understood how some men can not do clean up, I mean it's his house too, does he enjoy living like a slob and expect someone else to clean up for him. You're not his mother... :shrug:

afm it's going to be much cooler today and it's still cloudy this morning which is nice. I plan on doing some organizing today, I slept a little funny last night and my appetite is huge right now: sooo hungry! I hope everyone else is doing okay!
Yeah I don't know what his issue is.

As for recording, I'm hoping that they will let us do something my next appointment. Since it's the last one we'll get until baby is born. I know we'll get pictures, but I wanna show family something more than a still photo.
(My mom is starting to ask me about a new wallpaper for her phone, Little Bit is Life size on her screen)

I'm still super sleepy when i get in this chair. After lunch i'm a bit more inclined to take smaller naps (which i still do) But i'm guessing I need the sleep and if i'm not getting it at home I have to somewhere.
I think i'm sleepy more cause my tasks are fast ones and I'm bored??? Idk. But when i thought about doing something, i was like.... eh I can get it done later.
Maybe a little ADD in there too, so i sleep to occupy myself.

Today is gonna be still mid-upper 90's but with some spotty rain... which means MUGGY :cry:
Tomorrow is supposed to be lower in the upper 80's with more spotty rain, again Muggy. I hate summer showers unless they last for hours and actually cool it down some.
I want Cake .... a nice white cake with just enough icing to give some extra sweetness.
And I don't wanna make it ....
Ladies, can i ask you a random question!
Ive been really interested in this nub theory and being able to give friends and follow forum ladies an accurate guess however I dont even understand my own scan ha ha...

Ive attached a pic, what is that thing my red arrow is poiting at?
I would have thought that looked more like the "nub" then some random flat white line?

what do you think?


  • Nub.png
    231.5 KB · Views: 6
StarGazer - ugh, muggy weather is terrible. I hope you can get a recording. The only way I was able to was with my home doppler as it has a little USB attachment where I can record on my computer. I did it when I was pregnant last time so my dad could hear it! So fun! And cake sounds good, too. My oldest has been begging to go to the beach and that made me think of this little fish market we always stop at and I've been craving it all day. Sadly it is two hours from here, lol. Maybe I'll take a trip over next month for my birthday if I'm still in the mood for it.

Buttercup - I really wish I could help, but if I had to guess I'd say it is a girl nub, since it is pointing down so far, but I'm definitely no expert there.
I am totally lost on the whole nub theory thing, so I'm of no help.

Really kicking ourselves over getting rid of all of our baby gear last year, lol. I've been making a list of things we will need, and even though this is baby #4, and we know what we will actually use and what we won't, it is still a long list!
Mornin' Ladies.

I don't know if I wanna buy a doppler.... So i'm hoping that i can get some recording some how. Maybe hubby can record it next visit or something.
Hubby wanted ice cream (before dinner) so we stopped and chomped on a cone from the corner fast food place. Was good, but I still want cake! He said that he could ask his mom to make some. (His family loves me so LOL ...)

Weather wasn't tooo terrible yesterday. Hot, and the showers didn't start til later in the day when it started to cool down some. I think today it's supposed to continue. Feels decent outside right now. We'll see around lunch time when i go outside again.
My little closet of an office has no contact with the outside world (and i don't like to leave my door open cause too many people walk by -- my office is near a breakroom)

Buttercup, this is my first, so I'm completely clueless...
I'm having dreams of boys, but my gut is telling me girl..... and so I'm gonna Seriously remain team yellow until things coincide, or the baby is born haha

Dove, I'm trying to register and I'm overwhelmed. So much stuff! Luckily I have a craddle and crib already but i need bedding (mom's getting the crib mattress stuff). I'm trying to decide if i should be registering for toddler stuff or just baby stuff? So lost :(

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