Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Ew yeah ... that's too late for the kids to be just heading home.
(Reminded me of the time at my old job that a party of over 30 came in 5 til close (10p), with infants and toddlers ... and i'm just like "Go the F home" ... They could only order burgers or pancakes anyways cause we shut down most of the grills -- I was the cashier, so I had to find something to do for an hour til they left)

Hubby actually has been saying he'd love being Mr Mom since we got married. So we'll see how it goes :shrug:
He likes being at home. He plays video games and watches anime when he's off. (I think our kid will end up speaking japanese at one point LOL)

I know it's a good exercise, I shouldn't mind, but I don't like walking past peoples work stations (cubicles right next to the bathroom door) But honestly when the bladder ends up full later on, I probably won't care and just waddle my happy butt there.

Eating Panera for lunch! Soup and bread :haha: I redeemed a free sweet and got the pecan twists, so I'm gonna have a lovely counter productive lunch.
I've never actually eaten at Panera Bread, but I've heard it is good. I'm eating stuffed shells I made this weekend with dd, she likes the cooked fresh spinach which is nice.
My kids generally go to bed around 8 or 9, later in the summer because it is still light out. I was going to take them and dh with but it is going to be hot and I don't like to stick dh with the kids in a hospital for a half hour or better. I really wish he could be there but I should have pics to show him! After having my first and being a stay at home mom I spent a lot of time gaming and stuff, now I do gaming when I can but mostly spend time with the little ones and house work, usually incorporating them into the house stuff.
And for the exercising, I didn't do it at all with my first pregnancy. I'm sooo glad I did during my others and this one. The only downfall I've had is that it can excite my bowels.
My dd ate like all of my food so I'll be having a huge salad soon. So anxious for my ultrasound tonight, haven't been noticing much movement yet today, but I've been busy so that is likely why. At least kitchen is cleaned and laundry done, have to bake some salmon early for dinner though so I can eat before I leave. Mmm...
Hubby tried to get me to game with him, but his level is SO far above me that I keep getting him killed cause he's worried about me :haha: So I kinda just let him play his XBox and play with his crowd. I game, in different ways. I fiddle with MineCraft on the computer (when I have time ...) but mainly I play my phone games.
I hate spinach ... even cooked, I know it doesn't have a "flavor" but I don't like it. I end up with a fork full and I'm like "what is this foreign stuff". I'll manage it if it's in small quantities, and it does have to be cooked if I eat it.

I have to stretch here and there, but I usually get my walking in between going in and out of work. My second job is retail, so I'm on my feet the whole time. I actually have to listen to my body when i need to sit. My blood sugar drops only when I'm there, so I have to sit down at least once during my shift and chow down on something with sugar in it. I'm not sure why it only drops while i'm there but it does....
Anyways, I "was" gonna be the work-out-pregnant-woman, and I just never got to it, especially while working at a job so far away from home. So, maybe the next one :blush: ???
If I can have a treadmill at home so I can manage something (but I doubt it will be in this house ... way too small)

Good Luck tonight Jess! I can't wait to see your little one's pictures!

[]i(OH btw, I have the intern on Thursday... all day :wacko: ... so I won't get my pictures up til Friday)[/i]
I totally understand. I've had my treadmill for about six years or better, my dh actually strapped it on his back to carry it up the stairs to get it into our apartment when we had to move a couple years ago. I felt so terrible about that. He's so tiny I don't know how he manages to be so strong Haha. I cant wait to see your scan pics on Friday, hopefully you can at least check back in tomorrow and see mine.
As for games, I'm a pretty avid gamer, Dh not so much, so I do PC games or my Switch. I do a couple on my phone, lol. I managed to find the mini nes classic for my birthday at Target, so I do play the older games too! I get dh to do Mario Kart with me and I laugh so hard at watching him come in last because he is so terrible at them. We have a lot of fun though!
Dh managed to get off around 1 so he will make it in time, I've been starving all day so I'm trying a pb and honey sandwich, one of my favorite sweet treats.
Good morning ladies!

Scan went well, I think, I'll hear back from my midwife soon. This little one was very stubborn the entire time. Had their face buried in my placenta. I'm measuring a little smaller for some reason, but I also did with my dd. I made sure to look away near all crotch shots so I didn't see anything. My placenta is anterior again, like with dd, which I suspected because movements have been so minimal or muffled.
Aw so pleased your scan went well Jessica and such a cute little bump and baby. Sorry he/she was being stubborn but at least you didn’t get to see any dangly bits haha do you have a feeling on the gender? Do you get any more scans or is that it now until delivery?

Star I can’t believe you are making us wait til Friday haha
My scan went great!
I have to upload my pictures, so I’ll post them later.
Heart beat was 164.
All anatomy was on point and good.
Baby measuring at 19 weeks (I’m 18/2) only 5 days early.
They did well not to show me what Baby is, but I’m horrible at spotting the “nub” and “non-nub” so I wouldn’t know.
They took shots of all the bones, heart, hands/feet, and placenta is nice along the back, and far enough away from the canal.
Baby was wiggling all around, making it hard to see some points but the tech went back to them later on.
My mom stuck around and we went shopping. I bought new shirts and we looked at baby stuff.

I hope everyone’s day is going well.
So glad your scans went well Jessica and StarGazer! I have no clue how you gals have the patience to wait to find out gender lol. Lord knows I have no patience :blush::haha::haha:
MrsDuck - thank you! I feel itll be a boy but it is measuring a bit behind and with an anterior placenta which I've only had with my dd. I thought my last one would be a boy and was wrong. Some days I'm for sure itll be one gender and then it changes the next :haha:. I did notice their face looks a lot like Dh this time though, a slender chin and face.

StarGazer - so glad scan went well, I've been checking all morning to see your update hehe. Cannot wait to see the pic. Mine was also so stubborn and tech had to go back many times to get femur size and profile. Can't believe how much this one hid, literally burying their face in the placenta like they knew. I posted my pic on the fb group and got girl guesses. I'm thinking I'll post it here but there is so little to see except their spine and back of head so itll definitely be a surprise. Glad you didn't get spoiled on the gender!
Hope you had fun with your mom!

afm I was not at all surprised finding out my placenta is anterior again, I've noticed movement all around the sides so this baby is moving and rolling around. Can't wait for more exciting movement though, like where I can poke them from the outside.
For some reason I had to re upload the photo on photo bucket, but it should be showing now for you ladies.
I think for me the thrill of the surprise is definitely motivation and it is a surprise like no other! I really want to know but I like not knowing until birth more, i guess if I had to describe it lol.
Glad your scan went well star, I can’t wait to see your pics too

Jessica your bump looks like mine with dd and this time, so I’d guess girl too but I’m normally wrong so it’s likely to be a boy haha
I actually dug out my old ultrasounds with dd and my second son and I can see differences and similarities, like the body build is smaller like dd but facially like my ds, which isn't saying much as he is very pretty and feminine like my dh lol. I just did the baking soda test and got boy from that!
Jessica and stargazer glad to hear your scans went well. I did put on fb my guess for girl for you Jessica, but I’m usually wrong lol. Stargazer can’t wait to see pics!

MrsDuck I’m another that’s so impatient. I’m literally counting down the days until my anatomy scan on Tuesday. The days are dragging which only makes it worse lol.
Sushai - I can't wait for your scan, I won't get another until baby is born unless there is a reason that comes up. Hope you get lots of pics! Guesses are always fun, and after my scan I can see it being a girl as well, but I'm reminding myself that it can go either way lol. Less than a week! Hope you're feeling better as well by now.
Thank you Jessica. We will be finding out genders and I’m so excited about it. I’m really hoping for atleast one boy. This won’t be my last scan, I’m already booked in for monthly scans for the rest of my pregnancy and will require more if something comes up, which hopefully it doesn’t.
I’m feeling a lot better although this cough is quite stubborn and is mainly due to phlegm which I’m hopeless at getting out. The one thing bothering me is the cold sore on my lip, it’s in my way and I can feel it no matter what I do. I just want it to fall off so I can feel and look normal lol.
Fx you get at least one boy! All those extra scans will be exciting, at least. I'm glad you're feeling on the mend, coughs always take the longest to recover from. I hate any sore, scabs always take forever to heal.
Jess - i guessed girl for you! Just because it would be nice for ur little girl to have a sister :)
Weirdly enough a woman I know whos always guessed a scan right says a boy has a pointy chin ! At12wks and girls are rounded chind lol so I go by that theory and its proven to be right.... so far anyway!

Sushai - hope your coldsore clears up soon. Nothing worse then having a cold lingering around. I had chapped lips the other day due to the car aircon being on full blast. Its horrible
Looking forward to seeing your scan

I still have 2 weeks and 4days to go! Totally understand the thrill of a surprise. I loved the surprise last time but this time i wanna experience finding out at 20wks xx
Sushai no way could I wait and people buying us yellow and green stuff to be neutral would drive me bonkers too haha I hope you have a busy weekend so Tuesday gets here quicker. I hope you see dangly bits at your scan. Poor thing I hope you get better soon

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