Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I will say the baking soda test was right for me. lol! I know it's an old wive's tale, but I've seen it right for so many people lol.
I took pics of DD and put together our FB gender announcement :) I'm stoked about it! We will post it Saturday after our reveal party. I'm so excited! :happydance:


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Good morning ladies!

Buttercup - yeah I saw that guess, hehe. I kind of wish I'd had a scan around 12/14 weeks because those are the best to guess from but really it's all for fun. I would love to have another little girl, but I still feel deep down it is a boy. I guess we'll find out in 20 weeks :haha:. Cannot wait for your scan to find out what you're going to have!

markswife - lovely announcement! So cute! As for the baking soda test, I've read lots of mixed reviews but like you said it's just an old wive's tale. I've also heard you're more likely to have a girl with an anterior placenta which I had last time and this time. Still feel it'll be a boy though haha.

afm almost done with my blanket, so I'll definitely post a couple pics, likely tomorrow after it is done. Dh had to be at work super early this morning so of course I lost sleep stressing about that. Then I had some really odd dreams. Not much is going on for me here, hope everyone is having a good day!
I saw your scan yesterday, Jessica, but then got preoccupied with the kiddos. :cloud9: So glad it went well.

Markswife- I love that announcement.

For me, most "signs" were pointing to :blue: and we all know how that one turned up. But my kiddos have also been very backward with regard to the heart rate myth. My one boy's hb was always in the 160's whereas ALL three of my girls now have been in the 130's and 140's.
I have two sickly three year olds here so my posting is very sporadic. They have coughs and nasty noses. Since they are both irritable, the fighting has been magnified. I don't think I'm going to make it :haha: But it's not like I have much choice.

My three are leaving with their dad this weekend to go on a river vacation. Luckies! So it will just be DSS and me all next week.
Markswife what a lovely announcement, so cute

Bdb I hope they get better soon. I too have a sick 4 year old at home this week with a sky high temp and now a rash

Does anyone get any (I don’t know how to describe it) I suppose sort of pressure in your bits. I had it for a few days about a week ago and again today. Not sure if it’s normal or should give the midwife a call as I don’t remember it last pregnancy and I’m only 18 weeks so surely baby isn’t big enough to effect it yet??
Thanks everyone!

bdb, most of my "old wive's tales" were pointing to girl for me, lol, but, yeah, he's ALL boy lol! :haha: Honestly this pregnancy has been SO similar to DD, that I wouldn't have been surprised if it was a girl, but nope. The baking soda test was one of the very few that was actually correct, lol!
Does anyone get any (I don’t know how to describe it) I suppose sort of pressure in your bits. I had it for a few days about a week ago and again today. Not sure if it’s normal or should give the midwife a call as I don’t remember it last pregnancy and I’m only 18 weeks so surely baby isn’t big enough to effect it yet??

Are you sure it isn't lightning crotch? lol! I get that now and then :haha::wacko: Not sure what else the pressure would be, but I do know that pregnancy causes some crazy things to happen lol. If you are concerned and it would ease your mind, it doesn't hurt to call your midwife just for peace of mind.
bdb - thanks! I am sure if anything serious pops up I'll hear from my midwife or she'll talk to me about it at my appointment next week. But all my measurements that I saw (eyes were closed for the bottom half) were good and the tech told me what she could regarding things. Baby looks to be about 3/4 of a lb and I am measuring a day or so behind. Sorry you have some sick little ones! It's the worst, and especially in the summer time. Hope yours have some fun with their dad though!

MrsDuck - I've had that feeling, not very often, but it could be like markswife says: lightning crotch. Maybe baby hit a nerve? I hope your little one feels better soon, high fever and rash sound really uncomfortable!

markswife - I did the baking soda test again this morning since my urine was much more concentrated and it was again fizzy! A lot of the old wive's tales I've done have been pointing to BOY. But, they also did with dd, :haha:.

Listened to the hb after my shower and I can definitely tell this one likes to hide their body behind my placenta. They started kicking and squirming a lot too when I was listening.
Aw they are cheeky even at this tiny size, they definitely know where to hide.

Thanks ladies, it’s not a lightning pain I’m feeling, more like when you’ve got a full tampon kind of feeing
Afternoon ladies!
I was trying to upload my pictures, but I left my log in info at home, and I haven't the foggiest idea what it is.... I was trying really hard to post them such luck.

The intern shadowing is going ok......... I literally ran out of stuff to talk to her about at like 11a. She showed up early, so yeah, that didn't help me present information slower.
We're on lunch now -- I even devoured my half a sandwich from yesterday and trying to figure out what I'm gonna eat to keep me occupied til I get home.

I had a whole post typed up when the intern showed up and had to close I'm trying to remember what I was wanting to tell you all.......

Hubby thinks the Tech slipped what we're having...but I wasn't paying much attention to her. The only "crotch" area they showed was where the cord connects, but went to a thermal view to make sure that the cord was doing well and baby was squirming around so I don't even think I saw anything.

All the Wives' Tales are pointing to Girl. From my cravings to zits, to generally how I've been feeling.
Heart beat being well over 160 makes me think it's a girl too... BUT ..... Lord knows right! LOL
It's fun to guess, cause truthfully that's all it is til baby comes!

MrsDuck -- I think I get that feeling too. I didn't know what it was called. Luckily it happens mainly when I'm at home and just kinda "cup" myself and sit down. Cause most of the time I can't walk when it's like that. Maybe it is the Lightening Crotch thing, but I thought that was something that happened later on when the baby hit something.

DBD -- oh no :( I hope the little ones get better soon. And you sanity stays intact.

MarksWife -- That is too cute! I bet she had fun. Siblings always seem to enjoy helping reveal their brother/sisters.

(If I remember and have time when I get home, I'll upload my pictures and post them here....if not I'll do it in the morning)
That’s it!!! Star, that’s exactly the feeling and that’s exactly what I do. There’s nothing sexy about pregnancy haha

Looking forward to seeing your scan pics. How long is the intern shadowing for? I hope this afternoon goes better
Markswife I love your gender announcement!!

Bdb I’m so sorry your kids are unwell. I hope they get better soon.

MrsDuck I don’t know what that feeling might be. It could possibly be baby likes sitting down low hence the full feeling.

Stargazer hope you’re able to upload the pics of your scan. I think we’re all wanting to have a look at your lo lol.

Afm, I’m slowly getting better. The scab on my lip fell off yesterday but it still bled, so now I’ve a smaller scab in its place. It’s 310am and my sleep has left me since just after 2am. This has become the norm somewhat most nights. It’s super annoying as I wake incredibly tired. I end up usually falling asleep again just after 5 and am up around 7 as the kids have started school this week. I guess I better get used to not sleeping well as I doubt I’ll get much sleep once babies are here.
StarGazer - I've also been hoping and waiting for a pic, expecting itll be tomorrow but either way excited to see little one. Mind can play tricks on you with those ultrasounds. I spent so much time looking at them to guess my dd I learned pretty quickly what the parts meant. Cant wait to take a few guesses though! Hopefully you have more of a chance soon to post lol

sushai - sounds like it is healing. As for sleep, ugh, it is honestly one of the few things I don't enjoy during pregnancy because it is soooo elusive. Either uncomfortable or hungry or allergies making it hard to breathe. Hoping you can get some extra sleep in there somewhere!
Sushai glad you are starting to get better. I agree a lack of sleep is the worst, makes you feel rubbish and irritable all day long. I hope you can get a better sleep tomorrow to feel a bit more refreshed
For those with the full crotch feeling....have you noticed any pain while getting out of bed, or even just flipping from one side to the other? It sounds an awful lot like the start of SPD, which I had in my last pregnancy and I have been dreading it this time around. So far, so good for me though. FX
I haven’t had any pain in my hips just the normal stretching twinges in my stomach when I move too quickly. I had that tampon needing to be changed feeling all yesterday and I thought I’d just give the midwife a quick call this morning but it has typically gone. Before yesterday I’ve only had it when I’ve needed the toilet so just put it down to being full, but yesterday the feeling just wouldn’t go
Gooooood Morning Ladies!

So the intern shadowing was only for yesterday... Poor thing had to suffer through me trying to find something to talk about for the whole day. I finished explaining things super early and :blush: I'm not doing much work right now so it was hard.
We ended up talking about movies and music and school most of the day. She's a junior in HS, smart cookie too, all AP (Advanced Placement) classes.
Glad she doesn't have to come back, cause I seriously have nothing to talk to her about today @_@

As for the lady bits hurting, I only get it every so often. It's never when i'm getting in or out of bed, or when I'm standing up. It's random... I could literally be just sitting on the couch and <URGH>.
I have my usual little stretching pains, but I'm getting used to those and just kinda rub at where it aches til it subsides (only a few seconds to a few minutes, but nothing of concern).

Alright ..... I know you all have been dying to see ....
Since they will be large I'll put them in spoilers.
I have three to share: A gorgeous profile, a straight on "I'm looking at you" and a 3D! (all portrait, no little bits to guess at)



"Hey you"

StarGazer - woo, was excited to log in this morning and check and see. Lovely pics!! Did you find out where your placenta is? Those are some good shots. Mine never wanted to look at the "camera", but I did get to see squirming. Hoping you enjoyed every second of it. Now just the long wait until they're born!

MrsDuck - I cannot really say for the pressure down low, because the only time I had lots of pressure was during active labor, it seems mine generally hang out high until it's time to make their appearance. My third rested on my hips a lot more and it was incredibly painful at the last month of pregnancy. Hoping it's just baby moving around in odd spots.

AFM 21 weeks today (woohoo). Finished my blanket last night. It turned out super long: at least eight feet and about five feet wide. I'll post a pic later today. Dh and I are still trying to come up with a girl name but I think we've settled on a couple. I actually had some decent sleep last night, despite waking up ravenous this morning. I did stay up a little later than usual though, from reading my book. I know a couple of you have scans coming up next week (at least one) so I am super excited to see those pics. I'm feeling mine a little more, but nothing too wild yet. And nothing on the outside, which isn't surprising. Hoping everyone is having a lovely Friday!
Morning Jess!!!
I can't wait to see your blanket!
I've been going to bed earlier and earlier as much as I can cause I'm having issues staying awake at work. I figured if I got adequate sleep I should be more likely to be good at work (at least the early mornings that I despise anyways)

My placenta is along the back and far enough away from the canal. The tech measured it and didn't seemed concerned.

Little Bit is very active in the mornings (or at least when I notice) Sitting at my desk i always feel little flutters here and there.
Yesterday I don't think Baby liked me coughing, cause it's like they kicked or punched me afterwards -- was cute. if it was a conscience or not.

I was surprised she got that shot. It's kinda cool. Baby kept moving it's arms and legs when the tech needed to take other shots, so it's a miracle she got those good ones when she did. Baby had their legs stretched out at one point, and the Tech got all excited cause it was time to check the leg bones, and then silly baby curled back up again.

I loved seeing my little on on the screen. I can't wait til they are in my arms! :dance:

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