Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Morning Ladies!
My weekend went well. Saturday was nice an easy at my other job. I was getting tired by the end, but being on my feet for almost 7 hours is kinda pushing it now a days. I made it through with out having to take a break (which is nice cause the breakroom is just that far away that it's annoying to have to walk back to where my tables are)
Sunday was cool. Family (hubby's) always has breakfast at a local joint, and I only make it once in a while (cause it's god awful early on my day off) but with my sleep lately I was already in and out of it so i decided to get up and it was in time to join them :)
Hung out at their house for a few hours and chatted with his mom about baby stuff. Hubby was working on his truck....
Then we ended up going out to eat dinner with them too.

I've noticed my "pregnancy allergies" are getting more annoying. I have to take a Claritin every few days to keep things at bay or I cough and have a sore throat.

I'm 19 weeks today!
Little Bit is wiggling around nice and early.
I'm starting to feel them more during the day when I'm not sitting, which is nice.

Went to get breakfast this morning and was mad that McDonald's was out of Sprite .... URGH ... How can you be out of SPRITE?!?!?!?! So I got Fanta Orange.... oh well...
This kid must love the morning hours...
They keep tickling me and it makes me jump.
Good morning ladies!!

MrsDuck - I always look huge by the end of the day, and it looks like mostly fat so I just try to ignore it, sometimes dh just calls me "fat" to make me laugh. Bloating is real though, haha. It's also hot in this part of the US and there are a lot of wildfires going on from lightning storms in our state, I can't imagine how you guys are doing over there though!

Buttercup - I am also getting heart palpitations, it's crazy, I never had this issue before. Sometimes my heart rate gets up to 120 just from walking around quickly. I am very active so it's strange for me. Hoping your thyroid testing goes just fine and meds adjust quickly. As for the movement, is it possible you have an anterior placenta? It could be blocking a lot of the movements you're having??

StarGazer - sounds like you had a busy weekend! Nothing wrong with getting up early in the morning :haha: I miss getting up way early with dh before he goes to work but I'm just too tired in the mornings I end up getting up closer to 5:30/6. As for the pregnancy allergies, I have them too and they are sooo annoying. I constantly have to blow my nose or suffer sneezing and end up with raw throat for a day or two. I feel you there, lol. I've never heard of a place being out of Sprite, but I suppose it happens :haha: hopefully the orange soda was okay. Yaay for feeling the wiggles! I actually was resting on the bed last Saturday and had my hand across my belly and felt such a strong kick that my hand got it too and woke up straight up (wasn't completely asleep but cozy).

Afm - we also had a busy weekend. Dh worked a large part of Saturday and then we went into town to get onion rings (what I'd been craving all week) and an ice cream cone. Yesterday we went into the hardware store and got some more shelving and brackets to put up a couple huge shelves above my freezer. It was nice to finally get that done, and now I'm storing all my extra blankets and winter blankets up in vacuum sealing bags instead of having a bunch of storage bins :happydance:.
I've been feeling lots of baby movement the last couple days, last night even noticed rolling from top to bottom quite a few times just while I was standing in the kitchen. Baby seems to be pretty active when I am not moving around, which is about typical. I have my midwife appointment on Wednesday evening, and it's going to be almost 100F (37C).
I enjoy my Sunday's I get to spend with his family. They are awesome.

I'm not a morning person, never have, never will be. I just get up cause i have to be somewhere and do something. Hubby is the morning/afternoon/evening person and it irritates me that he can be wide awake when he gets up (unless he's sick, and then he's a monster)
Hubby managed to be off today. It's pouring rain, so the ONE thing he was gonna do he can't ... I just wish he'd do the MILLION of things around the house that need to be done *eyeroll* BUT ......... He'll be on his XBox and watching Anime most of the day.

I enjoy this little wiggling. I tried placing my hand on my belly to see if I could feel it from the outside yet, but it's not strong enough I guess. :/
It's just when all of a sudden Baby decides to move, and I'm not paying attention I jump. :haha: And where Baby is moving too, is an odd spot so I move cause it just feels weird.
When I'm concentrating I don't jump, I just sit and feel the little one play around.

How are you ladies doing with getting SUPER hot???
I keep getting asked if i'm having hot flashes. It's not flashing by no means, it's sticking around. And after like more than 5 mins i'm fine again.
Except at work.... I'm freezing my tatas off the entire time! (which is not cool when they are already sensitive.)
With pregnancy I can never regulate my heat very well. I have to sleep in a cold air conditioned room all of the hotter months. If I'm outside in the heat for a little bit I'm usually okay but I prefer to stay cool.
I think babies know when you touch them because mine have always done the same thing you're describing. And I didnt feel it on the outside until just recently, like last week.
Luckily I am a morning person but dh is not, he is like a zombie until late morning or right before lunch. My oldest and you best also seem to be morning people but my second ds definitely is not, he always has a meltdown when he wakes from his nap.
Most of dh family does not live around here and my father lives a few hours away. I don't speak with my egg donor but she lives several hours away. I spend as much time as possible with DH when he is home.
It looks to be hot here today so I'm sure I'll be parked inside soon enough.
The heat down here is absolutely miserable. It's our humidity that gets us, so a 93F actual temp will have a real feel of 111 when the humidity gets factored in. I feel so bad for DH because he works in this weather. AFM I just stay inside as much as possible. Our electric bills have been ridiculous the past few months because our poor air conditioner only ever shuts off at night or early morning, but I cannot be hot in my own house.

My 3 kiddos are with their dad on vacation right now having a blast and we dropped DSS off with his mom yesterday evening for a few days. We will pick him back up later this week. So that means I got to sleep in this morning! And I also get to for the next three mornings. It's pure bliss.

I have no idea what to cook this week, though. I can't recall the last time I had to cook for just two people :haha: I'm used to making meals for a family of 5 & 6.
Heat wave is supposed to start up here this week too, and we will be camping. I told DH if it gets too hot, I'm leaving them there, and going home, lol. My comfort temperature is about 13....I love the Fall. Summer is miserable for me under normal conditions, nevermind while pregnant.

I think I may have felt the first few flutters yesterday, which was also 17 weeks for me. They were so faint, I'm not positive that's what they were, but they seemed to be in the spot where he/she likes to hang out, so maybe :)
I'm normally cold, so I'm used to carrying a sweater or something to cover up with, so being hot is a strange thing for me. Our house usually sits at 75-76, and I'm probably going to have Hubby move it down to 73, since I keep getting hot.
But at work... I'm still cold... so the space heater is always on and my coat may or may not be on my shoulders.

My parents are seeming like they are making more of an appearance now that I'm pregnant. My mom really hated my husband for most of the time we were together (they had a huge disagreement when we were dating....and it stuck around for an annoying long of time) She's coming around more, being more talkative with him and stuff, so i think she's finally seeing he's not going anywhere. My dad loves everyone, so he's just "along for the ride" most of the time.
I'm hoping that they stick around more when the kid comes, cause i kinda hated that we always spent time with Hubby's parents and not mine. But when they never made time to see us, it's kinda hard to see them.... (if they needed something it was a 5 minute stop-by and drive off) now they actually wanna hang out.

I've been watching a bunch of youtube baby must-haves and regrets. .... Trying to find out what I should be putting on my registry. My issue is quantity. I mean most of the stuff I really only need 1 of, so I kinda just started picking different swaddlers of various pattern/color to put on there. If I take that kinda stuff off, i have like ....nothing for people to buy LOL
I'm going VERY simple and just things that have been getting the BEST reviews and things that I truely thing I'll need/use. I did see quite a few things I added that I might remove since 90% of people regretted them, but that's only a few items.
Yeah ... idk I feel i'm doing pretty good on knowing I don't want a lot of extra stuff, but the stuff i want/need is something our parents will help get us. I already have a craddle and a crib/bed (both of which will get decked out in whatever sheets from my registry)
I just don't know about how to go about a changing "table/station" ... I registered for this awesome foldable travel thing, but I wanted something at home so I put the pad and sheets on the list. You guys think that I'll really want/like that?! (Tiny house so I'll probably just get up and change them in their room if I get a "station" set up) And that travel thing is just for going out and about, and away from home.

IDK could use some ideas on things you guys loved/hated ...
Sorry you are all suffering with pregnancy allergies but yay for all the baby movements, some of mine feels fairly strong but I still can’t feel on the outside either

Star, I was with my hubby for 10 years before we had a baby and his parents only visited twice in that time. THEN I had a baby and they were like a period, came every month and stayed with us for 4 or 5 days haha

I never used a changing station I just used to lay her on the bed or sofa to change her. I used a bouncy/rocking baby seat and a dangling activity arch over a mat for when she was wriggling around in the floor. Get lots of muslins coz you’ll find you use them for everything

Jessica those vacuum bags are excellent, I use them for everything I’m not using regularly eg spare pillows, blankets, quilts, jumpers during summer etc. They are fantastic for saving space

Bdb enjoy the peace and quiet and your lie ins While you can

Dove when do you get your results back? Yay for feeling flutters
I added a playard cause the way our house is made, there are a lot of plugs and cords on the floor. They aren't standard outlets either ... So we can't hide all of them. This way baby can have a play area and I don't have to worry about things getting unplugged or baby hurt.
Hubby doesn't want baby gates up cause the dog runs from room to room and doesn't want him to get enclosed in the living room and not able to get his water/food when he needs it. (Which i get...) So yeah... just need to decided which of the three I added I really want.

I registered for an "active" play mat ... Let me find a pictures, it's hard to explain. Truthfully i was thinking about putting it IN the playard as long as it would fit.
It's a changeable thing...

As a simple mat:

With all the extra jazz:

(you store the balls in the head of the turtle)

I have muslin swaddlers, a few burp cloths, bibs...bibs and more bibs, hooded towels, cause I LOVE them, a small set of baby hats so that during the colder months baby's head doesn't get cold (set of 3), teethers, changing pad/covers, 2 different sound makers, newborn bottle set,

I was thinking about adding the Bobby Lounger, boogie wipes, and there was something else .... i can't remember a.t.m. (something from the videos i watched today)

I was told bouncers are only good for a few months...but I know the purpose for them. The Rock n Play's seem to be a big on that is on both peoples regret and must-haves... so I don't know if I wanna get one or not. I really don't wanna get stuff that isn't easily stored or not used for long periods of time (at least over a year)
With a tiny house I don't wanna clutter it up and not use half the stuff. (everything we get will be opened sparingly)
No toys other than the play mat and one of the sound machines have been added to my registry.
I'm not adding clothes either. I know people will give me stuff that I won't even touch, so that why my registry is the bear minimum that I need/want.
Hi ladies just popping in quickly.

20 weeks today and in just a few short hours I will be having my anatomy scan, yay! I’m so excited and nervous I haven’t slept well lol.

Just wanted to add about the heart palpitations. I’ve gotten them this pregnancy, even when at rest. I asked my doctor and she said that it’s to do with the extra blood flow. She did request for me to have a test done, which I haven’t done, to rule anything out. Might ask my ob on Friday as she wants to deal with all my pregnancy stuff. Interestingly though, I also have thyroid issues like buttercupbabi, I’ve had half of it removed due to nodules.
Sushai -- I'll have to pop back in later tonight and see if you posted pictures!!!!
So exciting!!!
Sorry you are all suffering with pregnancy allergies but yay for all the baby movements, some of mine feels fairly strong but I still can’t feel on the outside either

Star, I was with my hubby for 10 years before we had a baby and his parents only visited twice in that time. THEN I had a baby and they were like a period, came every month and stayed with us for 4 or 5 days haha

I never used a changing station I just used to lay her on the bed or sofa to change her. I used a bouncy/rocking baby seat and a dangling activity arch over a mat for when she was wriggling around in the floor. Get lots of muslins coz you’ll find you use them for everything

Jessica those vacuum bags are excellent, I use them for everything I’m not using regularly eg spare pillows, blankets, quilts, jumpers during summer etc. They are fantastic for saving space

Bdb enjoy the peace and quiet and your lie ins While you can

Dove when do you get your results back? Yay for feeling flutters

I thought I'd have the results by now :/
Read through all the replies so I'll try to respond to everyone! I'm on my phone so itll probably be a shorter response.
Sushai - can't wait to hear about that scan, so exciting! I couldn't sleep either lol. Hope you are back to feeling 100% as well.
StarGazer - honestly I never needed a changing station, always used the bed or (we don't have a couch) a blanket on the floor . Our house is also very small, under 1k square footage. I never used bibs, it was always easier to just clean my baby, but that's probably just me, hehe. I had a bouncy chair for awhile but it became annoying after a bit, I suggest looking at the newborn boppy chairs, they're not the regular boppy but they're great for supporting baby's neck and my kids loved them as they got bigger too. I had a swing with my first and it was more of a hassle as well. I really dont like clutter of any kind, so I would suggest thinking about minimal. Chances are you're going to do laundry frequently and you won't need a million of any one thing, maybe two or three. My kids are always on the floor and we used a baby gate at first for keeping little ones out of the cat box and food/water, but you should definitely get some outlet covers if you've got a lot of them.

bdb - I am using my crockpot today, but it is hard to downsize portions. Might be a little fun being less kids for a few days, but probably boring after about an hour :haha:. My dh also works out in the heat, I honestly don't know how they can handle it.

dove - I had to call for my results and they took about ten days, so you might have luck calling. Chances are no news is good news.

I'll respond some more when I get on my computer in a bit!
dove - so glad you've finally felt some flutters :cloud9:! One of the best parts of pregnancy, imo.

StarGazer - things I really needed would be a small stroller because we go out on walks a lot, or for shopping, alcohol wipes to clean off carts and such. Even though I primarily use cloth diapers, I have disposable for those times where I'll be out for awhile. Diaper rash cream, baby soap, a small tub for washing them in, lots of cotton cloths (muslins would work just fine I think). I don't use special soaps for any of their clothing(or diapers). If you're planning on breastfeeding, make sure you invest in a decent nursing bra, your back will thank you. I told you about the boppy newborn seat in my previous post, but I also use a regular boppy for different things. The baby gym is one of my favorites, and really my babies didn't need many toys, but they love books! I had a monitor and didn't need it. Suction bulbs are great for spit up or if your baby gets a little head cold, baby clippers for their nails, and definitely get a little gum cleaner to do their gums. Hope this list isn't too rambl-y lol. These are things I really needed for baby though and stuff that I don't see a lot of ladies talk about. You'll most likely need a few things for post partum recovery as well. My babies hated hats and most clothes, so I didn't really worry about buying much at first otherwise it's just *too much*.
I had my scan this morning. Unfortunately DH was unable to make it as he got stuck at work. The scan ended up taking 2.5 hours and my back was in so much pain by the end of it. Both babies are growing well and are both healthy.

And we are now officially double team PINK!!

Baby A

Baby B
Aaah Sushai! Congratulations :)
Thats amazing!!
Lovely scan pics...
Hope your back feels better soon
Awe, Congrats Sushai!!!!
They look amazing! Yey for Team Pink!

Thanks for that list Jess. I'm trying to keep it simple. I know most people will get me whatever they want, but with my list being so small, i'm pretty sure i'll get everything on it too.
I added the Bobby Newborn Lounger and I removed a bunch of other things that I won't need for a while. I removed the 3n1 stroller and just registered for the carrier and the convertible seat. I want the convertible seat, hubby wants the carrier, so we're getting both. (I just think the seat will be worth the 300 since it will last til they are 6 years old.

AFM ....
Hubby still doesn't get how small the bathroom is. *sigh* Same Old Argument~~~~
Honestly he just missed what my comment was referring to.... Cause all I said was "this won't last much longer" [As i'm tangled in the shower cord, and he's standing in the middle of the tub, leaning on the wall, back facing me. My LITTLE tummy is hitting his back.....]
The CUTE part of the morning is when he was leaving he crouched down to tell Baby to be good.

So far baby has been quiet. I'm guessing cause I'm not wearing my BellaBand today, area isn't as tight. I'm also kinda leaning back in my chair, so we'll see. Baby might just be asleep this morning too.
Sushai - I had a dream about your scan, kept thinking to check when I had some insomnia in the night but I know it would have made it worse. I'm glad babies are growing healthy, and two little girls!! :cloud9: Hope your back feels a bit better soon!

StarGazer - hehe, that's not a bad price for a combo, I think we had one with our first. I only had a baby shower with my first and people bought me all sorts of random items, hopefully you get what you need with your registry! I think you'll enjoy the lounger, I wish I could remember who told me about it. Sounds like you also have a pretty small tub.

afm had some pretty intense dreams again, baby has been rolling up and down a lot lately. Tomorrow is my midwife appt, so I am already a little anxious for that.
I watched a ton of youtube videos the other day, every single one of them raved about the lounger (and most put the regular bobby on their regret list). I'll probably watch a few more videos today, cause it makes the day go by faster to have something to occupy my brain.

Our tub is a normal 6ft, but when two adults are in there, it feels like 2 ft. I keep warning him, but until it happens I doubt he'll understand.

It's heavy shower's all this week. I honestly don't mind, but traffic already sucks around here, then you add rain >,< Just makes it worse. and like 40-60% more wrecks than usual too.

And my pet peeves come alive when it's pouring. People don't seem to remember that it's a LAW to have your lights on when it's raining. Even worse when it's a freakin WHITE vehicle without their lights on. <end rant>

Man this hot/cold thing HAS to stop! I was freezing when i first got into work. I curled up with my coat wrapped around me, and ended up sweating. I got up to turn off the heater cause i thought it was too hot.... made it back to my seat and I'm freezing again @_@

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