Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I have issues with my body heat regulating, so I stay in sweats until I shower and then wear my workout clothes. I didn't buy a regular boppy until my third and it was mainly for tandem feeding to help my back. I didn't use it often, but I used it for other useful things. I don't regret buying it, but it's definitely not a "need", the lounger is sooo good though. I really need to wash mine as it's covered in cat fur from being on the futon down in my son's room haha.
I have terrible pregnancy brain this time around (again), I constantly forget what I'm doing or what I need, it sucks.

Sushai - are your twins confirmed to not be identical?? I remember you saying you didn't think they were ?? I may have forgotten or missed it as well :blush:
OMG I'm so over this hot/cold thing! I don't know if I can handle 4-5 more months of this!
I just got super hot ... in my office! I had to run and get water cause i was feeling sick. A got winded cause i went as fast as i could. (down stairs to the vending machine and back up the stairs)
I left my door open, I turned off the heater.
My back is chilly, but I'm still hot. AND I've already downed more than half the bottle of water. O_O
Sushai yay for double team pink, I love your scan pics and glad all is going well

Dove you poor thing still waiting for your results, maybe they can tell you your results over the phone if you give them a call

Sorry you ladies are suffering with heat issues still, thankfully mine seemed to sort itself out after the first tri
Thank you ladies for all your congratulatory words.

Jessica, they’ve determined my twins to be fraternal only based on the fact that they both have their own sacs and placentas. However there is always a chance twins like this are identical and can only be known for sure with a DNA test. Now that I’m having two of the same gender the chances of them being identical go up 30%. Had they been boy/girl twins then they’d definitely be fraternal.

Sorry you’re all dealing with temperature regulation. The intense heat over there wouldn’t be helping a bit. I’m really not looking forward to summer here with a big belly, the heat frustrates me enough as it is. Glad we have ducted air con, I’ll probably end up turning my house into an igloo lol.
Sushai you might have the only igloo in Australia, I hope it doesn’t melt! :haha:

I’m a bit disappointed, I bought a cantaloupe and it went bad before we got to it… I really wanted it too.
So I’ll probably pick one up Sunday from the store that more ripe so I can go ahead and have it.
Trying to eat these pears in place of the cantaloupe is eh … not satisfying enough.
Sushai - Interesting to know! Double team pink, eeeek! I've been pregnant during the summer three times now, and it sucks each time, I can't even imagine Australia heat though, I know it is much worse there. I'm actually watching an Australian based show on Netflix now and it is amazing how it looks so arid there, I would die lol.

StarGazer - sorry you're having such issues with temperatures. I'm thankful it is not that bad for me, I just park it under the air conditioner and that works, but I'm rarely cold. If I do feel chilly I wear my only pair of fitting sweat pants around. As for the food spoilage, I hate it when that happens. Always seems to be that happens when I buy avocados, they're only ripe for ten minutes hehe. Cantaloupe smells so amazing when it is ripe, yummy.

MrsDuck - hope you're also doing well :)

As for me, just dared the heat to make a batch of spinach enchiladas and enjoyed it. Felt baby moving quite a bit when I was relaxing on the bed earlier, even some movement on the outside. This one seems to be rolling up and down quite a lot, more than kicks for now.
I managed (somehow) to get to work almost 30 mins early.... When I first started I did that cause I didn't know my timing. But today, idk how I managed it. I even stopped for breakfast.
Felt Baby wiggling around during the ride this morning, made me smile.

Anyone feel like this week is dragging??? *yawn* I'm over it already. I thought yesterday was Thursday :/
Yes, it feels like forever for me as well, and today is my midwife appointment. I also felt baby this morning while I was lying awake on the bed. Had some really odd dreams about getting groceries lol. I tried to listen to the hb a day ago and I heard it for less than five second before it was gone. Spent another ten minutes trying to get it again but instead kicks and squiggles behind my placenta.
I feel Baby more if I'm wearing my bellaband, or when i'm leaning forward at my desk.
I don't wear my bellaband much cause it's hot and irritating while sitting. (I know it's supposed to be tight, but it bunches at my waste and kinda feels too tight the longer I sit)
I'm thinking when little bit is bigger and I have a larger tummy I'll feel them no matter what (unless they are sleeping).
I think mine went through a growth spurt recently because I've been feeling loooots more movement in the past few days, today I even put my bluetooth speaker on my bump and watched them move and squirm all around. I never did try out the bands, I had a support band to wear with my second during exercise but it was more of a hassle than a help. Now I just do lighter exertion instead when my ligament pain gets bad.
My mom found a coupon plus a sale and for them more than half off, so she got me 3 (white/black/nude)

I'm curious how mine will grow. Baby was measuring 5 days early at the ultrasound. How do they track it's growth if you don't get another ultrasound? Kinda curious... if baby keeps growing like this, I'm gonna end up going early.

(Silly kid is just having a party in there. Must really like what I ate for lunch)
They just go by averages for growth, this one is also measuring behind a couple days on some stuff, but it is generally not an issue. Mine moves a lot after I sit down, like telling me to get back up and move around hehe. But my appetite has been a bit special lately.
I'm still not "showing" much. Just look like a gained a few pounds.
I've been sticking around the 170 mark since getting pregnant. I was almost 190 at one point last year. I tried exercising, changing how and what I ate, and it made no difference. But I think after getting my letrozole at the right dosage finally helped -- in a big way :laugh2:

I have my days where my appetite isn't there and eat here and there... Then there are days where I feel like I ate a horse.
I'm usually ravenous all of the time, and I eat healthy so it goes through me quickly, especially if I eat too much vegetables. There are a lot of factors for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle but food is probably the most important part of it, and staying hydrated, exercise is part of it but if you don't eat well it doesn't give you decent results. I'm a lot healthier now than in my early 20s, but for some reason I tend to gain a lot during pregnancy. Last time it came off very fast, like a month and I was 50 lbs lighter, it was crazy. I always tend to cling into 8 or 10 lbs though while I breastfeed, which is pretty common.
Stargazer lol the electricity company will be so pleased with how much I will spend this summer. Such a shame your cantoloupe went off, I hate when that happens and you’re looking forward to eating it.
As for the week dragging, that’s how I felt last week lol.

Jessica where I’m at we are surrounded by rivers and we are about half an hour or so from the coastline. It’s really humid here which only adds to heat. We get a lot of rain too (tropical climate), and because of that plus the cyclones that form far up north we tend to get a lot of flooding thanks to the great networks of rivers.
It’s so exciting that the movements you’re feeling are getting stronger and stronger. Good luck at your appointment.

Afm, I’ve had an awful nights sleep. My lower back and hips have been in so much pain. Add spd to the mix and it just made it horrible. The pillow between my legs didn’t help either. I’m already uncomfortable because of my big belly, I know it’s only going to get worse as the weeks go by.
Yesterday I saw my first visible kick :cloud9: since I now know who is where I was able to tell that was baby A kicking up a storm. Baby A is sitting on my left side and B is on my right. I don’t feel baby B as much as the sonographer explained that she’s practically lying between the two placentas which now one is located high and anterior and the other is high posterior so kind of like wrapping her up like a taco lol. I’m sure as she gets bigger (and mind you she’s the bigger one of the two, by very little lol) I’m sure I’ll get to feel her more.
As for weight I lost so much during the first trimester, around 20lbs and have only gained just over 3lbs. My weight is seeming to hold at this point but you can definitely tell I’m pregnant. My tummy is very rounded and sticks out clearly. I wonder what my fundal height will be this time. Last time which was a month ago my fundal height was already just above my belly button. Guess I might find out at my appointment tomorrow.
Jessica how did your midwife appointment go?

You lucky ladies barely showing, I’m only short with a short torso and I already look huge especially by bedtime when the bloat kicks in too, my hips are just starting to ache too OMG I’m not even 3rd tri yet, I’m finding it much harder this time round, but I guess it’s the combination of being 5 years older and practically 40 and having my dd to run around after this time

I agree with baby seemingly wanting us to stand up and move around. Baby is most active once dd has gone to bed and I finally sit down
Sushai - does funday height grow bigger with twins? It sure sounds like it does lol. I've already gained a lot this pregnancy and it sucks, I dont even look at the scale I'm too stressed by it. My electricity Bill's are always insane in the hot months and even worse around the holidays because of our house. It isn't too humid here, but occasionally and it is when it is hot and it really is unbearable. It is so exciting you saw some kicks!

MrsDuck - my appointment is at 5 tonight, and it is only 1, so I'll let you guys know how it goes :) I also have a shorter torso and I feel huge by the end of the day, especially with the bloat and hunger. With having an anterior placenta it doesn't quite poke out yet either, just look extra chubby for the most part lol!
MrsDuck, you reminded me, I need to take a belly picture ... I've gotten lazy the past few weeks (mostly cause it doesn't seem like i'm getting bigger) I'll post it if I take one.

I try sleeping with a pillow (the thickest one on the bed) between my knees. It slips down or out and is annoying when I toss. I'm a side sleeper normally, but i find myself sometimes laying on my back cause nothing else is comfortable. Hubby is to my left and he's a hot sleeper, so if he's having a hot night, I have to turn to my right to sleep.... then I switch back and forth all night.
Most nights I actually am awake when I switch, which is kinda I knew I was a tosser, but waking up every time i turn is crazy. I think I'm also hearing every little thing. Or if Hubby moves I wake up too. -- Must be the "Mom" in me :haha:

Sushai -- That sounds so pretty, I'm dying to take a trip to New Zealand and Australia.... But I'm sure it's a pain to live with all that extra water in the air, especially during summer.
So cool that you can tell which baby is which (at least while they are in your tummy). So you know who to blame when they kick you in a bad spot.
If I keep staying hot like this, the electric company will start liking us too. I still get chilly, so I don't think we'll lower the house temp any more.
Jessica, from all the reading I’ve been doing most mother’s of twins seem to measure atleast a month ahead if not more. It’s so crazy and really makes you realise why they are born much earlier too.

Stargazer looking forward to a bump shot. I live in tropical sunny Queensland so it’s generally humid here and the winters aren’t cold during the day only at night. I used to live south in Victoria and there it was constantly cold rainy weather. If you ever come to Australia depending which state you go to you will get a different kind of weather. I grew up in Sydney which is between Victoria and Queensland and the weather is between both.
Alright so I remembered to take a picture!!!
I tried to take it differently (mostly so I could see the image instead of leaning back and ending up looking stupid in the shot)
Anyways … 19 weeks and 2/3 days:

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