Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Such a cute bump!

Sushai - it is crazy you measure so far ahead, I can't even imagine how itll be as you get into third trimester. Temperatures and weather are a little like that here as well, I live near the mountains and a couple hours from the Pacific, but it does get cold and wet in the winter, usually rain not a lot of snow. I've lived in this region my whole life and it is weird how it goes during seasons.

Appointment went well, next one I'll have my glucose test, and blood work. And then I'll be super close to third trimester, it is wild I'm already that far lol.
Jessica glad your appointment went well, suddenly the weeks seem to be flying by, we’ll all be 3rd tri before we know it

Lovely bump star. I think you do sleep much lighter when you are pregnant and then definitely once baby is here coz you are always listening out for them. I’ve got a v pillow and 3 other pillows that I stuff around me and put between my knees to try and help me sleep, these of course need reshuffling every time I move haha it’s a wonder I get any sleep at all
Thanks girls!
(I was trying to upload a comparison picture, but I couldn't get photo cropped enough. I'll try posting it later today.

I think it's crazy that we'll all be in our 3rd trimester soon!!! O_O Where has time gone???

Here is my belly from May approx 8 weeks i think??? i can't remember now I just know it's from May. (sorry for the crappy quality, it's cropped from half size ...
I know!!!!!! Madness hey especially as the first tri went sooooooo slowly
It’s nice to look back to see how much your belly has grown. With my dd we shone a bright light to cast a belly shadow that we photographed each week which worked quite well. This time I’ve just done normal belly shots
I'm not a fan of doing all those crazy ones where I put something about "how mom is" and "how big baby is" ... blah blah ...
It's cute, but i'm lazy and feel bad that I can't make my chalk board all snazzy and decked out.

I initially started to track it in my app, which i kinda stopped using cause it takes forever to load, and to add a photo is painful and aggravating. So i gave up. The phone puts dates on stuff. I add it to an album and keep track that way.

Baby's awake! LOL Been waiting for the "morning wiggle"
Good morning, ladies!

MrsDuck - thank you! Appointment was a breeze, and I remember some of my questions I had forgotten the time before. Got to hear the baby's hb as well. Not looking forward to my gtt next time though, I hate that test so much!

StarGazer - Nice comparison. I just look like a round blob in the middle, and it seems a bunch of my weight gain is going all over too, I don't care for it, but somehow I just seem to ignore it lol. It's nice feeling baby first thing in the morning. Mine is always transverse with their feet in my side, which is pretty typical, but I get lots of kicks on the sides. I try to take pics on my weeks, because I know this is my last pregnancy, but I don't do anything special like the chalk board thing.

afm - it's going to be hot again today, I'm sure I'll be planted inside. Baby seems to be moving more and more lately and it's fun to feel where they are.
I'm still fiddling with my registry.
(Waiting for the system to sort it's data .... I'm caught up on most things so I get bored.)
I added some "nursing" stuff, which i didn't wanna do, but I'm trying to find some cheaper stuff to put on the list. Added some youtube fave diaper cream in smaller sizes (cause the containers are like 20$).
Been trying to figure out about the changing table... with baby staying in the cradle for a few months before we move to the crib... there isn't anywhere to change baby in the middle of the night. (The bed isn't the best option....and the only dresser we have is covered in dvd's and a tv)
Trying to look on amazon for reviews is helping decide stuff. But disheartening when the 1 thing I really want has mediocre reviews....
Jessica do they routinely do the gtt test? I’m guessing here they look for high sugar levels in urine and or blood and then only give you the lovely drink if you are at risk coz I didn’t have to do it last pregnancy and it hasn’t been mentioned this time either but I know others in the uk have had it?? Glad you got dopplered haha although I know it’s not quite the same now you can feel movement
I don't know much about the gtt. Here they seem to recommend every little test possible to get more money out of you. (i've opted out of the blood tests that just give a new mom a heart attack if something comes back with an issue)
I'm taking the gtt because the changes of having it are here since I have history of PCOS (which already causes insulin resistance)
Mine is in September... :/
I'm not looking forward to it at all. They told me that most people can return to work right afterwards, but I don't know how to stress to them that most people that hit the office, work close.... I still have to drive an hour and if I feel like crap, I'm not gonna want to do anything but curl in a ball.

From the way they made it sound, they give you the drink let you sit for an hour, then test for it in the blood and urine.
If you don't have any risk of having it, or if you don't devour sweets a ton, you should be fine. (Making an assumption though).
I couldn't wait any longer, I called and asked for the Harmony Test results, and it turns out that everything is low risk. So we finally announced last night on Facebook. We are on vacation and going camping today, until Sunday, supposed to be HOT. I told hubby and the kids if it's too much, I'll be driving back home, lol. I have my anatomy scan on Aug 7th, but will have to wait until the 10th, when I see my dr to find out if it's a boy or a girl.....15 days and counting....
StarGazer - I cant help you there, I never used the changing table and I cosleep with my babies so it is easier to feed. Never had an issue there. I think we had like a folding mat that fit in the diaper bag for when we were out but now dh just changes them on his legs, wraps my sweater under their head. As for the gtt it is just a sugary drink, hope you do not get the orange because it is just terrible. Some places won't let you eat after you drink it, some do. It doesn't usually make me feel too poorly, just like if you have soda or something, but some people get nasty headaches from it and the crash makes them feel pretty crappy. I'd definitely eat something with protein and fat in it afterward, or as soon as you can to not feel to poorly.

MrsDuck - gtt is standard around 28 weeks, it is highly recommended here. I could have opted out but I'd rather be safe than sorry, my babies have always been just a bit over 8 lbs and I do have pcos so I am more likely to have issues. My kids really liked hearing the doppler too, my three year old asked if it was the baby he heard, he is hoping for a little brother lol.

Dove - glad your results are okay, I think quite a few of us had to call for them too because we weren't hearing back. August is so close, itll be here before you know it, can't wait to see how your scan goes!!
Dove that’s fantastic news. Can they not already tell you if it’s a boy or a girl from the harmony test?

Jessica maybe they are just going to surprise me with it yuuuuuuuck
I've had three different flavors and the orange is the worst, honestly lol.
I'm getting a little fold-able thing that hold a small amount of diapers and wipes, which i'm thinking we'll use most of the time. But my issue is diaper changes at night. I can see myself leaning over the cradle and bumping my head on the wall, or something stupid .... making too much noise (even though Hubby said he doesn't wake up easy... we'll see ~~ )
I don't know ......Honestly if we don't get something before baby comes, we'll probably have something within the week. --My mom suggested a heavy duty cart ...which idk sounds stupid but if that's what we have to get we'll get it.

I can't remember much more about what the ladies at the office said. I'm regularly a soda drinker, so it might not bother me as much as I'm thinking then. I think my mom had to do something similar a few times, and she doesn't really say much... maybe I'll be fine.
I just have to wait til September .....
Jessica I’m so glad your appointment went well. The gtt is horrid, I’ve had mine already and I think I get a repeat at around 28 weeks, it’s so sucky being high risk.

Stargazer, I’m another that never had a change table. I found it much easier just using the bed or couch. Especially at night time, I’ve coslept with all my babies and it was just easy having what I needed on the bedside and changing them on the bed.

Dove I’m so glad your results came back low risk and yay for announcing! Hope it doesn’t get too hot on your camping trip.

Afm, I have my ob appointment this afternoon. I’ve got so many questions to ask that I’ve written down in a little notebook I carry with any other results and details from my pregnancy. I think I have one more appointment in a months time and then it goes to fortnightly visits. I also have my next ultrasound in a months time. I keep reading posts on another forum about expectant twin mums going into labour real early or being put on bedrest for a significant amount of time and it freaks me out that it may happen to me, fingers crossed it doesn’t.
The way our bedroom is set up, my side of the bed is next to the wall/window. I have just enough space to get out of the bed. The cradle is currently right in front of the door as you walk in on Hubby's side. I have a hope chest next to the cradle that's covered in stuff. Then the closet, which is a claustrophobic nightmare. The dresser faces the foot of the bed and is covered in dvd's, a TV and the player. I have a box of his grandmother's and mother's china.... that we have no where else safe to put (honestly I hope that nothing is broke -- i haven't seen it since we brought it home nearly 5 years ago). Then, in the corner is a dvd rack and a tiny gun rack behind it.
Tiny ... I can't wait until i have more than two feet around the bed to walk -- one day.... one day.

I toss and turn way too much, and Hubby likes the WHOLE bed, so adding a baby is a bad thing.

The cradle is deep, so I can't change baby in the cradle. oi my back :(
My luck, most of the blow-outs will be at night...
I could try to clean off the hope chest, but i have no where to put the stuff that's on it -- the stuff is "important" to us... so it's not like we can store it anywhere.
I know I'm gonna get that fold up thing, and i'll use that around the house and travel most of the time.
During the day, I don't care ... I'll change Baby wherever. It's more of while baby is tiny and sleeping in our room I have no where to do it.
Sushai - I always hear horror stories about twin moms as well but I remember the internet is full of terrible stories lol. I'm hoping you'll be just fine. Cosleeping is amazing for me, too. Are you planning on doing it again with twins?

StarGazer - My dh and I do not sleep together much because we both have different preferences. I like it frigid, he just cannot stand the cold lol. He is cosleeping with our three year old as we transition him to his bed in the boys' room. The struggle is real having a small house. I have a twin mattress beside the queen and my dd sleeps on it. I nightweaned her when I was first pregnant so i wouldn't have to deal with painful dry nursing during the night. I know she will be easier than my ds to get into her own space. As for diapers, only really crappy ones have issues with blowouts, but I've had to change a few during the night. Honestly those first few months go by so fast.

My appetite has been all over the place the past few days, baby has been rolling about a lot too.
I'm thinking when baby starts to sleep longer and can sleep alone a lot more, is when baby will get moved to the crib. So maybe a few months? idk ...
Honestly I've been dying to use the cradle since my grandfather made it and passed away. It's just been something dear to me.
Plus my dad is building the crib/bed. It all means so much to me that I really hope baby learns to appreciate it as much as I do. I always cherished things my family made me.

I have no real preference of diapers. We'll probably go with pampers since that's what I remember most as a toddler. My mom said that she started us out in cloth cause it was cheap. But with Hubby wanting to stay at home with baby, I doubt he'll want to clean up all that -- especially since he still makes me do his laundry -- he will probably just pile up the "crap" and make me do it when I get home *glare*
So i seriously registered for one of those pails and extra bags ... so yeah. If he's gonna be home, he's gonna change those diapers and I dont wanna have to do any more laundry than necessary (baby is already gonna make me have to do more than I want)

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