Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

StarGazer - lol, nice nickname, I get mostly pains just from being lazy or being too active! I hate standing on concrete all the time, since I live on a slab, I can relate to it, luckily I have some decent shoes otherwise I would be even worse off.

Sushai - Ooh, so exciting your dh got to feel from the outside!! I also feel super fat at night, dh likes to tease my belly getting me stuck in spots and at least we find humor in it otherwise I'd be annoyed lol. I haven't bought anything other than a new car seat for my dd so the next one can have the baby seat. I am not sure what I'll need, but I have a bin I'm storing with baby clothes so I need to go through it and make sure I have a couple of newborn sized onesies. I'll probably buy very minimal. What is the breast pillow like? Is it like a boppy?
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Jessica this is the twin my Brest friend pillow. Basically you wrap it around yourself and place both babies on either side giving them support to be able to latch on at the same time.
I really wish I’d kept some of my baby things but dh had decided we were done after number three so we got rid of everything.... then he changed his mind!!!
Sushai - that looks nice, I considered doing something similar for tandem feeding since I'm still bf my younger two, but they generally eat while sitting up. It looks a bit more high-tech than a boppy. And I had gotten rid of almost everyone as well, since we were going to be done as well. The only reason I still had what I did was because I hadn't taken it to donate yet :/. I'm terrible about storing things lol.
I made a short list of things we need to get, since we too, got rid of everything after our last baby. It's mostly the things that you don't think of until you need/want them; breast pads, nipple cream, diaper genie, and refills, a few bottles, a couple of pacifiers, amber necklace etc, and then some obvious things like a breastfeeding pillow, bassinet, dresser, car seat, stroller, baby bath etc. I have ordered about half of my list so far.

My anatomy scan is next Tuesday, but apparently they don't tell you the sex anymore, so I will have to wait until I see my dr on Aug 10.

Still just feeling those "Did I just feel that?!" flutters.

I feel you on the cement floors. At work, I am on my feet, on cement floors for 8+ hrs a day, every SUCKS!
Star I love the new name wiggles

Jessica yay for getting the bed up and running, I hope little ones transition into it is easy, at least you’ll get a bit of space for a few months before the next one comes along

So far I’ve been very restrained I haven’t bought a single thing but I have my scan this afternoon so I’m sure I’ll start buying after that haha fingers crossed baby cooperates and we can find out the gender or else my next scan is at 30 weeks and I don’t think I can wait that long

Dove that’s rubbish that you can’t find out the gender at your scan, I’m glad the 10th isn’t far away
MrsDuck how exciting about your scan! Hope baby cooperates and gives you a good view of the goods lol.

Dove that’s such a shame they don’t get to tell you the gender at the scan. Hopefully the 10th will be here before you know it.
Mornin Ladies!

Wiggles wouldn't let me eat much last night. Every time I leaned forward to grab a bite, they would move around. I was already sitting on the edge of the couch and the tray was as close as I could get it... still had to lean forward to eat. Then I ate only about half my food before I was "full".

Well today is my birthday! Extremely uneventful day planned. Work, home, eat (if i'm lucky and want food), and asleep by 9...
I'm officially the same age as my mom when she had me. Odd to put it in perspective like that.

I'm gonna have to find some other "lounging pants". My leggins are too tight, even Wiggles has agreed with that. I took a quick trip to get dinner last night and I felt uncomfortable and Wiggles kept trying to move around. I noticed when I sat Baby didn't move as much. I stretched out the top band and Wiggles started moving again. SO Yup ... we agree, they are too tight. Took them off as soon as I walked in the door.
Good morning!

dove - wondering about the placement of your placenta, is it in front?? I hope you get a crotch shot and see the goods at your scan, but if not, at least the 10th isn't too far from now!! Can't wait to see how your scan goes :).

MrsDuck - bed is going well, my 10 year old sleeps up top and so far my three year old is enjoying the bottom. Dh slept down there with him last night, and he took his afternoon nap down there yesterday, so I'm really hoping he gets transitioned there soon. Oooh scan today, yaay, cannot wait to check back and see how it went. Another at 30 weeks, it'll be here before you know it, omg lol.

StarGazer - Happy birthday! It is a crazy perspective to think of when our parents had us hehe. I hear you on the clothes, I still haven't bought maternity pants and I end up in my exercise clothes and they're getting pretty tight around my lower bump and it's getting painful. I also wear my yoga pants from before losing a lot of weight years ago, but they're practically too big :haha: and start to fall down when I'm walking around a lot. It's difficult to find exercise pants that work for maternity wear since I am so active and it really sucks. Hopefully you can get something.

Afm I ate like four or five massive tacos last night and I was soooo full. I couldn't even finish a small rootbeer float I had made. The tacos were amazing, at least. My little one seems to be moving a bit more, and I definitely felt a lot more rolling yesterday, and when I was on my back lying on the bed with dh yesterday afternoon you could see a large squash sized pooch sticking up, so baby was likely back out bunched up in transverse. My first one was always transverse as well, it was funny to see. Only a couple more days until I'll be 23 weeks, it seems like it's flying by so fast. I know it'll go to a crawl in the mid 30s, it always does.
I have to swing by the mall tonight... i keep postponing getting my rings checked (warranty stuff to keep repairs free) So I might see if Penny's has something or idk might hit Walmart since it's on the way back home.

So I can't tell if my snoozing, sitting here, getting too much sleep, not getting enough sleep that is making me want to just flop on the floor and go back to sleep.
I ate a hashbrown and half a sausage biscuit, 2 granola bars and I'm still about to just conk over. I'm trying my best to keep occupied. But I really just wanna sleep......
I have much better energy later, but still want to just curl up for most of the day.

I told my husband last night that "making a baby is tiring and hard work" as I shuffled through the house. He said "yeah it was hard work!" I gave him a glare, "yeah right, who did all the work ????? All you did was lay there cause you were injured". "Who else do you know gets hit by a car to knock-up their wife?" .... "Urgh, I'm going to bed"
(Probably not the exact words ... but the convo was funny at the time. )
Short Back story: He only broke his ankle and bruised up his back from the wreck. He really did get hit by a car. I was on my period the week of the accident. And as time tells ... I ended up getting pregnant somewhere in the weeks after. I just kept telling people we just needed time together during that time. And since we were both out of work ... haha it just "happened"
Hey, ladies!

I've bought a bit for the baby, but a lot of what I have right now has been given to me recently. My mom has been buying away, though. :lol: She always goes all out when one of her kids (or daughter in laws) is pregnant. But she saves it all up until the baby shower and then loads us down with gifts.

Every time I read these posts I get incredibly hungry! Now I'm craving oatmeal. I love adding frozen fruit to piping hot oatmeal. It's filling and like Jess said, it helps with your milk supply.
Yay for your scan Mrs. Duck! Hope all goes well!

Ugh, how aggravating they won't tell you the gender Dove! At least the 10th is close, but still. What a bummer!

AFM, 21 weeks yesterday! Baby boy has been moving around a ton and I've started being able to feel and see him from the outside now :) I love it! But he won't do it for DH yet and stops kicking whenever DH tries to feel or see lol. Silly boy:haha::haha: It's like they know lol! I'm loving feeling all the pops, punches, and nudges though :cloud9:

Pregnancy seems to be flying by! I am getting a bit more nervous the further along I get, though... I'm only 6 weeks 3 days from when I was when DD had to be delivered. I'm keeping the faith that nothing like that will happen this time, though. This baby is going to stay in there MUCH longer [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o< SO far everything is going smoothly, so that's good :)
StarGazer - sounds rough, dh has been through his share of freak accidents over the last several years, as well. He is in chronic pain because of them now, and has to be on a prescription nsaid for the rest of his life because of it. I haven't had my second breakfast yet, so anything is sounding good, my stomach is growling!

bdb - I also love adding frozen fruit to mine! I usually buy the big bags of blueberries at Costco, but I bought Oregon strawberries and froze some in the spring. I have a bunch of fresh blueberries I bought when I was there and we all eat them in our breakfast: so tasty! I've found that steel cut oats does better for production like when my periods starts and I get the drop in supply, but regular rolled oats are great too. Mmm, lol. Do you have anything left to purchase for baby?

markswife - happy belated 21 weeks! It is really flying by. Mine always stop too when dh touches me, or even when I put my hand on my belly. I swear they do know hehe. I hope you cook your little bun lots longer this time around as well, I can't even imagine how terrifying it would be to go through that! Fingers crossed and positive thoughts sent your way everything goes great!

afm, I vacuumed the entire house, swept, got laundry done, and now I need to do the kitchen, but for now I'm going to relax my back and make some eggs up!
Jess I admire your motivation! Maybe it's just that I am super tired as of late or honestly that the house is in dire need and I don't have enough umph at any point to clean it.
(Hubby is off again today -- slow work week :/ --and I bet that none of the sweeping will get done.................he's said he'd do it like 4 days ago)
Truthfully I'm VERY glad that all he broke cause idk if I could have handled him breaking something else or more....
I'm sorry your hubby has to deal with that, I'm sure it's not fun :(

OH man, I need to go the dentist. Do they always do an x-ray or can they opt not to do it since I'm pregnant? I just really need a quick check-up and a cleaning.

MrsDuck -- GL on the scan!

Dove -- Sucks that they won't tell you anything ... Maybe the doc can tell you something!

MarksWife -- Happy 21 weeks!
Stargazer Happy Birthday!!!
Can’t really relate to being mums age as mum was quite young when she had me (19) and I’m 30 this time around. I can relate however to clothes. All my tops are too small and tight. My belly shows a lot of skin when I have a t shirt or singlet on lol. I’ve bough 3 maternity dresses and it seems those will be getting a lot of use soon as even my skirts and pants are too tight and feel weird wearing them below my bump. Yikes about your hubby, sounds really scary what happened.

Jessica you just made me crave tacos sooooo bad! Might make some one of these days. Sorry your hubby is in chronic pain. Mine had a disc slip out many years ago and there are days he gets some horrendous pain which debilitates him. I go into a panic every time I see him that way, it hurts me to see him in so much pain and I can’t help him ease it.

Bdb that’s so exciting you’ve bought a fair bit. How great of your mil to shower you with so many gifts! My mum does the same, she makes one huge hamper.

Markswife that’s so great you’re feeling and seeing baby move so much. Funny about him stoping for daddy, mine do the same lol it really is like they can sense them. Happy 21 weeks!!

Afm, babies have amped up the movement. It was like a non stop battle going on in there all day. At bedtime the kicks got much stronger and as like all you ladies, I tried to get dh to feel and they stopped immediately lol.
I started crotcheting a baby blanket for the girls cosleeper. The cosleeper we got is much bigger than your regular bassinet but smaller than a cot bed so it’s very hard to find sheets that fit. Hopefully I’m able to finish it as with my kids constant interruptions it may take me ages to complete lol
Sushai -- It's just a running joke now... He's fine, but was scary at the time. I just kept saying that we needed time together, and that's how we got it :haha:
I hate dresses, it's gonna take God to force me to wear one again... At work I actually have just been pinning my pants closed. The belly bands are still making me uncomfortable, so I wear them sparingly. I'll probably wear the later, when I'm bigger and belly needs more support. But I'll probably just find some over sized pair of pants at the nearest store and wear them til I'm not pregnant any more.

I haven't had Hubby try to feel Wiggles yet. I laugh randomly at home, he looks at me asking what's funny, and I just say "Baby...." I can't help it, sometimes it just happens to be in a ticklish spot. Maybe when I'm a bit bigger and Baby's movements are more pronounced I can "try" to get him to feel kicks.

My mom is still working on the generation blanket. I need to look up how I want to do the edges (since that's my part of the blanket -- being left handed i wouldn't do well finishing the length) Currently it's just a white thing, I'm thinking I'll do a variegated edge, just haven't looked at exactly what colors I want... Might do something after the baby is born and get a monotone of baby color??? idk ... haven't gave it a ton of thoughts.

As for buying stuff. We're holding off, more cause we don't have space for anything at the moment. We have the high chair/booster that I talked about a while back, and that's it. It's in it's box next to the couch (as that literally was the only spot i could think of to put it without being ON the couch)
After Hubby fixes up the spare room, and we box up a bunch of our crap, we can buy stuff and put it in the baby's room. Luckily the crib/bed is being build and probably won't make it over to the house til we have a shower.

BTW ... Is it really Taboo to throw your own shower???? Or should I wait until someone decides to throw me one???
My experience is if I don't do it, it falls apart and nothing happens.... like "hey I totally forgot, but I'm glad your parents made it"
I told my mom years ago that I was gonna throw my own, and she said that's not how it works. :shrug:
IF I'm not then when should I guess on when I will get showered? I've heard anywhere between 6-8 months ?? right??
Being 5, I kinda expect someone to start asking me when I'm free so they can throw the shower....cause I have to be there right? LOL
(Or am I just being too analytical about it and should just chill?)
StarGazer - I also need to see a dentist badly, I think if you go while pregnant they'll double vest you. I finally have insurance through dh work but I haven't been motivated to call and get an appointment. I need quite a bit of work done and a cleaning would be great. I am probably one of the few people who enjoy having their teeth cleaned and worked on. Mostly because I've had such poor luck in the past with them and lots of work over the years! As for the cleaning, being a stay at home mom, it's something I enjoy. I have found it works to get the kids to help clean up, but they do end up making a mess as soon as I'm done :haha:. I'm doing dishes now, after lunch and before the kids' nap. Luckily dh is usually active around the house if he is home, but he works such a tough job I try not to push it on the cleaning, even though he also enjoys it! As for a baby shower, Idk if it is taboo to throw your own, but really who cares what people think? I had one with my first and it was so overrated. I'm pretty anti-social, so I'm okay going without, especially if you have a registry. Since our house is so small as well, I store what I can in those vacuum bags I was talking about earlier, and bins stored in our shed for now. You would not believe how much stuff we have had to get rid of to accommodate our tiny house lol.

Sushai - ugh, a slipped disc sounds horrid. Dh has been prone to some really bad freak accidents. A couple years ago he had a concrete boom pump fall on him (probably have to google it) but they're massive and if he hadn't fallen into a hole it would have crushed and killed him instantly. The steel support plates on the truck are still bent from that one. Earlier this year he was working on vapor barrier (it's like a plastic sheet) and the wind picked it up and all the rebar on it and he flew up and landed on his right shoulder. He's super lucky he didn't break anything, but he ended up in more pain for quite a few weeks. His chronic pain is actually from a car accident that happened when our first was just a few months old, another freak accident. He stays pretty fit and healthy and that's about all he can do in his situation, because any of the harder medicines just don't work or mess with his head. Please post your crochet work when you're done! I cannot wait to see it! If you can't find sheets I guess you can always get some fabric and pin it underneath. We used a pack and play for so long, and made blankets from cotton fabric we bought at a store, and it worked. Movement is so much fun, but it really is so hard to pinpoint. You'd think with two you'd be a little luckier there but it doesn't sound like it lol.
I don't mind the dentist. I just hate when they ask you questions while your mouth is wide open and their hands on in there... I really just hate the polisher stuff they use. I don't mind getting them cleaned and stuff, just hate the taste.

I guess if I was home all day I would start doing the chores more regularly. I did start a schedule in March... but after I found and started the job, it got lost and I can't keep up with it now. Besides the inside chores are supposed to be Hubby's if I took care of the yard...and the laundry ..... and the dishes. (Considering he's allergic to most grass and some bushes, I don't care about the mowing) He's gonna have to do the gutters this year. This chick AIN'T climbin' NO Ladders! (and the gutters need to be done before the leaves fall and after too --- which :happydance: is before my due date!!! LOL)

I was thinking of throwing a "Party" for Baby rather than a "Shower" ... idk not much difference. Baby will get presents no matter what I call it.
Honestly I'm more worried about the day and time I'm free. Since I don't get home most week days til 6-7. Saturday I work 12-5. Leaving Sunday my only day. And SO many of the people i know are either working or busy with church that I just don't know.... If they wanna come I guess they'll make time?
If I do plan it I was thinking 7 month mark. The house would be ready. Looking more "baby ready" Just need to figure out if I wanna do it on a Saturday or not (seems to be the best day for most people in the end i think)
idk ... I'll talk with Hubby see if he has any opinion on it or not.

My God Jess! You husband has an angel or something!
Mine works as a grave digger for a small private company. He really doesn't do much "hard" work except a few here and there. The way they plan their days they end up sitting around most of the day. There are days where they have over 6-8 to work or dig and its a rougher day for him. Hubby drinks nothing but he's now drinking more water cause he's outside in that awful heat for over 8 hours and needs the hydration. So i think all that extra calcium helped him there, and the bone he broke is a small ankle bone. He said he was more worried about his head, and didn't even hit it.
Gosh you ladies have unlucky, or should I say lucky hubbies, sounds like they are lucky to be alive

All went well with my scan thanks ladies for your well wishes, baby was very lively which was lovely to watch on the big screen. I’ll try and post some pics before I reveal the sex
Team ????????? Any guesses?


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MrsDuck - I was so hoping you'd have some pics. I really suck at guessing but maybe girl? I'm glad it all went well. And yes, dh is definitely lucky, I always dread those texts he sometimes sends me "going to the hospital to be checked out, work accident, I'm okay" like what the heck.

StarGazer - I think working that much I probably wouldn't be able to do as much at home. But I am a very antsy person, and I definitely do have those days where I just don't want to do anything, and nothing gets done. I always feel guilty but dh is pretty supportive lol. You should just do a party, and for the day I agree with Saturdays being the best. I bet if people cannot make it they'll still try to help in some way. Also cake and fun?? Sounds like a win hehe. Seven months, that's going to be here before you know it!

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