Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Morning Ladies!

Well it's official! I'm half way there! Crazy right!
I got told a few times this weekend that I don't look pregnant. Took it as a compliment :)
My belly doesn't look much different that the last belly shot i took (honestly why i haven't been taking them every week)

Baby is just a wiggling around. I calling "tickling" especially last night as we were eating dinner, and Baby would not stop moving. And I was worried early sunday after mowing that I hadn't felt anything, and then "BAM" a flop and it startled me, but I think it was just from me being up and moving around that I hadn't felt anything.
I felt wiggles all night long. I kept waking up (which isn't good when I went from the couch to the bed around 11p ....). Hubby was snoring so I had to get him to stop a few times.
I really hate getting up this early :( But I know that it's alllll gonna change soon.

Today is a boring day at work. They (the IT department) is working on something in the system and I can't do anything but export info. They gave me something to do, but eh .... I'll open it and fiddle but honestly .... 8 hours i have NO clue how i'll make it.

I'm glad everyone had a good weekend! Sounds all exciting with a bunch of good visits with midwives and tests.
Good morning ladies!

MrsDuck - it's crazy how it just happens overnight where you can suddenly feel them on the outside. Like a growth spurt lol. Luckily my little ones don't starfish in their beds anymore, and dd generally stays on her twin bed cozy most of the time. My dh is the one that hogs the bed, he likes to diagonalize and his feet end up blocking mine and I get irritated. It's been to warm to sleep together anyway, so I just lie under a thin blanket for now.

Buttercup - really cannot wait for the scan, so exciting!! I wish it was colder and rainy here but it's still well over the 90's (mid 30s?) and now the forest fires have made the smoke come up here and it's smokey and orange. So exciting you're feeling movement now! I also love it, my favorite thing.

StarGazer - woo halfway! Big deal there :). Hopefully the next half passes with ease as well. I definitely know what you mean about not feeling much when you're moving around and when you stop they start squiggling like 'why did you stop?' hehe. Mine are that way as well. 8 hours of not much to do would be hard, my dh has slower days sometimes and I know it's hard to stay busy when it's slow. I hope you get some decent sleep tonight.

afm - busy weekend indeed. Went to dh's class reunion Friday night, and Saturday we bought a new bed that was on sale when we were at Costco. Sadly the huge box was missing a part so we're going to have to call their customer service today and get it coming. We were able to put it together, though. It's a twin over full so it is something we'd planned to make later this year, the price was definitely comparable to making it ourselves. Had to do a lot of moving around furniture in the room and stuff.

Like I was saying earlier, it's very smokey here. I was so hoping we wouldn't get so many wildfires this year, but knew it would happen because of how dry it's been. We've been in drought for awhile here. There are some really bad fires down by the border of California and there are several around here as well. I actually had to watch the eclipse during the really smokey part of last summer, which made for some odd pics of totality. I don't know if things are ash covered yet, but it won't be long. And you can't be out for long because it's so bad for your lungs. Looks like I'll be stuck inside again.

I made that pie this weekend and it turned out okay, but I couldn't get the marshmallows to toast up correctly with my torch, so I would definitely do it differently next time. Sorry for the rant, baby wise I'm okay, lots of movement and rolling going on, and the vivid dreams are continuing.
Jess - I feel bad for moaning now haha our temps are mostly (high 20s, low 30s) but in England houses are known to be on top of each other a little bit and where we live in a new built house, it might be lovely but its built with a lot of insulation to keep the heat in in Winter, it also keeps heat in when its this warm and its really uncommon to have swimming pools so the British population do really struggle in this kind of heat haha!
Can't believe how quickly everything is happening, you and BDB will be in the 3rd Tri before we all know it! So exciting!!

Ew I hate that you are going through that smokey stuff .... Those wildfires are scary! Stay safe!!!!

I had a dream last night that I actually gave birth! It was a girl ;)
Then afterwards I told Hubby I was hungry. So we left baby at the hospital (cause it was safer there) I carried something with me ... looked funny idk what it was... Hubby and I went to a breakfast buffet in the basement of another business (creepy but omg .... I wanted sausage and eggs so bad).
I told Hubby this morning about the dream and He's like .... yup I know it was fake, cause you had a girl...
Buttercup - I hate the heat so much lol, I like the winter and fall so much more here as it rains and stays cool, and rarely ever snows. I don't care for snow either just because it is annoying to function around. It is crazy, I was thinking that soon I'll be in third trimester and complaining about all the lovely ailments that it brings. I'm already feeling off balance lol.

StarGazer - luckily fires are generally farther away from us, last year there was a big one up by the lake about 20 miles away but it wasn't serious for us. We live right by the river and usually the fires start from lightning. Eggs and sausage sound good, I haven't had my usual eggs for a couple days since weekends are so hectic for me. I have dreams like that too, but I think I'm one of the few that hates hospitals so much they feel like a prison because they will not let you leave with your child until they've been permitted to, and you're locked in the maternity ward. I'd rather deliver in my house than go through the hospital again. My dh gets so angry every time we are there, at least he can leave. Every time I've stayed at the hospital it has been worse than the previous time and I was so thankful after having Dd and her being my last I wouldn't have to be in that place again. Ugh, so hopefully I'll deliver with my midwife this time so I don't have to deal with that misery again.

I swear my blood pressure must be super low in the mornings because I am sooo dizzy when I start my day and my heart is always pounding just doing basic things. By the afternoon it is generally not that bad. My BP was in the low 60s last time and with my last pregnancy it was frequently in the 50s, so it is something I try to be mindful of. Yesterday really took its toll on my back and body as I feel a bit tired today!
I was always curious how most of those started... Would have never thought of lightning (Perhaps how everyone is saying is so dry that I don't put a storm as the cause of the fires)

I haven't really ate eggs since before I found out I was pregnant. Back when Hubby and I were both out of work I made breakfast like every day. Starting work, prevented me from doing that since 5am is too early for my motor skills to function.
And meat has been such an iffy thing for me lately... Even going out to eat last night, at a steak house, I ordered a 6oz steak (medium is the most done I can handle) and probably didn't eat half of it. I ate my veggies and some potatoes.
Baby likes Taco Bell's meat ... (if you call it meat) I usually try to get chicken, but if i get the tacos, I still devour them. But most other meats ... i honestly just eat them cause i need the protein.

Mowing yesterday about killed me. I had to take a ton of deep in out breathes for like 15 mins to get my heart rate back down. I downed a whole bottle of water too.
I tried to tell Hubby that I don't think i can mow much longer. I wish we could just kill all our grass right now.... I don't think Hubby gets it :/ Honestly the only reason I do the yard work is grass can break him out. Plus Sunday's are my days to do chores, since he doesn't have a regular day off, I ensure it gets done.
I might have to invoke one of those "if you need anything let me know" people to help with the yard! Probably til just after the leaves start falling. Then Hubby can blow or rake the leaves cause I sure ain't doing that!

It's a rainy week here .... Spotty showers off and on. I don't mind for the most part, but driving in it SUCKS during rush hour traffic.
Even the storms that are small matter, what happens is lightning hits a tree and it smolders for a bit then turns to a fire and it spreads fast because it is dry and there are trees everywhere. Last year we had smoke down here from Canada for a couple months, our sky was thick smoke and ashes covered all our stuff. It was so hard to breathe, dh has copd so he has a hard time of it working outside if it is bad enough. Luckily it isn't so strong here yet, but it does not look like we have any rain in our future.
When I exercise I can get my heart rate up into the 160s and it doesn't bother me, generally I try to stay in the 140s, but my heart palpates when I get up from sitting down or move fast after being idle around the house, it sucks. My resting heart rate was in the 60s or 70s before pregnancy and now I'm lucky to be in the 90s. It seems pregnancy is always going to push my heart with the extra blood volume.
I generally eat oatmeal for breakfast, every morning, with fresh fruit, nuts, hemp hearts, peanut butter, a little regular butter and a few chocolate chips on top for a touch of sweetness. That lasts me about a couple hours and then I'm starving again, so I try to have eggs, cheese, and salsa or something like it. By the time lunch rolls around I have a massive salad with chicken and lots of stuff on it. I'm constantly hungry either way, I tend to nibble on cheese the most as it is easy tolerate the flavor and the protein and fat in it is nice.
Yeah none of that sounds good. I haven't ate oatmeal since I was a kid. I hate fruit in things, I'd rather eat it alone. idk .... I've been lucky to eat a sausage biscuit every week day. Weekends when I have more relaxing time is when I can eat a few waffles. I have a ton of pop tarts but I haven't wanted those in weeks.

Baby just kicked me ... haha That one probably could have been felt from the outside, no doubt.
Oatmeal is amazing lol, I started becoming regular with it because it gives me so much energy for my workouts and it helps with milk supply. I think the most prepackaged food I eat would be crackers or pasta or chips, most everything else I make. I cannot decide what to make for dinner but I have a butternut squash I need to use up so I might roast that and have some garlic chicken. My appetite has been crap today, actually, pregnancy always makes it so off, but I remember this from my last one as well, just felt blah some days.
I don't like that some days i can't eat a thing. Tonight might be a veggie night. I have left overs from the restaurant and some frozen in the fridge.
Hubby might have to make his own food :haha:
I also have days where I just don't want to cook, which sucks because I really enjoy cooking and making food. Dh just grabs something from the market down the street if there are no leftovers and I feel especially lazy.
Hubby likes greasy foods most of the time, and we found out that if I don't eat the same greasy stuff I feel better (it usually irritates my reflux on the norm) but I'm sure it's just better for me anyways.
But with my not-really-wanting-meat thing, I try to avoid it so i don't have to waste or turn my nose at it. Pizza i take off the pepperoni or I get a veggie one. Our normal chicken is really hot and where i used to drink a 20+oz cup of milk with it, being pregnant has thrown off my tolerance for milk, so I can handle a sip here and there (I usually sneak it on the way to give it to Hubby), we haven't ate the chicken in a while.
I bought a gourmet chicken salad and feel bad cause i don't want it now... it sounds freaking awesome, but eh now it's two weeks old and probably needs to see the trash can :sad2:

I eat best at lunch, so I try to vary where I go. Taco Bell has been my normal, I hit Subway, when I want something fancy I got to Firehouse Subs. If I want something more "healthy" i get Panera bread.
I started to bring stuff I bought at the store so I don't eat out all the time, but most of the time I forget it.... (mostly chef boyardee stuff or a flavored rice thing you add water to)
I ate out a couple times last weekend because we were out so much, but beef is probably the only meat I do not eat much of. I try to eat more vegetables anyway as main dishes, but chicken is simple and relatively inexpensive. For some reason I don't care for it reheated. I actually make up a huge bowl of salad that we all eat over the week. I have three romaine hearts, spinach, kale, and carrots in it. Dh eats salad every day at work and I have been eating them as well. My oldest eats salad almost every day as well for lunch. Now my two youngest are eating my salads, I can't even sit down without them asking me for carrots or nuts or chicken lol. I don't use creamy dressings, but more vinagrettes as they have healthier fats in them. My three year old has been super picky lately so I feed him anything I can, but since we generally eat healthy it can be a real challenge. He loves his nuts and fruits.
Now I'm lying here thinking about food again lol. I spent awhile earlier reading peoples' birthing stories and gearing myself up for that again. This little one is rolling about and I cannot wait to see if they are a boy or girl, even though I just feel it'll be a boy.
You ladies are making me feel hungry yum yum

I’m half way yaaaaay :happydance:
Mrs Duck you are a day behind me! Isn't it just amazing how far we've come!
My little one is wiggling a storm. I'm gonna have a lively one!

Last night all i wanted was corn .... So i threw a pot on the stove and heated up some yumminess! Hubby made grilled cheese. (He's been on a kick with that, probably cause it's a quick meal that still feels like you're cooking something)
I grew up with canned veggies, but I just was like eh ... I LOVED the way his mom made them, so I'm gonna stop buying canned stuff and buy the frozen ones. Tastes SO much better! (Now to find some asparagus .... and I'll be set!)

So I walked up to Hubby and said "I feel fat ... not cause of Baby, but because all my stuffings are getting shifted around". He started patting me all over and was like "nope ...." I looked at him like what are you doing. "I can't feel the fat, you're just crazy" Then he started tickling me.
MrsDuck - hehe, I enjoyed my dinner last night after talking about all this food. I ended up having an entire baked potato, garlic chicken, butternut squash, and some corn; it was sooo good! Happy halfway!

StarGazer - I get those kicks sometimes as well. Thankfully dh got some more kernels so I can make popcorn! I can relate to feeling huge already, it's uncomfortable and I know it won't get any better especially as baby gets bigger and starts sitting on nerves.

afm, dh and I finished building the bed last night, so happy about that. Now I can transition ds down to his spot there. Baby is moving quite a bit, and I felt some movement on the outside last night. I'm started to get restless limbs at night though; I had to get up twice because of it. I was even getting restless arms. Today is going to be cooler, and I'm going to enjoy it, but it is still a bit smokey. I saw the moon this morning and it was still orange.
Some of baby kicks makes me twitch/jump, some make me laugh... all depending on where baby decides to move to, or how/where I'm sitting.

Most of my "fat" feeling is really just all my guts moving around. Since the uterus is supposed to be at my belly button by now ...things are starting to feel odd. I probably won't say i'm "fat" when most of my belly is baby.
Had some odd pinching earlier on my left side. Was bothering me slightly, and then I got out of the car and it was like whoa... just sharper. I rubbed it and it went away. I'm guessing one of the ligament pains or something just not moving to the right place just then.

Slightly not-really busier day. We can get into the system, but really can't figure out why what I was doing last week still isn't working.... Glories of working with data!
Baby kicks are still pretty muffled for me because of my placenta, but rolling and stretching I can definitely feel. I get the ligament pain as well, sometimes it hurts a lot more than others. But I am noticing more and more back pain, probably from my poor posture and also the typical belly pulling and stretching. My day is going typical for now, ds got his school stuff in the mail so he is checking it all out.
Most of my pains are probably from sitting at a computer all day. (stupid arthritis and carpal tunnel)
And on Saturdays from walking around on that god-awful concrete floor for over 5 hours.

I've created a new nickname for Baby: "Wiggles" LOL
How exciting that we are all reaching that halfway point! We’ll all be sharing birth stories in no time.

I get all of your discomforts. I honestly feel like a fat walrus when trying to get out of bed during the night lol even just shifting positions is a lot of effort!

Just wondering have any of you ladies purchased anything yet? This Sunday gone DH took me to some baby stores and we bought the girls their capsules, a cosleeper, a rocker each and I scored a twin Brest friend pillow. Still no clothing although I really can’t wait to buy all that cuteness.

The most exciting thing that has happened since I last posted is that DH felt a kick last night :cloud9: can’t wait for the kids to feel a kick.

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