Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Well I've used cloth for years and you wouldn't believe the price difference. It is much better for the environment and really isn't hard to rinse out until your child starts solids, breast milk waste doesn't really even smells that bad, more like yogurt. There are even diaper services that do all that stuff I think. Initially it cost us about 100-200 dollars for all of the covers and pre folds and snappis but I cant imagine spending almost that a month for disposables. Everyone is going to have their preference there, though.

My dh makes a lot of stuff as well, and so did his father as he used to weld and made lots of things over the years for his mother. I love hand crafted things as well. I used a crib for awhile with my first, he had it until he was too big. I ended up using a pack and play much more with my others, mainly to contain them when they were acting up.
Jessica I’m hoping to get a cosleeper that attaches to my bed as I’m just a little bit scared of having two babies in my bed. We do have a king size bed though but I don’t doubt my older three will still continue to get in with us in the early morning. We’ll be getting a crib for once they are bigger but I’m hoping they will both find comfort in having each other. I’m sure I’ll be a lot more sleep deprived than I was with my singletons.

Stargazer, I feel for you. It’s so hard when there’s such limited space. I hope you’re able to organise something for night time changes. As for nappies, Huggies are the big ones over here and that’s what I use. I did try cloth at one point but I got so frustrated with waiting for them to dry. At the time I lived down south where it is constantly cold and raining which didn’t help one bit. This time I will be doing disposables once again as I can’t imagine the laundry load. I’m already doing one to two loads of laundry a day and laundry is my least favourite chore. Also, it’s so sweet that you have some handmade stuff for your baby that’s of great significance and importance to you. I don’t have anything of the sort, just the stuff I either knit or crotchet myself.
Sushai- sounds like a good plan, I kind of wish we had a king sized bed lol. Diapers do seem to take an hour and a half to dry and I'm doing it for my two youngers still. Luckily I don't have too much laundry, other than diapers for now. Fingers crossed you can at least get some sleep, I cannot even imagine how itll be with two!
How you all feeling ladies?

You ladies started to go stroller shopping yet? Im going to wait until September(ish) get next Month out of the way! We're off to Disneyland (Paris) for a little while and found out I am ok to go on 2 rides - woohoo haha! My poor DH will have to them all with the boys!

I went to the drs yesterday for my heart palpitations!
My heart rate was normal but my blood pressure was on the lower end of normal so he think im a little dehydrated (normal in this heat we've been having in the UK) And to keep my fluids up!!!
Honestly, I'm gonna just wait and see how Baby does with whatever we use for diapering. Little Ones are so much more sensitive than us, so who knows what will happen! If we need to cloth diaper, and Hubby is stuck with the diapers, he'll learn what to do...

Yesterday I got SO sleepy when I got home. I laid on the couch hoping to snooze a little, but I couldn't get comfortable or close my eyes. Hubby was playing a game and was planning on grilling some sausage for us.... He game went much longer than he thought. I was starving by time he finished, but I was So far out of it that a barely ate anything. Half a sausage and like 5 tortellini. Even as I was eating i would stop and close my eyes.... remind myself i had more food to eat (as my tummy was still grumbling). Still didn't make it to bed til after 9 :(
And now I have to stay awake since i'm at work... urgh

Tried to feel baby wiggle from the outside as I laid on the couch last night. Still not strong enough i guess, or baby decided that it didn't wanna wiggle when my hand was on my tummy. Even though I left it there for over 30 mins.
Baby woke up early this morning. Felt the squirms while I was getting ready and in the car ride. It's having a party in there I guess! Very active today.

Butter -- I'm glad that it was nothing serious! If drinking more fluids really did solve all the issues people have LOL we'd all drink a ton more water!
As for Strollers, we're opting out of one right now. We never go anywhere anyways except to our parents houses, and (now) occasionally out to eat. Our life consists of work and home most of the time. When Baby is a little older we'll probably get one if we need to. We're getting a carrier so i figured that would suffice for a while.
Good morning everyone!

Buttercup - I get a lot of heart palpitations, it's crazy. My bp was also pretty low when I had my appointment, so I think it's related (for me at least). Glad you're doing okay though. And the heat is bad here as well, I hope you are staying comfortable. I have no even bothered to look at strollers, I have a very cheap little buggy I'll likely use, but probably baby wear with my big wrap.

StarGazer - sometimes I have off nights like that as well. Hopefully you get some decent rest and food in the next few days. A good way to get baby going is to have a glass of really cold water, and in about half an hour they'll start moving a lot. I didn't start feeling on the outside until just very recently so you might just not be there yet. Mine always stop squirming when I touch my belly as well, and especially when dh does. He used to feel a lot more when we would lie on our sides and I'd lie behind him with my belly against his back. I didn't have an anterior placenta that time though. As for diapers, definitely do what you're most comfortable with!

afm - 22 weeks today (woohoo) Dh and I are taking bets when I'll go into labor. My midwife told us there's a correlation between like sleeping hormones and the ones that help you go into labor, so that's why women usually go into labor at night. I am hoping that is the case this time around so dh will be there. Movement is still pretty sporadic for me, yesterday I didn't feel a lot, but generally when I was sitting or lying down I felt the movement. I hope everyone is having a good Friday/Weekend!
Happy Friday everyone

Buttercup I’m glad your palpitations were nothing serious and I don’t know about you but I’m so over this heatwave now, sleeping at night is impossible, even with all the windows open there isn’t any air. Thankfully we kept my little girls combi car seat/pram thing, as it’s lime green it doesn’t matter about the baby’s gender

Star I don’t know how you have agreed to your hubby being the stay at home parent, there is no way I would have left mine with hubby and me go back to work haha I hope you sort out your changing table dilemma

Jessica yay for 22 weeks, can you see your belly moving yet?
MrsDuck - as a matter of fact, I watched it move after I posted this, I was lying on my back and watching it shift all around, soooo exciting!!
Buttercup have you been to Disney before?
Happy 22 weeks Jess! And yey for seeing baby movement!

I didn't agree to Hubby being a stay at home dad. He's still planning on working some days, but the days he's planning on being home are the days I have to be at work...
He's really wanting to force his employer to give him some sort of schedule so that he can actually plan life and stuff. Right now he gets a text the night before between 6-9p as to when he's supposed to go in. He could work for anywhere between 4-12 hours that day. Luckily he's paid by the day, so if he only works 4 hours he gets paid the same as 12hrs, but sadly he's only paid the same amount as 12hrs.......
Honestly we'll have to work out what works best and present it to our employers.... I'd actually like more than the 6 week medical leave that you are allotted by law. I think that's stupid and impossible to bond with an infant!

I could so go back to sleep right now... Looks like I'm gonna crash when I get home! (and I hope I can!)
I think my lunch isn't helping. Broccoli soup and a shake (yeah pregnancy food) LOL
I did also get a cheese burger, but now that I look at it, I don't want it.
StarGazer - broccoli soup sounds so good, thankfully dh bought some broccoli last night at the store, maybe I'll make some lol. Hopefully your husband can get his schedule to work out the way he wants. When I had my scan dh had stayed home with the kids and he cleaned the entire kitchen up and did a load of diapers it was so nice to have a break from it. I cannot imagine having to work and do all that stuff as well, consistently.

I'm feeling a bit lazy today, but tomorrow I know dh and I are going out first thing to Costco. Tonight we are going to his class reunion. Funny enough the place we are going is my midwife's son's brewery, dh is excited to try some stuff! I told him to have at since I'll be the designated driver :haha:. I am going to make a chocolate pie with marshmallows toasted on top because it sounds so good. This weekend will likely be busy with more housework!
Buttercupbabi glad you got your heart palpitations checked out. Hopefully with some extra fluid you’ll be alright. In regards to strollers, we’ve bought a secondhand strider which is in really good condition for a bargain price of $150, we just need to buy the second seat which DH wants to get brand new. There’s a huge sale at one of the main baby stores at the moment and dh has said I can go layby some things... eeek!

Stargazer sorry you’ve been feeling so tired and that it’s affected your appetite. As for baby movements I’m sure you’ll be feeling the kicking from the outside in no time! In the last week or so I’ve seen some wobbling of my belly from movement and felt just one kick, you’d think with two in there my belly would be doing some crazy stuff lol.

Jessica happy 22 weeks! Interesting about sleep patterns and labour. Funnily I’ve had all my waters break around 3-4am each time. And Yay for seeing movement from the outside! Omg, chocolate pie with marshmallows just made me drool a little lol

Afm, I had my ob appointment yesterday. She is happy with the girls growth despite me not putting on any weight (I lost close to 20lbs in first tri and have only put 3lbs back on). Theyre not concerned with that though as I have some chub to spare lol. However they are expecting me to gain close to 20lbs by the end, we’ll see how that goes. Had a quick scan done to check on the girls heart rate and it’s amazing how much they’ve moved since Tuesday. On Tuesday they were side by side, one cephalic and the other breech. Yesterday they were on top of one another and transverse! My gtt came back normal and so I get rewarded with another gtt in 6 weeks time, yay me... not! I was told at 32 weeks we will discuss and decide on the birth and if a cesearean is necessary it will be booked in then, this is less than 12 weeks away! It’s all exciting and a bit scary at the same time.
Sushai - crazy they move so much! Are you hoping to have a vaginal delivery or a c/s? At least your gtt came back normal and sorry you have to take another one, I really hate taking it too. That is lucky you've not gained too much. My midwife hasn't been concerned with my gains even though I'm sad with how much I've already added, despite eating fairly well and exercising regularly. My appetite is still voracious most of the time and it is annoying. Have you picked out any girl names yet? So exciting! I'll let you know how the pie turns out as I'll be making it tomorrow afternoon once I'm back from groceries.

Such a night, went to dh's reunion and it wasn't bad. We did see the big full moon on our drive home and the kids really enjoyed it, so I'm hoping they can see it some later tonight, but they'll likely be asleep when it is high enough up here in the mountains.
Jessica I’m hoping for a quick and easy delivery lol. Vaginal would be ideal but I’m not fussed either way as long as babies come out safely which is my biggest concern.
Looking forward to hearing how that pie turns out.
Hey ladies! It's been a few days since I've been on. Lots to catch up on so I just remember a few things-

Sushai- Congrats on your two girls! :cloud9:

As for sleeping arrangements, I only tend to co-sleep while they are newbies and even then, they tend to start out in their cribs and I bring them to me when they wake. I'm a very independent sleeper. I have a hard enough time sharing a california king size bed with just DH.. I just need a lot of space so I can sleep like a starfish and not be touched :haha: My house is really small as well and so I like keeping my bed kid-free as terrible as that sounds. It's my only space to myself without all the kiddos on top of me. Of course I make concessions for certain circumstances. Sick kiddos get overnight snuggles. But for the most part I encourage independent sleeping.

22 weeks for me as well! I'm still not showing much at all. My belly is growing, but it's not showing as a baby belly just yet. My shorts are finally starting to get uncomfortable on me so I need to begin looking into maternity shorts within the next month. Strangely enough all of my pre-pregnancy jeans still fit. I'm not sure why the difference, but triple digit heat does not allow for wearing jeans.

I've never had the stereotypical water breaking at home before labor. I'm usually already in the hospital, anywhere between 7-9cm, before my water finally breaks. I've never had any of my babies born in the middle of the night, either. I've had morning (9AM-ish), afternoon, and early night (8PM-ish).. but never late night. Maybe this baby will be the one so I have all time frames covered.

I have my next appointment on Monday but it won't be exciting. Just measuring my belly and listening to the heart beat. I'm actually hoping it goes very quick since I will have both of my 3 year olds with me for this visit. :wacko:
Sushai - definitely, I'm thinking of that pie now, I have to stop at the store and get a couple things for it and to find dh's torch to brown the marshmallows lol.

bdb - I saw your bump pic on Facebook and you're still so tiny it is amazing lol. Hope your appointment goes well! I can relate to the independent sleeping, I really have a hard time sharing with anyone as well, but I had to change a few years and learned to sleep with dh. I'm thankful we can put a twin right beside our queen for the little ones to transition and dh sleeps out on a futon with ds so I do get the space of the big bed and I toss and turn when dh comes and plays with me lol.

Not much going on for me today, it is hot out this weekend so after I get home from doing my errands I'm sure I'll be inside cleaning house, as it is just *too* messy for me to stand.
I don’t know how on earth you ladies get any sleep with your little ones in your bed, they wriggle too much

Sushai glad all is well with your babies, sounds like they are making the most of the room they still have in there

Bdb I bet you just pop over the next few days

Afm suddenly tonight I can definitely feel baby kick from the outside too
I couldn't ever sleep with my kids... they drive me bonkers starfishing all over the place. I like my sleep waaay too much haha...

Today in the UK it was cold, dark and rainy and it was amazing if you ask me but back to hell next week with high temperatures!

Afm, finally feeling kicks, especially at night and it feels amazing. Forgot how good it felt, getting loads bigger too! So happy with that. My scan is im a week... i am so excited!!xx
Buttercup it was like a tropical storm wasn’t it, the wind and the rain all of a sudden, the forecast for here is a bit more rain this morning then heating up again from tomorrow. Have you booked your Disney trip?

Yay for feeling movement and getting bigger. Not long now til our scans :happydance:

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