Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Idk, corn tortillas I usually save for making spinach enchiladas, or meat enchiladas, or taquitos lol, Don't think they'd be good for a cheese burrito. I have a couple whole wheat tortillas in the fridge but I don't think I want to use that with just cheese. I ended up having some leftover cajun chicken from a couple nights ago.
Nah I mean just corn :p
But yeah ... specific tortillas are better with certain foods.

This day is dragging.......I don't get why work days have to be so long!!! Or at least give us a half day or off on wednesdays ... so we can make it through the week without crumbling apart.
Yeah it's going slow, and dh is going to be late he had to go pretty far for a job today. I'm so ready for the weekend already.
Hubby managed to be off today. Normally he's average an hour away. I don't know how many accounts they have that are farther than that. Probably not many. And most of their accounts are north since you have to be more of a "Big Company" to earn the accounts in the big city (where work). They have a few farther west I've heard about, but that's about it.
I'm glad that he's driving a company truck rather than his personal car!

He's probably enjoying being inside air conditioned house and playing his games/watching anime/netflix most of the day.
He might have gone outside for a few mins to work on his shed. *shrug* who knows.

I stretched earlier, leaned forward on my desk and Baby did NOT like it. They immediately started wiggling and moving in objection! LOL When i sat back up it was fine.
Dh generally works about an hour away, but there are times he works up in Portland or down in Eugene which is about two hours of a drive. He does have to drive his own vehicle most of the time, it depends on what they're doing. We knew living up here he'd have a commute but luckily fuel is a part of our budget, hopefully when we purchase another vehicle we will be able to afford a hybrid, we both really like the Teslas lol.
Both of my littles are napping so I am playing computer games and feeling little one move around a lot because I was up and moving. They've all been like that though, it seems they really enjoy me being active and when I sit down they want to move all around.
I sit a lot, so they always wiggle around when i'm leaning forward. I'm feeling some movement when I'm in bed (usually right as I get comfortable at night and in the morning as I'm waking up) I still toss and turn and snooze my alarm as much as possible. Kid will probably take after me with that.

Baby likes Sprite :) I drink it most days and I always get some wiggles when I take a fresh sip in the mornings.

So Saturday I work a morning shift. I still get to sleep in til 7 but i don't get my morning to veg...
Also My brother is in town. He said he wants to see me. *shrug* We're not that close, idky, maybe since he hasn't seen me since the 4th of July? Honestly I hope the family stops by work so I can see them for a few mins there. As long as I"m not busy I don't care. I have have a feeling that after my shift I'm gonna be pooped and automatically drive home and not want to leave.
I don't generally sleep in, if I do, it's usually to like 6:30 or 7 lol (life of the party there). Saturdays are usually pretty busy because dh is home and we like to get things done when we're together. This weekend I'll be doing a Costco trip first thing, then we are going to be home doing car work and house work since it won't be too hot. I hope you get your wish and they come see you at work. I am not close with my sister either, we just chat occasionally on facebook.

IT's supposed to be up near 100 today, so I'll be inside, and it's still very hazy/smokey outside. Baby is moving around quite a bit, I'm wondering if they go head down sometimes because I am feeling small movements up at the top.
I'm hoping one day I'll have my saturday's free... but right now it's extra money and while i'm still able to work I'll be there.
My plan was to stick it out til 10 years, but baby came first, so we'll see ....

My little wiggles is staying pretty low. I haven't felt anything near my belly button. I'm sure i'll want them to stay low when they get bigger :haha: After all you ladies talking about them sticking their toes in the ribs.
Extra money is good.

I listened to baby on my doppler earlier and heard lots of movement and the hb up at the top again. Seems to really like the one spot where I always am finding it.
So my dog is driving me nuts still. Hubby blocked most of the "holes" he's been digging, but forgot to account for the fact that he didn't block the ends.....
Plus he started biting at the fence gap. Pawing at the neighbor's dog (idk why ...)
But if you take him back over to meet face to face it's a freakin scaredy cat and cowards behind Hubby or me. I don't get why he's so adamant about getting to that dog.

I'm ready to go home. more than 5 hours is too much...*yawn*

Probably a laundry night, and sadly again, not for my clothes ... Blah i really wish he would do his own....
The people who owned this house before us put rocks all around the fence to keep their dogs from digging out. I'm more of a cat person, we have three cats, so I don't really have to worry about that. I would probably also have issues with a dog being like that, but they are trainable. Even my cats are voice trained lol. As for the laundry, sorry your dh just doesn't get it. There's no way I could go more than a couple days without doing it, but even then dh does it with me and my oldest switches loads over as one of his chores, and he also folds my diapers. We all try to work together around here or else it's just too much for one person.
Well our dog didn't dig before... he's normally really good at commands and listens (mainly to Hubby). But with this puppy right next to the fence, he's trying to get at it. Provided we have a wooden privacy fence up and there is a chain-link on the other side, I don't have a real fear of him getting out. It's just undesired behavior and we're trying to stop it. But he is outside the most when we're not home, so we can't prevent it when we're not there.
We had an issue back a few months when a litter of kittens was born outside our dining window. He was going nuts! Almost broke our window. We did everything we could, blocked the window .... stopped him from being in the room. The only thing we could do was move the kittens. Luckily this has a happy ending when we did move them, the mom cat found them and moved them somewhere else. .... But here we can't remove the issue to help our dog behave.

I love cats, but after my dog decided that kittens were chew toys, I've gave up on the idea that we could have one. We even wanted to get another dog, but he just doesn't socialize well, and we don't have time to babysit them.

*sigh* Perhaps when i can't breathe, and can't bend he'll help by at least putting his nasty clothes into the machine (like he DID do the first 2 horrible weeks of m/s ...) But because it's "My Chore" he doesn't want to touch them anymore.... Urgh ....
I keep telling him it's his clothes, and the machine is set to everything he needs... But he's a 3 year old when I tell him to do it. He even flung the soap in instead of placing it in next to where the water comes out... IDK ...
Maybe one day he'll get it ...*shrug* i doubt it will be soon.
Don’t know how you ladies do it with hubby working far from home. My dh travels about a half hour (45 in heavy traffic) and I’m constantly checking to see if he’s almost home lol.

Afm, I’ve got yet another headcold and I’m feeling really blah. Pregnancy in winter sucks, I’m really ready for spring now and luckily that’s next month. However I don’t fully get away with it as my allergies hit during spring.
Last night while sitting up in bed as I couldn’t breathe, I felt some kicks way up high and easily felt from the outside. It was halfway between my bellybutton and breasts, I wasn’t expecting to feel anything that high so soon.
Sushai - omg, so sorry you're sick again, I hope you don't get as bad as last time. I also have a hard time with dh working so far away, my phone is always nearby and we text each other on his breaks or when he's off work. Sometimes he does the handsfree dictation when he's driving home if he's having a bad day. And woo, feeling lots of kicks. It's crazy it's almost spring for you and almost fall for us! My favorite time of year. I also have terrible allergies in the spring, pregnancy always makes them worse. I hope you can manage.

StarGazer - we had adopted a dog but had to take her back (luckily it was a no kill shelter so she was adopted again very quickly). She was an amazing dog but it was just too much for all of us! This was awhile ago, too. We plan to adopt one when things are less hectic (even longer now haha) for us. We had her outside for the day when we went into town to get some supplies and she managed to get out but she waited in our driveway and eventually went back into the back yard and waited for us to get home. As for dh, I hope he plans to do some cleaning up more if he's going to be at home with the baby more because, imo, just doesn't seem fair for you to do all the work. I had no baby experience with my first and I quit my job to be a SAHM and it was a lot of work. Especially those first few months with appointments and feeding. Dh was a stay at home dad many years before so he had lots of baby experience, luckily he taught me a lot. As for the smelly laundry, ugh, I can't even relate to that haha, dh only gets his stuff smelly if he gets form oil on his pants or lots of dust from someplace he's working around.

Little one seems to be wiggling a lot up at the top while I'm typing, haven't felt hiccups quite yet, but I imagine soon enough I will. I definitely have less room in my stomach for food, I can barely manage a plate full. Works though, as my appetite is still back and forth. I ate waaay too much last night and tasted seasonings when I burped well into the wee hours of the morning :S
I grew up with dogs, cats, birds, fish, had a turtle once (my brother didn't cover the tray so the poor thing died), we had a pond and ended up with toads and frogs everywhere (very annoying when they are outside your window)
Hubby's not much of a cat person, but that's cause he's too rough. Kinda why I like having a dog, it gives him something that can tolerate his own temperament.
We've been debating getting another.... but probably not til the kid is a little older.

Had a rough night. Got sick and lost my dinner. it was like 30mins til bed time and had to eat something so the baby got something for the evening. Luckily I have pears. Slowly ate and drank a bottle of water (which was more for making me feel better than anything).
Funny how much baby moved after I got sick though. Glad they did, cause I probably would have freaked out. And of Course I had to make sure that getting sick was a normal thing around this week... so I googled the crap out of it. haha More to make sure that nothing was wrong with me.

All my wiggles are still pretty low, perhaps in the next few weeks they'll get higher as Baby gets bigger.
I get a lot of pressure on my lower belly, as if baby is back against wall and pushing ... (not sure another way to explain it ...) From what I've read it's a sign the uterus is growing, but my belly really hasn't gotten too much bigger since the last few belly pictures.

Awe Sushai ... :( I hate you keep getting sick! Hopefully when the weather changes you'll do better!
I'm ready for Fall here. When it's not so hot you'll die walking out side. No more triple digits either!
Spring normally brings on my allergies. The pollen here is horrendous! (things turn yellow, for the whole season)
StarGazer - sorry about the sick last night, hopefully you feel a bit better today! I've had pets most of my childhood and adulthood. I used to do a lot of aquascaping and raising fish, but after we bought our house I was down to two fish and not much time with small children so after they died of old age I just drained my large tank and will resume that when they're older. Babies like to hang out where they do, so I'm sure whatever you're feeling is normal.

Afm 24 weeks today (yaaay viability week). Today is supposed to be a bit cooler and I am so happy for it. Baby has been moving all around and I can feel and see it from the outside easily now. Only a few more weeks until third tri (omg lol). Hope everyone is having a good Friday and has a good weekend :)!
I read that baby's find their spot and stick to it. Also read that their movements have more meaning. so if you bend or something they'll squirm to find space again, until you move back.

If Baby stays low ... i have a feeling my poor bladder is gonna get a beating :( I'm too far away from the bathrooms for that.

My favorite fish is the Angel Fish ... omg ... SO MEAN!!!
For the Tank we bought 2 Angels and a few others to go with our current Fan-Tails ... 1 of the Angels beat up the other Angel and killed all the Fan-Tails ... Then tried to escape, ripped up it's fin and died cause it couldn't swim any more. Only 1 fish survived, it was a small one -- i can't remember what it was -- it was a silver-ish
orange color with a bright blue pin stripe down it's side. Only reason it lived was it hid in the fake seaweed or in the castle.
We also had that pond we put a ton of Fan-Tails in. Ended up with a HUGE one named him Sparky. He was at least over 6-10in mouth to tail. He lived through 3 pond remodels until something got him ...I was at college when he disappeared. (cat, dog, bird idk ...)
Yes, Angel fish are very aggressive, I don't usually keep them because they don't do well with my others. I grew all my own plants, even injected CO2 into my tank. I do miss it but after buying a really good led light with the correct color spectrum for aquatic plants, it crapped out after a month and I was pretty frustrated. I can probably take the a/c adapter apart and solder it or replace the parts I need to but am not really wanting to do it at this time.

This baby is always transverse, my first and third were like this and then when they're much longer they tend to have their butt up by my ribs. I didn't have much issue with any of them hitting my bladder, but generally I do end up peeing constantly near the end anyway because of things lol. I'm more not looking forward to getting constant painful hemorrhoids, and my hips and legs being sore all the time.
Happy 6 months, Jessica! How are we already this far along??

Sushai- I hope you are feeling better today.

Baby is still sitting really low for me, too, but I feel her spread out often and will get a jab above my belly button here and there. She is so active. Far more so than my other three ever were especially this early on. I can only imagine what her kicks are going to feel like at 9 months.

Anyone have any appointments coming up? I have one at 26 weeks, but it isn't until the end of the month.
bdb - happy early 24 weeks, I know you'll be there tomorrow! My appointment is at the end of this month as well, when I'll do the gtt and the other blood draws. It's crazy that this one is so much more active, I wonder if it's any indication of how she'll be after she is born :haha:.

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