Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Jess -- how cool to grow your own plants. My mom had no time to do any of that. She kept busy with work, church projects and us kids (she used to baby sit while I was super little, and started work when I went back to school). Perhaps you can take on that task after Baby is born and when you get back into your all your other fun projects.
I know that I'll probably want to get back into my cross stitching at some point. Buy the program and start working on making patterns to sell. Plus I was trying to work on making shirts... and I just haven't had time to work on designs. Truthfully... having a kid plus this long work day I have no clue when i'll get back into my crafts.

I junked it out for lunch ... and feeling kinda crappy. I went to CookOut got a BLT, onion rings and a shake.

I feel my little one is sitting side ways. I get twinges all across my front. Mainly in the middle or over on my right, but a few on my left.

I have a prenatal appointment next Wednesday, then my next one will be my gtt nastiness and prenatal.

OH I didn't know it was 6 months already Jess! wow ... We've come a long way haven't we!
StarGazer - you'll find the time, honestly, I spent a lot of time idle here at home and I occupy myself with my games and doing stuff with the kids. It's really only those first few months that are the hardest, especially when it's your first. I had just my one for so many years I had to relearn all that baby stuff again but it was a lot easier. I've never done cross stitching but I do like the different funny patterns I've seen. My oldest does online school, so he stays home with me during the day. And he helps quite a bit with the little ones if I really need it. Once dh gets closer to retirement I plan to go back to work and have dh home more with the kids and my oldest help more, which I'll pay him for, since it's only fair he gets compensated if he is okay with it. I think babies really do like lying sideways, or "transverse" while they can, since they have the room the stretch out. My dd still sleeps in the same position she used to be in all the time in pregnancy, it's funny.
Well with out the kid right now I'm getting up between 5:30-6:00 to get ready and leave to be here before 8. Then being here til 5, driving home for an hour (give or take traffic pit falls and issues) ... I get home between 6 and 7 (depending on if i stop or not, or well traffic)
When I get home I'm pooped and we eat dinner, maybe watch a show/movie then it's bed time around 9
Hubby has a "when there is work" kind of schedule. So sometimes he works long days some days he works short days (most often they are long cause they are paid the same for 12 as they would for 2).... And he gets more days off than I do. And if he tries to tell his boss that he only wants to work on certain days, I'm sure he'll get his more reliable schedule, or be working part time basically.

So i'm curious how having a baby will go with my schedule more than his ... This is why I wanted to plan half week at home thing after the "medical" leave (which as far as I know is only 6 weeks), so that I get to spend time with my kid. Cause right now I feel I'll never see them....
And getting back into the crafts ... will probably be while I'm stuck sitting at home for some reason or another.
dove - wooo another team pink!! Congrats :)

StarGazer - eh, it all works out when you get to that point, I think. Dh usually works pretty early and gets off in the early afternoon, but there are times he has worked in the middle of the night or super early in the morning depending on the job. I generally get up at 530 or 6 and my dd and oldest ds get up with me as they're morning people too.

I noticed baby curled up like a shrimp this afternoon, and where my uterus stops about an inch above my belly button. Can't believe I'm almost done with second tri, it's seriously flown by.
Congratulations dove!!! Welcome to team pink!!
Whoo hoo dove I’m so happy for you, welcome to the club haha x
Congrats Dove!!!

Jess -- I figure things will settle themselves. It's the only thing "long term" i'm worried about. Even spoke to Hubby about it, and he tells me not to worry... (Says the man who get stick when he stresses ....*eyeroll* )

This weekend Baby decided to squirm and nudge/kick a ton.
Saturday I was exhausted by time the other girls came in. I was along from 9 til 2... starving and my back was killing me. Again my nerve was making it hard to walk.
So after helping customers until there was a pause enough to go to break ... omg ... I was about to start crawling around. So weird that the nerve hurts more when the foot is raised than actually putting weight on it, but my back hurts when i put pressure on my feet....
So I messaged my brother and told him I was in too much pain to make a trip to my parents house to hang around. (I didn't want to mention all my other issues/pains that he didn't need to know about).
Anyways when I got home I laid on the couch trying to get feeling back in my feet and back. That's when Wiggles decided that the top of the uterus was a playground! After spending the whole day nestled down low, I got to feel some strong nudges/kicks all around my belly from top to bottom.
I wanted Hubby to feel, but of course he's a jerk and comes over and annoys the kid who decided to slink down to the bottom again. I tried to nudge Baby back up, but nope ... it wasn't having it.
But for while that was going on my face was covered in happy tears. It's amazing what is happening, and after waiting so long .... it's a freakin miracle! :cloud9:

Sunday was decent. Neighbors dog woke me up which wasn't terrible as I was already in and out of sleep. Ended up meeting IL's for breakfast :)
Then mowed half the back yard as Hubby worked on his shed -- he ended up finishing it for me (He was already feeling sick from working on the grass in his shed and could tell I was getting too hot and tired)
Managed to wash half the dishes ... standing too long now bothers my back and my nerve so, I had to take a break and gave up when it was time for dinner.

Overall... My highlights were enjoying feeling baby during my resting time on the couch :cloud9:

OH .... and I'm 22 weeks today!!! O_O How time is flying!
StarGazer - happy 22 weeks! Sounds like you had a busy weekend.. again lol. I don't think dh has felt mine move yet, they always stop right when he is there, listening to him and such.

Hope everyone had a decent weekend. I didn't get done what I wanted to, except my Costco trip. I did manage to clean my kitchen, vacuum, and organize some small things around the house yesterday but that was about it. Dh wasn't doing so well so things were pretty tame most of the weekend. Baby is moving around a lot. I'm starting to feel winded doing basic things, but luckily my knee isn't sore today so I'll be back to my workouts.
Next weekend will be less interesting because I'm off on Saturday. OMG I about hugged her for doing that. I know it's funny since I only work 1 day a week, but I don't ask for day off and stay extra hours when I'm there (even if I feel like i'm dying).
So I'll probably end up sleeping in and cleaning up the house some. Been tired of looking at it lately.

Baby is just a squirming away today. I think they finally might have taken a nap... it's been quiet for the past 5 mins.
Mine hasn't been moving much for the past hour, but I'm getting ready to do some stuff so I'll be they wake up as soon as I sit back down! I have so much cleanup I want to get done before baby is here, nothing too serious but enough to bug me lol.

I'm so happy I've noticed I have colostrum coming in today! This will keep my little ones' interests until milk comes back.
We have a lot of work ahead of us to get at MINIMUM the wall built. But the house is still a mess and needs to be cleaned up.
And i'm pretty sure that's what my next weekend will be consisting of.

My prenatal is Wednesday afternoon. I'm curious what all they'll test this time. I'm sure i'll get to hear the heartbeat, they'll measure my fundal height... Anything new?
I'm curious if Baby will cooperate or wiggle the entire time. I'm also curious to see if they can tell if Baby is still measuring big or not.

Really wish I could go work outside or near a window. It's warm/hot ...but right now I'm thinking it might keep me awake! *yawn*
Sounds like you'll be busy again this weekend, hope you get your stuff done lol. I have plans of things I want to get done before this fall/winter but it's been too hot for us to go outside and having little kids makes it more of a challenge because they want to get into everything and spread it out all over the yard.
Generally, for low risk, your appointments will probably be pretty boring until you get to third tri, then they're more often and they'll talk to you about more options. I don't think you're having your gtt yet? That usually happens closer to third tri. As for measuring big, I wouldn't worry about it. IF they're really concerned they might send you for an ultrasound but even then they're so inaccurate they can be off by more than a pound in size.

It's still smokey here, so the sky is orange. Right now I am relaxing after my workout and then making up some lunch.
I just hope I can get it the general house to look clean. If I clean up the dining table some it helps a lot. And I'll probably vacuum since I don't believe Hubby did when he said he did (cause i KNOW you can see the lines even if the dog runs all through the house) Plus I can tell he goes "around" stuff instead of attempting to pick it up and put it back down when he's done. So I'll also sweep and mop the kitchen, bathroom and maybe mop the foyer (might just sweep it cause it gets too dirty too fast)
I might ..... depending on how ambitious i feel ... attack some of the baby's room. Getting out boxes and some stuff that I can combine/straighten helps make it not look like a bomb went off.

I wouldn't mind another ultrasound *giggles* But yeah I heard the farther along you are the more inaccurate information is since they get squished in there.
I was just thinking they'd do boring stuff. I mean hearing the heartbeat is cool, since I don't have a doppler. I know the fundal is just a estimate measurement anyways, but it's kind cool to see how much i've grown since the last one 4 weeks ago! I KNOW i have a belly now!
It's starting to be (more) noticeable!

My gtt is in September. um .... week 26/3, along with another prenatal... I'm gonna have a fun day! <not> I guess I'll see how crappy I feel after the appointment(s) as to me going into work or taking the day off. I know how I feel when I have too much sugar on a regular basis, I'm pretty sure i'm gonna feel yucky.
For after your gtt test, I suggest that you get some protein to snack on, even if it's just nuts or something. Mine is in a couple weeks and I will be preparing by making sure I eat beforehand because that's the best way for me. Otherwise I feel gross if I just have sugary stuff and nothing else.

I usually vacuum once a week, with a small house it's pretty fast, and I usually have my kids make sure all their toys are picked up, which they generally are organized with it all. I get all the corners well, sweeping the kitchen and doing the counters doesn't take me long, either. I manage to get it done within a few hours. The mudroom is usually the worst because of the cat box, where they kick their litter out on the floor. We clean it daily, but it's difficult at times since only dh can do that and he is sometimes very tired. That room will eventually be finished cleaning and have a bed in it. We are close to having that done as well.

Baby is a bit quiet for now, I'm sure they'll start moving once I put the little ones down to their nap. I'm starting to have to pee more often too, so they're getting big enough to squish my bladder hehe.
Hubby explained why I wasn't noticing him vacuum... The suction was turned down from when I was doing the mattress (so i would stop getting stuck on the fabric and couldn't move the hose) -- that was back in April :o
So yeah ... when I got home yesterday, sure enough vacuum lines! He still doesn't move stuff though, so I'll probably hit up the whole house Saturday. Throw away my pile of junk mail I toss next to my desk, wash my clothes... And vacuum the bedroom.

I didn't manage washing dishes cause I was exhausted and ended up vegging in my desk chair watching a show on netflix.

I made a rice-a-roni last night ... half filled a bowl and just .... didn't like it... Maybe it was the flavor added or something but it didn't go over too well. I finished my bowl of it, but I doubt i'll eat any more of it.
I didn't have time to grab it for lunch today, so I can't tell if it was just "last night" or not.
Ended up eating Reese's Pieces and chips for the rest of the night. (SOOOo Healthy!)
My appetite is just as shaky it seems lol, I had spicy tomato sauce with pasta last night. It was pretty rich so I didn't eat much, and this morning I was ravenous. I had some seriously disturbing dreams this morning, so I lied there away in bed for a bit before getting up, lol. Baby hasn't been too active yet this morning, but it is still kind of early and I'm sure after my breakfast settles they'll be kicking it up again!
I had a horrible dream one night ... Parts of it are still haunting me. The important parts seem to fade and i'm left with the worse parts resonating here and there... I wish they would go away!

I had a morning meeting and had to walk across the building to get to boss's office. Baby seemed to like the walk, wiggled around most of the meeting.
I usually tell dh about my dreams and it helps a bit, I'm sure I'll be talking this one up tonight as well haha.

I love walking, and it seems to always lull baby to sleep, like it did with the others. I managed to clean the kitchen, do laundry, and workout, now I'm playing my game and eating my lunch. I've been feeling lots of pushing and stretching in one area so I think this one is finding their own little spot they can fit in. Really wondering how they'll be in a few weeks when they're much bigger!

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