Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Ugh, ladies, my power has been out since 1130 last night. It isn't supposed to be back on until noon today. Of course dh got groceries last night. Guess I'll be cooking some dinner a little early tonight... grrr. Had to get the camp stove out to make breakfast. Dd is doing better today, she seems her normal self. It is less smoke filled this morning here, but it is supposed to get really thick this weekend.
25 weeks today (woohoo) and baby was active all night since I was awake listening to the crickets chirping and the river roaring. I have really bad signal up here so I am sure I'll get bored really fast.

You guys have such cute little bumps! I just feel huge but I don't think I'm all that big, probably in my head Haha.

We sometimes go to the beach, since it is like two hours from here, but there have been advisories of fecal matter in the waters so we haven't gone yet. I actually grew up in Washington and moved down here my senior year of high school.
Awe I hate power outages. I'm always worried about them in our house. It's old ... and with two power grades (the older part is the 110, and the newer section is 220, plus a few outlets the upgraded too) 1 of them isn't grounded, so it scares me. But it costs more than the house to get everything rewired, so we haven't touched it. and probably won't.
BUT it handles 2 computers (sometimes 3 or 4) and XBox, AC and most other essentials without an issue.... I still worry though
Plus if the XBox isn't available, Hubby is clingy ....meaning If i find something to entertain myself with, it's usually interrupted by him all over me. LOL

idky but since last night I haven't felt the best. I turned off the heater in here much sooner than i normally do. I'm feeling clammy. Debating eating my vitamins, they seem to make me feel better (seems ironic for cheap gummies) Just haven't wanted food...
Jess I wish I had your appetite, i'd at least be eating something or feel fine to do so. I don't know why mines is here one day and gone for days. It's annoying!

So i was curious what baby is doing in my belly, and perhaps what position baby was in. I always feel something on my right side, so i'm thinking baby's back is on my left....but I can't tell where the head is. Certainly this morning those pesky feet were kicking down, so i'm pretty sure little one is breech right now! I might poke and prod later tonight.
Dh and I both do wiring, but our house is also old and there's a few issues with it electrically that we've yet to address. Power came back on about an hour ago, thankfully. Hoping my food isn't too bad off, but I am not going to check it yet. Most all of my stuff is in the deep freezer and that takes a couple of days to thaw so it's mostly my rack of eggs and leftovers I'm concerned with. I talked with dh first thing this morning, while he sat with his phone flashlight at the table doing nothing lol.

Sorry you're not feeling great! I hope you get to feeling better soon. I'm starving again, myself. It's just starting to warm up here, so soon enough I'll be getting the a/c on and closing up the house. My appetite is really strange, some days I am so hungry and willing to eat mostly anything and others I just don't want to even try. I'll probably mash some avocado and have some chips later with it (healthy I know).

It's easier to find where baby is when they're bigger, obviously, but I noticed the butt is usually bigger and rounder than the head. When the lump is poking up it is likely they're lying face down. Mine is still hanging transverse but now kind of going diagonal.
Hubby could probably do the electric with his dad, but this place is crazy.... they "Jimmy Rigged" so much stuff that I couldn't even tell you where to begin.
Our plumbing also needs to be redone -- but again it's just like the electric, so much needs to be redone, that it costs too much.
Especially now baby is coming all our money is gonna be dedicated to Baby more than other things. And it hasn't failed us yet, so I'm sure we'll be ok.

I tried to nudge around after going to the bathroom. I found a large "hard" area then. But I think Baby is moving way too much today to get a good understanding of what is going on in there.
Earlier i felt all the movement down low and then on the right, then the middle then a few mins ago on the left and middle ... So i think baby is a dancer. Spinning around and having a ball.
Perhaps enjoying what I ate more than my own stomach liked it.

At least your power came on before too late! Usually if you don't open the fridge things stay good. When ours went we kept opening the door ... so things just died much faster (mostly cause we didn't know it was going til it just stopped getting cold)
Hey ladies!

It's been such a chaotic week with school resuming. DS has suddenly decided he wants to try for football this year. 12 years old and just now showing an interest. So he's began practicing. The poor kids have to be at practice at 6:15 every morning to practice before school starts and then straight through first period (Athletics). So we've all been waking up at 5:30AM this week. I'm beat, and have been making up for it by napping daily.

DD1 is loving 3rd grade so far and DD2 began 2 days a week of preschool and has been enjoying that as well. I often find myself rather bored on the days DD2 is in school and I'm by myself, but I will take advantage of it soon once nesting kicks in.
Gorgeous bump buttercup, very neat. My bump with dd stayed very high and never dropped
Glad your power came back Jessica, what a nightmare, I hope your food wasn’t spoiled

Star I hope you feel better soon, can your dr recommend anything to help. You poor thing you’ve been feeling yuck for a long time now

Bdb enjoy your peace and quiet. I certainly don’t envy your early mornings
StarGazer - try first thing in the morning when lying on your back to find where baby is positioned, it's usually easiest then. And we only opened the fridge twice, once right after it went out I got a cheese stick and dh got his lunch out before work. I think the food is okay, but we'll see.

bdb - that sounds so hectic, how do you stay on top of it all? I guess I'll have to deal with that kind of life as mine get a bit older too, haha. I hope you're enjoying those naps, too, they are so nice!

MrsDuck - my bumps always stay high as well, they never drop until I'm in active labor, it's funny. Even when I tried to have a sweep done my midwife and my ob from my second couldn't even reach my cervix. I am pretty annoyed but my food should be okay, mostly it's the eggs I worry about but ds had a sandwich this morning and it was all still cold after an hour of the compressor running, so I think it'll be okay (I hope lol).

It's breezy here again today, but there's supposed to be more smoke coming in this weekend and I am not looking forward to that. I'm starving! I think I'm going to make myself a small club soda with peach flavoring to go with my lunch as it sounds so good.
Ladies ... I know this is my first so I don't know much... but I think my next kid i'm gonna ask for a single person I can ask my questions to at the OB's Office. I've met with a few people I already know...and will finally meet with an MD again in the next few appointments. I get why they are doing it, but after that I think i'll stick to 1 person and if I don't end up with them at delivery I would have at least met the at some point this round ... It's just hard to know who direct my questions to when they ask.
I might see if I can get someone to give me an answer. I'm more or less feeling great. My blood pressure seems to stay pretty even and in good range at appointments. I have a few moments where I know they only thing that will help is water, so i drink a ton of it. I take deep breaths when I feel my heart rate get too high. I eat sugar when I feel shaky and extra sleepy. and for the most part my general diet is the same. I've eaten more fruits cause that's what I want...I try to limit my sweets just cause it's not good no matter how much i want them.
I'm not sure what could be the cause of me not feeling well during the day and some evenings. All i can call it is "crumby" ... and like i shouldn't eat anything.
Plus the hot/cold thing at work is driving me NUTS still. I turned off my heater before lunch time today and still had to fan myself hours later to try to cool off. I think i've just entered the hot stage of pregnancy. I'm chilly only early mornings when I first get here and a little at home, where I throw on a blanket and chill on the couch.

idk ... long statement really ... but yeah ... and now I have to find my way home through Friday 5pm traffic out of a busy city .... bleh.
I feel hot more often than not, that's probably why I have the a/c on me all night, dh hates it lol. He sleeps under a massive down comforter and cramps terribly if he is in the same room as me. I think it's pretty common. As for feeling blah I think it could be anything, but definitely something to bring up. I mean it could be the hormones or like I said *anything*.
Never had care that switched from doctor to doctor like that, would be difficult. I hope if you have more kids you can have more say in your care.
I have now ordered/purchased everything that I will need for baby girl. Kicking myself for getting rid of everything! I had made a list months ago, and I started to feel like my due date is coming quickly, and I'm already getting tired and worn out, so I wanted to get it all out of the way.

What is everyone doing about Christmas shopping? My C-section date is Dec 21. I want to get my shopping done in like October. We only buy for the kids, so it shouldn't be too bad, and I've already asked them for their wish lists :) :haha:
Wow dove you are getting organised. I too feel less mobile this time around, once I sit on the floor with my dd I struggle to get back up, goodness knows what I’ll be like in another couple of months time aaagh I’m certainly feeling my age this pregnancy
Anyone else got this annoying advert when using the phone which means you can’t see the top section of the page? So annoying and I can’t seem to get rid of it
dove - wow, so organized lol! I am the worst with procrastination, I didn't even pack a bag for the hospital with my first until I was well into labor at home :haha:. I have been thinking of Christmas shopping but won't go into it yet, since two of my kids have their birthdays next month I already know I'll be spending money on them then.

MrsDuck - I don't like replying on my phone because of the ad that pops up and when you click the x on it sometimes it goes away or loads another screen. I generally respond from my computer instead for that reason.
Hi ladies! 23 Weeks O_O

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
I did like half of what I wanted/needed, but I trade it for relaxing and sleeping in. Which i would probably do over and over as long as I can!

As far as Christmas is concerned... I have no clue what we're doing. Hubby will probably end up doing most of the shopping with out me. We normally hit the big mall near us, and I doubt I'll be up for walking around at 7-8 months. I've been saying that most people's present is gonna be this little cutie!

Hubby is still working on setting up his shed, so nothing has been started on the clearing of the "room". Since we have the cradle, all I'm worried about is getting the stuff OUT of it before the kid comes. The kids room isn't until they are a tiny bit bigger and can sleep longer, so if it's not done right when the kid is born I'll be ok.

I'm wearing a shirt that really makes me look pregnant O_O was surprised when I put it on. I don't walk around a lot at work, so most people won't see it. haha It does hide my contraption I made to pin my pants closed though, so I like that part.
Happy 23 weeks! It sure is going by fast, you'll be in third tri before you know it (omg!!). I'm glad you got to sleep in, I hope you're feeling better as well. Sounds like you guys are getting at least some stuff done! Now that you're showing I bet your shirt looks cute.

We also got some stuff done this weekend, finally started organizing our shed and going through more stuff. We got rid of a lot of junk and organized our keep stuff. It wasn't too smoky out but today it's back, so I'll be inside again. It's fine though because I will have a chance to vacuum and super clean in here this week.

My midwife appointment is Thursday, and I'm almost done with second tri as well, and I'm getting a little anxious about labor again. Not looking forward to the pain but it will be nice to have my little one in my arms in a few months!

I hope everyone else had a decent weekend :)
I already have a few appointments scheduled for the 3rd Tri! I was like omg it's that time already? The nurse said yup!
4 Months to go! O_O

Each week is different for how I feel.
I managed to eat a WHOLE sausage the other night when Hubby made them. I'm guessing my body needed the protein! I also ate some raspberries, strawberries and we devoured a melon that same night.
I'm still pretty much not into meat. I ate half a burger one night and was bleh afterwards.
Hubby commented that I was on a chocolate crave lately ... idk I try not to eat it every day, but usually make it through whatever I buy by the end of the week.

Anyone having issues with carpel tunnel? My hands aren't really swelling. They are feeling stiff and fall asleep while I drive and at night while I sleep. I have to constantly flex them out to make them feel less stiff. I read that if you have carpel tunnel that it can get worse while pregnant. Hubby things it's arthritis ... *shrug* Just curious if others are feeling it too.
Quick pop in.

Glad to hear you’re all doing well.

Don’t know what ads you girls keep talking about. I’m always on my phone for BnB and have never had an ad pop up. Lucky me I guess otherwise it’d be driving me bonkers.

Stargazer lucky you with all the sleeping in and resting, feeling a little jealous over here lol.
As for Christmas I’m hoping to start on that soon and since I’ll be having my mum, siblings and possibly aunt stay over during the Christmas period I’ll be setting up the tree rather early, possibly late October early November lol. I’ve got a huge tree that takes time to setup and don’t think I’ll be able to setup anytime closer to Christmas.
Happy 23 weeks!!

Jessica I can’t believe you’ll be in 3rd tri soon! Where has the time gone?? As 3rd tri approaches I think we all start to get a bit nervous re labour pains. Amazing how despite how awful the pains are we seem to forget about it and go for another round lol.

Afm, got up to pee at midnight and my sleep left me since it is now 130am, damn insomnia. I have an appointment with my ob this Friday and next Tuesday I have my first growth scan. Curious to see how big the girls are and their positioning. After my third growth scan we will discuss the birth about how and when it will be done. So nervous about that as it’s just 8 weeks away from having that conversation!
Just wanted to share my 23 week bump with you all.
screen capture windows
Please excuse the bed with no mattress lol we’re hoping to purchase a new one this coming weekend.
Sushai - what a cute bump!! Can't wait to hear about your scans, and I know what you mean about the insomnia, it sucks so much :/.

My oldest had too much greasy food last night and ended up having to throw up, of course it gave me an anxiety attack and I couldn't get sleep forever, and my legs were so restless, I must have gotten up five or six times to pee and calm down. Dd was having a hard time sleeping last night and that didn't help me either. I could go for a nap already.

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