Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

For me it's afternoon :p (i'm only a few hours ahead of you)

I found the youtube lady i wanted to watch... so that's cool. (If you wanna know it's Ina May Gaskin)

Lunch time and I totally feel like i bought everything at Bojangles LOL
I even got chocolate milk!!! haha (which didn't last long, but omg SO GOOD!)
Woo, glad you found her on youtube. Idk what Bojangles is, but I hope it's tasty lol. I'm starving this morning. I already had my eggs and my stomach is still growling, so I'll probably workout early and have an early lunch. I am making brownies this weekend, and I'm already looking forward to them. With some vanilla ice cream (the real expensive Tillamook one), whipped cream and chocolate sauce on top. These brownies are amazing, so much better than boxed and they're dense and super rich. I can feel the heartburn from them already :haha:. I also have plans of doing some back to school shopping and getting some groceries, so I'll be busy this weekend.
Jessica--just noticing you are down to double digits!! So exciting :) :happydance:

Good luck at your appointments, ladies :)
dove - I didn't even notice I'm under 100 now, crazy!! Thanks, I'll let you all know how it goes :)
Ah I keep forgetting some restaurants are location based. It's a fried chicken (not just) place that it's just amazing.

Brownies sound good, but i don't know if I can handle eating one. Chocolate cakes haven't been my friend for quite some time :( They smell amazing and i wish i could eat them but eh ... I guess my body just can't handle something in the cocoa.

I didn't notice that you were that close! O_O But I guess going into the 3rd Trimester does make the day counts less haha.
Good morning ladies... woo 26 weeks today!

My appointment went okay last night, won't know the results of all my bloodwork until next week or so, so I'm anxiously awaiting those.

Sleep is getting more and more elusive, but it is what it is. I'm starting to feel too huge to get comfortable in bed. Luckily the weather looks to be cooling down a bit, might even rain this weekend. Not much else going for me here, got clean up to do today. Baby seems to get pretty active at night now!
Happy 26 weeks and double digits Jessica! That’s so crazy how time is going by so quickly!!

Had an ob appointment yesterday and both babies are in an oblique breech presentation and facing each other making it very hard for me to distinguish who’s moving around. I have a growth scan on Tuesday and I’m curious to see if they are still in the same position. Luckily I still have plenty of time for them to turn. I’m finding sleep to be increasingly uncomfortable as the days go by. Anybody else feeling tired out from not sleeping well?
Sushai, I hope you get some pics from your scan too! My singleton seems to take up my entire bump already, it's crazy, I can't imagine how it is with two lol. Mine is transverse again, and they never seem to go head down until the end either, kind of anxious to see how it goes for you though! I can't believe I'm into double digits, I even mentioned it to dh last night and he was like oh wow, already? And yes, I am tired from not getting sleep. I seem to lie there for hours not sleeping but being tired and it's getting old fast.
Ladies, I wasn't feeling well Friday.
Something was off and I got sick at work. Ended up going home -- felt horrible the rest of the night.
Pushed myself to eat something so that I had something in my system. but bleh!
THe rest of the weekend went decent. Still felt a little off Saturday, but luckily working kept my mind off it and felt better by the end of the day -- til i got home and slowed down.
Sunday was good. Managed the whole back yard without too much hassle. I think Hubby's shed takes up just enough space where I don't feel i'm gonna die from mowing. And hoping soon that the weather will change where I don't have to mow it til next spring! [-o<

So i took a tumble off the bed :blush: the other evening. Just misjudged where the edge of the bed was but Hubby was panicking. I hit nothing. Fell butt first... barely bumped my head on the book on my nightstand. But he insisted on making sure that I was ok and that the baby was moving. He even called the next morning from work to make sure that Baby and I were still doing good. He told me " you aren't supposed to fall" LOL well DUH! I reminded him that his mom fell with him, and you're still alive :haha:

24 Weeks :dance:
So exciting!
StarGazer - I wondered where you went Friday, since you usually respond a few times before you leave. I'm glad you're feeling better now and so sorry you ended up sick at work! Falling is so common in pregnancy, at least you just landed on your tush and nothing serious like hitting your head hard on a corner. And it's awesome you got some yard work done, too! Woo 24 weeks!

Afm, we were busy most of the weekend as well. Friday we sold one of our vehicles so we were able to get our carport organized and cleaned up pretty well for use now. I got lots of school supplies and groceries Saturday, so we ended up being out for a good bit of the day. I got some newborn sized onesies, washed and ready to go, and we decided to ditch our diaper bucket and get a pale with a nice cloth liner so it's not so stinky.
Yeah. I was trying to finish a project that was already pushed, and then I got sick. I went and got lunch, thinking that i felt ok enough, but yeah .... ended badly. I wasn't feeling well all morning and was hoping that either some sugar or food would help, but nothing did.
Oh well, can't win every day i guess.

I pointed out to Hubby we need to work on our roof soon too. I can't get on a ladder cause honestly i don't trust myself right now -- much less that i'm pregnant and being up more than a step or two isn't a good idea. I know he has other things on his mind, but He's gonna have to be the one to do the roof and the gutters.
He's hoping to get his gravel for his shed this week. That way he can start moving stuff into the shed. AND THEN we can actually start thinking about working on the spare room! (I hope LOL)

I'm thinking after Hubby stops stressing over the shed, I can talk to him about replacing our dishwasher. That way I can catch up on these stupid dishes and get the kitchen back in order again.

Something is smelling "rank" in this building today ... and outside probably doesn't smell much better. I don't know what it is but I'm thinking it might be what is making me sick so much at work. I feel nasty and it stinks horrible. I can't even tell you what it is ... might be something from the warehouse (that i'm not even near)??
Sometimes the pregnancy sense of smell is a curse, lol. When I went into the city this weekend the smoke was lingering down there and it smelled terrible. It was trapping all the smog and city stenches, pretty gross. I'm sorry you're still feeling a bit gross at work. Our roof is shot, it's our next big project we're saving our money for now, but it has to be replaced as soon as we have a few grand because it's done. As for little projects we have some junk to cut up so I can throw it away over the winter in the trash and we are going to move rocks to our sideyard. Lots of little things we want to do before the rain season really starts up, which will be very soon. It is actually raining now, which is nice. I know I enjoyed being outside for awhile yesterday listening to the river and not feeling like a baked potato.
It's good to hear that you got some rain! Anything to help with the smokey air you've had lately. I bet sitting out on a porch is relaxing!
One day i'm hoping i get to enjoy sitting on the porch and enjoy it. As soon as I step outside i end up covered in bug bites --- this once nature lover who wouldn't spend a second inside is confined indoors during most of the bug season!
Was helping hubby with his shed yesterday, and I got bit over 3 times O_O Just for being out there.... I hate mosquitos! Wish we could afford to move where there weren't any!

I actually think i told someone that the other day. It felt so Fall like one morning, and the afternoon wasn't blistering hot. Was finally nice to go outside an not feel like i'm being baked! And with this little oven heating up, I could really use some cooler weather!

My little belly hasn't grown much, but I keep waking up to a stretching pain at the top near my stomach. So I think things are about to explode! LOL When I lay down I can feel it getting higher, so most of the growth must be more internal than externally. I'm lathering myself in Vitamin E oil a few days a week now, so I'm curious to see if it really helps or not. -- My mom said it helped with her surgery scar and a few other old stretch marks she had.

(haha you can tell when i'm bored my posts get longer! I finally finished that horrid project i've been slaving over. I'm sure the next stage is coming soon...and it's gonna probably take just as long. Now my next thing is new products, i'm basically done with the template which has all the info i just have to plug things in to the right places.... )
I'm having pains at both sides of my abdomen....I don't recall having them before. I'm just keep trying to relax and drink water. I assume it's ligaments stretching. My belly popped out so fast (in mat clothes by 7 weeks!), but I feel like my belly isn't really that big for 22 weeks. Sometimes, I feel like I just look "fluffy" instead of pregnant, lol.

We have had some cooler weather here as well, I can FEEL fall coming!! (My favourite season). I have been sitting, and knitting, with the windows open. Everyone else is freezing, haha, but I am loving it. We still really, really need rain....and a lot of it. Fires are still going strong, but the smoke is almost gone, maybe the winds shifted or something.

Crib, dresser, and stroller and car seat have now been delivered. I think I have enough clothing to last her until she's 3 months. We just need to get the boys moved into the same room, so the baby can have the other room, but I need hubby for that. I feel mostly ready!! Woo hoo!!. Just have hospital bags to pack, and that can wait for a few months :) :baby:
Oh! I meant to mention that I still feel nausea several times a day, every single day, so you are not alone in that!!
StarGazer - I get that stretching pain as well, and I've noticed it is usually when the little one rolls up high and turns around, I can tell they're rolling around in there, it's a really odd feeling at first. There aren't many misquitos up here it seems, but there are wasps and hornets everywhere and in the fall we get lots of wolf and hobo spiders. I'm not really bothered by any of them, except the wasps when it's hot out I try to keep some distance. Generally they're just buzzing around for water and food though. I imagine the smoke is hard for them too.

dove - yes, the smoke is crazy over here. Last year so much came down from Canada (I see you're in BC so you probably dealt with it too) and then we had fires up by the lake here and the smoke was here for months. I can feel the weather starting to change, myself. More moisture in the air and cooler in the mornings. I am the same with the windows open, dh giving me dirty looks with the a/c on full blast even though it's 60 degrees out LOL. I'm also getting those pains on both sides of my abdomen, I don't remember them last time either, they are like ligament pain but I get them when I'm not even moving. You sound prepared for baby!

I just realized I only have a little over a week left of second trimester, it's so crazy how fast it's going. The last month I know will be super slow and annoying. I have also started getting hip pain on both hips again, which I had last time too. Dh rubs them for me but it is only temporary relief. My hips hurt more than my sway back. Baby is moving around a lot, too. I woke up to kicks on my arm this morning.

I still also get nausea, not quite as often or as strong, but it's there, and it's worst when I go without eating for too long or if I eat something really rich or greasy.
You are so prepared Dove!
I still only have the high chair my mom bought me (the box has become a side table for the couch, cause i don't really have much space for it --- and we don't need ANOTHER empty box around the house, so it's still folded inside)
And good to know that my not-feeling-the-best isn't just me! haha It's good to have reassurance that it's mostly pregnancy.
My little pooch is still tiny, imo, and I can still manage most of my clothes. My work pants have a "control" top, that's the only reason I need safety pins for them to expand. I still fit in my every day jeans, they are actually still a bit big (i used to wear a belt with the, and still should...)
I just think that when I hit around 6mo that i should have gained some waist by then.

I'm still cold natured, but the non-constant hot will help with the "hot-flashes"!

The HR lady saw me this morning, waddling down the hall. She's so sweet. Plus I don't think many women around here are young enough to have kids anymore, so I think i'm a diamond. She's like "awe look at you and your little baby" LOL made me smile.
Jessica I&#8217;m so pleased you got some rain, I hope it helped with the smoke

Dove you are so prepared. I too have been having pains, mainly on the right hand side of my bump and omg I sometimes get stabbing pains there if I sneeze or laugh a lot or move quickly

Star sorry you still feel so yuck but yay for 24 weeks, I&#8217;m 24 weeks too today yay
Good morning ladies!

Odd dreams anyone?

StarGazer - I remember with my first I was pretty small in the pooch department until the very end, now I pop out immediately. Crazy how our bodies work that way with muscle memory and whatnot.

MrsDuck - yes, the smoke did clear up a bit and was apparently blown out over the ocean, and now we have okay quality air again! Happy 24 weeks!

Hope everyone is doing okay, it's going to be hot today, but luckily not too bad. I'll still be inside for the most part. I'm at that point where I have to pee more often again, I waddle around a few times in the night to go pee, lol.
Hi Mrs Duck!
Thanks! And Congrats! :)
This little bugger has been wiggling the WHOLE morning. Feels like they are twisting or turning back and forth with a break in between. Very lively.
I'm not entirely used to the movements -- they still make me jump or twitch when they happen. I often re-situation myself.

I think that random smell in the building doesn't help. I had to close my door cause I couldn't handle it anymore. I'm SO buying some air freshener for my office!

Ladies, I was SO proud of Hubby yesterday!!!
I came home to the "greenery" in the gutters removed, even the ones where it's hard to reach -- and the thing growing on the roof too :)
He swept the foyer (thank GAWD -- i was tired of fighting dog hair for my shoes)

Today Hubby is off, and he's getting the gravel delivered to the house too! Things are starting to look up! As soon as he gets the gravel "leveled" out, he's gonna start putting his stuff into the shed and the half the room will be 30% cleaner (maybe more idk how much stuff he really has in there)!!!

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