Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

StarGazer - yes, I've also heard carpal gets worse with pregnancy. I cannot relate but I know lots of women have made mention of it. It's so crazy we're all going to be in third tri soon!

I know I certainly didn't forget the pain, I was sooo happy that my last one would be the last because I didn't want to have to go through it again and here we are now...
Sushai--beautiful bump.....I feel like I'm the same size with a singleton and just 21 weeks though!

Jessica--I hear you on both the insomnia and the restless legs....the other night I also had a restless arm! I didn't even know that was a thing!
Sushai what a cute bump!!!!
How cool you'll be getting another scan! GL and i hope it all goes well.

I want to get my tree up, but honestly it will be all depending on what state the spare room ends up being. Cause if we can't clear out the things from the living room, it will again be a tree-less christmas ....and I don't want that this year.
I'm actually excited about christmas this year -- mostly cause of Baby. I'm enjoying seeing it in the store, was even about to ask someone at Walmart when they will be putting it out.
But shopping, i'm not interested in... I could really careless about walking around looking for stuff. Maybe when I have the kid I'll like doing it more, cause i can shop for a child rather than adults who are getting really hard to find stuff for.

I've had a few days of restless legs, mostly when i'm laying down. It is annoying when your body does things you didn't tell it to. I think one night I kicked poor Hubby... he was like what was that, and I'm like what? i didn't move LOL

ooo So I went to get lunch from FireHouse Subs. I wanted an extra pickle, and the cashier put it on there twice, so I got 3 pickles! omg Pregnant lady dream! I can't eat more than half the sandwich but these pickles will be devoured! :p

I'm a little nervous about the labor part, but I've been taking this pregnancy one bit at a time. So until contractions (or even Braxton Hicks) become a real thing.... I'm gonna try not to "think" about it.
(And I like the statement Sushai said: Amazing how despite how awful the pains are we seem to forget about it and go for another round. --- So true!)
StarGazer - for me, I absolutely didn't forget the pain of childbirth, which is a big reason I am soooo anxious. I stressed about it when I first found out I would be pregnant, it was that big of an issue for me, since this was a completely unplanned baby I do not want to go through it all again. I am still getting it right in my head that it is only temporary and afterward I'll have my baby and then I can be done with this part of my life. We had a tree up last year but it lost all of its needles after like two weeks, I was so angry! This year I won't buy one until closer to Christmas this time around and be sure not to get a special variety like last time (what a joke). I can't even imagine how it'll go with everyone but we'll see.

dove - it is terrible, I've had it in my arms like once or twice and seriously one of the worst lol.
Sushai such a lovely bump, my singleton is definitely the same size if not bigger, I’ve just got out my lager maternity trousers aaaagh not even in the 3rd tri yet yikes

Star I can’t believe you are still pinning your trousers haha you’ll be much comfier in a maternity pair

Jessica I’m dreading the Labour part too

Dove restless legs and arms is the worst, it’s just impossible to sleep
Mrs Duck -- haha yeah .... I am. I added a pin (i'm up to 3 now) These pants hold up well as long as I can zip them up. I just haven't made it to a store to shop for clothes. I went grocery shopping, and that's the extent I've been to the store. I will probably have to go soon. Next month I'll seriously need new clothes. I have shirts just no pants.

Jess -- Our tree is a skimpy little fiber optic. In the past years I've been trying to buy things to make it look more full and then decorate it. But last year I didn't even get it out... Last christmas was crazy and both of us were not having a good end of the year.
Good morning, ladies!

StarGazer - haha, how many pins do you think you'll get up to? Hopefully you can get some new pants soon, they're so much more comfortable. As for the tree, I refuse to get a fake one, I just looove the smell of a tree, plus they are grown everywhere around here. I've had hectic Christmases before, and one where I couldn't even afford to get my kid anything, it was rough. As it is, with three kids having their birthday in the later part of the year should be interesting.

MrsDuck - really hoping labor isn't too bad this time around and things go smoothly for all of us.

Baby has been wildly kicking and moving around this morning, especially while I was lying on the bed! I feel so huge already, can't even imagine how huge I'll feel in a few weeks. My midwife appointment is in a couple days, already a bit anxious for it.
I've had 1 real tree in my life. It just took too much care -- plus i don't have a green thumb to save my life (i'm killing aloe plants right now)
The family planted it after christmas, it lasted for many years, but something ate it and we had to dig it up.
I want a new tree, but truthfully until we have more space in the living room, that probably won't happen (and i'm not just talking about the junk in the room right now either) This little fake thing fits perfectly between the futon and the window, but blocks one of our dvd chests.

My little Wiggles kicked my arm the other day. I was sitting on the couch with my arms barely touching my belly and talking to Hubby, when I just felt a push on my arm haha That was cute. I told the kid to do it again, but of course they won't listen right now haha.

I told hubby last night that I"m amazed at how big I am (even though I'm not "huge"), yet the baby is only half the size of my tummy.
He told me: "you know, the baby isn't the only thing that has to be bigger" LOL he's trying :p
So i was showing my friend the transition between July and August ... omg my belly has grown!
Then I looked back at my April belly (the one I was trying to make flatter back then) LOL

5 Months makes a big difference!
They're easy to care for, just keep water in the tree stand. After Christmas we just take them out back and do our own thing, dh has some wild plans of carving them. Our living room is pretty small as well, but we manage to put a tree near the kitchen.

Dh always laughs at my roundness and we joke about it often, what else can you do hehe.
The only thing I liked was the smell. But the rest of it, i hated. I was a teen so I hated most thing then too, so idk if it's really saying much.
I think if we had a bit more space i wouldn't mind... perhaps when the kid is older, it would be more of an experience to go tree shopping with them.

I was looking into the maternity classes at the hospital, and trying to figure out what I want to do and when we can take them. Luckily most are evening, so we can actually make them. Hubby was playing his game, so he was kinda like, "your doc will discuss with you when it becomes closer, i think we're jumping the gun" .... *eyeroll* I'm like ... -_- you just want me to stop talking cause you are playing your game........
I told him we can't wait too much longer, I want to have things registered by mid Sept ... that's not that far away. And i doubt my docs will say anything unless I ask.
It's $75 for 3+2 classes (1 of which is a baby thing, which doesn't even happen until the baby is 0-12 months)
My MIL asked about lamaze classes... a bit disappointed that the hospital that is closer to me doesn't have that class.... I'd have to drive over 45 mins to get there o_O Dude, NOT doing that. So i hope the one class that's named nearly the same, does some breathing techniques, cause all it mentions is stuff about labor... (signs and such)
Anyways... I"m thinking I'll take my Free tour in November before Thanksgiving... cause the next class is like beginning of Dec, and that's kinda pushing it haha.
Trees can be problematic with small kids lol. My two youngest really liked playing with the light strings. I'm still going to try for it this year, again. As for the classes, if it's something you want to do, do it. There are a lot of books and online material for them now than when I was first doing it. First labors are so unpredictable though. I never really had my ob talk to me about birthing classes, maybe a little, and yeah you should sign up now while you're still early because they tend to fill up fast.
45 min drive isn't far, but I live so far out, everything is over an hour from me. I've already discussed it with my dh that he would help me deliver at home if nothing else because I am that against hospitals.

Baby is really moving around a lot, probably from the weird dreams I had last night. I actually had one where my husband was going to chase me and kill me, luckily I woke up right as I was grabbing a knife from the block to defend myself when he came around the corner (lol). What's funny is he woke me up before leaving work to kiss me... can't wait to tell him about that dream I had. Tomorrow is my midwife appointment, the last one of second tri, and then they become more frequent.
I think he wants to take the classes. Personally since it's our first we should get some education as to what is about to come. Since everything has gone smoothly, we're still kinda not really acknowledged that we're about to have a kid LOL (every so often i forget ...and then the kid wiggles -- I'm sure it will fade as soon as baby grows about twice it's size in the next few weeks, and the "Whale" status is real. )

I know I at MINIMUM need to take the tour.
I'm not a fan of hospitals.... I really hate being hooked up to a machine -- as we'll see where that leads me. I'm thinking if I can avoid having a needle in my arm/hand i'll be good. And only have to wear one of those stupid blood pressure bands if i'm about to die (those give me horrible anxiety when attached to the machine).
I was trying to talk to Hubby about a water birth though. I couldn't think of the risks to list except for if there are other complications where I can't be in the water...
I just don't think our house would be well suited for a home birth. Perhaps if i knew it was gonna be cleaned as if it were brand new then maybe... the biggest space is the kitchen - i hate being on the floor. And if we utilize the tub ... yeah no... urgh I hate the tub...
The worst part is the IV, for me, because every time they hook me up to it I almost pass out from the feeling of the needle catheter. Last time it took them three tries to get it right, and the time before that it was just as bad. I swear they had no clue what they were doing. I almost passed out from feeling so squeamish, I felt the dizzy and watched the ceiling start to fade and dh was over there watching them saying "you'd better stop". For me, I feel like I'm in prison, they don't let me leave when I want with my own child, they do all sorts of checks on them and are over panicky about anything.

The tour would be a good place to start. Hopefully your dh will come around to taking the class soon. The reality hasn't really hit for us either, but it's starting to. For us it's definitely our last.

Homebirth would be impractical in our small house but if I had to make it work I would. Nearest hospital is a bit away and dh has been there for all our kids so I know he would be able to help. I'm a bit anxious as to how a waterbirth will be and positions for pushing, I always hated having to pull my knees up to my chest to bear down, but they always came out in like three pushes. My midwife has said we can deliver in any position I prefer, so I have lots of options. Wondering what it'll be like to push in a tub though, haha.
I got dehydrated back a few years ago and was in the outpatient er room. I seriously couldn't even look at my hand while the IV was in it. I hung it off the side of the bed, and told me mom to move so i didn't have to look that way. And then the sound of the blood pressure machine made me tense up and even made my hand to lock up... Was the same hand as the IV ... so I was going nuts.... Luckily as soon as my fluids were back up we got to leave.
So i'm pretty sure i'll be the same way. I don't see the need to have all that crap if i'm doing fine, but eh ... I have no clue how this will end.

If we do classes we're gonna have to start looking into when is a good time. Like i said luckily they are evening classes, and I'm hoping they are near the weekend, so I don't have to worry about getting home in time to sleep.

The hospital here is only 20 mins away. We have an ER down the road from our house if need be. So it's probably the best option for us right now. Since I don't know anything better haha we'll just screw everything up with this one and learn for the next! :haha:
Well for me the classes were once a week and they were in the later part of the evening, they weren't really worth it, I learned more from my own experience as the classes turned into arguing about vaccinations and turned into drama. Dh and I were not impressed. Labor usually doesn't go very fast the first time, so I'm sure you'll have plenty of time.
As for the iv they only really put it in if you're getting pitocin or an epidural. I hope you don't have to go through it that way, it sucks so much getting that iv lol.
Well if it ends up being an argument fest and nothing is actually taught/learned I'm gonna ask for my money back...
But i'm hoping it will be a small class. There are a lot of pregnant women around right now, so lets hope they've already do it at least once and I get a small group of people who really want to learn something.
I've already looked into the "breathing baby out" technique. That was probably a few years ago and really want to revisit it -- through youtube cause i can't afford anything crazy. (I don't even want to spend the money on the classes in the first place)

I've kinda formed my own idea on how things are gonna go, but I don't want to expect them to go that way so I'm taking most things I read with a grain of salt.
haha, yeah definitely have your own plan, but you're right it usually never goes that way (sadly). The classes aren't usually very big in my experience, and I think the vaccination thing was just a fluke. The classes I took were free for me, so that could be part of it. I think youtube will be a great place to find resources, but that's imo.
I tried to find the lady that I watched a while back and I can't find her... maybe cause i'm on a different computer and my youtube isn't saved?? idk But i'll find it again and review what i want -- probably find a bit more info on stuff too.

I found a cool site that i was navigating yesterday ( Kinda cool info on there.
Reading up on a few topics I wanted to look up anyways.

The only thing that is free-free is the Tour. The classes that are "free" are only free if you get the "bundle" of the 3 main classes. But idk ... I'm debating what I want to do. I need Hubby's attention when I actually sit down to register for anything.
Good morning...

Busy day today, already been doing a bit of stuff. My midwife appointment is this afternoon, so I am a bit anxious for that. Didn't get very good sleep last night, spent at least two hours tossing and turning then had some odd dreams. Baby starting to feel a bit bigger, when I lie on my back I can definitely feel where they are now, it's pretty exciting!

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