Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Yaaay, it's so nice when things work out! I'm glad you guys got some stuff going on.

Sometimes baby doesn't move much at all and other days they move like crazy, it doesn't necessarily make me jump but it's unexpected. My two youngest always poke my belly and ask me if there's a baby in there. I'm hoping they get to feel some kicks and squirms soon.
Yeah I'm glad that things are moving forward. I think as soon as there is room to move around, that we'll have a bit more motivation to work on the space.
I have no clue what we're doing with the dining table (the reason it ended up where it did was they couldn't get it through the house) ... Plus the desk O_O urgh those are the two largest things that are masking how much crap is in that area (as there is stuff on and under the table & desk).
But maybe .... it's not as bad as I think it is.
I think i'll end up chunking most of it...selling the clothes and a few random things.
IDK what to think about Hubby's stuff. I doubt half of his stuff can even go in the attic much less he'll sell! (games and attachments)

But ... Yeah baby is having a ball today. I've stretched a few times even ate a small snack, and they are still just having a go at it.
Both Baby and Hubby were making it hard to sleep last night. I couldn't get comfortable. Was itchy... then Hubby actually woke me up when he came to bed, so it takes forever for me to fall asleep again. Baby was doing something that was bothering me...idk what, just couldn't sleep with them doing it.
So yeah I have a feeling sleep will be sporadic from now on.

I have a feeling that my little pooch is more so cause this is my first. I have a feeling for my second I'll be huge! haha which most likely true.
I had so much clutter as well and we spent a lot of time organizing and getting rid of stuff. I recycle everything I can and junk the rest, I really hate throwing things of use away but I don't have the room to store it. I actually got rid of all my movie cases and game cases by buying huge holders. I think I got rid of a few hundred cases that way, and now I don't need to store them, I just kept game discs and their books, dvds/blu-rays... and my music (save for the really special CDs). Dh has a few boxes of vinyls he hasn't had a chance to go through.

Sleeping is so-so for me, I mean I either get decent sleep or I'm awake half the night suffering. I wish dh slept with me but I'm also glad he doesn't because I know I toss and turn a lot and get up several times to pee. We get our closeness time in the evenings and on the weekends at least.
The stuff in our spare room mainly consists of Hubby's childhood, my stuffed animals, all of our old school stuff, ALL my craft supplies, clothes that don't fit, holiday decor, and a bunch of random crap.

I have a few boxes of of CD cases. I can't get rid of the CD's just in case something happens to the computer. (Which my new computer doesn't even have a DVD/CD slot ...) But I have a mini boombox that has a player, so if i ever wanted to listen to them i can just pop them into there.
We have enough DVD's to run a theater (or 2)! And they are EVERYWHERE in the house. We've out grown out cabinet years ago... and i'm sure there are some more somewhere we forgot about.

I can't wait til we get the bookshelf put up. I'd like to see my Manga collection out. And remind me where i need to start buying them again (i'm so behind :( ) And then all our coding books! Knowledge that was never read LOL and yet we passed classes haha.

Lunch made me sleepy .... 3 more hours I can go home and "not" sleep .....
YEah, I had that many movies too, I'm so glad I bought cases lol. I have filled like four huge cases with our movies alone. I couldn't handle them being anywhere in the house, but there were too much to fit on the shelf anymore and I don't need to keep plastic cases, so they're in protected sleeves now. We have so many books in the house, I have full cases. Plus my oldest reads a lot and his case is completely full. We have plans to build some more shelving down in the boys' room so we can get rid of the free standing book case.

Just got my test results and everything was okay except my iron levels are a little low, so I'll have to start taking a supplement. I was more worried about the gtt, but my numbers were just fine thankfully.
We have too many series, and Hubby won't like the idea of getting rid of all the cases anyways.... We need a wall case to hold everything, and still have space for the "I know we're gonna get more" scenarios.

Sweet! Glad the results came back good. Iron is a normal issue, so as long as you take your supplements you'll be fine.
I'm worried about mine, but probably for the unknown than the actual test. I'm just gonna eat a mini breakfast with water and hope that it's enough to keep me from feeling too terrible.

I need to schedule an eye doctor appointment, and I just can't figure out when the best time to go is ... haha it needs to be the same day as another appointment so i don't miss too much work. I'm a little hesitant on the idea that pregnancy can also change your eye sight....and not sure if i should wait or not --- i'm on my last pair of contacts though :dohh:
Stargazer I hope you’re able to sort through some of the clutter so you can slowly de clutter. I’ve done the same with a lot of our dvds like Jessica, it’s such a huge space saving way of storing dvds. I have heaps of series too, those I’ve kept in their cases.

Sleep is awfully broken for me each night. I’m constantly tossing and turning as I get so uncomfortable real quick in any position and moving from side to side has become such a huge task, it requires so much effort to do.
Had my first of many growth scans yesterday. Baby A is weighing in at roughly 684grams and baby B at 720grams (around 1lb 5oz I believe each). The scan took about an hour and all because babies were so uncooperative. Baby B was very cheeky and kept getting in the way when they were trying to measure up baby A.

Hope all you ladies are not struggling as much as I am. I really don’t know how I’ll make it through another 13 weeks!
StarGazer - I have lots of series as well, and for most of them I got rid of the cases, except a couple of the blu-ray ones. It's still a lot less than what we did have going! As for your test, just eat regularly but definitely get some protein in you to help. It's a lot like eating or drinking something with lots of sugar. I definitely felt sugar. I'll be buying some special iron that won't be messing with my bowels, because the regular kind always constipates me and I have been so blessed with having regular soft bm's (tmi I know). I would wait for your pregnancy to be done before getting your eyes checked if you can, but it's understandable if you can't.

Sushai - ooh, did you get some pics of them? Sounds like they're already trouble makers :haha: I definitely understand the sleeping positions. I end up all over the place, and that's if I do get sleep. 13 weeks isn't much longer, at least you're over halfway! Babies sound like they're a good size too, how exciting!
Jessica I didn’t get any photos this time. You’re right that 13 weeks isn’t much longer but when you’re so uncomfortable it feels like forever lol.
Sushai, totally understand. I remember how the last month crawled with my last pregnancy. This one has flown by, but I know when I get to the end itll go slow with all the holidays and weather change and stuff. Too bad you didn't get pics, but it is still nice to see them even if they weren't being cooperative.
Jessica I didn’t get any photos this time. You’re right that 13 weeks isn’t much longer but when you’re so uncomfortable it feels like forever lol.

Ugh! That last month though....agony!!
It so is lol, and you're left waiting if every twinge is the start of labor. Or getting excited when your plug or show happens but nothing for weeks :haha:
Haha I love how we all complained how ill we felt at the start now how uncomfortable we all are and can’t sleep. I think we should just lay an egg like a chicken it would be much easier haha :rofl:
I didn't mean to be awol today ladies. I was actually working :haha:
I distracted myself by watching unsolved mysteries (more for background noise than entertainment -- some were interesting).

I feel i got a lot done... although it probably wasn't much.

I've always been a tosser at night. I think the only way my husband can handle me is that he does the same.
My biggest issue is if i get waken by something it's so hard for me to go back to sleep. (But again that's kinda been an always thing for me too)
So adding a moving baby to the mix doesn't help me drift back to sleep, as they always seem to move right when i get the most comfortable.

Hubby ended up off again today...
He made very big progress with his shed -- makes me VERY happy. Although he totally cleared out the other shed (where we kept lawn and yard supplies) and is basically leaving me the mower and the gas can... haha Kinda at the point of asking what the point of it is...
Anyways, I'm hoping he would clear out some of the stuff from the house today. It's really not that much: a tool box, a few large tools (that i have often stumped my toes on), random things that he's collected, battery charger .... hoses... yeah idk what else.
All looking promising for the Labor Day weekend coming up for us to play around in the room.
MrsDuck you seriously made me laugh out loud, too funny.

Jessica it’s so true how much we pay attention to every little niggle during the last month.

Stargazer glad to hear your dh made progress with the shed hopefully you’ll be able to start sorting through some of your stuff in the house.
MrsDuck - LOL, I couldn't even imagine.

StarGazer - Good that you got some stuff done and yaay for dh getting shed work done! I hope you guys can get some stuff organized and prepared. I can relate to that late night tossing and turning and having a hard time getting back to sleep. I have to be really tired to be able to go back to sleep easily.

Sushai - I am so stressing that last month already, it's crazy!

Baby has been moving quite a bit today, and I got my new iron supplements to try. They aren't regular iron tabs, these apparently do not mess up your stomach so we'll see how I feel. I bet it's a bit reason why I've been having the heart palpitations though, and feeling a bit weak. I'm gonna start taking some tonight!
Mrs Duck, that is priceless. I was thinking about that the other day too! LOL while watching a youtube video about the baby moving in the belly per week.

I'm not sure what happened to wake me up last night, and i have no clue how long I couldn't sleep last night (roughly thinking an hour). I got up to pee and came back to the bed with Hubby taken over most of my spot on the bed ..... crawled back into bed but couldn't sleep. Baby was moving too much and i just couldn't settle.
I didn't sleep well either last night, and I had more odd dreams. I got up quite a few times to pee and just couldn't get comfortable again. Hope you can get some rest tonight!
I was listening to "Unsolved Mysteries" yesterday while working ... so THAT kept me up. Every little noise made my ears burn as i tried to make sure that they weren't something i should worry about. I felt something "watching" me -- when there was nothing there.
URGH This is why i stopped watching scary movies. I used to watch a ton of them... and they never bothered me, but the older I got the more "real" they became even though i KNOW the movies are fake!

So THAT was a horrible part of me not being able to sleep. But the rest sucks on it's own.

I decided that I would find a audio book to listen to rather than watch horror mysteries that actually happened, to help ease my "afraid of the dark" issues.
Haha, yes, I've watched those a lot, and I watched unsolved mysteries loads back in the 90s. I usually read some Stephen King before I go to sleep and that messed up my sleep a couple days ago, from a scary part.

My boobs are super sore today, not sure why exactly and my back is having spasms. I did manage to clean the kitchen and get the house ready for a good and thorough vacuum. Baby hasn't been moving much since I got up, but was moving a lot when I was lying in bed this morning. Can't believe I'm almost done with second trimester. Ds starts school next week and we have a three day weekend, which will be nice having extra time with dh.

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