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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I'm being bad and got a Cheerwine (it's a cherry soda from NC) with lunch today. Luckily it's in a small cup and not a ton, plus I got it as a float so it's mainly ice cream. So Caffeine and Sugar! LOL

Kinda pushing myself to be awake... it's not working too well.

Sounds like a productive day Jess.
I need to hire someone to do my dishes. I seriously am at the point of only washing the ones that we need for the day and putting them back in the sink. Hubby said he'd "ONLY" help wash if they were fresh (probably cause he doesn't know how to use a freaking scrubbie to take off food.... in which non of our food requires a ton of scrubbing and most anything on the plates/cups/bowls/pans can come off with a run under some hot water) ..... ANYWAYS ...
I wasn't feeling well last night -- thought of dinner churned my tummy -- and I was trying to get out of a chair without feeling like i was gonna puke. Hubby wanted to help me out of the chair, but "I got this" and he persisted in saying that he wants to help but doesn't know how... haha so i said all i really want help with is the stuff I can't manage to do -- getting out of a chair isn't one of them! Lord Help him he IS trying!
Oh man, sorry you're still getting that nasty feeling. My appetite is still strange as well, it just goes from one thing to the next. I make our monthly menus at the end of the month and I have been having a hard time filling out a few days, dh always suggests something that doesn't sound appealing. I ended up making alfredo sauce and he grilled some chicken and I made up some dough for bread. I had a small salad with it. Cherry soda with ice cream sounds so good lol. I had a couple bites of a rootbeer float last night with dh... mmm.
As much as that should sound good.... it just doesn't.

Water seems to help some, but not always.
I found some good leftovers in the fridge I'm having today: brown rice, brussels sprouts, and some salmon. I also found a nice recipe to use up my leftover quinoa, I'll be trying that one tonight or tomorrow.
Sleep last night seemed to go decent last night.
Dinner was leftover rice and a few carrots.
Glad you got some decent sleep! I had my usual couple of times I woke up and went pee, played some Animal Crossing then went right back to sleep. We'll see how today goes though. I made chicken noodle soup for dinner.

27 weeks today! Last week of second tri, and I had an odd dream about labor and delivery this morning. I was watching an elevator arrow going yellow and red and waiting for my water to break. Of course I felt baby just going nuts when I woke up, so I must have been stirring a lot lol.
Happy 27 Weeks!!!!

The baby moving probably doesn't help dreams. haha

No crazy dreams lately. But i think my mind has enough to work through, crazy dreams are kinda hard to compete.

I really hope that I can convince Hubby to give up a few hundred to get us a new dish washer. I don't know how I can get caught up.... it's hard to even process with only 2 hours at home a night.
Thanks, it's so crazy I'm almost to third trimester (oh the horror lol).

I haven't had a dishwasher for years, but I know how hectic it can get when you've got little to no time. I hope you're able to get one soon!

This weekend we are not doing anything serious, dh wants to get a small shelf up by our oldest's bed so he can have a reading light. I am looking to get a trash can for my diapers to replace the stinky bucket I've been using. There's also a sale going on for the cloth diapers so I'll be buying a dozen for the next baby since I don't have many of my small ones left that don't smell musty from being out in dh's rag pile for working on cars.
It is still all crazy to me! The little nudges through out the day are still a miracle to me. After waiting so long for this, I'm still in shock! I'm 5 months pregnant and STILL amazed that its happening! 7 years .... Most of which were spent in the "I don't know what is wrong with me" stage. Then the last few with hope when we found I COULD and WAS ovulating (with meds obviously) This kid will be wrapped in so much Love i don't know if we'll need blankets!

Yeah ... not good to diaper baby with musty smelling rag diapers LOL

Well I"m trying to rush through a project, which when the system is being stubborn and slow I can't do much. But our department is leaving early, and I have about 3 hours of work (based on how long it took me earlier) to fit in less than 2.
Boss was about to let me go as i was already heading out for a late lunch at 1, but I said that I could try to get something done in the next 2 hours and not have it waiting for me on Monday. Of course a boss isn't going to say no to someone who wants to work :p
I'm hoping to get as much as I can ... and if i don't finish I might stay a little to see if it matters much -- depending if the whole building leaves at 3 or not... (if the whole building leaves, then well..... I'll go)
Dh made a comment about it all happening fast and being in shock kind of, so I know what you mean. I had many years of infertility, so I know how it goes there. It's not anything I'd wish on someone, that's for sure.

I bought some new diapers and a liner for a new can and they'll be here sometime soon, I also bought a small set of onesies for a newborn and they're washed and ready to go as well.

I don't know if dh is working Monday or not yet, he usually doesn't but there was some talk about something needing to be done.
Awe I was hoping someone would have got on so I had a morning read...
But I guess everyone took a much needed Labor day off.

I was lazy and only managed to "finally" get the dishes done. It was brutal, but they all got finished.
My foot was killing me (I have no earthly idea what i did, or what is wrong... day 3 of it hurting) So I stood on a pillow while I washed. Took two breaks and watched a tv show while i propped up my feet.

Week 25! O_O I don't see how my uterus could be the size of a soccer ball when I haven't grown any more from the outside. But I also haven't handled a soccer ball in ages either.

LO was quiet yesterday until later on.... Those little hands are poking in not so nice places..... I wish they would curl them up and not poke! haha
Kicks either make me laugh or wake me up. And the light sleep is annoying -- especially when the dog decides to lick himself in the middle of the night and then Hubby starts to make noise in his sleep. VERY hard to get back to sleep without it being pure silence.

Well I hope every one enjoyed their weekends.
Yeah I was checking every day for updates but not many seem to update on here much anymore, not sure why lol. Yaay for 25 weeks, almost to third tri! It's great you got your dishes done! If you had to take breaks at least it worked lol. Sorry your foot is hurting, pregnancy can really bring on random aches and pains that come and go like that.

My weekend was pretty uneventful. We did some organizing and cleanup in one of our rooms, got shelving material for my oldest to have a shelf up by his spot on the top bed. He's starting school today so he's a bit anxious for that. It's been getting pretty cold in the mornings here, so I can tell it's starting to feel like fall! I am trying to find a cute maternity jack-o-lantern shirt but no luck yet. I got a nice big body pillow to help me sleep yesterday, woke up to dd having crawled over to my bed and was cuddling up to it instead :haha:. Can't believe I'll be officially in third tri in just a few days, dh was teasing me last night about it "your least favorite trimester" when I was complaining about my back being stiff.
I thought about getting on during the weekend, but i left my phone in the bedroom most of the time.

Yeah pregnancy definitely brings out some weird stuff!

Too funny how you DD curled up with your body pillow.
Hi ladies :hi: I’m still here and love reading your updates but I’ve had the MIL over so I’ve been a bit hectic, no real time to post. Dd is starting school tomorrow eeeek! Hopefully all goes smoothly but I do have my tissues ready son sob

God I feel huge already, I’m not sure how I’m going to cope another 15 weeks of growing aaaagh!
Hey ladies!

It's crazy that summer break is practically over now, lol. Some kids start in August, which is so strange for me, as we have always been starting after Labor Day. I also feel huge, and I do waddle and my bump gets hard constantly. My appetite sucks lately, I wish I could find the desire to eat but it's been so lacking.
My oldest 2 kids started school today, they were both excited to go. We live MAYBE a 20 minute walk from the school, so I walked with my 5 year old to go pick them up....apparently that is too much for me now (already) :( I was really hoping I would have a good 2 months or so left before feeling this way. Especially with fall just around the corner.

I did some clothes shopping for the baby this weekend. I think that I am good now in size 0-3 months (I skipped the newborn size all together, as I tend to have bigger babies--8 lbs, 4 oz, 8 lbs 2 oz, and 11 lbs 6 oz), and aside from some onesises, the 3-6 months size too. By then, we should be in summer clothes! Shopping for girls clothes is so fun! It's been almost 12 years since I had the chance to.
Hey ladies! Glad to hear you’re all doing well despite all the discomforts.

Dove did you have all your babies naturally? I can’t imagine birthing big babies naturally. All of mine have been just over 5lbs. You must’ve been so uncomfortable especially towards the end, kudos to you!

As for me we’ve gotten nearly everything. On Monday I finalised my hospital bag list, now all I have to do is to actually pack my hospital bag lol. I’ve got my repeat gtt next Tuesday and I’m already dreading it. Got an ob appointment on Friday and another growth scan end of September followed by my baby shower which a group of mother’s from my kids school have organised. I’ve no family where we live so it’s really sweet of them to do this for me.
Wow Dove, I hope this one is less than 11lbs!! I can relate to feeling unconfortable, I didn't feel like this last pregnancy, I guess my (almost) 40 year old body is finding pregnancy a little bit tougher than 5 years ago.

My dd started school today, fingers crossed all is going ok eeek!

I've ordered a moses basket so the only thing I need is a new mattress for the cot, but I've got a while to get that so I'm good to go......... :coffee:

I suddenly have a craving for some spicy food and meat, I guess my body is trying to tell me something?? My shopping trolly was a bit different to normal at the supermarket this morning
Morning Ladies!

You all seem to get so far ahead of me. I haven't done anything... it's so hard to have motivation after work. I relished in the free weekend that I stayed in my pj's as much as possible.

Lord, 11 lbs? Goodness! I don't know if I can imagine that.

Baby was having a ball last night. I felt a foot just above my belly button. Even tried to get Hubby to feel the movement. But obviously Baby stopped moving when i grabbed his hand.
I just hate when those little hands poke in places that are just uncomfortable.
I can now feel the "shift" more clearly, seriously felt the whole kid move from one side to the other.
Good morning everyone!

dove - omg 11 lbs, I cannot imagine! And I agree girl's clothes tend to be a bit more exciting! I'm also feeling huge and tired easier when moving around, and with only a few more months to go I can't imagine how it'll be in a couple weeks.

Sushai - Sorry about the repeat gtt, hopefully it goes fine and you're okay with the results. 5 lbs seems to tiny to me, my dh was well over 10 lbs and he's very tall so I guess our sizes average into me having around 8 lb babies. Sounds good that you've got your bag list ready, I'm hoping I don't procrastinate to do mine until I'm in labor again :haha:. I hope your baby shower is fun!

MrsDuck - I've been buying odd things as well, when grocery shopping, and sometimes I feel a bit guilty when at the checkout it's just a few junk food items (dh does the big weekly trip on his own for me). Spicy foods sound good though. I hope you can sate your cravings soon enough.

StarGazer - I still haven't gotten dh to feel baby moving but he has felt the shape of baby as they're starting to lump on one side and make my bump lopsided when I'm lying down. Mine was going nuts this morning, kicking and hitting at my hand on my lower belly while I was relaxing in bed. Don't feel bad for not doing much, either, I really haven't done anything except bought like three onesies and today am getting my cloth diapers prepared. I always wait until the last minute to pack or prepare anything serious. I think the only thing I did to be ready was make several meals and freeze them for dinners for the week after baby was born since it's usually so hectic and dh helps as best he can so if he can pop in a premade meal we did it reaaaally helps out. Luckily, I'll be due right after Thanksgiving so I can do extra meal prep then, as I've planned to do.

Afm - it's strange how it's already getting so much cooler in the mornings, and in the next couple of weeks we'll be taking the air conditioners out and storing them. This week has been pretty busy for us too, with my oldest starting fifth grade yesterday. Today the city is turning off our water to fix their leaky valve out by our box so I'm trying to get all the washing and serious cleaning done before they come. Baby is moving quite a bit lately, which is nice, but I'm also at that stage of having to pee constantly and being uncomfortable a lot more often. I'm trying to eat more often too, as my appetite is still so wishy-washy.

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