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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

MIne were all C-sections. First was an emergency one, then because I had my 2nd less than 2 years after my first, it was automatic, they then said any subsequent ones would also be C-section, which I was super thankful for after an 11 lbs oz, baby! LOL. When they put him on my chest, the first thing I said was "Wow, he's so heavy". My DH was 10 lbs so I guess I can blame him :)

The reason I have the need to get everything ready this early, is because I generally feel huge and sore in the last few months, and I am just a lump, who is pretty useless, lol. I tend to have high bp too, and have been on bed rest, and have also been hospitalized during pregnancy because of it, so this way, I know I am ready for anything :)
dove - oh that makes me feel a bit of relief as well, can't even imagine pushing that much out! I always worry I'm gonna have to push out a huge one so hoping this one is like the others and just a bit over 8 lbs. Have you already scheduled your c/s? I usually start to feel really uncomfortable for that last month... hoping you don't get put on bed rest this time and your bp isn't too bad either!
I really only feel “huge” when it’s nearing time to our sleep. Waddling around the house holding my belly cause it feels the kid is pushing forward on my tummy.

My “plan” is to go naturally. I hope baby agrees it will be a good idea to cooperate. I hate machines and being “attached”. But taking with you all has made me feel better about some options there.
But I’d still prefer to be free and able to move. I hate hospitals. I’m hoping the maternity wing is less “hospital” feeling.

I don’t think I’ll start doing much til that spare room is sort of done. With the shed set up and some of his things moved in, the front half looks less like a tool storage and more like a junk room already! Haha of you call that improvement.

My jaw/ear is killing me!!! I know it’s not my teeth. Of my teeth hurt it’s the whole side both top and bottom. I’ve looked it up. There seems to be 3 things: sinuses, tmj, or relaxen (quick idk so)
It’s only on my left jaw, the “inner” part of my ear hurts. It doesn’t feel clogged, just hurts like someone is stabbing me with a qtip.
This has gone one for a few weeks. My appointment is next week if it stops bothering me every day I’ll not mention it, but I’m pretty sure it’s not going away…
I think this last month has brought out some more notable things to mention to a doc.
StarGazer - is the lymph node behind your jaw swollen? That could be an infection of some time. I got that pain quite a bit the first couple months, usually from sleeping incorrectly. My neck takes my stress and tightens up something fierce. Labor is always tricky especially if it's your first. I won't lie, I had back labor the first two times and the third time even though she came out the right way, a lot of the contraction pain goes into my back, just like my periods. It's very, very painful near the end, but if you set your mind to doing it you'll be okay. First labors also take longer to get going, generally. I started labor at home and my son wasn't born until about 16 hours later. I'm not looking forward to that pain again. In the end I just felt like I really needed to have a big poo (tmi, I know). I'm going to be starting raspberry leaf tea in a couple weeks to get myself ready as well. It doesn't bring on labor, but apparently it tones your uterus. I got the last two out in three pushes, so I'm hoping for a quick go this time around. Maternity wards are still like prisons to me, they hold your baby until you get a release from a doctor here. I've had bad luck each time I've been. Hopefully you get a sense when you tour the ward soon.
The dr said, barring any issues, 10 days before my due date--so Dec 21....I really want to be home for Christmas.
Hospitals here, in Canada, are very different, it seems. They only take the baby to clean them up, and weigh them etc, and then they are with you the rest of the time. The nurses will offer to take the baby, if you haven't been sleeping, or need to shower. (My hubby will be with me though). It seems that I always have a hard time sleeping in the hospital, and usually go for days with just cat naps. The nurses don't particularily like that, but I can't help it:wacko:
Hospitals are similar here, I always have my baby with me and they take them for some testing, like the hearing test, but it's not comfortable at all for my dh to be there with me. If for some reason I end up in the hospital this time, I will beg him to stay home with the little ones to not have to be with the confinement that is the maternity ward.

How exciting that you've got your date already! It's so hard to believe it'll be here soon!
Hi ladies,
Hope you're all well...
Looking at all the convos, Saw Jess's ticker, cannot believe you will be entering the 3rd trimester tomorrow!! We were all so early when this group first started its scary to think some of us are 6months!

AFM, went on holiday for 2 weeks... Definitely not relaxing! I am absolutely exhausted! My eldest is back at school and my little one starts his transition mornings for big school next Wednesday and after that I will be resting a lot...
I can barely walk due to swollen vagina and really sore coccyx!
Feeling baby move all the time and get big kicks all over the place, seem to get very active after any cakes i eat! Kinda obsessed with Lemon Drizzle cake at the moment... oops!!

Good morning, ladies!

Buttercup, it's crazy, I'll be 28 weeks tomorrow and I am kind of thinking "wow, slow down" but also I know at the end it's just "get this thing out of me". Sorry your vacation wasn't as relaxing as you'd hoped for. Hopefully you can get some rest soon. I've also got lots of pressure in my vag, and almost too much on my (tmi) clit to where it just makes me uncomfortable there, and now I'm at that point of needing to pee several times a night. Yummy cakes lol, lemon sounds tasty!

afm - dd turns two today, but we'll be doing up her party this weekend so that dh can have more time than just a few hours to play with her.

Baby is getting pretty active now, and is having definite patterns in waking time and sleeping time. I feel huge already, and I'm getting lots of braxton hicks when I workout, still anxious about labor/delivery though.
I am in awe that you are still able to work out! Good on you, Mama!
It's not much at this point, but it does help keep my sanity in check.
Hi Ladies. It's been forever since I've found the timento get on here..Summer was quite busy and with work, vacations and our wedding it was hard to do much else. Haha.
The wedding was perfect!! And I fit into my dress which was a miricale?

I'm glad to hear everything is is going.so great for all of us.. minus for the most part the regular aches, pains, and discomforts of entering the 3rd trimester.

It's actually crazy that we are where we are... Time has flown by.

I get to go for another ultrasound here in about a month .. to check the size of this little boy. He is measuring on par so will be interested to see.

He's moving so much.. he gets really active between 6pm and 2 am... Super fun..haha. Sleep has been tough.

I do have to tell you all about something I've been have happening..see if anyone has anything similar....
For the past week my stomach feels funny ..a lot... Hard to explain . Heavy, tight, almost stressed... And I can't breathe well while its happening. It's really uncomfortable..borderline painful. Stops me from doing any activity for a few minutes. It's not BH because I'm having those too. I did not experience anything like this with my girls.
My Midwife says to keep an eye on it and if it intensifies or causes more "pain" to call them and head in.

Probably just pregnancy in general...and my age... Thought I'd ask though.
Ss - I cannot say that I know anything about your stomach pains, all I can guess is maybe baby is hitting it? Glad to hear things are going okay other than that though! Hope your scan goes well :) That's so fortunate that your wedding dress fit lol, can't imagine having to deal with that stress at all...
Hi Ladies. It's been forever since I've found the timento get on here..Summer was quite busy and with work, vacations and our wedding it was hard to do much else. Haha.
The wedding was perfect!! And I fit into my dress which was a miricale?

I'm glad to hear everything is is going.so great for all of us.. minus for the most part the regular aches, pains, and discomforts of entering the 3rd trimester.

It's actually crazy that we are where we are... Time has flown by.

I get to go for another ultrasound here in about a month .. to check the size of this little boy. He is measuring on par so will be interested to see.

He's moving so much.. he gets really active between 6pm and 2 am... Super fun..haha. Sleep has been tough.

I do have to tell you all about something I've been have happening..see if anyone has anything similar....
For the past week my stomach feels funny ..a lot... Hard to explain . Heavy, tight, almost stressed... And I can't breathe well while its happening. It's really uncomfortable..borderline painful. Stops me from doing any activity for a few minutes. It's not BH because I'm having those too. I did not experience anything like this with my girls.
My Midwife says to keep an eye on it and if it intensifies or causes more "pain" to call them and head in.

Probably just pregnancy in general...and my age... Thought I'd ask though.

The only thing that comes to mind is to wonder if you are drinking enough water? You may want to bring this us to your dr though....
Yes Jessica... So stressful.. especially since two weeks before the wedding I could barely breath in it.. haha.
Baby cooperated though. So I was very happy.
Dove- So.Much.Water. lol... I'm peeing ALL the time.
I'm sure it's just normal pregnancy stuff... I just don't remember anything like it with my Little Ladies...
Good morning ladies,

SS - I've noticed different aches and pains with each pregnancy, so it is probably nothing serious, of course bring it up at your next appointment if it's concerning you!

Well I am officially in the third trimester *eek*... Sleep hasn't been too bad, when I'm not getting up to pee every couple/few hours :haha: and baby is moving a lot at certain times now, so they've definitely got their own schedule. Hope everyone is doing okay!
Sorry for disappearing, I started to listen to audio books while i'm working, which takes most of my attention.

Jess! OMG 3rd Trimester! Meaning i'm getting close! haha

Baby is moving so much more! Kid just kicked my side and it was sharp and oooooo just shy of hitting my rib.
I got Hubby to feel the kicking last night! Some of the movements tickle still and make me laugh. Others are stronger and hurt.
I'm still in awe of this haha FTM moments :blush:
StarGazer - I love feeling the movements! One of the best things, and like the only thing I really miss about being pregnant after baby is born. I hope your dh enjoyed feeling the movement!! I bet in a couple weeks I'll be dealing with a butt or legs up under my ribs and it's just uncomfortable as all get out. I already noticed severely limited lung capacity and my stomach gets full soooo fast. First thing I notice after having a baby is that I can take a deep breath again! Sometimes they sit in some pretty bad spots though, haha, makes for stinging pains. Any good audio books?? I read a lot when I nurse the babies, but that's just when they're smaller, since they fall asleep so quickly. Now I read at night before bed.
I enjoy most movements ... so i'm sure that when they get bigger is when i'll not like them as much.
I think today was the first forceful kick to my side. It felt like my insides wanted to come out.

I'm not looking forward to the lack of breath though. Going up stairs right now is getting tough. I'll probably end up taking the elevator in a few more weeks - merely so i can get up to my office without dying.

Totally forgot to answer questions:
My lymphnode isn't swollen. it feel similar to an ear ache, though its not my ear. I asked my mom and she found something for me to try/look at.

I have an app on my phone, but i'm struggling to find the books I want to listen to (since it's a smaller range of books since it's only the one digitized). I've been listening to the ones on youtube. There are a ton on there surprisingly. I listen to romance more so. I love adventure and fantasy, but not too many that I like or have half read/listened to have made it on to youtube or the app...so i'm trying to find new authors and stories.
I have a ton of books lined up on my wall waiting to be read. So i might end up reading a few during my months at home.
Good that you dont have a swollen nose. My stress and tension hang out in my neck and jaw sometimes so I know they get sore, even if I'm sleeping in an odd position or maybe grinding teeth in my sleep. When you get further along the movements change from those sharp jabs and kicks to squirming because the baby is so cramped inside they just nudge around. I can feel it changing to that for myself. I'm anxiously awaiting getting to 32 weeks, I'll be starting my leaf tea regimen.
I generally read Stephen King on my phone, but also some paper back, but that's harder with the dark room lol.

I've got a very mild headache this morning, so I'm relaxing for now but I'll be making up cupcakes for dd in a bit. My appetite is still going down but I am feeling super hungry... I'll eat like a small amount and feel done now.
Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA.

This week is a big week for me and little guy. Tomorrow is officially the gestation age/day that I was admitted to the hospital with preeclampsia with DD, Tuesday I will officially be more pregnant than I've ever been (DD was delivered at 26w6d by my tracking calculations which matched with early ultrasounds, the Dr. just kept my due date by my LMP because it was only 5 days off). Of course, at this point with DD, I had already had some symptoms of pre-e (face was puffy, hands were swelled, etc.), even if I didn't know that's what it was at the time. So far this time I have zero swelling and my BP has been perfect. [-o<[-o<[-o<[-o< it stays that way!

I did have my 26 week OB appointment yesterday. Everything looked great! I did have 1+ protein in my urine, but that could be a fluke, from dehydration, etc., so as long as it doesn't trend we're good. They will want me to do a 24 hour urine test if it shows again in 2 weeks at my next OB appointment (also have to do the fun glucose test... not looking forward to that). But with there being no swelling and with my BP being great, they aren't worried.

So glad to see all is going well with everyone! It's crazy how far along we're all getting! My little guy is always moving around, lol! I love watching my belly move haha. Baby movements is definitely my favorite part of pregnancy :cloud9:

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