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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

markswife - I am so glad to hear you're doing okay! I was thinking of you just a couple days ago. Hopefully you don't continue to have protein in your urine. Since your bp is staying down and swelling is okay, fingers crossed things continue this way!
I agree about baby movements, for some reason I seem to notice mine more when I'm lying on my side though.
markswife - I am so glad to hear you're doing okay! I was thinking of you just a couple days ago. Hopefully you don't continue to have protein in your urine. Since your bp is staying down and swelling is okay, fingers crossed things continue this way!
I agree about baby movements, for some reason I seem to notice mine more when I'm lying on my side though.

Thank you Jessica!! I'm so glad to have made it this far with no symptoms so far, so I'm just hoping things keep on sailing along smoothly.
Oh my the time is flying by now!! hubby took down our full length mirror and I've been pestering him to put it back up not that the wall has been painted and I can't believe I've missed 2 weeks of bump shots!!!

Glad everyone is bumping along nicely, I've got to asgree watching and feeling all the belly movements is the best part, so much more than with my dd. I've just started getting acid reflux, I don't miss that from my last pregnancy and it has started much earlier than with dd too. Oh well it will be worth it.

Yay markswife for being the most pregnant you've been, I hope everything continues to run smoothly for you and I hope the proteins was a one off

Star I hope your lump is nothing to worry about and you can find out what is causing it
Morning Ladies --- A "Lovely" Monday!
Ended up running late this morning.... :blush: I hate running late, but then at some point I'm just like eh ... I'm stuck in traffic, can't help the cars aren't moving in front of me, right?!
Had a bit of a rough start too. Coughing ended up causing me to deal with some reflux issues, urgh! Not looking forward to the smaller/squished stomach in the last few months.
And my dog is still barking his head off at the neighbors dog, who is just sitting there .... ignoring my dog haha Poor thing is probably annoyed as much as we are.

You can tell that the "day light savings" is gonna start soon! It's so dark this morning. Kinda looking forward to that extra hour of sleep for a few days.
Plus some fog and a hurricane about to hit the coast, things are kinda dreary.

Jaw is still irritating me here and there. Might run it by the doc on thurs so see if they agree that it's probably something that will go away after baby is born. I really just want to avoid the dentist. It's just with all these appointments, scheduling another makes it seem like i don't wanna be at work lol (which like usual somedays i just don't)

Baby is having a ball. Some of the movements are cute, ticklish.... a few jabs and kicks. Some still catch me off guard, and hubby laughs at me when i jump. I told him that he should try having your insides move on you and see how you like it :haha:
Enjoying most of the movements though.
And I think I'm the one with the hiccups. I don't think baby has had them, unless they are while i'm dealing with them.

Appetite is going back and forth between wanting to eat everything - even though i can't eat much cause i get full quickly, and nothing sounds good and I want to eat a cracker for dinner. But from what I'm heard and read, it seems to be common to go back and forth.

So i'm sure there is more to blab about ...but for now that's all for me.
I hope you ladies had a good weekend :)
24 weeks--viability week.

Hubby finally felt her kick last night

Gooood morning everyone!!

markswife - I am really keeping fingers and toes crossed for you to make it much closer to full term this time around!

MrsDuck - We don't have a full length mirror so I have to take angled shots in the bathroom or selfie mode haha, it sucks. Hope you can manage your reflux. Strange as it sounds, pineapple worked okay for me, but never lasted long. I always was told it meant baby would be born with lots of hair, and it was probably just a coincidence but all my kids had full heads of hair, my daughter had the most strangely enough.

StarGazer - It actually started raining here today, and it's so refreshing. I hope the hurricane doesn't hit the coast over there too hard, I've been seeing stuff about it on the weather though. Sucks to be running late, but sometimes it just happens and better to just be safe than sorry. Sorry you are still having jaw pain. As for the reflux, hoping you feel better soon. I also have the yo-yo appetite going on, and my nausea always returns in the last part of pregnancy, so I'm gearing up for that as well. I never notice the hiccups until closer to the end and some of mine didn't get them hardly at all. My first had them a lot and he had them a lot after he was born for well over a year. So far this one seems to lie in a shrimp like position like dd did, but I'm noticing lots of rolling and turning, too.

We didn't do much this weekend, but dh and I got our new weight bench finally and set it up last night. This week we're going to try and finish cleaning out the room it is in so we can use it regularly. I've missed lifting so much, so I'm looking forward to getting back to it. I told dh last night I feel like a beached whale already. It took me like twenty minutes to vacuum the living room and bedroom because I have to get up and move so much slower lol, at least I got it done.

We did our birthday party for dd and she enjoyed it quite a bit!

I've been having my headaches I get in the back of my skull from tension that goes from the base of my skull down my neck, probably from sleeping wrong or being tense too much. Dh rubbed on it some and I did as well this morning, but hoping it goes away soon.
I love when Hubby can actually feel Baby move. Most often he just laughs when i jump from the sudden movement.

I'm 26 weeks! O_O 98 days to go!
Baby likes to stick it's little butt just next to my belly button. Little hard spot pertruding and it's just too funny.
Last night I had to keep rubbing my belly to calm them so they would stop moving so much. They were killing me.

Had a dream that because baby liked to stay on my right side that it meant that baby was a girl. And a second dream that I requested an ultrasound to tell me what I was having... another girl prediction.
All these people think i'm having a boy :haha:

OH .... my SIL did the blood test to find out what they were having. I guess she couldn't wait to find out *eyeroll* but I'm happy she's having a girl. (Those tests are like 97% right??)
dove - yaay, for 24 weeks and it's great your dh got to feel baby move!!

StarGazer - crazy, you're almost to third tri! I never knew baby hanging out on the right side was more for a girl, or is that just your dream? My dd always hung out on my right side, coincidentally lol. There are a few people that do that blood test, but I don't really see the point for myself. I can't wait to find out but it's also exciting and a big motivation during labor that you'll get to see what you end up having.
It was just in my dream. I don't really have a clue where that even came from! Kinda funny that your DD did hang on the right! Maybe it's a thing?? haha
I'm hoping that i'm not being swayed by finding out what SIL is having....but I kinda have been thinking girl from the beginning, so I don't think so *shrug*

I'm enjoying not knowing. Keeps some mystery in life! It's driving everyone around me crazy! Which i just laugh at them.
I think it bothers everyone else more than me, too! It's crazy, they're like "what are you having" and when I shrug they look at me like I'm insane for not finding out. Of course I want to know, but the mystery and suspense involved in waiting is like nothing else. I don't really mind if someone wants to find out for their own baby, of course, for me, it was so dramatic when my daughter was born and the first thing I said was "is it a boy or a girl" right before she was handed to me. I still think this one will most likely be a boy but you never know.
I think I want that iconic movie scene where the doctor says it. LOL (not like it would actually happen that way.) I think it would be awesome, and more meaningful if Hubby says it instead of the doctor!

So i was curious if the whole "which side baby is on" was a thing. Most people are referring to the placenta... but found a few that talked about baby hanging around left/right/middle side. It's seems to be just another guessing game. Of the few forums I read, it seems to be pretty 50/50 still, which leads no real say.
Fun to look up and read about still.
I also googled it, and I only really found the ramzi theory. I have my eight week ultrasound but I cannot tell either way since it looks like the placenta is center to the blob in front of it. When dd was born dh was holding our younger son and our oldest was awake beside them, waiting and watching. The room fell completely silent when I was pushing dd out (I never have screamed during pushing, I get really quiet for some reason). My midwife came to the hospital with me since I didn't get to deliver with her at the birth center. She was the one to tell me dd was a girl.

I'm super anxious to have a waterbirth this time around, sooo hoping it works out. I'm having terrible ligament pain today on both sides. Must have been too wild in cleaning the kitchen and moving around *ugh*
So my mom is driving me nuts to look for a day care. I hate to break it to her that we're not gonna put our infant into a facility..... But I humored her and went to an "open house" (which in my opinion was more of an award show to celebrate 10 years than letting people actually know anything)
And in the end .... i'm more like ... eh I'm not that interested. Nothing like super special about it. Seems to have lower rates than some. But it's with my parent's church -- of which Hubby and I agreed we didn't want to attend.

Everyone over on this coast is preparing for this Hurricane.
Hubby and I cleared off our porch last night since land fall can be anywhere between tomorrow and Friday.
I'm hoping we don't loose power. I'm terrified about loosing all the food i just finally got stocked up in the fridge! Plus Hubby isn't the best person when he's bored... meaning that no power means he'll be clingy.... :dohh:

I hope everyone else is having a decent morning.
Good morning everyone!

StarGazer - I've been seeing more stuff about the hurricane on my weather app, hope it doesn't hit you too hard. Mothers can be pretty overbearing and pushy about their grand children, I wouldn't put much stock into it. I'm not religious so I probably wouldn't be comfortable at all with a church daycare lol. As for the power outage, well you know how that goes when I lost power for half a day a few weeks ago. I relish all the time I get to spend with dh, so can't help you there.

Well I'm at that point of feeling tired and sore just from moving around and doing stuff. Not looking forward to the next few months of this, but I'll keep plugging along. If I go a little slower I'll be okay, I think. Baby is moving a lot lately, and my appetite is still come and go, with some nausea peaking in again already.
Oh I love spending time with him, but it usually involves some sort of electrical device (either it's playing in the background or we're actually watching it)... ;)
It's been a long time since power has gone out, i'm curious if he'll let me be some.
But he did mention that if we end up off for a few days cause of the hurricane that we'll start working on the room. In a way looking forward to that.

Appetite is going back and forth. Still mostly toward the "i don't want food", but i'll eat something cause i need to mood. I have a feeling i'm gonna have to start taking my omeprazole again...urgh
Baby is moving around like its having a party in there. As long as no major flips or jabs I'll be good -- and stays away from vital organs. Have to unbutton my pants while i'm sitting, cause they act like it's suffocating them.
Been teary lately... eyes just water and leak like I just finished the saddest movie ever.
Jaw and ears are killing me still --- something i'll bring up to the doc since it's probably lasted the longest of anything I've dealt with in months. Last night I could bearly eat my pizza, but yet i could munch on some small ice cubes ??? weird but maybe it was cause it's a cold thing? idk.... But my other ear keeps getting clogged at night.
Which leads to the .... I couldn't sleep last night. Took me nearly 3 hours to finally drift off (for the first part of the night) I itched, I couldn't get comfortable. Hubby decided the middle of the bed was a good spot to "Starfish". Then at some point he softly touched my arm and i swatted him away 3 times before he actually applied some sort of pressure so i knew it was him and not something from a dream/blanket/bug ...He asked me what was wrong this morning. I shrugged.
Then when i'm half awake I feel baby wiggling around, making it hard to get back to sleep. So i toss and turn til baby calms down. And then........ it's time to get up.
I hear yah on the appetite front, it really sucks. It's taking me like half an hour to eat my salad, doesn't help that my two youngest are crowding me for bites constantly. I hope that if your power goes out you can manage dealing with your food supply. Luckily I have a camp stove and plenty of propane. Baby is moving all around and my braxton hicks are getting pretty strong lately. I would definitely bring up the pain to your doctor, jaw pain sucks so much. If you're actually craving ice, you could have pica, maybe? Usually it's from iron deficiency. Sometimes it takes me awhile to fall asleep, pregnancy sleep is soooo elusive! I have been taking omeprazole for years and it is great during pregnancy, sometimes I still get indigestion but not very often.
I'm not craving ice, i just ended up with a cup from that open house, i was just munching on it so i could get to the water. I'm guessing just the cold from the ice was playing nice with my pain.

Well baby has been "rubbing" along my tummy all day. Feels so weird, small little wiggles but feels more of just rubbing. And that occasional reflex of an arm or leg that hits in a spot that make you go "uff"

Since the storm isn't supposed to hit til later wednesday, I"ll be in office until they tell me not to. My appointment is closer to home Thursday morning. Most i'll deal with then is some heavier rain. Kinda hoping not to have to go to work Thursday or Friday but *shrug* we'll see. Work passed out the number for our automated message so I'll be calling that if i don't feel safe enough to drive to work.
Star I hope your jaw can be easily sorted and it's nothing serious, do you think it's an abscess or something? Glad you are all stocked up with food and I hope the storm doesn't hit you too hard, stay safe. Your dream might be right my baby girl likes to hang out on my right side

Jessica I think you too are having a girl, I seem to read your comments on how you are feeling or your symptoms and then I get them too shortly after haha

I've been getting what I hope are stretching pains on my right hand side a lot lately, but that is where baby likes to hang out so I guess that's understandable and now that my dd has started school I've been doing much more cleaning, moving stuff around and also walking too and from school so increased fitness. I guess my body doesn't know what has suddenly hit it haha
To be honest I have no clue why my jaw is hurting. I thought it was an earache at first, but then my ear would only hurt when i moved my jaw....
It's been odd and I hope it's nothing crazy.

As far as the storm, I'm inland far enough we're really just gonna get a ton of rain and wind. Most of our issue will be that it's been raining prior to the storm, that any additional water will just sit on the ground, plus the amount/time that it will linger after landfall.
The coast will probably be swept away and have to be rebuilt.
Our main concern will be the strength of winds that we'll get here. I have huge trees next to our house... So i'm pretty sure we'll have down branches for the next week.

As for Baby: They've been calm for the past few days. Still have their moments, just not wild movements. I'm bad and not paying attention to their "pattern". I think when baby is like this, i get more hand movements in spots that are uncomfortable....

I think it would be awesome if I had a girl! Everyone is probably more anxious now since MIL guessed right about SIL's gender. But I still say "ya never know til baby comes out" :p
I know that if I have a boy, I will be 100% the same excited!
So little over 3 months and We'll all know for sure ^_^

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