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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

StarGazer - it could be just from sleeping on it a certain way too, hopefully nothing serious! You have your appointment tomorrow?? Are you doing the gtt and getting bloods done as well?? I've been eyeing the storm progress and I hope it isn't as bad as it looks. I do enjoy stormy weather, but hurricanes are no joke. I hope you guys fair just fine! As for baby's gender, guesses are always 50% lol. But I agree if I went by symptoms I'd say girl for you.

MrsDuck - it's crazy, I keep comparing symptoms to how they were with either ds or my dd and they're different but similar. I do feel if I went by symptoms and such I'll have a girl, but I guess we'll find out for sure in a little over 10 weeks (omg crazy). I'm also getting so many of those stretching pains, just this morning I got up too fast and it hurt so much on one side. I guess I really do need to slow down.

Some weird dreams are hitting me again! Things are generally calm around here, yesterday was a bit stressful though. I ended up making breakfast for dinner and ate too much French toast, :haha:. Dh made me a grilled cheese because I definitely needed something other than sugar in me. As a bonus I had some super intense dreams. The rain we've been having has been so nice, I love listening to it. I'm so getting excited for the fall, but mostly I want to find a jack-o-lantern maternity shirt to wear and have had no luck yet.
I was thinking that it's cause it's the jaw I always prop my head on. Might be linked to why my left hand ends up having more issues falling asleep at night too.
I toss and turn too much to really tell which side i spend the most time on. But i feel when i'm on my left, things do tend to be more annoying.

My appointment is early morning, well before we're supposed to get the most bad weather here. I'm hoping that sitting around the office long enough warrants that it gets too bad and I just head the 20 mins home instead of the hour to work.
I'm doing my gtt (which i thought involved a blood draw and a urine test...) plus I'm supposed to have a prenatal too. Best part of any of it will be hearing little Wiggles' heart beat.

OH forgot to mention that my mom thinks I'm having a girl. I don't know if it's how i'm acting, or the ultrasound she attended, but :)
She's still buying "neutral" stuff, but she's well stocked (more than I am haha)

Having a rough day at work. I just found out that the almost 2 weeks work of gathering information has ended up in skipped products :dohh: So .... now i have to start from the beginning and find which ones have been omitted so i can add them to my file. URGH .... so tired and this isn't helping.
I'm sure you'll be fine with the gtt, but definitely eat something as soon as you can because the crash from the blood sugar can make some people nauseated. It's always so fun hearing the hb, I haven't even broken out my doppler for awhile because baby is always moving. I really should take a listen though, my three year old asks me all the time if I'm going to listen to it.
Luckily I still have lots of clothes for either gender left over, in a vacuum bag, and I bought like three newborn onesies that are neutral colors, but honestly I rarely buy clothes because babies are always naked around this house lol. I hope your day gets better, and that the weather isn't so bad for you. Right now we're having blue skies on one half of the sky and raining on the other.
I always find it funny when the clouds split like that.
One year I literally witnessed at the IL's the cloud of snow coming through. You could walk from snowing to not snowing in a foot. Was awesome!
At their house it does the same thing with rain... can't figure out what kind of phenomenon goes on over there, but it sure is something.

I'm sure i'll do fine. I'm worried though cause it's at 7am... I need to eat and drink something before going in...and I have no clue if i can or will. I know I should........ but that early I just think i'll be lucky to make it into the office awake!
Baby has been pretty quiet today... moving just slightly here and there.
Now it's like it's attacking my right rib! I think the caffeine that I drank finally made it to the kid! haha
Had my growth scan today. Baby is "normal" in every way. She weighs approx 1 lb, 11 ozs. Dr said that because of my history, to be prepared to go at 37 weeks, and we will hopefully make it to 38.
StarGazer - I hope your appointment goes well, hopefully you can check in over the stormy weekend and let us know!

dove - that sounds great! Fingers crossed you make it to 38 :)

HAving some serious rain here today, it's nice and loud lol.
Well... I was super paranoid about that drink. I was happy when she handed it to me and it reminded me of an overly sugary "Orange Crush" drink! Slowly drank it.... (within 5 mins nurse said, so i did my best)
I'm super thirsty now and been chugging water.
Stopped to get breakfast afterwards since my test was at 7am ...and i barely managed half a pop tart before going in.

They can never find my veins in my arms, so after poking each one, they did my hand. Stole some gauze to keep my arms from still bleeding. And i'm leaving the thing on my hand cause it's so tender...

Doc says that my ear/jaw thing is probably inner ear and from allergies. Plus i'm thinking the pressure in the atmosphere right now is a little off cause of these storms. So i can take claritin and that should help some.
And he told me to buy a hand splint to help with my carpel tunnel. So i'll probably stop and get one on the way home.
Wow, the orange one is the worst of them all lol, it reminded me of week old flat orange soda *bleh*. Hopefully the allergy meds help a bit!
I didn't mind it too much. Just tried to relax and think "soda" and it was ok.
I'm hoping that the allergy meds kick in. It's bothering me a ton right now. Sometimes it makes my teeth hurt some, but i still don't think it has anything to do with them, just nerves are probably sensitive .... pregnancy stuff.

Overall i'm glad things are measuring good. 27 Fundal height, pretty good only over a few days. So thinking that my gtt will come back fine. But it's the "other" things that they test for that I might have to watch. And i've read that some of the first "signs" of gtt is measuring big or small for the week, and since i'm measuring basically on time, I think i'm doing pretty good!

Struggling to stay awake today. Been kinda lazy waiting for an email for work to do rather than being proactive and finding something to do. 30 mins makes a big difference -- especially when sleep is already hard.
Gtt results will probably be fine, they usually take a few days to get results. I'm having to take iron supplements now, but I'm taking a different kind, and only a half dosage of what I was told because it really messes with my bowels that much.

Some women don't even show symptoms of gd. I didn't sleep great last night so I'm hoping I can get some decent tonight.
Today was the first day that all 3 of my babies were in school for the full day. I was able to wrap my daughter's birthday presents for today, get her cake, have a shower, AND watch a movie--all without being interrupted or needed for anything. I felt so lazy, lol. I was nice though. I need to take advantage of these precious few weeks, before the baby comes :)
Good job Dove! I'm glad you got to relax some :)

I've been on and off miserable with my ear... I'm SO taking a pill when i get home! I'm searching Walmart's site for which kinda brace/splint to buy. Not sure how to explain it, but my elbows hurt and i feel it's all from the same thing. cause if i twist wrong my hands go numb. ... I have a brace for that at home i can try along with the hand splint.
I'm ready to be done with these various pains and get back to baby wiggling around and making me jump/laugh.
dove - yaaay for getting stuff done and getting to relax!

StarGazer - I hope you get some relief for your jaw pain and your carpal, I know pregnancy makes both worse and sometimes the pain just doesn't go away forever... Sucks we can only really take tylenol to help the pain... hope you can find a brace that works! I don't shop at walmart, but you might also have luck looking at a pharmacy, like Walgreens or something.
Dove that's great you get a bit of you time for the next few weeks, I too now, for the first time in 4 years have a bit of time to do other stuff, cleaning mostly haha now that dd has started school, I'm going to try and make the most of it before baby comes. Fingers crossed that you get to 38 weeks or beyond.

Jessica I hope the iron tablets don't mess with your bowels too much

Do you get a choice of the sugary drink for the gtt test or do you just get given a flavour? Star I hope all results come back fine. How are you getting on with the weather?

Sleep is impossible......
were any of you belly sleepers before you were pregnant? I am just not comfortable in any other position other than on my front and as soon as I start to roll forward baby goes mad with her kicking, I guess she's getting squashed. I've already got 4 pillows to support/prop me up but I think I'm going to try even more
MrsDuck - I was a stomach sleeper before, so I understand the struggle. I spend a lot of time tossing and turning to get comfortable, and then I get terrible restless legs. I bought a nice big body pillow to help but it's not quite as good as I need lol.

29 weeks today! Crazy almost down to the single digit weeks remaining. I feel massive and uncomfortable and waddle everywhere already. I felt super emotional last night before falling asleep and then had crappy sleep all night, having to get up and pee at least three times that I can remember. Hope everyone else is doing okay!
Urgh the Restless Legs are very irritating! I feel bad if i kick Hubby, but i can't help it.

I'm a side sleeper, and i'm actually trying not to sleep on my back. Either side baby doesn't like, so i often toss and turn. But at some points baby stops kicking me long enough for me to fall asleep.

As far as the Hurricane, we have some wind, but not expecting rain for a few more hours. I'm central NC, so I know it's coming. I was hoping to either be off today or work half a day...so far it looks like i'm here most of the day.
I might inquire later to see when the rain starts that I can head home.
Tornadoes are being spotted around the outer bands, so i don't want to be outside.
Stay safe this weekend, that's for sure! Luckily it is sunny and a little breezy here, but it was super cold this morning, actually had to break out my slippers lol. My hips are starting to hurt on the insides of my legs by my pelvis so I'm trying to keep moving.
Hi ladies,
How was your weekend?
How is everyone doing?

Afm, my 2 kids are both in full time school, will be resting plenty. Im suffering from SPD. Literally feel like someone has beat the s### out of my vagina. Anything i do jusy hurts... its so uncomfortable and to top it off all i can think of is my elective caesarean... its my 3rd and i keep think it its going to go wrong! Im OTT as it is with my health but this is taking over my life and sleep xx

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