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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I had SPD with my last pregnancy--it was torture! I'm sorry you are having to deal with it. Rest as much as you can.

I'll be having a 4th C-section. A bit of panicky moments, but I'm sure it will all be fine :)

25 weeks today! Woot woot!:happydance:
Buttercup - sorry you're having worries and SPD! I'm sure your c/s will go smoothly for you :) I'm starting to have lots of hip pain on the inside of my thighs and sides around to my lower back, it really does suck to move around sometimes, I feel for you. I'm also really anxious about labor, albeit not a c/s, still anxious about the pain and recovery!

dove - happy 25 weeks! Soon we'll all be in third tri *suffering* (hopefully not too much) together.

afm - we are doing some cleanup around our house and getting it ready for the rainy season. I can't do as much as I'd like due to the discomfort and waddleness but I'm still moving around. Baby has been very active lately and I am at the point where my appetite is really winding down. I can't each much and I don't even want to eat lol. Only a little over ten weeks to go!
Buttercup I’m so sorry you are suffering, I hope you can manage to rest as much as possible and I’m sure your cs will go fine :hugs:

Dove yay for 25 weeks, time is really flying by now

Jessica I hope your appetite comes back and sorry you are struggling with moving around

On the whole I’m feeling ok. It’s a struggle to bend over to pick stuff up and to get up once I’m sat on the floor with dd, oh and sleeep what sleep haha but I think I’m feeling better since walking to and from school each day with dd, I hated it the first few days but I think that 40 mins exercise is actually helping

I hope you all had a lovely weekend I can’t believe it’s Monday again already!
Morning Ladies!

My area didn't have much of a problem with the storm. It rained for over 24 hours straight. A few branches down, but nothing terrible.
Mostly gloomy and tiring from the rain.

27 weeks for me! o_O Still in shock it's this time already!
Happy 25 Dove!
(Jess did i wish you happy 29th??? might have missed that post)

Appetite is going back and forth still. I think i'm having that I'll eat anything in front of me stage even when i'm starting to feel overfull anyways. I think i ate randomly all weekend. I was going to have a sandwich til the bread smelt like acetone -- even asked Hubby and he said it did too, so i threw it away.

And yup.... back to "Monday"
Good morning everyone!!

MrsDuck - Thanks, honestly it's not so bad I cannot get around or anything, but if I consistently move around I'm okay. And yay for exercising. It really does help, I'll be back at it today for myself. You're so close to third tri! Woo

StarGazer - Good to know that you guys faired okay, no serious damage was had. I saw some pics of what happened near the coast and it's terrible. Happy 27 weeks! I am right there with you on the appetite front. It starts out okay in the mornings and then just tapers off by the end of the day, but I'm hungry and nothing sounds good and then I end up feeling gross for awhile at night.

afm - sleep is going okay, but only half of the time. I'm not too bad off though. I can get around and usually by the end of the day I feel a bit worn down and sore in my hips. Yesterday was a pretty lazy day for me, but I know I'll be back to my usual getting-stuff-done-mode today lol.
Yeah the coast is pretty bad. Many schools around here are being used as shelters, so school is out. Not sure how long some will be though... since they can't conduct school while there are random people roaming the halls. My friend's called off theirs this morning. Must have some bad spots around the county.

I kept going back and forth of feeling good/bad last night. Not sure if it was the conjunction of food I ate or weather or idk ...
I'm ready for the allergies to go away. My ear/jaw hurts a little less here and there, and i can tell when the claritin is wearing off as it again feels like someone punched me. My eyes water randomly and I have to get tissue to help dry my eyes and face.
Hands are stiff and irritatingly numb here and there. I don't think it's carpal tunnel though. I think it might be tennis elbow, cause the back of my elbow is what is hurting and my hands regain feeling when i stretch out my arm twisting the join a little... Which is hard to do when you are a "hug" sleeper (my hands have to be up around my shoulders or head/face at night)
I feel bad for everyone that is not sleeping well. (Touch wood), I'm having no problems sleeping right now.
Well apparently I'm not doing too bad... I slept through one of those stupid emergency alarms on my phone (which is right next to my head on the nightstand).
Most of my issue is my ear and hands. I think i'm sleeping through my tossing and turning, or i Just finally got comfortable in one place last night.
Although.... our bedroom which is normally freezing has been extremely hot the past few days. Reading near 80... My tank top is rolled up over the belly, my lounge pants pulled up shorts and no blanket on me. Mind you, i'm a cold person! It goes go back down, but i'm not sure why it even hits that high when the house is set for 74.

I got my results back from my blood work (online account posts them quick). It looks like i'm A-OK. A few points low towards anemic, but who isn't?! :p
Doesn't look too bad, or they would have called me by now.
Glucose came back at 150 mg/dL -- it isn't highlighted, so I'm assuming it's in good range and I'm gonna live.
The only things that are highlighted are my Blood Cell counts and those related to. And i think they were roughly the same ones that were highlighted the last time I had blood work done.

Baby has discovered my side... Since i'm not growing "out" i'm going "wide" and baby keeps kicking my intestines -- right side. I hope they don't kick too hard! Precious little appendix is there, I don't want to deal with that in the last trimester too!
dove - thankfully I get decent sleep more often than not, the only thing that really bothers me is that I wake up sooo hungry and having to pee lol.

StarGazer - Sounds pretty terrible over there, hope recovery can happen soon. Allergies are always worse for me when pregnant as well, I think it's the estrogen that makes your mucus membranes swell, so it's likely that. With the change in weather here it gives me sinus headaches that generally go away when I'm up and about. As for your blood work, the cutoff that is generally used for the one hour test is 140 here, so I'm not sure if I'm reading that wrong or something. I'm also anemic in this late stage, so now I'm taking a special iron supplement.

I'm starving already again, so I made myself up some spicy eggs and now I'm trying to relax!
I'm managing ... i normally don't have a ton of bad allergies, so it's probably just pregnancy screwing with my body more so.

There is a little explanation below the result, but it makes no sense. So I have no clue to be honest. But it's not highlighted, so i'm going off that idea that it's ok. I'm sure I'll get a call or email sometimes soon about the results. (They have til 4:30 to call).

Lunch didn't go over too well. I don't know if I just ate too fast, or my body didn't want me to digest it. I've had it before (chicken burrito), so i'm leaning towards the ate too fast. I don't feel "nasty" i just feel hungry cause well ... no lunch in belly.

And... I'm not sure if it's the weather or not but I'm exhausted, and don't feel like doing anything but playing sudoku all day. I think that's partly cause of my lunch not going well. Might take a trip to the vending machine and get a bag of chips. .....
My allergies are generally just in the late spring when grass blooms around the valley, and molds, which are any time of the year. I don't have many problems, I try to just stay indoors for the couple of weeks that grass is being cut down (it's a main crop).

As for your results, I imagine they would have called you about it if it was an issue??? Or have you at least come in an do the 3 hour test? I'm really not sure. I know that most places do the one hour test and the cutoff is 140, if you fail that then they'll want you to do the three hour test. The gtt is seriously the one I stress the most, for some reason.

I know I have to have my blood retested when I go back in to see how my iron levels are doing with me taking a supplement now. Plus there'll be the group b strep test near the end (ugh).
I haven't eaten lunch yet, but I need to. I always lose my appetite after getting off the treadmill. I hope you feel better soon with the food :/
When I do get my allergies it's season change, and even then it's still slight. I never had them as a kid, so i don't have them bad now.
When I was growing up I ended up with upper respritory every year mainly cause the trailer was held together with dirty and grime, no heat and only a window unit for air... It was amazing the first winter i wasn't in there I didn't get sick, and every year since I don't have issues -- totally blame that trailer! I'm glad my mom and dad finally got a new double wide WITH HEAT AND AIR! lol

I ate a snickers, and found that I didn't feel bad after eating it, so I went to get some chips -- came back with cheez-its. Not a healthy lunch but that's what I got in the vending machine and my bag, so *shrug* whachagonnado... I'm trying to eat the cheez-its slow cause started to feel a bit blah again.
Plus i'm burning up!

Been a bit "not wanting to work" today so I'm slowly importing products....Day is almost over so maybe i can go home a relax some.
I'm tired all.the.time. Even though I am sleeping at least 9 hrs a night....It's annoying. Most days I also have an afternoon nap. I have also just started taking iron, but it hasn't seemed to help.
I just noticed the September is numbered the same at December!
3 months til baby's due date!!! :happydance:

I've been trying to get more sleep, it's not helping.
I went to bed at 8 one night. Of course that didn't help as I was woke up by Hubby when he came to bed. As he wants to hug and talk to me *eyeroll*
Hubby stayed up a little later last night, I went to bed at 8:30, managed to be asleep when he came in, but i had to pee, so that didn't work out.

Funny thing... I got an email for a "Team Building Conference" on Dec 11th.... I replied back to the organizer and was like um .... that's a week before Baby is due, I doubt i'll be here. And truthfully I have no clue if I can or not.... haha
-- I am sincerely hoping I won't be in office at all during December! I want to be at home, near the hospital! Babies are too unpredictable to be over an hour away and with people i don't want around during possible labor.
Even though this is my fourth baby, she will be my first (and only) cold weather newborn. Anyone have winter babies? I literally brought all of my babies home is just a short sleeved diaper shirt, LOL. I have a one piece (bunting) suit for her in 0-3 and 3-6 months, long pants, long sleeved shirts, I will be knitting her some sweaters, and super cute one piece outfits. She has a blanket for the car seat/stroller. She has hats, and gloves, little boots....am I missing anything?

Also starting to think about hospital bags. I find I always bring WAY too much. Any absolute essentials on your lists?

Since the dr said to be prepared for 37 weeks, that leaves me 12 weeks. If the past means anything, I'll be in and out of the hospital leading up to then, so I feel the need to get completely ready!
dove - I generally wait until the last minute to do the bag, I actually packed for my first one while in active labor and was grumping the whole time because all my clothes were dirty and I was so short tempered lol. Since I'm planning on delivering with my midwife this time, I likely won't be staying long. I usually bring a set of clothes for myself, a onesie for the new one, toiletries, phone charger. Last time I brought some extra stuff for my young ones to have to do since I was being induced. Living in the pacific northwest it's usually just wet and cold here in the winters, and since two of mine were born in September, I'm used to bringing them home in the cold. It's so easy to overpack for me so I try to limit myself, and my little ones generally never wear clothes except when we go out. Honestly I'm more worried about it being cold/flu season. I think the tired all the time is probably normal, too, hopefully the iron helps ease it some though.

StarGazer - don't feel bad, I just ate a small brownie lol. I usually go to bed around 9, I wake up usually between 11 and 2 to pee a couple times. We took our air conditioners out this last weekend so I just sleep with a fan on me all night and it helps having a little white noise and circulating air. Dh usually has a Christmas party around the second week or December, so I am sure we'll end up not going to that. It's usually so wet here that mold is an issue in the winter. It doesn't bother me near as much as it bothers dh, so we try to keep our house well circulated since we live on a slab instead of a regular foundation.

Can't believe I'll be into single digit weeks soon enough. I haven't even packed my own bag yet, and we're still trying to figure out how it's going to work getting home since we have more people than car seats unless I drive down in labor, which dh has been adamant that I won't be doing. I have some ideas of what we can do but nothing we've made concrete yet.
I say eat whatever you fancy, a bit of something naughty does you good haha

You are all so laid back about your hospital bag, I suddenly had that nighttime thought aaagh I'd better start thinking what I need to get to put in the bag and just today I've ordered nappies.

I sent dd to school crying and all snotty this morning, poor thing she is full up with a cold, I just didn't know what to do for the best, keep her off but then she's bound to get another one in a few weeks off her classmates, I did feel bad leaving her there though sob sob
Awe, Mrs Duck.... you probably are right, if you keep her home, then she'll just end up with another from her classmates.
My friends child ends up sick all the time. They just found out he's allergic to pet dander and has to use an inhaler and a ??nebulizer?? something-or-another at night. He's only 6. They are thinking he could grow out of it, but can't be sure. My friend thinks she's discovering she's also allergic to dander too --- funny after all these years... [oh minor note, they own a cat, and always have]

Had a dream that baby was moving so much that they birthed themselves, it was literally like a "poof" and i'm holding baby all covered in (i forgot the word ...starts with a v)
My mom was in this dream,which is odd cause most of the "birthing" dreams i've had have just been me and Hubby. --- Baby was a Boy this time.

Hospital Bag??? I haven't even thought about it. I figured I'll get it together last minute... maybe during my last few weeks before due date. I only have the 1 onesie i bought, and then the pack of them that i bought to tell Hubby. (The pack is long sleeve and 0-3 month) So if anything, Little Bit can wear the one I made. It says "Our Little Miracle"

That all reminds me I have to look at my registry again. People are asking me when my shower is ... :shrug: Looks like i'm going to have to get with my mom and figure that out.
I'm off to pick her up soon so I'll see how she has been, but it just makes you feel bad leaving them when they are like that.

Oh no what a poor little thing, they sometimes do grow out of it, fingers crossed

Haha that's something I still haven't had, baby dreams, but I wish it was just like poof here is baby, I love it

Aw that onesie sounds adorable, yeah make the most of people wanting to buy stuff for you, baby stuff is so expensive, especially as they grow out of most things so quickly

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