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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I hope she's ok. I'm sure she'll want snuggles when you see her.

It would be nice if babies did just magically "pop" out! But yeah .... that's how i know it's a dream :haha:

I told my MIL about the play pen I wanted, and she looks at me like i'm crazy. $200 isn't bad, when it's name brand and has the best reviews. Now I get that the carseat I want which is $400, is a bit much, but i want it....instead of having to buy car seat, cover, insert to do all the same thing I'd rather just get the one i want. No i might not get it initially, but I'll get it one day! ;P

I'm so sleepy... We ate dinner late last night, meaning I didn't get into bed til near 10p. Did NOT want to get up this morning.
Baby is very active and pushing everywhere... some spots hurt more than others.
MrsDuck - funny you mention the bag because I had an hour or so of non-sleeping this morning where I was thinking "oh I should get it together" lol. Sorry your lo is sick, it's always hard seeing them not feeling well. I remember back in school I think I was always sick, yuck! I also have some nice new nappies that are cleaned and ready to be used by the next baby!

StarGazer - I've only really had one labor dream and it was more focused on waiting for the action, pacing and watching the clock because that's what I always do during labor irl. Baby clothes are so expensive and it's so easy to over buy. One set is probably enough. Make sure you get some little cloth receiving blankets for burping and such, they'll keep your clothes clean if you set them over your shoulder while you burp your baby! My second used to eat so much and spit up a lot, lots of laundry to be had lol. How exciting to do a baby shower! As for car seat, I spent like 300 on one that converts from infant to booster, it was most practical for us! I have two of those for my youngers and a tiny infant seat I got when ds2 was a newborn, so I'll reuse that one again.

I stayed up until after ten last night for some reason, reading, and kept waking up, having strange dreams about magic and travel. Dh and I did some cleanup last night and had a later dinner and relaxed together a little. He's said he's getting excited for the new baby so we are talking about it more and more. I really do need to get a bag going soon. Ds1 has his birthday next week so I'll be making him a red velvet cake like he requested and some calzones for his dinner, also requested.
I've had some strange dreams. One i told a co-worker and i should have wrote it here. But something about a giant pond/lake thing. I was using a cart to paddle through the crocodile infested water, and saw a sea turtle large enough to beat up the crocs. something about them tearing up the cow pastures around my parents house to build something... It's been a few weeks I can't remember much more.

Baby is moving a lot and making me feel sick when I'm trying to nibble on lunch. Ended up going to the store down the road for "quick" lunch snacks rather than grabbing meals. Since yesterday didn't pan out well, i didn't want to spend over 8$ and toss it in the can like i did yesterday (and i don't mean simply throwing it away)
I got some fruits, crackers, a jug of welch's juice, some meat and cheese to roll up together... spent 30$, but i have snacks and drink for the rest of the week! :)
Yeah I am feeling gross from not eating enough the last couple days I think, so I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, something sweet to at least appease myself but probably have some cheese next lol. Baby was moving wild last night, and today is a bit quieter for the most part. I feel kinda lazy today probably from not sleeping well last night.

I had a dream a couple months ago of my dh coming after me to murder me, I remember being able to see him standing in the dark around a corner with his face concealed and me being huge running to grab two knives so in case he noticed I had a knife I would drop one and have the other hidden on me. He, of course, laughed when I told him about this.
I managed to nibble on an "adult lunchable" (pepperoni, cheese cubes, and some odd cracker) Pepperoni was too strong so i ate like 5 (didn't count) Opened up the cantaloupe and ate that. Drank some juice. Was naughty and ate 2 donuts :blush:
Just feel thirsty more than anything but could eat something else too.

This day is dragging. I seriously thought it was much later than it is... I'm ready to go home. Eat some mac n cheese from last night and veg on the couch.

I haven't had any of "those" kind of dreams. I had a few sex dreams in the beginning... those have been a little absent lately (maybe cause Hubby wants to smother me during the day that I don't dream about it much). But i think most of mine are obscure baby or water related.
I just ate my lunch: garlic chicken, brown rice, and brussels sprouts. I'm so full lol. I know I'll be hungry in about ten minutes. Plus I drank so much water with my meal I'm bloated from that.

I still have sex dreams, but mostly I had them during first tri.

My day is also going slow, and my hips are in a bit more than the usual pain, had to slow my workout even more, which is frustrating all on its own.
I got up to pee... omg ... I felt a twinge in my lower belly earlier, that's why i went.
On my right side, in the middle all the way through the crotch but not into the back. It just feels like a period pain. Assuming more stretching pains.
I tried to bend over to relieve it, but nope ... had to walk slowly back, trying not to waddle too much like a penguin holding an egg.

Ooo your lunch sounds awesome! (which i honestly haven't said in a while, cause when you post food i feel sick LOL)
I know that waddle well, I have to do it myself, especially at night. I rock myself over and sit up and make sure not to rush to the bathroom. Those twinges are really annoying, too. I feel for you there! Just have to take it slower as you go along it seems.

As for food, it was tasty. And spicy, since I cooked the sprouts with pepper flakes lol. I'm trying to keep food going consistently all day so I have an appetite for dinner.
Well that twinge pain lasted til bed time. I called my mom to see if she could think of any thing that would cause it to last that long or if it's just stretching or baby sitting on a nerve.
She told me to stretch even if it hurt, and to apply heat/cold to it to see if that helped. I got baby to finally move (for a whole 5 mins) and it helped a little.
I ended up using a heating pouch (one of those beaded things) ... was mostly difficult to not get it too hot in a sensitive area.
Add Hubby wanting to cuddle and giving me no room on the bed, baby kicking my OTHER side... Trying to find a comfortable spot to lay was next to impossible.
Then finally feeling better i must have fallen asleep, to wake up pain on my right side, and having to pee -- coming back to bed pushing Hubby's butt out of my way.
[Man i wish he could see how much space he was leaving me.... and Move Over!]

So needless to really say, my night sucked!

I'm looking into yoga balls to see if i can get one and bring it here to sit on for the next few months. This office chair is uncomfortable, and i figured the ball would encourage good posture, help with keeping baby in good positions and keep me moving a bit more than this stagnate chair.
Any of you ladies bought a yoga/exercise ball?
Yeah those pains can last awhile, I've never had them last that long, but half a day yes. For me they were ligament pains in my sides and it hurt a lot to move or twist that way. As for the exercise balls, I've always wanted to buy one, but I've used them during labor and they're really good for pelvic pressure, I'd recommend buying one.

Crappy sleep again last night, just couldn't get comfortable and having to get up multiple times to pee and feeling hungry. Hopefully I get some decent sleep tonight, I'm going to try and eat more closer to bed time.
I know that my belly has to get bigger, otherwise this is a tiny baby... and i don't think anything is tiny about it! So i was thinking more or less ligament pains.

When I got up last night, my tummy was making all sorts of noise! Kinda bad at 3am cause that usually triggers my reflux... Luckily it dissipated when I was finished in the bathroom and went back to sleep.

Well I went to the store after work (in all that pain >,< urgh half way through my foot was killing me... i couldn't win yesterday for nothing) ---- anyways finally bought some new bread and the store was back in stock with the yogurt i like to get (whipped raspberry) So lunch will be a decent, sandwich, yogurt and watermelon :)
Provided baby allows me to eat my food.

I might swing by a store Saturday and see if i can find a ball inflated so i can see the size... and if i want to buy one online or from the store.
If you're looking for the ball, check out exercise stores, that's generally where you'll find a higher quality one and make sure it is big enough for your height. They're so nice during labor, I always wanted to buy one for my exercising here at home but with my two little ones I think they'd have meltdowns over not getting to play with it LOL.

Mmm, yogurt. Dh eats it daily with his lunch, so I sometimes eat some of it, but I love the lemon Greek yogurt. I've been dying to try making it in my Instant Pot, but I'm still a little intimidated by it for some reason. Regular yogurt consumption that has the live cultures is apparently a great way to avoid having group b strep, according to my midwife, so there's that.
I don't eat yogurt nearly enough to have healthy gains from it. I'm an odd cookie, I don't like the fruit in mine, so I have to find ones that have little to none. I discovered the Whipped ones, are just perfect! I picked up a strawberry banana original which sadly i'm sure will have too much actual strawberry in it for my liking, but the Whips only have 2 flavors i like.
I tried greek yogurt, found that I like the whipped ones of those too. But to me either way they are too "grainy".

Yeah there is an athletic store near the shopping center near where i'll be saturday. I might swing by and see what they have.

Well I'm all registered for my prenatal classes and tour. Just waiting on confirmation and I'll have to ask/tell them about the free classes that don't have dates for after baby is born (nothing for 2019 ...)

This watermelon needs salt ....
Well.... I finally got that "call" *sigh* 150 is indeed failing. :(
So I have to take the 3 hour test.
The only thing i'm NOT looking forward to is the stupid blood being drawn 4 times.... They can't ever find my vein to begin with! They did it in my hand last time. YUCK!

So I did some research and another girl with 155 failed, and passed her 3hr one, so i think i'll be fine... just realllllly dreading the blood draw.
Sorry about the test results, a lot of women do indeed fail the one hour and pass the three hour. Hopefully the blood draw won't be too bad, but I know that's a hard one to imagine. I have lots of tattoos and piercings but I still really don't like getting my blood drawn.

As for yogurt, the Greek yogurt is missing the whey in it, and it's generally more tangy which is probably why I like it. I add fruit to dh's when I make his lunches up, but I can understand how the texture would be one you wouldn't care for :/.

When are you going back in for the three hour test??

I'm trying to power my salad before my little ones come in to mooch all the nuts and chicken off of it lol.
I don't like "looking" at the needle anyways, but getting it done doesn't bother me. It's that they can't find my vein and poke me or wiggle the needle around to "catch" it.... that is what bothers me most. I had one nurse smack my arm while the needle was IN my arm >,< THAT left a bruise for a week! I'm just glad she didn't break the needle!

I scheduled it for the same day as my next prenatal (28th). I figured it would be easier to schedule on a day I was already going to have to be there. I just have to bring something for me to do.... I should bring a small cross stitch kit with me. That will SURELY keep me occupied while waiting! I miss playing with my pieces, and wish I had time to work on creating ones to sell :/

Ah I didn't know that greek didn't have the whey in it. Learned something new *gold star* but yeah I don't like the grainy texture of it, getting the whipped kind helps "mask" it, but still not a fan.
I think if I had a fresh made yogurt with fruit I'd like it a lot more, but store bought mixed with the fruit that looks like they put it in at the last possible disgusting moment and then let it soak in the yogurt for how ever long it takes to get from the factory to the store, plus shelf life... fridge time ...yeah ... I don't like soggy fruit! Not. A. Fan.
I agree about having the added fruit being kind of syrupy and the texture is a bit slimy.

I feel similar about the needles, like I can watch it after it's in an blood is going in but not liking the initial penetration (lol). I hope you don't have such a reckless nurse/phlebotomist, jeez. I had a bruise from my last blood draw for like two weeks. It was huge, like two inches and really nasty. I'm not sure why as it wasn't really a rough go.

How were your iron numbers, though? Three hours I'd be bored, I hope the time passes quickly. Next Friday is a very busy day for me as well, it's my oldest's birthday and he has a school function down the street, so dh will hopefully be there as well. I don't go back to see my midwife until the 2nd, which is also the day for my dd's two year appointment so I'm sure we'll all get flu shots and such.
Um ... kinda similar to my last draw i think.
A bit low, but they haven't brought up that i need supplements. Everything is abbreviated so i have to google all of the things to figure out what they are....i gave up looking them up as long as they weren't highlighted as low or high.
WBC: 13.6 10*3/uL (high by 3)
RBC: 3.55 10*6/uL (low by less than .2)
HGB: 11 g/dL (low by .5)
HCT: 33% (low by 1%)

The only one I can't find is the "Absolute Neut" which mine is high by 4 at 11.4 10*3 /uL
I think it's related to the % of blood or something...

I read that its ok to be low on the Red Blood Cell Count, as its something related to being pregnant, and that it's supposed to be higher when you aren't. Found a nice chart that compared pregnant to non-pregnant counts.
And i think having a high white blood count is your immune system... doesn't seem to be high enough to indicate an infection, just that it's there working to keep baby and me healthy! :p
I remember having low levels with my son as well, but they were still within the range. This time I'm actually well below, but I wasn't taking any supplements. They really mess with my bowels. This kind they gave me isn't so bad, but I'm also not taking what they asked me to because when I was taking the higher amount it was starting to back me up again :/
Star I'm sorry you've got to go back and do the 3 hr test, I hope you pass and I hope all the blood draws aren't too bad.

I think I've joined you ladies with not really fancying food. I'm ok to eat it once something is in front of me but nothing really appeals and I've got no incentive to make anything either

Gosh it's almost the weekend already, the weeks are flying by. I've got a scan next week so it will be nice to see how baby is doing in there, she is certainly making the most of her space while she still has some, constantly moving about.

Our weather for the weekend is looking like lots of rain boo

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