Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Woohoo, welcome to third tri! Hard to believe we'll all be at the end soon enough lol. Good that baby is having a ball in there.

afm it's cold here this morning, 39F. Full moon was nice to see last night though, and sleep wasn't too bad, but I still wake up at least a few times to pee and grab a snack. But I was awake and wanting to get up at 5:30 this morning. Now that it's after 7 the kids are still asleep but I'm hogging my breakfast lol. Baby is moving around a lot and I'm pretty sure I've felt some hiccups. They still like to lie in transverse quite often, but generally I think they're head down. My midwife appointment is next week and I know they'll check to see position so really hoping baby is head down now instead of turning closer to the end which I've heard is painful.
The only thing that is irritating me right now is this "Arm Pain". Which i thought was just simple carpal tunnel... and turns out it's not. It originates in my elbow and after looking up a ton of articles and forums. It's from the swelling and pressure on nerves.
So i'm SERIOUSLY hoping it goes away after Baby makes their presence.
I wear a Tennis Elbow brace at work when it's bothering me, and i have a hand brace at home i wear here and there.
Makes it hard to sleep when you wake up and you can't feel anything but pain and your hand/arm is asleep.

Baby shower is set up!!! Now i just have to work on my invites and get things rolling to get people there!!! EEEE So excited! :happydance:
Yaay for baby shower!! As for the aches and pains, they generally magically disappear after baby pops out lol. Sometimes they linger for a few weeks. Not many people talk about the "fourth trimester" or those first several weeks of post partum, but lots of changes happen to your body!
My mom and I are trying to plan all the "decor" and details. We're doing Winnie the Pooh!
I found an invite that says "There's a Rumbly in Mommy's Tumbly" ... I'm SO doing that!!!! Just gotta sit down in front of my comp at home and put it all together. And figure out how many i need to print.

Yeah I heard quite a bit of stuff happens afterwards. Another reason why i think only 6 weeks medical leave is crazy short.
But i'm used to my hands sort of going to sleep here and there, but the pain in my elbow is getting annoying when it's what's waking me.
And i'm sure i'll learn a lot more about my body in the following months than i care to!
When are you having your shower?? Sounds like it'll be fun. I had one with my first but it was more for my mother to parade me around, they're not for everyone!

As for the pain, I remember a lot of it clearly, but pp the worst is the first week or stitch pain/itch and the after birth cramps which get worse with each pregnancy. I am not looking forward to that at all, they're going to be terrible while bf three kids. I always get super emotional for that first pp week as well, I hate those mood swings! My first pregnancy I had this doctor that made me feel terrible about everything, and I am so glad I didn't see her again.
Ooh and Jessica don’t forget the first poop haha
I’ll be glad to see the end of this reflux, leg cramps and definitely the restless legs and still got the swollen feet to come whoo hoo haha

Happy 28 weeks star. Aw your shower sounds cute. Rubbing oil on your belly regularly can’t harm so even though it’s meant to be hereditary I think it’s worth doing. My mum has the worst stretch marks from having me but, touch wood, I didn’t get any with having my dd, so I’ve been slapping it on this time round too

Happy 26 weeks dove

I can’t believe it’s monday again already, our babies will be here in no time
Star how exciting about your baby shower, when is it? Mine is this Sunday, I’ve never had one before and this one was kindly organised by the mums at my kids school. It’s going to be at a local park as everyone will be bringing the kids. I’m just hoping it doesn’t rain as there’s a storm predicted for Saturday.

Jessica all those pp aches and pains are horrible, I too remember them very well. The worst for me is the uterine cramps while bf, they were the worst with my youngest. As if we don’t go through enough during pregnancy we have to go through even more after giving birth.

Just wondering how is everyone doing with their weight? Mine has been like a yo-yo dieter. Weighed myself this morning and somehow have managed to lose a kilo(roughly just over 2lbs)! You’d think carrying twins would make you pack on some weight but not with me and I’m still about 6 kilos (about 13lbs) under my prepregnancy weight. Have a growth scan today so I guess if there’s anything they might be able to pick it up then.
My dr just says that my weight gain is "consistent", lol....I'll take that as a good things :)
MrsDuck - I certainly haven't forgotten that first bowel movement, it's terrible. Last time I had tried to induce labor by taking castor oil so luckily it was very soft, but the two before were terribly hard. This time around I'm going to start taking stool softeners a week before my EDD just to help. That sure is lucky with stretch marks, or lack thereof. I got them way worse than my mother did with me! It's so hard to believe our babies will be here so soon! Even dh reminded me it's sooner than I thought.

Sushai - yeah, they supposedly get worse with each pregnancy, I cannot imagine how it'll be after this next one. Fingers crossed we get through them okay. At least we can take ibuprofen, and that helps just a little bit. As for weight gain, I think I'm well over 40 lbs higher, I gained about the same with my last two and it came off pretty fast. For me I think I store a lot of fat for breastfeeding. I hate having all this extra weight, and I have tried so hard not to overeat or eat too many treats but it's like it clings to me. It certainly slowed since first tri though. Midwife has not been concerned since she knows I generally eat well and exercise regularly. I hope you have a really fun time at your shower (even if there is a storm :p).
My shower is going to be first weekend in November. We tossed around many ideas before Hubby interjected and said we have it before, or not at all.... So it had to be in November. (Cause i was NOT doing it in Dec)
We went out to eat last night so I didn't get far on the invite as I wanted. Gotta love that for personal use you can use ANY image you find :haha:
I'm excited to see how this will turn out.

I think baby is facing forward. Which doesn't surprise me, as I was a sunny-side up baby.

I slept horrible last night -- if I even slept at all. Maybe from 11-3 then peed and felt like that was the end of it. 2 hours of tossing and turning, arm hurting, baby kicking, dog scratching (and shaking the bed -- he sleeps under our bed)... I think the only thing that didn't happen last night was Hubby wanting to smother me! (Thank Gawd!)
I know I won't get much sleep after baby is born, but i'm hoping it's a different quality of sleep.
My brain was working on the invitation and not getting past changing the font and size the wording was...which when your brain is on repeat, it's hard to shut it down.

As absolutely terrifying as all that PP stuff sounds, i think thats how they get you to have more babies --- give you this cute bundle to snuggle while you are miserable makes you feel "better" about having another.....
I'm not looking forward to any of it, and i'm glad you girls are open to discuss it. Kinda glad i joined in a group of ladies who have been there before!

My last doctor said that my weight gain was "good" I've been up and down, but I think i've gained about 5ish pounds??? idk I really haven't been keeping track. I don't weigh myself at home cause our floor isn't reliable (it's got a slight slope in the bathroom, you can weigh yourself in 3 places and get 4 weights)

This starving in the morning has to chill!!! I don't know how i'm gonna make it through this glucose test... I hope that the drink makes up for not eating til after 11... Bleh!
Sounds like it'll be a fun shower, lol.

My first two were sunny-side up, I had lovely back labor because of it. This one is still flipping back and forth, but generally lies on its side or face up. I hope yours turns though, I never noticed much different in delivery of regular and sunnyside up except for the labor part. For some reason my contractions seem to be primarily in my back anyway.

I'm not looking forward to the pp period but I'm prepared for the stresses it brings. In my experience, I sleep better with a newborn abound than pregnant, mainly because I'm not constantly hungry or having to pee so much. It's a transition, that's for sure.

Sorry you're hungry in the mornings, I hope you make it through the glucose test unscathed. I can definitely relate to that hunger!

Baby has been taking to lying kind of face down, but higher up in the center or to the right a little. It's making it difficult to sit and be comfortable. My inner hips are starting to hurt more and more as well. Overall I'm not feeling terrible, just the basic ailments. I did get to see the bright full moon again last night and that was pleasant to sleep under. I had a very strange dream about giving myself an ultrasound and just feeling it was a boy (lol).
When baby pushes it's legs/feet or whatever they are doing... it feels better when i recline than sitting up. So i keep leaning back in my chair when baby pushes hard. It's like they are trying to stretch out fully >,< not gonna happen!!!!! LOL

I'm never out to see the moon or stars anymore. I loved being outside at night when I was younger. Now i have to be in bed. Plus the stupid trees next to my house cover the sky so i don't see anything anyways.

What is it with my eyes watering every morning? I have to have a tissue to wipe my eyes. I'm not sad, i'm not crying ... they are just watering!

Oh ... I'm not looking forward to the pp period -- that I know will be a killer. But honestly I'm curious if my body will know what to do after baby is out. It took long enough for it to know what to do to Make a baby......

I NEED to take a lunch time nap. Set a timer and just try to relax some. But Lunch is still a little less than an hour away. :(
My first was a bit like that with the stretching out, he kind of stopped near the end because there just wasn't room.

Since I live up in the canyons, I am lucky that I get to see the Milky Way out here. It was a harvest moon last night I believe, so it was brightly shining in my back yard.

My eyes weep a little bit, but mostly my nose is so runny and then it goes to completely dry sinuses that makes my throat super dry and sore. It's from the pregnancy rhinitis and it sucks. I spent at least ten minutes sneezing this morning because of it.

I'm sure your body will be just fine pp. Some things that might help are perineal massages and lots of kegals to tone your muscles for better recovery. And don't be afraid of using witch hazel on your perineum if you tear.
Sunday I was sniffling the whole morning. Hubby even commented on it. Thinking the house was too cold for me again. I told him i'm fine, that I'm just dealing with "pregnancy allergies"

I SO took that nap! Still sleepy but it felt good to get the edge off me feeling like i'm gonna pass out. Baby wiggled during most of the time, but calmed down enough for me to doze off long enough to enjoy the nap.

Slowly getting work done... cause i still have no interest in being at work this week...

I live almost in town, so i'd have to drive out past all the lights to see anything of interest in the sky. I grew up in the country and could go in the back yard to get away from most lights.
Yes, the allergies suck, I'm so done with them and the sniffling. I had the last of some really tasty tuna salad I made this weekend for dh and now I have heartburn -.-

That nap sounds about right lol. I usually take like a 15 minute cat nap with my dd when she goes to her afternoon nap. I'm at that point where my body is getting more and more tired, but I'll be okay, just have to keep up my motivation of getting things done and cleaned up and I am fine.
I'm not getting decent sleep at night and my mom told me i should be taking naps.
So i'm trying to get at least 30 mins in during my lunch hour. -- I would snooze in my car, but it's still too hot outside to do that (even with the windows down). So maybe in the next few months when it starts to cool off I'll be taking a nice snooze break in the car.

I tried playing music for baby (i have ear plugs hooked into the computer). Baby was calming down... not moving at much and now they have gone to sleep. Their afternoon snooze til I get home. Man they were driving me nuts today!

So i wanted a snack ..... I was trying NOT to eat a swiss roll..... but I ate it cause i got tired of telling myself "no" Bleh ... I should have listened better! Maybe it's the "fake" chocolate (which i do horrible with) ....but i feel like crap. Now i probably have to drink another half a bottle of water to not feel this way. :/

Oh yeah ... and i purposefully pulled out a claritin today. My ear is starting to bother me and give me a headache, and the claritin could help with my random nose issue too.... but i can't find it! I must have left it at home (even though i remember putting it ON my phone so i'd grab it)
I've tried with music and baby reacts to different types, mainly turning toward the speaker with drum and bass, not much of a reaction to trance or house music though lol. I've shone lights as well and baby didn't react as much as I thought, but they do tap back when I or dh taps near their head.

I'm trying to eat slowly and had a couple of tums so I can at least get some food in me.
Our default meal when neither of us want to cook are the cheese burritos. It's quick, pour cheese, flip and microwave.
I've been trying to find things to add to the cheese, but it becomes more cumbersome and i keep forgetting to buy stuff or add it til i've already made them...

I think I slept much better last night than I have in a few days, although it still doesn't "feel" like it.
I woke up near 4a instead of 2, mainly cause of my arms/hands hurting. So i peed, drank some water and put on my brace for the next 2 hours.

Hubby keeps making jokes about his current job -- the one that is ending the 30th... I told him they are getting old, "cause what is he gonna do? Fire me?" *eye roll* Yeah it's getting old!
OH i don't know if i mentioned, but Hubby got the part time(ish) job he was looking at. (With his old neighbor as the boss) He's working on doing his background check and drug test. Still not sure his start date. But his pay is better than it was before the last time he worked for the company (must be location has more $$??)
That's good he got the job. Hopefully things keep working out like that for you guys. Sorry about the wrist pain, definitely sounds like pregnancy is making it worse D:.

It's supposed to be mid 80's here the next few days, which sucks because we took our air conditioners out weeks ago, but luckily it's cool enough when the sun is down we can pull the cool air in with our box fan to make it comfortable enough to sleep. Still, I am looking forward to the rain this weekend.

Dh had to be to work early again today, so I'm secretly hoping he gets done early as well.

I ended up making a new dinner last night with chicken and spinach mixed in with a pesto/alfredo sauce I made. I hadn't eaten much yesterday because the heartburn was so bad, so hopefully today I can not have the same thing. My hips are hurting and my back is achy when I have to bend over, but I feel okay. Sleep was not the greatest last night, but dh managed to come lay with me for a few hours and that was nice. Not liking the having to get up and pee four times a night though, ugh.
I think I lucky with baby saying on my right side, they aren't irritating my bladder as much. I drank 3 bottles of water yesterday and made it a decent way through the work day before having to pee (which is at least til lunch and then before i leave).

I haven't paid attention to the weather, so I don't know what is happening around here. No more hurricane as far as I know. No mention of rain....

I did see the full moon on the way in this morning. Kind hard to miss the giant white ball in the clear sky.

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