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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

I'm sorry about your test results Star :( I had my 3 hour today, too, but won't know the results until Monday. At least your doctor did finger pricks, I look like a drug addict lol. She stuck me three times in one arm and once in the other. And that drink was AWFUL! I felt sick and jittery a good part of the time and then had a sugar low feeling at the end. Blah! I HOPE I pass. I've been stressing about this ALL week long! Ugh! On the positive side, my doctor did tell me that if I did fail they would do weekly NST's and ultrasounds to check baby's growth, so I'd see baby a lot. But I still want to pass!

In other news, I'm 29 weeks 4 days tomorrow :) I'll be 3 weeks past when DD was born on Monday! I'm excited to hit 30 weeks! It's such a milestone for me since I only made it to 26w6d last time. Baby boy is active and definitely getting stronger! He likes to push out on my belly a lot and I can feel him up high and down low at the same time these days lol (this is foreign to me since DD was only measuring the size of a 23 week baby, so she was never big enough to do all that). He is still a low rider, though, because he is ALWAYS on my bladder lol.
Star - You'll get used to the diet, at first it might be difficult but I have faith that you can do it!

dove - that's what I thought about the milk, the lactose in it will spike your blood sugar, I've heard other mom's talk about it.

Markswife - I saw you post about it on FB, fingers crossed your results come back okay... on the plus side you're almost the 30 weeks! So exciting feeling baby getting bigger and stronger :)
This new website is a little weird! Thought it was shut down at first!!

Being one of the last ones in December - I've just reached the third trimester :-D
Its crazy to think in 11 weeks m journey as a mum of a newborn will start again...
Hows everyone getting on with purchases and clothes etc!
This baby wasn't planned so we had to start from scratch, its been so much fun as my 2nd LO got mostly hand me downs from cot to stroller

Autumn has FINALLY reached the UK and I could not be happier, dark and frosty mornings and nice cool but sunny afternoons - Bliss xx
Yaay welcome to third tri! So fun to think soon enough we will have our little ones out with us.
I think I've got all I need, which want much since this one wasn't planned either and I still had some clothing items hanging out. I got a couple more diaper covers and liners for my pail. I still need to pack a bag for the hospital though.

Love the fall colors here as well, trees are turning such a lovely plethora of colors, but it peaks in October for us in the Northwest.
Morning Ladies!

Welcome to the 3rd Tri Buttercup!
Congrats Jess on 31 weeks (i don't think i said that yet)
Congrats MarksWife! I'm glad your little one is hanging in there!

I had a busy weekend.
Saturday I got my car's oil change/tired rotated, went shopping for a Baby Shower (not mine, a friend's), went to work til 5 .... And honestly I can't remember much past that
Sunday I mowed, went grocery shopping (to find out that i bought absolutely NOTHING for the week ahead, only what was on the list of things we were out of) .... After Shopping I ran to my friend's shower, 3-5. Picked up Hubby some dinner, then went home.
[funny part of the shower was there were 6 pregnant women there! We took a picture LOL so funny we were all sitting around a table talking about stuff the whole time]

Today marks day 1 of testing.
Since I didn't buy anything for this week we're gonna see how terrible my usual diet is. Since I normally don't consume that amount of sugar in 1 sitting i might actually just have to cut back on carbs and just watch a few random things. So pop tarts for breakfast, a frozen meal for lunch and i have no clue what is for dinner...

Hubby is out of work right now. Waiting on a call for when his first day will be. So I hope that he doesn't play his game the whole day, and fall asleep on the couch. He "said" he was going to "try" to work on the spare room... But we'll see...

I found that if I sleep elevated (like being in a chair -- as much as i can in bed) my arm hurts less. I'm wearing a brace to bed and hoping it's helping. My hand/fingers are swollen and numb here and there, but it doesn't wake me up from the pain any more. It's just hard to stay elevated, so I put a pillow just below my butt to give myself a "stopper" so i don't slide down.

Most of the trees around here are still green. A few have dropped their initial leaves, but the trees are still pretty green. It will probably be late october before things start changing colors and being pretty.

My little one is tossing and turning in my belly! Moving a little more in the middle to give themselves room to roll back and forth.

You can have carbs, just make sure you have protein with it. You are going to want to cut out the sugars as much as possible otherwise though--no pop, or poptarts. Lots of cheese and meat, and veggies :) Watch those frozen meals too, they are loaded with salt etc. :)
Good morning, ladies!

Star, sounds like you had a busy weekend. But you did get stuff done which is good! I hope you had fun at the baby shower, it's funny there were so many other pregnant women there, lol. Hopefully dh gets working soon and doesn't laze about for too much. As for food, you definitely want to get proteins and fats in there with your carbs, so it balances your sugars better, but you probably won't be able to eat as much processed foods. Nuts, cheeses, lean proteins, stuff like that.

afm - my weekend was uneventful for the most part. We stayed in and on Saturday I made up a red velvet cake for my oldest Ds and calzone. It was all pretty tasty, as I haven't made that cake for awhile. I was pretty stressed out last night and bh were pretty uncomfortable because of it. They calmed down though, but my hips are starting to hurt more and more, and I did some cleaning so I'm feeling it today. Not to mention I only had about two or three hours of sleep total last night. I feel kind of run down. I'm going to try and relax a little bit after I get my breakfast in me.
Thanks for the pointers Ladies!
I think when i make it to the store again I'll actually buy stuff I can use. It will probably be Tuesday after work. Hubby said he could go to the store, but the only thing I can trust he'll get is bread...the rest I'd need to look at all the nutrients and get some other stuff he'll have no clue what to get.
I have some frozen veggies at home, so i'll have to make those for dinner. I need to find something to quickly eat for lunches that will be satisfying.

Yeah...frozen meals are horrible with their sodium. I was going to try to watch that, even though it really isn't apart of the low carb diet...
This frozen meal has so much sodium in it i can taste it :shock: So i stopped eating it. I ate most of it but still.
I'm kinda mad that my yogurt has so much sugar (21g) in it.

Any hints on how to make your fingers not hurt so much???? Pricking my fingers and working with data don't go together. I know not to prick the "pad" but even doing the sides, I either don't get enough blood and have to re-stick or it hurts for hours.
I've gotten used to the feeling of the hiccups... I just feel bad for Baby cause I hate when I get hiccups. My whole tummy is pulsating.
I still can't figure out the bubbling sensation i have every so often. I've had it both down low and up by the butt.
Yeah, dh usually goes to the store for me, I make him a list and he almost always gets everything, sometimes he misses a few things.

Some good things to try would be like natural peanut butter or avocados. I haven't eaten a frozen meal for years so can't say much for that, lol. As for the finger pricking, I have no experience in it, I imagine my fingers would get sore though :/.

My first used to get hiccups constantly, but my others didn't have them as often, and they still had them after they were born in the same frequency for a few months, it was cute. This one doesn't seem to get them as often either, maybe a few times a week?? Sometimes I feel them shudder and shift around a lot, and now that they're getting pretty big they're moving their butt way up into my ribs like dd did. It's not too uncomfortable except when I am sitting down or have bad posture. Wonder if this will be a long baby like my first? I read that they can turn their heads back and forth at this point so I'm wondering if that is something I feel down low, with their hands over their head.

For foods, I find it helps so much to make a menu and plan around it, I've been doing it that way for years and it really helps with planning and making sure I don't buy stuff I won't really need. And to avoid the middle isles as much as possible.
I tested an hour after lunch and it was 110...That's not terrible! I think i'll be able to easily maintain this I just have make sure i don't eat 12 candy bars in one day (not that i did or do... just saying...)

As for a menu... we really don't eat that much of a variety of meals in a week -- mostly cause hubby is so freakin picky -- so meal planning is usually between the same 3-5 things. If it were up to me, i would buy a ton of different stuff and only have left over nights once/twice a month! I'd LOVE to eat different things each week, it's just not going to happen any time soon.
110 isn't bad at all,. Luckily my dh isn't too picky, but my kids are a different story. My middle one is at that age of being picky so I generally make separate foods for him, but my oldest and youngest eat mostly everything we do, including vegetables. Dh needs to eat about 4000 calories a day, so he eats most leftovers. I end up making him a huge salad, a couple sandwiches, leftovers, a muffin or other sweet, and his yogurt.

Something I ate, which I'm pretty sure was the rich dinner I made last week, upset my stomach so I felt pretty crappy on Saturday, I am still making up for not having much food in me. I've been a bit ravenous the last couple days, which is a lot better than nothing. I did go about five or six hours yesterday without eating because I was so busy (a terrible habit lol).

I seriously feel like a zombie right now, I hope I get a small nap with dd naps this afternoon, I am so exhausted.
I hope I can teach my child to eat different things. I've been worried about that since we were dating...never knew how we were going to do it.
If Hubby will be home with Baby, he's going to HAVE to feed them a variety of foods!

I've been going back and forth starving and wanting nothing. And most days i'm glad and hoping baby stays away from my stomach. I've gotten queasy a few times while and after eating. (I'm pretty tired of hugging my trash can (even though its been only a few times ... still tired of doing it))

Well, afternoon ritual of cleaning up, peeing and driving home...
Try to get that nap in!
Woke up at 4 am to pee, and couldn't get back to sleep (also was having nightmares, so....) SO freaking tired......
Star sorry to hear about your gtt results. Hopefully you adjust to the diet plan quickly, although by the sounds of it it seems you’re doing well so far.

Just a quick update from me. I ended up missing my growth scan last week. Huge baby brain moment and got my times mixed up with my ob appointment which is this Friday. I’ve lost 1.5 kilos (just over 3lbs) in two weeks, will need to ask what that’s about since I really should be gaining weight not losing any.
Had my baby shower on Sunday. It was a beautiful small gathering and I had a great time. Really appreciated all the time and effort that went into it.

Anyways hope you’re all doing well. Can’t believe in a few short weeks we’ll all be posting birth announcements!
Aw I'm glad you enjoyed your baby showers sushai and star.
Sushai I hope you can re-schedule your growth scan and can get to the bottom of your weight loss.

Star is it possible to prick your toe or something (if you can still reach) so you aren't getting pain as you type at work? I hope you can figure something out with your diet. Can you do some slow cooker meals so just chuck everything in before you go to work in the morning and you've got a nice dinner waiting to be eaten when you get home then you will get to eat earlier and without the preparation when you get back? just a thought.

I'm with you ladies on the tiredness. I feel like I'm back at the first tri with constant tiredness (I'm going to bed not long after dd) and I'm starting to feel sick around bed time like in the first tri too.

OMG how are you ladies dealing with leg cramps and restless legs? That's what is waking me and keeping me awake most nights. Last night my right calf muscle just wouldn't relax and then my ankles and toes kept cramping too, I kept having to get out of bed and walk around (and to pee of course) I don't remember it this bad last time.

I'm 29 weeks today whoo whoo, dd is getting very excited about the baby coming soon
Happy 29 weeks MrsDuck! Unfortunately I was not allowed to rescheduled my scan and was told to wait until I see my doctor again, which luckily is this Friday. Hear you on the tiredness, I’m tired all day! Talk about cramping up during the night, I too get them really badly on my calves. Not much longer to go until we all say goodbye to these symptoms.
Thanks sushai and oh no that's not fair but glad you've got the drs on Friday, hopefully he will re-schedule it for you as I would have thought a growth scan would have been important. Why do all these symptoms become worse at night when all you want to do is sleep, never mind it's all worth it in the end.
Hubby doesn't like the crock pot.... the issue is everything you'd put in one, he won't eat...i hate making food for just me. (as it still stands for a few more months it's just me)

Happy 29 MrsDuck!

I feel ya on the leg issues. My restless legs are on my nerves! I have to find the perfect spot for them to be so i can sleep without kicking sporadically.
Last night i couldn't get comfortable, i ended up in my usual position (on my right side and trying to find somewhere to put my arms )

Got yelled at by my mom and MIL for eating crackers for a snack -- because Starches are sugar .... :roll: Dude ... i can't go cold turkey! And my levels are fine as long as I don't have 100g of sugar in 1 sitting again! Geez!
Then I got home too late and scarfed down 2 corn dogs and half a can of pears (no added sugar...lol) Still hungry but it was past 9 and I was about to pass out walking to the bedroom.
I brought a pot pie for lunch and some snacks (probably not the best options but if i didn't i'd be starving) Just need to find some things with more protein in them...

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