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Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Star - I would suggest you start cooking for yourself, if your dh isn't going to eat the food you can make smaller portions, but you'd be better off eating healthier anyway, imo. You'll get the diet down before you know it and figure out what bumps your sugars too high.

Sushai - hope you can get another scan soon and that you find out about the weight loss. I've heard it's not uncommon to lose some in third tri, so idk about that!

dove - sorry about the nightmares D:, I get them too sometimes. Last night I felt like making tally marks for how many times I had to get up to pee, because it was well over five or six times. I'm also tired lol.

MrsDuck - yes, I feel tired more again, and constant restless legs at night. I get the cramps too occasionally in my calves, and only at night when I'm lying down, it's really odd. But it is a big reason I toss and turn for a couple hours before getting to sleep. Happy 29 weeks!!

I was telling my dh that technically I'm due next month! It's crazy how we're all getting close lol. Soon we'll all be complaining about wanting our babies out. I'm with you all on the sleep front; I go to bed around 9 with dd and toss and turn until 1030 or 11, must have gotten up half a dozen times to pee, wondering where all the water was coming from lol. I get terrible restless legs and it's such a chore to turn around because I am so massive. Dh came in this morning and I cuddled with him for a bit but then I couldn't get back to sleep again until he got up for work. So, once again I feel a bit like a zombie.

Today is going to be a bit busy, as dd has her two year checkup and then I go across the street to my midwife appointment. I am happy dh will be there and hopefully he will be in the appointment and get to hear the hb with me.
Yeah .... I'm probably going to have to start doing something. It's just hard with my schedule. I think before i start going crazy on stuff I'll wait and see what the dietitian says. It's not a one on one class, so idk how it will go.
Did you get your call for that meeting already?? I think it's so weird they won't do it for three weeks.
Oh, yeah. They called me yesterday. Thank heavens I was gonna go crazy! I scheduled my meeting next week on Wednesday (the only day they have classes)
I'm not sure how it will go without it being a one-on-one or a small intimate group, cause they are supposed to give you what your calorie/carb counts are supposed to be (according to some of the other forums i've read) but we'll see. I'm glad that I don't have to wait much longer.

Last night i couldn't even test my BG cause i finished dinner after 9 and i had to get in bed. There wasn't any way that I was going to wait up to prick my finger and get back to sleep. A regular night that i get up it takes me a few mins to get back to sleep. When i get up to pee, I don't think, don't turn on any lights or anything. I basically make it seem like i'm still asleep, it helps me go back to sleep when i get back in bed.
Protein can be the hardest thing to get enough of....think nuts, lean meats, seeds, cheese, greek yogurt (non flavoured :( ) beans, fish, peanut butter, seed butters etc. You can also replace regular milk with almond milk etc. I'm sorry, I know how difficult this can be.

I slept for NINE hours straight last night, woo hoo!!! However, I'm still bone tired this morning, so I don't know. I think having a baby at my age, and now in the 3rd tri is simply kicking my butt!
dove has some really good suggestions for protein, I agree with those! I think you're supposed to generally eat half your carbs in proteins, if you're watching macros, but that's just how I try to do it.

Nine hours straight, I'd probably still feel super tired too, lol, I had some sleep like that this weekend and it was refreshing but then immediately back to crappy sleep. Third tri is always hard for me that way. I know that last month will be the worst, but we'll all muddle through!

Star, I'm glad you got it coming up soon, and it probably won't be too bad, I know one thing they might suggest is that you add in some exercise, even if it's a 15 minute walk a few times a week.

afm, it's almost time for me to start drinking the raspberry leaf tea!
I think my main issue was for so long I didn't want any kind of protein. I just started eating my weekend waffles with peanut butter again... chicken has started to become desirable. My MIL's baked beans were amazing a while back (minus the beef mixed in)
I'll probably look into that list. I've been finding those mentioned along with a few others on another forum (I'll have to search again). I don't mind most of the time when i eat yogurt it's vanilla or the whipped ones i get flavors.
I think my issue will be carbs cause i Love bread and pasta! I might see if stores have some spaghetti squash in stock and try it.
I do have veggies at home too. I'll probably cook some up.
I need to buy some chicken too... we just tossed everything in our big freezer that was over 6 months old (which was all but 2 things) And I wanted to buy some fish -- hubby isn't gonna like it, but i'm gonna get the non breaded kind and stink up the house!
Also been dying for some asparagus... gonna have to find some of that yumminess and saute it up! I have the sunflower oil butter (country crock i think it is)

And.... a lady from the women's institute just called to schedule an ultrasound! I get to see baby!!!!! (I'm probably gonna find out what i'm having my mere accident :-= ) Pricking my finger will be worth it just to see this little bundle of wiggles!
Jessica I'm glad ds birthday went well and so did the calzone and cake yum yum. My dd had 2 birthday parties to go to this weekend so it was a busy one for us. I hope all goes well with your dd appointment adn your midwife appointment.

Yay for a good sleep dove but sorry you still feel tired (how did you not need to get up to pee? haha)
Yay star for getting another scan, I love watching them wriggle on the screen
Jeez, the forums were not working for me for a few hours, so annoying.

Star, you should be able to find breads and pastas that work, I buy a lot of the whole grain (100%) pasta and the heavily seeded breads. I'm sure you can find some good options for protein, and yummy, fish is so good! So exciting you get another scan... I've heard it's harder to see genitals as they get bigger because they're more crowded, so don't be surprised if you don't see anything.

MrsDuck, thank you, and sounds like a busy weekend too!
It wasn't working for me either, I thought I inadvertently hit something, lol
Must be having some issues with the change in forums.

Appointment went okay, fundal height seems to be measuring a week or so ahead, not sure why, bp was normal but higher than I'd like. I was pretty jacked up before going back though, all three kids got shots and so did DH and it was so stressful to hear them being upset. I did get to hear the hb, and I was correct about baby lying on their side with butt up my ribs and head down, but they like to push their legs out so I can feel ankle or heal on the left side. They were squiggling around after being squeezed lol.
Yeah issues with the forums. I eventually just closed the window cause there was no way to view or read anything.
I couldn't even log in a few times I tried on my phone.
Glad to see they are back up!

We went out to eat last night. Grilled Salmon was the highlight. I tried new sides that our fav restaurant is putting out -- lets just say [-( They weren't good -- and I LOVE green beans! I don't know what they cooked them in, but the flavor was over bearing you couldn't even taste the bean! Had skewered grilled veggies, and they were ok... but not as good as their fresh veggies.
Brought home half the fish, and a few veggies.
Tested my BG when i got home 113...
I had a yeast roll and i stole a sip of hubby's soda. So in the end ... I think that I don't have to watch my stuff like a hawk!

Had a rough morning ...
I started coughing and ended with hugging the toilet ... I have NO clue where that came from.
And then was running late to work, got stuck in back up on the two interstates I take... Urgh... i hate getting to work late. Plus not feeling well...

Dream(s) last night were weird too. I'm tired of dreaming about car crashes!
Sorry about the bad dreams, I get them too sometimes and they can really be intense.

Salmon sounds so good. I'm already planning to bake some chicken for dinner with one of my butternut squashes. Can't wait. I was out late last night so I had to get food out and I ended up ravenous all night long again, I did at least get some sleep. Sounds like your diet will be just fine, too!

As for the forums, yeah it was completely messed up for hours, luckily was working when I got back on last night on my phone.

Hope you feel a little better as the day goes on, ugh, hate feeling sick :(

Afm, It's pretty chilly here this morning and I didn't get to clean up yesterday because I was in a rush so I'll likely be busy today with house work. I'm a little concerned about the fundal height being a week and a couple days ahead, never had it before. Mw didn't even seem concerned about it, she said it could even be because baby is lying in a different position this time and that +/- 3 is considered normal. Of course googling the issue just brings about all sorts of stories, so I'll try to calm down about it all. I go back in two weeks and the appointment after that will be my GBS test.
I don't mind my weird dreams -- the water and animals, or the baby dreams. But these crashes are crazy. I'm not "in" the crashes most of the time. Except this one, i was walking around the vehicle and the driver backed into me numerous times... one of the rare dreams where I am pregnant. Hubby went ballistic on the driver! But then there was something else that I can't even tell what it was. Kinda like a semi trailer shredded over the edge of a bridge down into the cars below ... like strips of metal waving in the breeze -- was creepy! Especially when the strips hit each other! MY GOD why do the dreams have to so intense?!?!?!?

I'm out of stuff at home to bring for lunch... I have a little bit of ham and cheese left, so i think i'll roll 'em up and eat them with out bread. and I'll eat my yogurt, some carrots and i brought a swiss roll and peanuts if i'm still hungry... and some banana granola bars too.

I usually don't test after breakfast, cause pop tarts and then a banana aren't really a "meal"... So i just wait til Lunch time when i have "meat"

I don't think baby likes having the hiccups. They start contorting after 5 mins of them..... Ophhhfff Seems like they are making their way more into the center but still like the right.

Oh and as far as "finding out", I did hear that the later/bigger they are the harder it is tell, but i think there is still plenty of "wiggle" room for this one to spin around, so we might see if they so choose to during the screening. We'll see in 2 Weeks!
I always hear that hiccups don't bother the babies, but I don't know, mine never seem phased at a young age with them.

I had my usual breakfast of oatmeal with lots of stuff in it, and am almost done cleaning the kitchen, with laundry going. Kids are being a little irritating to me, but mostly I think it's the pregnancy hormones. They give me such a short fuse at times. Doesn't help that I can't move around as fast and nimble as I care to :/.

It would be funny if you found out what you're having, I'm almost positive I'm having another boy even though all of my symptoms point to girl.
If we find out I'm gonna have to keep a secret ... and hopefully Hubby can too! (Considering how quickly he blasted the news to his family....)
If we can make it til the Shower without telling anyone.... And tell everyone at the end... Then I think I'd be happy.

In my mind Baby is still a girl. Cause i think if I were carrying a boy, my hormones would change a lot more -- my curly hair go straight?? idk . But I've felt more or less normal... even my stupid unbalanced self is normal, it's just a little more so. All the signs are still 50/50 so i can't tell.

I am hoping that baby's weight stays in good range. I really want to have an as close as possible natural birth. Baby has been measuring only a week and a few days over what I am, which is normal (I was measuring 30 my last appointment when i was at the end of 28th week) ... so unless they have a toddler's growth spurt in utero ... then I think i'll be able to manage a vaginal birth.
I can't remember much difference when I was pregnant with my dd, except that the placenta was also in the front and her butt was also in the same spot all the time. I was measuring 33 and I'll be 32 weeks Friday, so I'm also just a bit over normal, which could just be from position or fluid. I'm going to try not to stress about it.
I don't imagine you'll have any issues with not having a vaginal birth, I told dh last night I was worried about something happening and needing a c/s and he told me to keep positive thoughts about it all.
I'm trying to stay positive! I want things to go well for baby mostly, so if I have to subject myself to something different than what I planned, then I'll just handle it as it comes. I just want to be prepared for the idea so I'm not heartbroken if i can't get what I expected.
If my levels stay decent -- like they have for the past 3 days, I think things will go fine.
Today, I treated myself to some Mountain Dew -- caffeine snack. Taking slow swallows so not to devour the whole bottle. Not that the caffeine really is doing anything, but it's a sweet treat. I kinda have noticed how I always want another sweet treat vs having a pack of nuts where i'm satisfied for slightly longer (not much cause i'm pregnant and want/need more food).
I think my levels were lower today cause my lunch was just ham n cheese rolled up with some yogurt.

I'm ready for today to be over -- wish we could leave early and still be counted for the day... Every work day should end at 3! LOL
Dh gets off work usually around 3, but it depends on what he's doing or if he takes a lunch.

You should be okay if you keep your food in check, I bet you'll get lots of tips and tricks at the meeting. I know I haven't been eating enough lately and it's been hard to want to eat much of anything. I'm always so hungry, but there's not much that seems to satisfy me. I have been craving chimichangas all week, so I imagine I'll be getting some this weekend haha.

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