Christmas (December) Babies 2018!

Glad your class went well and you got some info. I know it seems like a lot at first but I think you'll get used to it fast and everything will be just fine.

afm I'm feeling much better today, kids are being pushy and some familial drama cropped up last night. Baby is being pretty active and I'm feeling tired and sore doing house work.
I need to find something for breakfast and a snack that will hold me long enough til lunch... and i can only have 22 grams of carbs for breakfast and 22 grams for a snack >_< I'm not sure what I"m gonna find that fits that. I might have to drop some eggs one night and have them in the morning with something on it or with it.
Then i need to get some chicken and some meats for dinner. And load up on my "free" foods so i can chow down on that stuff when i'm still hungry.

Last night was miserable for me. My arm is still pretty bad -- and it's becoming more irritating during the day now too -- making it just hard to find a position for it to be in that doesn't make it hurt or my hand to go numb.
I couldn't sleep.... EVERYTHING itched.... even after applying 2 itch creams... No position was comfortable. Hubby was "trying" to help, but just irritated me more. About gave up. baby kicked my bladder, so i had to pee.... Mind you that i have to be in bed before 9, it's not reaching 11)
FINALLY somehow got to sleep to be awaken to pee
Thank GAWD that I didn't have to at work this morning and i had some extra time. Cause I woke up to my alarm to get out of the shower.

Tried to take a quick nap after lunch cause i was still sleepy, and i think it made me more sleepy :(
Itching can be a sign of liver issues? I mean a little is normal because your skin is dryer and such but if it's bothering you that much you might wanna be checked for it. As for the foods, eggs and cheese and maybe ham for a breakfast?? I know that sounds tasty to me right now lol. There are lower carb options for bread if you want like toast or something. 22 g of carb isn't too bad.

I tried to get to bed around my usual last night but dh was really upset so I was talking with him, didn't go to bed until well after ten and feel tired again today for it.
I just have to look over foods more closely...
I'm eating a tuna snack (tuna salad and crackers) we'll see if this helps me ... but i doubt it.
I might go get a soda --- i know it's bad for me on all levels, but seriously!!!! I need sugar and caffeine right now!

Sorry about your OH... I hope that everything works out. I heard that hubby's parents are fighting over my SIL ...cause she's crazy... Get's my FIL all in a tissy about how SIL handles things. And on a different note--- it makes me the favorite cause i'm more like my MIL (calm, down to earth, reasonable.... etc) haha I think that I would have to do something pretty drastic to get on his bad side ;P

I've had an "itch" that i got a cream prescribed to me, so that was my main "itch" it just wouldn't calm down after i lathered myself in the cream. I think we need to change our sheets...that might help, i don't remember when we did them last (and being pregnant remembering doesn't mean anything) So if we change the sheets it might be better.
And i'm serious about ripping my arm off.... even if it's my dominant hand.... i'm tired of this!
Dove they do have a pick up option and also do delivery. I’ve never done it before, I’m just so used to going in physically and picking out what I want. But I might have to try it atleast for the first few months as I can’t imagine going out straight away on my own with the twins and a 4year old.

Markswife that’s so scary! I’m glad you got monitored and it was just bh acting up and not something more serious. Glad to hear you baby is growing and doing well otherwise. Even more glad your sugar levels are great.

Star glad to hear your class went well. 3 hours is a long time! I’m sure once you go through all the reading material you’ll be right.

Jessica sorry you didn’t get to bed earlier. I’m in the same boat and have now woken with a bit of a headache. I’m usually falling asleep lately at around 8-830 but my eyes begin to close much earlier than that lol. It’s awful that we get to feel so tired well before babies are even here.
Thanks, I imagine dh will be fine after things calm down. Soda sounds good right now, admittedly, I rarely have it, too. I don't usually drink caffeine either, it always makes me feel terrible. I hope you can find something to satisfy your fix!

I hate family drama, I try to avoid it as much as possible, but somehow it pops up and we just try to remove ourselves as best we can. My mother was always full of drama, I'm glad she's not in our lives anymore either.

I hope your itch is just an itch and nothing serious. Sometimes my hands itch, but I do wash them a lot and they get dried out a bit at times.

Sushai - I generally sleep better with baby out than in, I can't imagine how it'll go with twins though, so I hope you can manage with minimal disruption there hehe. I also get a nasty headache if I don't get enough sleep, and tylenol never helps them go away.

I ended up having a half a small soda I had in the back of the fridge for a few weeks, what a sugar rush. I'm thinking of baked salmon for dinner at least, with either quinoa or a baked potato, and broccoli. I managed to clean the house a little, but was so exhausted after doing the dishes that I had to sit and relax. I knew it was coming, but I hate having to like bend/lean over the sink to wash because my big bump is in the way. We have a really deep sink which is not the best when you're short and round in the front :haha:.
I got a soda... that first swallow .= HEAVEN!!!! omg When you've been drinking water for over a week just that flavor is just amazing! I took a few more swigs and i pushed it away--- cause i know i'll drink it all before the end of the day if i don't.

I think if i prioritize protein i might be ok, cause i'm always gonna have some sort of something with carbs in it. Just have to make sure i don't go over, and i'll be fine. 45g for lunch and dinner, i think that's plenty! Shoot i remember looking at some things and the carbs for a small serving was yeah >,<
I'm sure as soon as I get something going and look over a few ideas I'll have a plan on how to continue. My biggest issue will be finding something that is sweet that I can have that don't shoot my levels up.

I hate drama too.... My mom and my Hubby had a tiff for a while, but now that she sees he's not going anywhere and that i'm pregnant, she's all buddy-buddy with him. As long as she stays that way i'm fine! As far at the IL's .... I love his parents and never have issues with them. It's his brother and his wife that are most issues (mostly cause she's high strung and what i call just plum crazy about things...) Honestly i hope thing go well with her pregnancy. She's already got signs of preeclampsia again....and she's only 3-4 months...
I usually end up sharing soda with dh, kids rarely ever get it, but sometimes I let them have a couple sips. Good job using self control, so important. I imagine you'll get down the protein ratio that works for you soon enough. I've had good luck with fruits for my sweet tooth, but now that we're headed into winter you'd be better off getting frozen fruit. Maybe making a smoothie with fruit, plain yogurt, a non-dairy milk, maybe peanut butter? A smoothie actually sounds kind of good right now, too lol.
Soda!!! Oh my goodness. I never drink it.
However; last few weeks, once a week, I pick up a Coke... Words taken out of my mouth... definitely heaven. Haha

Thanks ladies. Yes, I hope we all have a good last stretch and that our aches and pains let up a bit.

So... Last night I had a vivid dream of going to the washroom and loosing my mucus plug..haha..even heard a huge "pop" and sure enough, there is was :rofl:

Now, with my other 2, I never "lost" my plug, and both labours my water did not break.
My first she came out with her waters, with my second I was in the water and had my waters broke for me a few minutes before she came.

Maybe I'm over thinking it .. but because I never experienced it I wonder what it will be like. I wonder if it'll happen at night while I sleep or while I'm out.. silly thing to think about..but obviously I'm thinking about it more than I think I am if I'm dreaming about it. Lol
We're getting hit with Tropical Storm weather right now ... Bleh.... last month it was on the coast and now we're getting hit from the other side, up through the south.

this morning, I brought up my cramps to the doc and she agreed they are probably BHs.... and sure enough when i got home ... cramp and i was bending over from the weight my belly just gained. So yup....
Talked with a friend this morning and she said that the storm is gonna bring on a few more too. I've just noticed them getting a bit stronger.

Docs said that I can gain 10 lbs and still be fine.... 1lb a week. And I'm measuring a little ahead as I have the whole time. (A week and a few days.) measured 32. And if I suddenly gain more they'll do a growth scan -- and i pointed out I have one next week cause of the GD. She's like "ah ok"

And tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and in the mid-lower 70's.
ss - mm, I love a Coke once in awhile, too! I buy the imported ones with real sugar though, they almost burn my throat going down but sooo good to have lol. As for the plug, I have always lost mine a few weeks before labor, so it's usually never anything for me. My midwife told me there was a connection between the sleeping hormone (pregnancy brain having a hard time remembering what it's called) and the start of labor, which rang true for me as my water broke at night with my third. It's seriously like a huge gush of water, not like peeing yourself, either. I had to wear a pad until I got to the hospital haha.

Star - Yeah I've been watching the hurricane news on the weather channel website. Good that you got the BH figured out. Sounds like your appointment went well, too. Can't wait to hear how your scan went, I am admittedly jealous of getting to see your baby again lol.

Hope everyone is doing okay! I started taking a different prenatal today and my tummy is feeling a bit yucky. I'm going to give it another week and then start my raspberry leaf tea regimen. Hard to believe I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow, due date is coming up really fast!
Yeah so far everything seems to be going swimmingly. Just have to report my numbers and i think i'll be good for these next two months!
I ate a high carb frozen meal, and my number is 103 .... so weird ....

My mom sent me a site that is the Kato diet! We're gonna make some Pumpkin Creme Pie's and some Chocolate Pecan Bark
Maybe it had lots of fat and protein to help balance out the carbs?? I'm pretty hungry myself. Anything pumpkin is good, lol, I might not be way big into the pumpkin spice craze but I do enjoy fall flavors so much.
I'm not big on all the pumpkin spice craze, but pumpkin pie is my THING. I try to make it every year. But i'm gonna have to watch what i have for the meal this year... Luckily Turkey is "free"!!!! LOL I'm hoping I can get away with a lot more than I'm thinking. I'll have to portion stuff better, and space out when i eat it.

Baby is moving all around today. I felt hiccups up high today, that was weird. And a lot of kicking/punching/turning. Baby is still staying mainly on the right, but every so often hits the left side.
Mine lies kind of like a shrimp with their feet outstretched under my left side. And I also love pumpkin pie. Turkey isn't one of my favorites, and it is such a hassle to do, so this year I had planned to cook two whole chickens instead, one is a new recipe I am going to do a trial run for in the next few weeks. Since it'll just be dh and our kids this year (which is usually what it is), I still end up making a lot of food. This time around I plan to freeze some up so we'll have some meals for when baby is here. As for desserts, I always end up doing a cheesecake, a couple pumpkin pies, an apple pie, and usually something like muffins or a cranberry cookie or bread. Mmm, food. I know I'll have all that food on a plate and end up eating 1/4 of it :haha:.

We stopped trying to hit both families cause it's too much on us. Hubby's family usually meets at his Brothers .... They moved over an hour away and we've never been there...(and that's not even their house, they are staying at SIL's dad's til theirs is built, which puts them even farther away) My parents are only 20ish mins away, but we end up meeting at my Aunts who is about the same in the opposite direction.
I think this year, if people want to see me they'll have to come to me LOL (i doubt that is how it will work out but whatever) Our how is too small to host both families, so we're gonna have to figure something out.

Next year with baby, things will probably be about the same. We'll hit one family one year and the other the next. And if they want to see us on the opposite year then they'll have to come to the house before we head out.

Christmas we usually try to hit Hubby's parents house cause MIL makes ribeye, and Hubby can't turn that down. So we meet with my family on Christmas Eve or the day after.
I don't really have any family, and definitely none around where I live. Dh family is all over other states, but we generally just stay home, and like you, our house is small, so it'll just be us. I don't mind, I know when my kids are all older and eventually if they have their own families they'll end up coming to me anyway lol.

I'll still end up making a ton of food and feeling miserable over it, all I hope for is that I do not go into labor during this event if for some reason this one wants to make an early appearance.
I'm sure that things will start to escalate for me too... I hope that I don't feel too miserable.
Getting so hungry reading about all this food!

Got a call from the hospital yesterday saying my thyroid isn’t coping and I’ve been put back onto thyroxine (had half my thyroid removed 9yrs ago). Also had to get a blood test done today at the hospital to check for any antibodies that I may have developed that may affect the babies. Guess I’ll find out what’s going on next week at my ob appointment.
I’ve had a constant lower back pain and pelvic pressure today. So sick of all these aches and pains, I’m really getting to the point that I just want these babies out! But at the same time I really don’t want them in NICU so kinda have to put up with all these awful symptoms.
Omg I had a lot of reading to do. Everyone is ill in my house and feeling sorry for ourselves haha

Sorry everyone is suffering with pains and tiredness and ms is creeping back in for some, I just keep trying to tell myself ‘not for much longer’ but I loved your expressions dove, ‘I’m too old for this shit’ haha me too, I certainly feel my age this pregnancy

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