Clomid Buddies - 18 BFPs!

Omg!!! I am only 7dpo and I took a 5 day sooner pregnancy test and got a faint :bfp: I am soooo happy but i am still a little skeptical because I need to see it darker... I showed my dh and he said "wow your pregnant" then I showed my mother because she has 13 kids including me and she knows a lot about testing and she said "a positive is a positive no matter how light it is"... Apart of me wants to:happydance: but another part of me is thinking af is going to show so idk... To me I am still playing the waiting game... Fingers crossed for a darker line!!!!

Congrats, Bev! Hope it's a sticky bean!
ipen - I have heard semen has a pH of 7-8, but the vagina is usually 3-4, meaning sperm can't survive very long. I think fertile CM would probably be more like 7-8 then? Preseed is supposed to have a pH between 7.2 and 7.5.

Hope - I have taken clomid and used preseed and haven't had any issues with infection. I hope the doc clears it up for you!

I got my second LH surge this weekend, along with stabbing pains by my left Ovary, but still haven't seen that temp spike. This is the second time this month that i have had a +OPK with stabbing O pains (for the second cycle in a row). I didn't have any EWCM this time, only creamy, so i used preseed when i BD. I didn't tell DH tho, I think he might think i was a lunatic:haha: It definitely takes some of the spontaniety out of the whole process!

getting very impatient for my temp spike! :wacko:

Chloe, I read the same about Vag PH and thanks for your support. I dont know how I messed up the balance down there right before Ovulation :cry:

Went to doctor's office today for ultrasound but didnt have much helpful input from the nurse who did my U/S. I am hoping you guys can help me with any info on this. The nurse asked me to use Monistat 7 and reassured that it is very safe while trying to conceive! When you look at the Monistat box, they clearly warn you not to have intercourse while using it. How am I supposed to use it for 7 days and miss my ovulation timing??? Or if I dont then am I wasting the O days anyways, because i/c cannot be done without risk to both of us and also the spermies do not have any chance of surviving in there??

My YI is not very bad, I am applying topical creams and eating lot of probiotic yogurt. Should I leave it at that and treat with monistat after the O days are over??

When are you due to ovulate? Monistat has a one application treatment. They also have a 3 application treatment. Maybe time to get either of those in? Also, when my sister was pregnant, they told her to use yogurt.
And I just got yet another +OPK. I'm officially baffled. I even did the digital one just to be sure. And I'm not preggo because I didn't see any temp shift, so my body is just pumping out the LH i guess?? Felt a couple more twinges in my left ovary today. Why won't this egg just burst out already!! Sorry, needed to vent, and DH just stares at me and tells me to go to a doctor every time I tell him I don't know what is going on with my body.

So frustrating! This situation is hard enough with your body following the BBT rules. Good luck to you. Hoping you see a temp shift soon.
Omg!!! I am only 7dpo and I took a 5 day sooner pregnancy test and got a faint :bfp: I am soooo happy but i am still a little skeptical because I need to see it darker... I showed my dh and he said "wow your pregnant" then I showed my mother because she has 13 kids including me and she knows a lot about testing and she said "a positive is a positive no matter how light it is"... Apart of me wants to:happydance: but another part of me is thinking af is going to show so idk... To me I am still playing the waiting game... Fingers crossed for a darker line!!!!

Yay. Good luck. It is true: a positive is a positive. My sister had a very light line 2 weeks after missed period and has a healthy 4 month old. She just ate carrots today :happydance:
Thank you ladies! Still trying to stay grounded until I see a darker pos but its sooooo hard..
lol. I will definitely keep y'all posted!!!
And I just got yet another +OPK. I'm officially baffled. I even did the digital one just to be sure. And I'm not preggo because I didn't see any temp shift, so my body is just pumping out the LH i guess?? Felt a couple more twinges in my left ovary today. Why won't this egg just burst out already!! Sorry, needed to vent, and DH just stares at me and tells me to go to a doctor every time I tell him I don't know what is going on with my body.

Did you happen to get a +OPK around day 16??
Omg!!! I am only 7dpo and I took a 5 day sooner pregnancy test and got a faint :bfp: I am soooo happy but i am still a little skeptical because I need to see it darker... I showed my dh and he said "wow your pregnant" then I showed my mother because she has 13 kids including me and she knows a lot about testing and she said "a positive is a positive no matter how light it is"... Apart of me wants to:happydance: but another part of me is thinking af is going to show so idk... To me I am still playing the waiting game... Fingers crossed for a darker line!!!!

Yay. Good luck. It is true: a positive is a positive. My sister had a very light line 2 weeks after missed period and has a healthy 4 month old. She just ate carrots today :happydance:

Awww :). I can't wait to be a mommy!
Thank you ladies! Still trying to stay grounded until I see a darker post nut its sooooo hard..
lol. I will definitely keep y'all posted!!!

Are you going to test again in the morning?? I can't wait to add the flashing pink lines next to your name!!
That is awesome wantabe!!! CONGRATS! So exciting!
Will you add me too, please? I am on my first cycle clomid 50 mg, day 5-9 positive O on CD 19- now ( CD 25)? Totally confused but I had my 21 day proesterone checked ( I think 1 day after I o'd) and it came back with only a 5.6. Dr said I did O and to take a test in 7-10 days if I didn't get af... any words of wisdom? Thanks! The support on here is amazing, I have been stalking this thread for a few days :)
I started clomid 50mg first cycle this month. Took days 5-9 and am on day 20 of this cycle. Hoping this is the month. We have been TTC for 13 months. We have age against us I guess I am 35 and he is 40 but everything has been great for both at all of our exams and testing.
Did anyone else have lots of cramping and pain during sex while on clomid?
I never had any cramping with any cycles until clomid but there has been lots of cramping with this cycle and no interest in ttc. anyone else feel this way?
I started clomid 50mg first cycle this month. Took days 5-9 and am on day 20 of this cycle. Hoping this is the month. We have been TTC for 13 months. We have age against us I guess I am 35 and he is 40 but everything has been great for both at all of our exams and testing.
Did anyone else have lots of cramping and pain during sex while on clomid?
I never had any cramping with any cycles until clomid but there has been lots of cramping with this cycle and no interest in ttc. anyone else feel this way?

Yes to the cramping! I had weird cramps 2 times after BDing. Like period cramps but much more intense and only last a few minutes. :-k
And I just got yet another +OPK. I'm officially baffled. I even did the digital one just to be sure. And I'm not preggo because I didn't see any temp shift, so my body is just pumping out the LH i guess?? Felt a couple more twinges in my left ovary today. Why won't this egg just burst out already!! Sorry, needed to vent, and DH just stares at me and tells me to go to a doctor every time I tell him I don't know what is going on with my body.

Did you happen to get a +OPK around day 16??

That was the only day I didn't test. I was out all day and figured I didn't need to test because I had the spike and a +OPK a few days back. CD14 may have also been +, but it was hard to tell, so i just left it blank. These cheapie tests are so subjective sometimes, but all the times i have + listed were verified by digital OPK's.
Thank you ladies! Still trying to stay grounded until I see a darker post nut its sooooo hard..
lol. I will definitely keep y'all posted!!!

Are you going to test again in the morning?? I can't wait to add the flashing pink lines next to your name!!

I am trying hard not to test until Friday when I am atleast 11dpo so that way I could get a stronger pos hopefully. As soon as I test I am going to post my result and hopefully you will be putting them beautiful flashing pink lines beside my name! Fxd double time... How are your little beans doing?
When are you due to ovulate? Monistat has a one application treatment. They also have a 3 application treatment. Maybe time to get either of those in? Also, when my sister was pregnant, they told her to use yogurt.

Today is my CD12, think Ovulation will be tmrw or day after going by the blood work n Ultrasound. The nurse specifically advised me against Monistat 3 and 1 day treatment and said the 7 day is the safest to use.

But I made a judgement call last night and decided not to use Monistat anyway. I bought Kefir milk and lots of probiotic yogurt and cut down sugar, wheat, etc. from my diet. I read somewhere that applying Kefir milk also releives the yeast infection much quickly and I did it last night (albeit very skeptically) but it seems to be much better now! I hope it totally goes away in a day....
hi ladies
please can i join in with you all? my name is emma
I have just finished taking my 1st lot of Clomid, 50mg CD2-6
it gave me a migrane for the whole 5 days but hopefully that will be gone tomorrow and i will feel like BDing lol
My Dr told us not to do OPK's as he thinks they add to stress but i neeeeeed to know so im ignoring that advice!
Congratulations to all who have got their BFP's, its lovely to hear success stories, it gives me hope
Good luck everyone!
Omg!!! I am only 7dpo and I took a 5 day sooner pregnancy test and got a faint :bfp:

I did 3 rounds of clomid and the dr suggested Letrazole/Femara and injectables. I am very scared, but trying to remain strong for my husband and myself. Any advice? I am deathly afraid of needles and now the thought of injecting myself is freaking me out.
No advice, as I haven't done this, but I'm actually planning to ask my new doctor about Femara, injections, or both, so you and I may be in the same boat very soon! On the one hand, thinking about injections is a little anxiety inducing, but on the other hand, everything I'm reading about FSH injections says they are very easy to take, and the hardest part is doing the first one. If injections (whether for IUI -- or IVF if we're still trotting this road several months from now) is what it's going to take to DH and I to have a baby, I'm all for it. Keep us posted on what you end up doing, and I'll do the same -- we can be injectible buddies if it comes to that!

Cool! Did you find the program on the Internet? I can't wait until the weather is nicer! I am already feeling my mood lift as the days get a little longer.

Yep -- we found three different programs that show you how to building up to running 3 miles in about 8 weeks -- we're kinda following all three, so it's like a modified couch to 5k. They're all pretty similar though -- starting out with a lot of walking and then a minute of running, and then you slowly increase your running time and decrease your walking time until you can run for 30 minutes without stopping. I've never run a day in my life, but I'm hoping to be able to call myself a runner by this summer.
That is awesome wantabe!!! CONGRATS! So exciting!
Will you add me too, please? I am on my first cycle clomid 50 mg, day 5-9 positive O on CD 19- now ( CD 25)? Totally confused but I had my 21 day proesterone checked ( I think 1 day after I o'd) and it came back with only a 5.6. Dr said I did O and to take a test in 7-10 days if I didn't get af... any words of wisdom? Thanks! The support on here is amazing, I have been stalking this thread for a few days :)

Welcome, I hope your stay here is very short! Are you charting temps or using OPKs to help determine when you ovulate?

I started clomid 50mg first cycle this month. Took days 5-9 and am on day 20 of this cycle. Hoping this is the month. We have been TTC for 13 months. We have age against us I guess I am 35 and he is 40 but everything has been great for both at all of our exams and testing.
Did anyone else have lots of cramping and pain during sex while on clomid?
I never had any cramping with any cycles until clomid but there has been lots of cramping with this cycle and no interest in ttc. anyone else feel this way?

I had a ton of cramping both months I used Clomid/Progesterone. I took a break from Clomid/Progesterone this month while we wait for our RE appt, and it's nice not dealing with the constant day to day cramping from Clomid for two months straight! I usually cramped off and on the week on Clomid, the week after up until O, and then much more intensely from the day I O'd until my period came. Very annoying, and makes it hard to symptom spot (so if you can avoid doing symptom spotting, just try -- way easier said than done though, I know!). Clomid and progesterone (not sure if you're using progesterone?) will raise your natural body temperature, so it's probably good to get some OPKs just in case to help you pinpoint O, as I wasn't able to rely on my BB temps like I normally do. Good luck! Hope you get a BFP soon.

But I made a judgement call last night and decided not to use Monistat anyway. I bought Kefir milk and lots of probiotic yogurt and cut down sugar, wheat, etc. from my diet. I read somewhere that applying Kefir milk also releives the yeast infection much quickly and I did it last night (albeit very skeptically) but it seems to be much better now! I hope it totally goes away in a day....
Another very effective remedy is a single garlic clove. I learned this the hard way when I got a yeast infection when I was in a place where I couldn't see a doctor and didn't speak the local language -- I googled "natural yeast infection remedy" and I kept finding sites that said to use a single garlic clove as a suppository overnight. I tried it and it worked, and it's now my go-to yeast infection remedy since it's so easy to buy garlic, and now that we're TTC, I'm not sure if I should use an OTC medication in case it kills DH's swimmers. I also never have to leave it in for the full overnight/8 hours -- usually 3 or 4 is all it takes, since I can usually tell when a YI (and a UTI for that matter) is coming on, so I can catch it early. Never had any lingering garlic odor (which was honestly my biggest concern, so you can imagine how desperate I was to even try it lol).

hi ladies
please can i join in with you all? my name is emma
I have just finished taking my 1st lot of Clomid, 50mg CD2-6
it gave me a migrane for the whole 5 days but hopefully that will be gone tomorrow and i will feel like BDing lol
My Dr told us not to do OPK's as he thinks they add to stress but i neeeeeed to know so im ignoring that advice!
Congratulations to all who have got their BFP's, its lovely to hear success stories, it gives me hope
Good luck everyone!

Welcome, hope your stay is short! I get pretty bad menstrual migraines, and all the extra hormones from the past two months didn't help them at all. Excedrin is my best friend some days.
I started clomid 50mg first cycle this month. Took days 5-9 and am on day 20 of this cycle. Hoping this is the month. We have been TTC for 13 months. We have age against us I guess I am 35 and he is 40 but everything has been great for both at all of our exams and testing.
Did anyone else have lots of cramping and pain during sex while on clomid?
I never had any cramping with any cycles until clomid but there has been lots of cramping with this cycle and no interest in ttc. anyone else feel this way?

Just thought I'd share: a friend of mine (turned 40 in Aug, DH 47!) just sent me a text that her HCG is 700 about 20 days after her third IVF!

We are not out of this game yet, ladies!
Welcome, hope your stay is short! I get pretty bad menstrual migraines, and all the extra hormones from the past two months didn't help them at all. Excedrin is my best friend some days.

thanks Jay
i used to get migranes when i took BCP so its just something ill have to put up with, if it helps me get pregnant its worth it!
Lemon Tea, I use OPK, have for the past several months but this month they are very weird. this is my first month on Clomid so maybe that is why? I tested again this a.m. and the lines was very evident however definetly a postive. I have no idea why it was positive for so long? Thanks for the welcome!!!

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