Clomid Buddies - 18 BFPs!

But I dunno. If you are happy with Clomid (and especially if you're being monitored), I wouldn't take anything I'm saying with more than a grain of salt. I'm still not sure what the new doctor will suggest, so who knows -- I may end up using Clomid for another month or two afterall! But at the very least, I really want to be monitored so I can know for sure what is happening.

thanks so much for getting back to me. wow, i can not believe that they didn't monitor you is a good thing you switched! my doctor was very clear that he didn't want me to start my 2nd round of clomid until after having an ultra sound. although he never tested my prog. levels...which i see some doc's do. i wonder why doctors are so different. for example my girlfriend just started clomid with only having to get some blood work done. my doctor wouldn't give me clomid until my DH had tests done and for me? 2 rounds of blood work & a histiosalpingogram! which all, thankfully, came back normal for me. i hate how much of a process this all this. i have not put a number on how many times we will try IUI with clomid. i think my dr. suggested 4. i don't even know what we will do next if it doesn't work. did you doctor offer injectables or is this something you requested? i am anxious to try our 2nd IUI next week, not sure on the day...i guess we will find out on valentines day. thanks again for all the advice :happydance:

welcome saffiya! i hope you get your BFP soon!!:thumbup:[/QUOTE]

Thank you so much and i am so happy that i found this thread. I am getting so much help from this thread. I have another question though. I have read that i should check my cp? Is there a certain way i should check my cervix and when should i start noticing cm?
hi saffiya! welcome! you'll find loads of support here! I would suggest BDing now every other day until you get a +opk and then BD that night and the next to be on the safe side!
kc- wow I can't believe you're already 11 wks! have you told many people?

Everyone knows now. My belly is too big to hide anymore, and once we found out it was twins, we told everyone. There is no hiding this belly, and we're really trying to get jobs back home where our families are, so we told everyone so they can start helping us look for jobs. Twins makes everything totally different!
hey ladies! i'm 3dpo today- FF confirmed ov! my temp is really high today- higher than it has ever been! i'm not going to read anything into it because i think the clomid makes temps super high. i start the progesterone tonight... those who take it, do you take it a full 14 days (making LP 17 days) or do you take it 11 days (making LP 14 days)?
also... i think i am getting a cold :( what is safe to take during the 2ww?
have a nice weekend!

Anything is safe during the TWW, but even Benadryl and Claritin are safe during actual pregnancy so either of those should be fine.

Thank you so much and i am so happy that i found this thread. I am getting so much help from this thread. I have another question though. I have read that i should check my cp? Is there a certain way i should check my cervix and when should i start noticing cm?

Here's a good website on checking CP:
Ok, so this is me trying to keep calm and not get my hopes up in the TWW. :blush: But holy crap look at my chart overlaid on this BFP chart. :dohh:


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Going to try my best to wait until Saturday, AF should be here Friday. We'll see if I can do it!
hi saffiya! welcome! you'll find loads of support here! I would suggest BDing now every other day until you get a +opk and then BD that night and the next to be on the safe side!
kc- wow I can't believe you're already 11 wks! have you told many people?

Everyone knows now. My belly is too big to hide anymore, and once we found out it was twins, we told everyone. There is no hiding this belly, and we're really trying to get jobs back home where our families are, so we told everyone so they can start helping us look for jobs. Twins makes everything totally different!

oh my goodness, I can't even imagine how much your life changes not only when you are pregnant with a singleton but with twins!! my grandmother had twin sisters and DH's grandfather had twin brothers so there is certainly a good chance we will have twins as well! oh my goodness- it scares me but what ever God blesses us with I know we will handle <3
Hi Everyone,
I had a killer work week with lots of travel last week so I have been MIA!

Wookie-Very sorry for your loss. Heartbreaking.

My update--We had a clomid break this cycle because we had to do some counseling in order to use donor sperm for IUI. It turned out that I ovulated sooner without clomid than with :shrug:

Normally, my clinic does IUI the day after the LH surge, but I was flying out to California the day I got my smiley so I had to head in for insemination with donor sperm on the day of smiley. DH chose us some good sperm. It had 100 million per ml and was nice and active (over 50% motile). So now I am 3DPIUI with donor sperm.

On OPKs, I have to say that the CBE smiley ones have been my salvation. The other tests seem inaccurate and there is too much guesswork (aka stress). My temps seem to cooperate pretty well, but I do notice that they are not as high with no clomid (about .4 degress different). The other joy of no clomid is not having those CRAMPS that it gives you. My clinic said that clomid does not cause cramps, but I beg to differ. Cramps all through the 2ww made me very hopeful, but alas it was only the clomid.

Good luck to all of you ladies. If this month does not work out, I will be back in the clomid camp in March.
Welcome aboard, Saffiya -- hope you don't have much longer to wait until your BFP!

Really feeling like I need something to concentrate my energy on. Some friends are planning on running a 10k in May. I know it's along way off, but I might take a book out of Chantel's book and try to focus on exercise and being healthy. I am going to try to get DH to do it too.

I'm thinking the exact same thing. DH and I just started a 'couch to 5k' type program that we're hoping to stick through. Not sure if I want to do an actual 5k, but I do want to get to the point where I can do a 30 minute run three or four times a week. DH and I could both lose a few pounds, and it's been hard working up the energy to go to the gym.
thanks so much for getting back to me. wow, i can not believe that they didn't monitor you is a good thing you switched! my doctor was very clear that he didn't want me to start my 2nd round of clomid until after having an ultra sound. although he never tested my prog. levels...which i see some doc's do. i wonder why doctors are so different. for example my girlfriend just started clomid with only having to get some blood work done. my doctor wouldn't give me clomid until my DH had tests done and for me? 2 rounds of blood work & a histiosalpingogram! which all, thankfully, came back normal for me. i hate how much of a process this all this. i have not put a number on how many times we will try IUI with clomid. i think my dr. suggested 4. i don't even know what we will do next if it doesn't work. did you doctor offer injectables or is this something you requested? i am anxious to try our 2nd IUI next week, not sure on the day...i guess we will find out on valentines day. thanks again for all the advice :happydance:

welcome saffiya! i hope you get your BFP soon!!:thumbup:

Yeah, sometimes I think this would all be so much easier if doctors were consistent and I didn't have to worry about whether different doctors would approach things differently -- it sucks always having to second guess everything. At the same time, I wouldn't want a doctor to treat me the same as every other person because if there's anything I've learned so far, everyone is so different and a cookie cutter approach is going to be a bad idea for the majority of people.

Our first doctor didn't really recommend or not recommend injections. Her approach was very 'hands off' and it felt like she was leaving all the major decisions to us (which just put a lot of pressure on DH and I because we felt like we couldn't just get her to give a recommendation). But it's fine -- I think DH and I needed that two months to try Clomid. It gave him time to get his head around the fact that we're probably going to need a doctor's help to get pregnant, and it gave me time to research the different approaches to IUI. So I'm going to be the one to ask about injections, but I do want to wait to see what the new doctor will recommend before I make the request (maybe he'll have a better idea of what we should do next, or maybe he'll convince us that Clomid and IUI (with monitoring and maybe a trigger) can work well too).
Welcome aboard, Saffiya -- hope you don't have much longer to wait until your BFP!

Really feeling like I need something to concentrate my energy on. Some friends are planning on running a 10k in May. I know it's along way off, but I might take a book out of Chantel's book and try to focus on exercise and being healthy. I am going to try to get DH to do it too.

I'm thinking the exact same thing. DH and I just started a 'couch to 5k' type program that we're hoping to stick through. Not sure if I want to do an actual 5k, but I do want to get to the point where I can do a 30 minute run three or four times a week. DH and I could both lose a few pounds, and it's been hard working up the energy to go to the gym.

Thank you for the welcome. Yes i pray that i can get my bfp very soon. I go to the doctors tomorrow to get my follicle size checked and hope that i have some good follicles or at least one. Have you ladys evet checked your cp? if so please share your story on how your cp is suppose to be right around ovulation?
hi saffiya! welcome! you'll find loads of support here! I would suggest BDing now every other day until you get a +opk and then BD that night and the next to be on the safe side!
kc- wow I can't believe you're already 11 wks! have you told many people?

Everyone knows now. My belly is too big to hide anymore, and once we found out it was twins, we told everyone. There is no hiding this belly, and we're really trying to get jobs back home where our families are, so we told everyone so they can start helping us look for jobs. Twins makes everything totally different!

congrats! i love that you had a fairy tale ending w/ clomid. it gives me (us) hope! i hope you are feeling great & good luck on finding jobs. i thought i saw earlier that you are teacher right? can you transfer schools?
lisa92881, my fingers are crossed for you! how are you feeling now? good luck! i know we will all be thinking about you.

saffiya, good luck tomorrow! i go in tues for the same thing. have you havd a :winkwink: face yet? i tested opk today and did not get one. last month i had to get an hcg shot to trigger my ovulation.

lemontree, i do agree with you on everybody being different. and i think it is wise to go in & get their advice...that is what we pay them for right? :thumbup: i hope they have a wonderful plan for you! i am sure they do. i agree that i need to focus my attention on something else too, i think i might start up yoga...but have been warned by my dr.'s to avoid bikram because of the heat. don't make fun but i actually made DH & i go out & buy a puzzle tonight. we have both cut out alcohol so that sort of makes things awkward when we are out with our friends over the least the ones who don't know that we are trying. so my attention will be focused on a 1,000 piece puzzle...we'll see how long that lasts!

ipen44, welcome back we missed you! so that sounds interesting having to be counseled. how did that go? i hope well :thumbup: forgive me for asking because i am not sure if you had mentioned previously if you had already done an IUI before or not. did the IUI increase considerably w/ donor sperm?

i hope we all get BFP this month!!:happydance:
Thank you tobefruitful, such kind words. :hugs: I'm feeling fine, no symptoms, real or imagined. :haha: Just my chart which gets my hopes up more and more with every temperature. Trying so hard not to get my hopes up too much, but it sure is hard!
hi saffiya! welcome! you'll find loads of support here! I would suggest BDing now every other day until you get a +opk and then BD that night and the next to be on the safe side!
kc- wow I can't believe you're already 11 wks! have you told many people?

Everyone knows now. My belly is too big to hide anymore, and once we found out it was twins, we told everyone. There is no hiding this belly, and we're really trying to get jobs back home where our families are, so we told everyone so they can start helping us look for jobs. Twins makes everything totally different!

congrats! i love that you had a fairy tale ending w/ clomid. it gives me (us) hope! i hope you are feeling great & good luck on finding jobs. i thought i saw earlier that you are teacher right? can you transfer schools?

Thank you! Yes we're both teachers, but we live in VA and our families are in PA, which there are no teaching jobs up there. So it's quite the battle. We did have a fairy tale ending. We go back on the 22nd for our second ultrasound. I can't wait to see the babies again! I have been feeling great. Some days I can't even tell that I am pregnant (besides the belly).

I am praying for all you ladies to get your BFP this month!!!!!!!!!
HI All

My first time on these forums here and I already love the enthusiasm and support and the vibes that you guys give.
I am on my first ever cycle of Clomid and its CD 10 today. Got my Ultrasound tomorrow and hope to see good results.
I bought pre-seed online after reading so many positive reviews about it and tried to use it yesterday during intercourse, but did not apply all the way inside just exterior application. Sadly, I have got a vag infection since yesterday :growlmad: I dont know if its the Clomid or the preseed that gave me that infection. But I really hope it clears so this cycle of Clomid doesnt go waste without BDing at proper time.
Does anyone out there have a similar experience? Any ideas on how to get rid of the infection?? Should I not use preseed at all??

Hoping you can help and wishing luck to y'all
HI All

My first time on these forums here and I already love the enthusiasm and support and the vibes that you guys give.
I am on my first ever cycle of Clomid and its CD 10 today. Got my Ultrasound tomorrow and hope to see good results.
I bought pre-seed online after reading so many positive reviews about it and tried to use it yesterday during intercourse, but did not apply all the way inside just exterior application. Sadly, I have got a vag infection since yesterday :growlmad: I dont know if its the Clomid or the preseed that gave me that infection. But I really hope it clears so this cycle of Clomid doesnt go waste without BDing at proper time.
Does anyone out there have a similar experience? Any ideas on how to get rid of the infection?? Should I not use preseed at all??

Hoping you can help and wishing luck to y'all

hello & welcome :) so sorry to hear about your issue. we use both clomid & pre-seed. haven't had any issues with either. have you called your doctor? i think yogurt is supposed to help with the infection.
HI All

My first time on these forums here and I already love the enthusiasm and support and the vibes that you guys give.
I am on my first ever cycle of Clomid and its CD 10 today. Got my Ultrasound tomorrow and hope to see good results.
I bought pre-seed online after reading so many positive reviews about it and tried to use it yesterday during intercourse, but did not apply all the way inside just exterior application. Sadly, I have got a vag infection since yesterday :growlmad: I dont know if its the Clomid or the preseed that gave me that infection. But I really hope it clears so this cycle of Clomid doesnt go waste without BDing at proper time.
Does anyone out there have a similar experience? Any ideas on how to get rid of the infection?? Should I not use preseed at all??

Hoping you can help and wishing luck to y'all

I've never heard of Preseed or Clomid causing infections, but you should definitely get it checked out ASAP bc it can decrease your chances of conceiving (infection alter the vaginal pH which is a key part of sperm survival). Call your doctor in the morning and ask her/him if you can get it treated before BD-ing time comes around!
Thank you for your welcome, tobefruitful and for the suggestion. I have a bacterial wash called Lactacyd which my gynae gave me once when I developed an infection. I was thinking that I should use that and see if it helps, but since my ultrasound is tmrw, maybe I will wait before using it and see what the doctor says about it.
I was hoping to use Preseed with the applicator during the days that I am ovulating, so hoping that I am not really allergic to it or anything ;-)
Thanks again
I've never heard of Preseed or Clomid causing infections, but you should definitely get it checked out ASAP bc it can decrease your chances of conceiving (infection alter the vaginal pH which is a key part of sperm survival). Call your doctor in the morning and ask her/him if you can get it treated before BD-ing time comes around!

Yes, hopefully I will get it checked by the doctor tomorrow. I was so annoyed with this infection at this crucial time that I told DH even if we dont get to do our BD when the time comes, I am gonna use one of these preseed applicators and fill it with his :spermy: and inject into me :growlmad:
He gave me a very alien look at that time Lol......

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