Pretty bummed out here even though I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up. Temp was up to 98.6 this AM at 10DPO and I got a blazing BFN.I only have 2 cycles of Clomid left and I'm losing hope.
Pretty bummed out here even though I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up. Temp was up to 98.6 this AM at 10DPO and I got a blazing BFN.I only have 2 cycles of Clomid left and I'm losing hope.
Why do you only have two cycles left? Don't give up hope just yet... 10 DPO is still early...
AFM been cramping on and off all day on my right side so don't know what is actually going on... Could be ovulating or .... IDK, but hoping that this is my month. If not we are taking off 3 months with just fertilitea as my doc said he wants me to do 3 months w/o meds...
Heya ladies!
I am about to start my first round of clomid. I have been put on 50mg. The problem is I am on cd41 and still no af! I have just took a hpt which was neg!
The doctor gave me some tablets to take on cd42 if I have a bfn! They will apparently help bring my af along so I don't have to have a long cycle.
I really want to start them today as fed up of waiting! Do you think taking them a day early will be stupid?
Thanks xx
Welcome Fallen. ?.
momof as I sit here thinking, I think my lp is only 10 days. If I have a 32 cd and I ovulated on cd 23 I only have 9 to 10 days before my cycle is suppose to start again.....
It's amazing what can put you into tears when TTC. Today, I called my doc to find out if she wanted me to have a follow up or if i am just to take the Clomid til I can't take it anymore. The lady from billing who called me back was kind of not nice- I was under the impression that the HSG would be $625. Well, she informed me that is the hospital fee and my doc charges $3xx.00. So that's almost $1000 for an HSG. I don't have insurance that covers any of it--it would be all OOP. I think I'm crying because she was just so nasty about it- and also because I can't spend $1000 on it right now when I have 2 kids who need my money.
It's amazing what can put you into tears when TTC. Today, I called my doc to find out if she wanted me to have a follow up or if i am just to take the Clomid til I can't take it anymore. The lady from billing who called me back was kind of not nice- I was under the impression that the HSG would be $625. Well, she informed me that is the hospital fee and my doc charges $3xx.00. So that's almost $1000 for an HSG. I don't have insurance that covers any of it--it would be all OOP. I think I'm crying because she was just so nasty about it- and also because I can't spend $1000 on it right now when I have 2 kids who need my money.
Momof2- Do you not have any insurance? I don't have fertility insurance, but with my BCBS I only paid $25 coppay and I had to pay on an old bill I had at the hospital in order for them to let me go ahead with the process!!! I think in all that day I paid like $70 something... have you checked with your insurance co.?
It's amazing what can put you into tears when TTC. Today, I called my doc to find out if she wanted me to have a follow up or if i am just to take the Clomid til I can't take it anymore. The lady from billing who called me back was kind of not nice- I was under the impression that the HSG would be $625. Well, she informed me that is the hospital fee and my doc charges $3xx.00. So that's almost $1000 for an HSG. I don't have insurance that covers any of it--it would be all OOP. I think I'm crying because she was just so nasty about it- and also because I can't spend $1000 on it right now when I have 2 kids who need my money.
Momof2- Do you not have any insurance? I don't have fertility insurance, but with my BCBS I only paid $25 coppay and I had to pay on an old bill I had at the hospital in order for them to let me go ahead with the process!!! I think in all that day I paid like $70 something... have you checked with your insurance co.?
My insurance covers absolutely nothing other than preventative care and of course maternity/delivery. I just found out today that the total is going to be $762. We must pre-pay for it, they won't even schedule til I've paid them the full amount. They won't transfer the order to another facility that's cheaper either- I'd have to switch doctors to have it done elsewhere--which would mean another consultation fee. So, our TTC days are over for a while. I can't afford that right now while planning my wedding and I'm not going to waste the last 2 cycles I can take of Clomid when we don't know if my tubes are open. I'd rather save it and take 2 after I've had the HSG.
It's amazing what can put you into tears when TTC. Today, I called my doc to find out if she wanted me to have a follow up or if i am just to take the Clomid til I can't take it anymore. The lady from billing who called me back was kind of not nice- I was under the impression that the HSG would be $625. Well, she informed me that is the hospital fee and my doc charges $3xx.00. So that's almost $1000 for an HSG. I don't have insurance that covers any of it--it would be all OOP. I think I'm crying because she was just so nasty about it- and also because I can't spend $1000 on it right now when I have 2 kids who need my money.
Momof2- Do you not have any insurance? I don't have fertility insurance, but with my BCBS I only paid $25 coppay and I had to pay on an old bill I had at the hospital in order for them to let me go ahead with the process!!! I think in all that day I paid like $70 something... have you checked with your insurance co.?
My insurance covers absolutely nothing other than preventative care and of course maternity/delivery. I just found out today that the total is going to be $762. We must pre-pay for it, they won't even schedule til I've paid them the full amount. They won't transfer the order to another facility that's cheaper either- I'd have to switch doctors to have it done elsewhere--which would mean another consultation fee. So, our TTC days are over for a while. I can't afford that right now while planning my wedding and I'm not going to waste the last 2 cycles I can take of Clomid when we don't know if my tubes are open. I'd rather save it and take 2 after I've had the HSG.
Oh no!!!! How long are you putting it off?