Labgal- Girl I have officially 24 days left to go, and think you feel uncomfortable now. Wait to baby is up in your ribs or wants to dig in your back lol. Girl it took me 3 hours to get comfortable last night to fall asleep and once I did, I had to get up to go to the bathroom!!!
Ellie- I get what you are saying, you wanted your baby to get his/her well deserved attention as you have waited so long to have your baby. And now he/she will have to share that with another baby. I totally get it, I would probably feel some type of way about that as well. Just remember, she/he will have their deserved attention b/c this is the baby that took so long to come and everyone will know this baby will be loved so much b/c you tried soooo hard!!!! Your little special/miracle baby!!!!
My sister was soooo sweet this past Friday she deposited $120 in my acct and told me to go on a eating spree on her and to try to get Kenzie Benzie to gain at least 2 more pounds as she is 5 right now... I thought that was the sweetest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!
I am taking off work 1 day before Kenzie is born to get things in order!!! Can you say super stoked!!! My sister and mom was like, you act like is Princess Diana baby or something. You gotta get your hair and nails done and a photographer at the hospital. I was like, this is my last child and I am going waaaaay out!!!
Well, let me start my work day!!! Everyone have a SUPER BLESSED day!!!!!!!!!!