Clomid Buddies (Join Us)

Hello All,

I'm new to BabyandBump, so I hope I am doing this right! :roll:

I started on 50 mg of Clomid days 5-9 this month and have also started using OPKs, instead softcups and preseed. Anyone else tried these things together?

My 12 day vag ultrasound showed 1 follicle at 15mm and the dr was happy about it, so we shall see!

Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' that this will be it!

:dust: to all of us!!
Lemonade-- I'd trust the doc. I remember asking about it when I was first dx with pcos and the doctor wouldn't even consider it. She was an ob gyn. I was upset. But now I'm seeing an re. He tested my a1c, a blood sugar kind of test, and he definitely ruled out any need to take metformin. But he said women with pcos who were overweight tended to be diabetic, or pre diabetic, thus metformin used to regulate sugar levels does help. Women who are thinner and don't carry the extra weight don't have the issues with blood sugar, so metformin would do no good.

Thanks, he definitely didn't explain it as well as you!

Hi jodspods - welcome! I don't know much about ultrasounds with Clomid, but that sounds great.

Blackbarbie04 - good luck!

OoOo - Isn't it funny how doctors are different?! My doctor wants to do ultrasounds and CD21 bloods on cycle #1 and then only CD 21 bloods every cycle after that.

RNMommy - how exciting, hope the TWW isn't going too slowly.

SomeonesMommy - Welcome! When will you be testing?

CD1 here :happydance: I'm so glad because the Provera made me CRAZY with PMS, I was crying over everything. It worked in 6 days though - less time than the doctor said! My HSG is booked for a week's time and then I go back to the doctor for Clomid on the 25th. Can't wait to get started :).
Lemonade - That's great!!! Hopefully you can get started on Clomid asap!
I'm glad you didn't have to wait too long for AF because that would be maddening!! FX!!

SomeonesMommy - WELCOME!!! I used Clomid, Preseed and Softcups when I got BFPin 2011. I used only Clomid first cycle because I didn't know about anything else. Second cycle used all 3 & got BFP!!!!
I think it is a magical combination :winkwink:
Rnmommy-- I would consider the day after positive opk to be o day. Buuut it totally varies, and that's a personal preference. You could have oed later on the same day! So it's really just a guessing game. This is why I love temping :) it takes out the guesswork.

Okay, so is this weird-- I'm what? Cd 5 today? Two more clomid pills to go? And I get home to find my opks and hpts in the mail and think yea I can pee on something! Opk is pretty close to pos... But I had a ton of fertile cm. I guess being on clomid could cause that, right? Because it has estrogen like properties? I don't know. It's been a good bit since I was last on clomid and I don't remember experiencing it.... But I also wasn't as self-aware as I am now. Huh. Could the day pass any more slowly? :P
Thats good timing with the OPKs arriving! :happydance:
"Yea I can pee on something" :haha:

I don't know about the CM during the days of actually taking the pill. I do know that they say OPKs can appear positive when you use them during the CD you take the pill or too close after. In 2011 I started using OPKs on CD 10 (i think) and I didn't have that happen.
This time however, I tried the OPKs during the days I was on Clomid because I was curious and mine did not turn anywhere near positive. I know there's nothing wrong with my OPKs as they turned + at about the right time. So I'm hoping my Clomid was actually working. Maybe if it didn't, that's why I didn't get that reaction with my OPKs during the CD I was taking the pills. :shrug:
I don't know how that really works.

Why can't this be simple?! :brat:
I would think the next day is o then the following day is 1dpo. I have no idea though I think that's a brilliant question. Today is cd11 for me. I had my first hot flash last night. I boiled right from my feet upwards it woke me up!! Managed to bd aswell poor df is on early shift I'm hoping u don't wear him out I make him afternoon naps lol so he doesn't just fall asleep at night ;) he's really understanding. We had the whole tommy tank talk last night lol I had to make sure he was clear that he has to refrain as its really important. I was so embarrassed lol he said he hasn't for a while and won't need to with me bding everyday lol. I just had to make sure we were on same page as don't want to be taking these tablets and he wastes his sperm count. So that sorted getting excited today is cd11 my opks should be here today so I will do one test today I hope x
Rnmommy-- I would consider the day after positive opk to be o day. Buuut it totally varies, and that's a personal preference. You could have oed later on the same day! So it's really just a guessing game. This is why I love temping :) it takes out the guesswork.

Okay, so is this weird-- I'm what? Cd 5 today? Two more clomid pills to go? And I get home to find my opks and hpts in the mail and think yea I can pee on something! Opk is pretty close to pos... But I had a ton of fertile cm. I guess being on clomid could cause that, right? Because it has estrogen like properties? I don't know. It's been a good bit since I was last on clomid and I don't remember experiencing it.... But I also wasn't as self-aware as I am now. Huh. Could the day pass any more slowly? :P
Clomid causes Lh to rise the leaflet data says to not do opk for at least 3 days after tablets stop. As gives false opks. X
Argh bloody opks still not here. I'm cd 11. Have watery cm this morning and bding every day. Was hoping to do opk today. :( any other time they turn up. Looks like ill be opking tomorrow cd12. I usually have 26/28 day cycles. Suppose opks don't really matter cos bding everyday but I just wanted an idea as to whether I ovulate. :(. Frustrating but pleased I now have watery cm. tmi but I don't think clomid has dried me up I feel really errrr wet. I have been taking robitussin. Really excited about bding tonight onwards. Now my cm is ok.
Wow I've missed so much in the last little bit. Welcome to all the new ladies that started to post and good luck to each of you!

Gprunner-Thank you for the link, that is a very good article :) Been a while since I've read something that was heartfelt like that and made me feel better..

Lemonade- I didnt notice anything on the Provera, both cycles with it I got AF within 3 days of starting it , wish I could say the same for the Clomid maybe I"m just a target for every side effect on there, lol...that'd be my luck, I think the worst part is these hot flashes...

I'm guessing I should probably start temping next cycle, RNMommy ordered my OPK's since I'm sure I missed o, or at the very least am not feeling like I've o'd at all so it's all not only complicated, but I think I"m missing the signs....currently on cd 15 and have been getting cramping just out of nowhere for the last couple of days...given dh's hectic work schedule and mine all over the place we still managed to bd every day...

OoOo-lol I'm the same way, just can't leave it at every other day, I have no clue what my bodies doing so I figure everyday means I can't miss something if it does happen :)) I also didnt dry up with Clomid, been more wet than usual actually, heyyyy that's one good thing about it!

Jodspods-22mm follicle yayyyy that is great! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

My dr.'s been a bit more laid back this cycle.. trying to figure out why, last one he did blood work and then an u/s at cd 15...this one he's drawn blood on cd 3 & cd 10 and I've not heard back from him yet...I"m thinking maybe we'll go for one more cycle of clomid since even though I feel differently on this second round I'm guessing I'll probably have try one more.. then a break from ttc for a bit.. alll this tracking is making me crazier than I usually am, lol...

Hopefully we'll hear some good news from someone soon with a positive BFP....
Morning ladies! I think I just got into over thinking mode last evening. I know about the false opks on clomid (it wasn't positive, just close) but I was weirded out by the cm. But I'm over it! Just took my 4th pill. This is going slow, slow, slow!

RNmommy, don't worry about the opk being negative shile taking the pills. If it went positive at the right time, that's all that matters!

Oooo- yeah, I feel you on the moistness! But really, I'm interested in seeing if it stays throughout the cycle. I NEEDED the preseed when ttc number 1.
Glad I'm not alone. It's great to have found so many lady's going through similar. My hot flash last night was severe I wanted to open windows lol. I am just impatiently waiting for ovulation. I wish I could just see inside my body so I would know there is an egg. God knows how bad I am going to be in tww. I've only ever tested 1 day early but when my opks turn up I have 5 preg tests in them too so ill probably test once a day 5 days before my af is due based on previous 27/28 day cycle. Then if I get any faint ill buy a good brand and a digi. I saw in tesco that clearblue now do a two pack which contains a normal dye test and a digi. Thought that was a brilliant idea :) so excited this month and feeling super positive.
What's the earliest dpo that you can test?
What's the earliest dpo that you can test?

I think it depends on the brand of test! I am wary of testing too early as I got a false positive on a Tesco own brand digi! I would say a day or two before maybe?

I've only got one clear blue dye test for this month! I don't know yet how positive I feel about it all....I had my second peak today and in the gym this morning I was feeling tugging! It was a strange sensation and not like O pains.

Fingers crossed you O soon!!
What's the earliest dpo that you can test?

I think it depends on the brand of test! I am wary of testing too early as I got a false positive on a Tesco own brand digi! I would say a day or two before maybe?

I've only got one clear blue dye test for this month! I don't know yet how positive I feel about it all....I had my second peak today and in the gym this morning I was feeling tugging! It was a strange sensation and not like O pains.

Fingers crossed you O soon!!

2nd peak ? Do you mean 2 positive opks in a row? Fingers crossed for youx
What's the earliest dpo that you can test?

I think it depends on the brand of test! I am wary of testing too early as I got a false positive on a Tesco own brand digi! I would say a day or two before maybe?

I've only got one clear blue dye test for this month! I don't know yet how positive I feel about it all....I had my second peak today and in the gym this morning I was feeling tugging! It was a strange sensation and not like O pains.

Fingers crossed you O soon!!

2nd peak ? Do you mean 2 positive opks in a row? Fingers crossed for youx

I'm using the clearblue fertility monitor and it shows your 2 most likely days to conceive as peaks. As we're bding everyday we should have it covered!
What's the earliest dpo that you can test?

I think it depends on the brand of test! I am wary of testing too early as I got a false positive on a Tesco own brand digi! I would say a day or two before maybe?

I've only got one clear blue dye test for this month! I don't know yet how positive I feel about it all....I had my second peak today and in the gym this morning I was feeling tugging! It was a strange sensation and not like O pains.

Fingers crossed you O soon!!

2nd peak ? Do you mean 2 positive opks in a row? Fingers crossed for youx

I'm using the clearblue fertility monitor and it shows your 2 most likely days to conceive as peaks. As we're bding everyday we should have it covered!

Ah right I understand now. That's brilliant news. Clomid does seem to help lots of ladies. Fingers crossed. Are you going to bd for a few extra 'insurance' days just to make sure? X
I just got stocked up on the fertility monitor sticks. I've had it over a year, and never had a peak. I'm sooo hoping I'll see my first one this cycle with Clomid! How many days after your last pill did you get your first peak? Last pill tomorrow for me, I'm sooo excited!

I think testing before 9 dpo is just silly. 9 is early, but I got my BFP with ds at 9 dpo, so it's probably when I will start. I got twenty or thirty cheapies with my opks, so have too much testing power. Lol
I just got stocked up on the fertility monitor sticks. I've had it over a year, and never had a peak. I'm sooo hoping I'll see my first one this cycle with Clomid! How many days after your last pill did you get your first peak? Last pill tomorrow for me, I'm sooo excited!

I think testing before 9 dpo is just silly. 9 is early, but I got my BFP with ds at 9 dpo, so it's probably when I will start. I got twenty or thirty cheapies with my opks, so have too much testing power. Lol

I took my pills cd2-6 and peaked cd13!

Good luck!!
Yes, that's what my Doc said as well. I take my Clomid pills 5-9 and he told me to start my opk's on CD 10
OKAY LADIES!!! Question????? My leaflet for my Advanced Clearblue Ovulation Kit says to test after the longest sleep, which will be in the first thing in the morning right??????????? I done some research on the internet which stated that the first morning urine for OPK's can have high levels of LH even though we always have LH in our bodies, but that it's higher in the morning. So, has anyone had a + in the morning and then tested again in the evening and have a -? :wacko: I just want to make sure I am doing it right b/c I start my OPK tomorrow. Clearblue says morning, but a lot of articles on the internet says around 11am-8pm...:dohh:I'm confused:huh: Just want to make sure I do not miss my date!!! I'm praying for twins!!! Either :twinboys: or :oneofeach: That way I'll have my three that I wanted!!!!

Please give me info on this topic...

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