FTX Kiacee hope AF doesnt show xx
Krissie yay for CHs FTX for you too
Star e from your timeline your now into the second trimester my god that went quick goodluck on the move xx
So I have more than likely Od today which means I am on track if my LP doesnt mess up to start my meds on 17th as thats when AF is due Im beginning to get a little nervous about it all to be honest xx Ive also been reading up on low motility and its not great to be fare the chances of us ever having a natural pregnancy are slim and the Clomid was a complete waste of time, I wont be going on contraception if we are lucky to conceive and if after baby hits 2 we'll have to make the decision of whether to remain with one or possibly go down the IVF route again paying for it, it's all future plans but due to me being 33, 34 next year its something we have to think about and cant take time on xx