clomid buddies

Good morning ladies, Im really needing a little bit advice.
I O'd cd 15 (sat), BD'd on sat & sun, sat was fine but sunday it was very painful during and after intercourse, didnt BD again till tuesday and straight afterwards i was in severe pain and was sick. the pain was like being constipated or really bad trapped wind, like sharp shooting pains the lower right hand side under my stomach? the pain was shooting through my anus aswell and i found it difficult to sit down. This passed after about an hour of lying on my side in bed. Im on 100mg of clomid unmonitored and worrying that maybe iv overstimulated? or maybe its implantation cramps? also could it possibly still be ovulation cramps?? ( a day or 2 after ovulation day ) ??
Has anyone else had similar symptoms??
Im trying not to worry and just hope this month is our month!
Good luck to you all, I test in 9 days:happydance:

Hey! I have heard of people getting pain before during or after ovulation i think its just a matter of your body..and with the clomid u are more likely to ovulate more than one maybe thats why! I know that when i first took it to get pregnant with my second i was having cramps like crazy because i got pregnant and four extra anythings possible! just hang in there and at least u know the pains mean that ur bodys doing something! :thumbup:

Hey, are you ok? says ur confused? im here to listen if u fancy a wee chat?
Thanks for replyin to my post, I was just worried cos the pains were that severe and cos it was past ovulation i panic'd.
So what did you do about your cysts? do they go away themselfs? did you know you were pregnant? i mean what made you feel like u were pregnant? im only 7 days till testing but i have no signs or symptoms what so ever, a little cramping now and again but its not bad (just feels like trapped wind) but i have been really really tired, been sleeping alot in the afternoon. sorry its like 101 questions lol.
so are you still on clomid now? hope your feeling ok hun.:hugs:

hey..yeah i am fine..i am a little confused on why the TTC is taking so long this time around when my first two were just so much just getting pretty down about everything. but im sure ill be 10dpo today and ill probably start my period in about 4-5 days and start a new cycle. i dont feel pregnant this time and just pretty pessimistic about getting a BFP. :cry: maybe ur pains were just another egg popping out or something..but i have heard that its common to get pain after ovulation too. Yes my cysts did end up going away on their own after a few thing that happened was that i was sick like straight away..much earlier than i shouldve been..but i didnt test until the day AF was due and it was positive..and then i was having tons of cramps and i went to dr and they did an ultrasound that showed about 4 cysts..they said that was probably a big reason why i was so sick all the time..back then i didnt count days or anything like that i just took the clomid did the opks then waited wasnt like this im just obsessive and i hate it! but the cysts didnt effect my pregnancy at now 2 year old daughter was born happy and healthy! yes im on clomid again..2nd cycle this time a phone call wednesday night about the progesterone test the dr did on me to show that i ovulated and i i was pretty excited but not for long..i just hate this..i dont feel pregnant..i felt more pregnant last month...but i wasnt :nope:

Aw you sound pretty down, :hug: I know what you mean about it bein so frustrating, i mean my fertility nurse dignosed everything was ok apart from i wasnt ovulating on my own hense the reason i was put on clomid but then i got to thinking, well if thats all thats stopping me concieve then surely with the clomid i would fall but when you get that positive opk you do get excited and next thing AF arrives and i just think to myself well what went wrong, we done everything right.
Fantastic news that you did ovulate though, its hard cos you try not to get your hopes up then ur looking for symptoms wen you pass ovulation, I know i am, im 7dpo and looking for signs but i have none so im expecting the:witch: to arrive in the next week:sad1: so how long till you test? i keep everything crossed for you hun and you blessed to have 2 wonderful children already, lets just hope we both get BFP this month.
Take it easy and take care :flower:

im 11 dpo ovulation not gonna test until AF is due which would be wednesday..i MIGHT test tuesday because then ill be 14 dpo..but idk i probably will wait...although i dont feel like i should because i pretty much know im not..i woke up with some back pain today...which i usually get before AF..still having now i just wait for AF so i can start my next cycle..if ur only 7dpo im sure u probably wouldnt have symptoms yet! is this ur first cycle on clomid?
Hey girls just checking in here. I tested this morning at 11dpo and BFN :( Im doing okay with it though as I expected it. Not sure why Im not getting pregnant though. Im Oing, DH has good sperm count, and we are doing it on the right days. Only think I can think of is that I didnt have a lot of ewcm last cycle. But I had plenty the cycle before and didnt get pregnant then either.

we are the same 11dpo..i didnt test today and im not gonna..i dont feel pregnant and im like 99% sure im im just gonna wait for AF..then start the clomid again..ugh i hate this..i am wondering the same thing..good sperm ovulating and doing it the right what gives? i used preseed this time around and laid down for 20-30 minutes afterwards every time..and i made sure i did it all the days leading up to ovulation starting at like 4 days idk whats going on.its disappointing though :cry:
vanilla star.... you use conceive plus or preseed ? I just started this month with conceive plus... and gosh it is not only comfortable it is good for the little guys too!!

No I didnt use either one. There is no where around me to buy it and it as too late to order it. I was considering ordering it for next cycle, but does it really help when you have no ewcm or is it really just for lube?

we are the same 11dpo..i didnt test today and im not gonna..i dont feel pregnant and im like 99% sure im im just gonna wait for AF..then start the clomid again..ugh i hate this..i am wondering the same thing..good sperm ovulating and doing it the right what gives? i used preseed this time around and laid down for 20-30 minutes afterwards every time..and i made sure i did it all the days leading up to ovulation starting at like 4 days idk whats going on.its disappointing though :cry:

Yes, it is very disappointing.
Hi everyone, I agree it is really frustrating when you do everything right and nothing happens... We've been the same for the last two years as well - I'm oving, DH's sperm is very motile (confirmed with analysis last week), good ewcm, bd'ing on the right days with OPK tests and charting.... but nothing so far! I am hoping that the clomid this month will have some effect. I'm also told that an hsg will sometimes have a good effect, so fingers crossed. But a lot of the time I feel like it is all 'fingers crossed' and no science at all, it makes me wonder if it really all just luck or being blessed or whatever.

Anyway, thanks to Munchkinkelz for the support on the headaches... I have now got super-sore boobs and indigestion to add to the list of side effects but it is still nothing like what you went through!!! Hope everything is OK with you now...
Hi everyone, I agree it is really frustrating when you do everything right and nothing happens... We've been the same for the last two years as well - I'm oving, DH's sperm is very motile (confirmed with analysis last week), good ewcm, bd'ing on the right days with OPK tests and charting.... but nothing so far! I am hoping that the clomid this month will have some effect. I'm also told that an hsg will sometimes have a good effect, so fingers crossed. But a lot of the time I feel like it is all 'fingers crossed' and no science at all, it makes me wonder if it really all just luck or being blessed or whatever.

Anyway, thanks to Munchkinkelz for the support on the headaches... I have now got super-sore boobs and indigestion to add to the list of side effects but it is still nothing like what you went through!!! Hope everything is OK with you now...

Oh.. I am your boat.. Boobs a little if AF was about to show... UH...the headache. Since about 12 today and still going.. I think it's one of those that only going to sleep will help it go away. I have not had a positive OPK yet.. CD15. I believe it should happen sometime this week..Friday or Saturday if it holds true like last month. We'll see. One thing I have learned is never to expect anything..My body loves to play with my head. I started using OPKs at CD10..just in case. Good Luck to you... Hopefully, It's your month.
hey vanillastart...
I didnt have it anywhere around me either that sold these lubes so I purchased my at from what I have read on reviews it is virtually a safe lube,but also is provides mock CM for the spermies... which I never have any CM, so tried it the first time this month, and I love it. there is a huge thread on here where everyone likes both of those products.

worth a try... it certainly wouldnt hurt anything!

zucchini- I so think the same way as you... hard to wrap your head around the fact that some people are just ""ooopps wow I am pregnant...without even trying... then you have all us girls, doing just the right thing, taking just the right vitamins, peeing and peeing and peeing on a stick to find just the exact right time...going to the drs again and again...with still no BFP all seems just so unfair huh?

oh as a side note, my friend just took her 1st round of 50 mg Clomid this month, and did not have 1 symptom none at all... so that just shows ya that everyone does react differently...

again I actually am not starting my first round until next month...but watching this thread to see how you girls are coming along...but then again I am on CD16 this month so am going into the TWW period, so by some miracle perhaps I dont even have to get my script filled ? that would be nice... huh?
Hi everyone just back from the doctor's now.... 2 nice eggs, one on each side! I was soooo worried there would be 5 giant ones but 2 is perfect :happydance:
So now I have to jump on the DH.
The best news is, I am going to ovulate either tomorrow (CD9) or Wednesday (CD10), in which case I would not need the HSG this month and can skip it! So I am hoping for ovulation soon.
(If you are thinking CD9-10 is crazy early for ovulation you are right - I have short cycles and even the doctor was suprised. But we'll see what happens.)
Hi everyone just back from the doctor's now.... 2 nice eggs, one on each side! I was soooo worried there would be 5 giant ones but 2 is perfect :happydance:
So now I have to jump on the DH.
The best news is, I am going to ovulate either tomorrow (CD9) or Wednesday (CD10), in which case I would not need the HSG this month and can skip it! So I am hoping for ovulation soon.
(If you are thinking CD9-10 is crazy early for ovulation you are right - I have short cycles and even the doctor was suprised. But we'll see what happens.)

awesome news! thats great Good luck :dust:
zucchini awesome awesome news... !!!

so girls I see some of ya take your Clomid days 3-7 and others 5-9 is there a reason why the dr prescribed these different days for you ?
zucchini awesome awesome news... !!!

so girls I see some of ya take your Clomid days 3-7 and others 5-9 is there a reason why the dr prescribed these different days for you ?

i asked the nurse this one time when i was prescribed it and she told me that its just the drs preference..and from what i have read i think most of the time OB/GYNs tend to use the traditional 5-9 and REs tend to use the earlier days like 2-6 or 3-7..i have an ob so she always prescribes it 5-9..i have tried the earlier days and it doesnt do much doesnt change my ovulation day at all...i have also heard that earlier days tend to give u more eggs while later days tend to give u fewer but more mature eggs
i asked the nurse this one time when i was prescribed it and she told me that its just the drs preference..and from what i have read i think most of the time OB/GYNs tend to use the traditional 5-9 and REs tend to use the earlier days like 2-6 or 3-7..i have an ob so she always prescribes it 5-9..i have tried the earlier days and it doesnt do much doesnt change my ovulation day at all...i have also heard that earlier days tend to give u more eggs while later days tend to give u fewer but more mature eggs

Did you notice if taking it 3-7 had less of an effect on ewcm than 5-9?
i asked the nurse this one time when i was prescribed it and she told me that its just the drs preference..and from what i have read i think most of the time OB/GYNs tend to use the traditional 5-9 and REs tend to use the earlier days like 2-6 or 3-7..i have an ob so she always prescribes it 5-9..i have tried the earlier days and it doesnt do much doesnt change my ovulation day at all...i have also heard that earlier days tend to give u more eggs while later days tend to give u fewer but more mature eggs

Did you notice if taking it 3-7 had less of an effect on ewcm than 5-9?

i actually dont have much noticable ewcm im not too sure about that..i mean they say u can have it but if its not too much and u dont check inside urself than u really dont know..and i dont check like that so im not sure..but i got pregnant the first time days 5-9 and the second time 3-7 so i dont think it made any difference for u check urself or do u rely on seeing it in toilet paper or underwear? if u do rely just on that u might not even notice u have it..because i honestly dont think i have ever notice a big increase around ovulation and have gotten pregnant 3 times so i think i have some but its just not to the point where i notice a huge difference just regularly ya know..did u think that taking it 5-9 had an effect for u? if thats the case than it probably will days 3-7 too..this month i used preseed and the fertilecm supplements although i admit i wasnt too faithful to them after ovulation like i should have been..another thing i hear is that clomid can thin your uterine lining..and those supplements are supposed to help thicken i probably should have kept taking them but with my birthday and going on vacation i kinda just put the whole ttc thing in the back of my mind since i ovulated already and we bd on the right days...i think the preseed and fertilecm this cycle was a waste because im pretty sure im out..just waiting for good old AF..felt all day like she was here..ive had tons of CM..i keep feeling like i had an AF mess to clean up so i go to the bathroom and nothing but white CM..not even spotting..ugh :growlmad:
Well today is CD1 for me. On to Clomid cycle #2

Do you usually ovulate the same day each cycle (if taking the same dose and same days) or does it vary?
Well today is CD1 for me. On to Clomid cycle #2

Do you usually ovulate the same day each cycle (if taking the same dose and same days) or does it vary?

My O actually moved up two days.. I had + opk on cd21..this time cd19. So I expect to O tonight..tomorrow.

Good luck.. wish me luck.. :dust: I :sex:on cd 15, 16, 19 am, probably tonight & tomorrow. hopefully not overkill..:spermy:but what they hey..
Well today is CD1 for me. On to Clomid cycle #2

Do you usually ovulate the same day each cycle (if taking the same dose and same days) or does it vary?

today is cd1 for me too..3rd cycle of clomid. what days do u take clomid? i do 5-9. i have noticed that no matter what dose or no matter what days i take clomid its always the same..first month i took it days 3-7 and i o on day 17 and last month day 5-9 and ovulated exact same day...when i was on it the beginning of the year i had to take 100mg, 3-7 and ovulated the same day. (cd 17) .so for me it was exactly the same..sorry it didnt work ur first on my 3rd and not too hopeful anymore :cry:
today is cd1 for me too..3rd cycle of clomid. what days do u take clomid? i do 5-9. i have noticed that no matter what dose or no matter what days i take clomid its always the same..first month i took it days 3-7 and i o on day 17 and last month day 5-9 and ovulated exact same day...when i was on it the beginning of the year i had to take 100mg, 5-9 and ovulated the same for me it was exactly the same..sorry it didnt work ur first on my 3rd and not too hopeful anymore :cry:

I take 50 mg CD5-9. I think I read something that most people who will conceive on Clomid will conceive during the first 3 months taking it. Have you heard that?
yeah i have actually..i think if u dont conceive after the first 3 months ur not likely too..but i think that just refers to the ppl who ovulate on it..if u take it and dont ovulate it doesnt count..its 3 months from when u first ovulate on it..and since i did both other months and probably will this month too if im not pregnant im probably not likely too..but its not guaranteed..its just a statistic i think...this is frusterating..i mean im glad that i prepared myself for it so i wasnt like devastated..but its still always disappointing no matter what. did u ovulate on ur own before clomid?
called the nurse today about starting my period..i asked her if theres anything else i can do because im ovulating but not getting that :bfp:. she told me that im not doing anything wrong..she said she is gonna talk to the dr and sometimes she will up the dose on the 3rd time...sometimes she will try the 50mg again and up it next hoping she will this just wondering about the thinning of the my lining..i wish she would do an ultrasound just to check everything out and make sure that everything is fine in cysts and thick enough lining..but thinking about making an appointment to talk to her but ill have to start the clomid first because she is always booked..last time i couldnt get in for weeks..and by then ill already have ovulated and in the 2WW! ugh. how is everyone else doing?
yeah i have actually..i think if u dont conceive after the first 3 months ur not likely too..but i think that just refers to the ppl who ovulate on it..if u take it and dont ovulate it doesnt count..its 3 months from when u first ovulate on it..and since i did both other months and probably will this month too if im not pregnant im probably not likely too..but its not guaranteed..its just a statistic i think...this is frusterating..i mean im glad that i prepared myself for it so i wasnt like devastated..but its still always disappointing no matter what. did u ovulate on ur own before clomid?

I did ovulate on my own, just really late. Like CD30 and the Clomid moved it up to CD20. So Im pretty happy with that. :) I conceived my first cycle off b/c with an O on cd30 but I m/c at 8 weeks. So even if Clomid doesn't work I still have hope I can get pregnant. I cant do much more than Clomid because my insurance doesn't cover fertility treatments and right now we just do not have the $$.

Do you ovulate without Clomid?

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