Hi ladies
Thanks for your kind words. It's so nice to know that I always have people to chat to on here. The house renovations are going really slowly (stagnated a bit now that we have to save for IVF) and unfortunately DH and I still argue a lot about the house & finances. He gets angry with me for bringing up stuff that we need to pay etc. In retrospect buying a renovation project was not the best decision for us. But we are still together lol. Teaching is going really well. All the learners are busy with year-end exams so I will only be working for about 2 more weeks; then holidays, then only back to work mid January!
I'm glad that the drs found something wrong with you - you know what I mean

; at least its something fixable and hopefully it means when the hormonal imbalance is restored that your bfp is just around the corner.
Hun I just want to say I'm so, so sorry to hear about your friend passing away. What a tragedy. Sometimes I really can't make sense of this life. Just sending you so many hugs. No words can make it better. xxxxxxx
Hi to everyone else too. Arohanui & Sunflower, where are you in your cycles? Are we tww'ing with anyone?

Swimmy FX for timely ovulation and a super egg OR hopefully more than one!
Well guess what... I'm going to join you all for one last round of clomid. AF should start in 4/5 days. I'm going to go all out with 100mg clomid and black cohosh next cycle. The reason is that I have to change my medical insurance plan in order to get the laparoscopy before IVF next year. The new insurance plan costs A LOT more than my current one. We have to confirm my insurance change on December 10 so that gives me one more cycle that I can theoretically try to get pregnant before committing to all the IVF expenses. (Even though my dr recommended that I stay on BCP!)
DH and I am telling NO ONE irl that we will be trying next cycle, especially not my dr. It will probably not work in any case but then at least I will feel like I did everything I could before committing to IVF. So only my thread friends know! It's going to be a looooonnnnngggg cycle!
Sending you all hugs and chat again soon xxx