Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Mommasboys good luck at the docs hope they are helpful - can you get an ultrasound to check for cysts? Are you on a monitored cycle?

Mrsmccurdy gosh i SO understand how you feel it seems so unfair that some people can just get pregnant so easily :( hugs hopefully you will be next in the familly!

Averiejeanie Hi and welcome! fx all goes well for you!

Fern i don't sleep well at all either BUT have found an amazing app that makes my temps work - you can take it whatever time you wake up with the longest gap! Its worked a treat with me!!

Well ladies i had given up as clinic told me this cycle was no good on friday as follie hadn't really grown since monday (1mm) BUT we carried on everyother dtd and i got a pos OPK this morning sooooooooo now i'm wondering if the follie had a sudden growth spurt or whether i'm just releasing the small one....we are dtd just incase - so confusing, i want to get the clinic to rescan me tomorrow so i can decide whether to 'hope' or not but it is a 3hr round trip and hubby says there is no point :( I see his point of view but if the follie is still small at least i don't have to spend 2 weeks saying 'maybe' 'could be' etc! He is now talking about waiting till March for IVF so i'm feeling quite down today....Jan was far enough away! He gets a bonus end of Jan which was why he suggested it - we will be financially better off then but oh my its ages away!!
Averiejeanne, welcome! Hope you find a lot of great support from this thread :).

Mommasboys we are all thinking of you hun, please keep us updated xxxx

MrsMcCurdy the fairy garden sounds awesome! Am stealing the idea for December holidays. And vent away darl. Know how you feel. My sister is trying now as well and she fell pregnant with her first dd the first month that she stopped bc..... will be happy and sad (for myself) if it happens immediately this time too. We all understand!

K4th and Buttercup gl for the rest of limbo! Hope this coming week is a good one. Boo for hormonal effects...

Nimbec how are you doing?

My temps are still climbing so I think I did o on friday and then caught the downsurge on Saturday. Unless it is pre-o temp spike; just happy that it's happening!

Thanks ladies for your wonderful positivity and support. Thinking of u all.
Nimbec we crossed posts :) oh I really hope you do release a viable eggie. I have heard of people ovulating smallish ova and then still have perfect babies, just wasn't sure if it was really possible that's why I asked the question earlier. So we are tww buds :) taking that + opk as a good sign!
Oh yes thx so much Nimbec for the website!!!!! Very helpful!!
Thanks Fern yes tww buddies :) Lets hope the time flies by - although they always seem to be the slowest 2 weeks eva!

K4th how many dpo are you now?
Mrsmccurdy - I know what you mean about putting less mental energy into ttc. I'm trying really hard not to focus on it or get my hopes up this month.

Buttercup - hope the drs goes well. And if it's not a surprise late bfp then I hope they can sort you out quickly :hugs:

Nimbec - I had a scan on cd11 this month and had no follies over 10mm - largest was 9mm. On cd13 I had one 16mm follie so it ballooned!! Hope the same happened for you. So happy you've got a positive opk!! I'm 6-7 dpo today - I didn't temp while I was away so not 100% sure.

Fern - when are you going away? Hope your first clomid 2ww doesn't drag too much for you!!
Thanks K4th :) I hope so too! I guess i'll never know! Unless of course i get that BFP , now that would be a story!! Currently looking at finance options for the IVF. I'm pretty sure we are going to do it now, hubby ideally wants to wait till March (after he gets a bonus) but if we are doing this i'm not sure i can wait if you know what i mean i just want to get on with it!!! So i'm looking at other options like interest free credit cards for 6 months etc and loans......maybe even remortgage the house :0!!!!
Thanks ladies I will definitely keep you guys updated as to what the dr says tomorrow. My temp went up slightly this morning so not really sure what to think... I know they say 18 days of high temps after ovulation is good but I still can't help but wonder if I have a cyst and if that could be keeping my temps up hopefully will find out soon.
Mommasboys2 make sure you ask then to do a hcg blood test as no good doing their urine test it will be the same as at home! Also make sure its the Quantitative not Qualitative test because then you will know if you have any hcg in your system rather than just a straight yes/no!

Hope this helps and good luck - your chart looks great PLUS i have a cyst and it never did that to my chart.....
K4th - thanks for the tips, have attached my censored crazy chart :) feel free to comment on it! Really hoping my temps stay high then I will know for sure I have ovulated.

We are just going away next Friday (10 Oct) to the Sunday; weekend break. But our first break this year and we are both looking forward to getting away. Right in the middle of the tww so it will help take my mind off things.

How are you symptom wise?
Fern - Oooh I love chart browsing!!! Yours looks good - if your temps were accurate if say you could have ov'd either fri or sat but I'd put my money on sat with the +opk on Friday. Hopefully another handful of high temps will get you your crosshairs!!! A weekend away sounds lovely & perfect timing to de-stress in the tww.

Nimbec - a zero percent credit card sounds perfect if your oh will have the cash to pay it off at the end of jan. Remortgaging could cost quite a lot interest-wise in the long run. I understand why you don't want to wait though.... Excited for you!

I've had pretty sore bb's today. Only ever had them with very light periods when I've not ov'd well. Don't feel it's a good sign. We'll see.... No other symptoms - so a question for this who have the trigger... Did anyone have pregnancy symptoms immediately after the trigger? I don't have ANYTHING - so I figure I wouldn't get any pg symptoms until my hcg was above 10000 (that's what the shot is). Thoughts?
Hi everyone,

Wondering if I can join the party? I am starting my first round of clomid tomorrow...I hope. I'm super nervous about it! I hear anything from some people only have mild hot flashes to some having awful hormonal reactions. I'm not typically a hormonal personal, so hopefully that will have some bearing on my reaction. :shrug:

Anyway, I'm 34 and my husband and I have been TTC baby #2 for over 2 years now. We stopped using protection when my 3 year old was just 11 months old. I continued to breastfeed her until she was 2 so we had to wait for any kind of help until after we had been fully weaned for 6 months.

I saw my ob/gyn and he did a quick ultrasound of my ovaries in May and then a couple weeks later I asked for a prolactin check because I was still producing milk and thought maybe it was up or something. My periods are regular, they come every single month and although my cycle is slightly longer than normal, I generally have signs of ovulation every month too. My periods aren't super heavy and only last between 3 and 5 days. Prolactin came back normal so he told me to lose weight and see the RE.

I was exercising and lost a little bit of weight but it didn't do anything to my cycles. I didn't think weight was to blame anyways because I was regular. Anyways, so I saw the RE in August and he sent me for bloodwork to see if i was ovulating, then he had me set up an hsg. Bloodwork showed I was ovulating and hsg showed tubes all clear.

I called back and got a follow up appointment after it was clear we hadn't conceived last cycle. DH came with me last week when we went for the follow up. The RE immediately said that since the bloodwork showed I was ovulating and the hsg showed my tubes were clear he wanted to go right to clomid and iui.

I had totally been expecting the clomid and maybe an SA for DH. I asked about the SA and he said they'd do it when they wash the sperm for the iui and that since my DH has 3 kids already (2 from a previous marriage), he wasn't all that worried about him developing a sudden issue. I was not at all expecting the iui though.

I said that to him and he said, "You're 34 years old, we're wasting time." So we're going ahead with the plan hopefully. I say hopefully because when I went to get the clomid on Friday and ask about the hcg they said I needed pre-approval for the hcg and I would have to wait. So I called today and she said it could take up to 10 business days, which would be too late.

So I'm going to get on the phone with the doctor tomorrow morning to make sure they contacted the insurance and then the insurance to see if I can get a time frame. This is so frustrating because it's time sensitive. I'm assuming I'm starting the clomid tomorrow regardless. Maybe we're going to have a cycle with clomid and no iui first if we can't get the trigger shot in time. :dohh:

Sorry for the novel. Anyways, clomid tomorrow, yay....
Hi Braven you are very welcome! Sounds good that tubes are open, you are ovulating and no S issues for your DH. You have a lot going for you! So fxed this is your month!

Mommasboys- let us know what the doctor said hun, thinking of you!

K4th - didn't have trigger so won't be any help there but my bbs were also super sensitive last month and apparently that can just be a SE of the clomid? Seeing as clomid mimics all the pregnancy signs, grrrr! When are you testing?

Me- so my temps are slightly down again today but still relatively high, (Nimbec your weblink helps a lot), what a zigzag chart I think next time will temp vag! Still dtd every day in case....urgh hope the temps stay up!

How is everyone else? X
Chart is looking good fern!! Yay for crosshairs :happydance:

Braven - :hi: you're very welcome! I think I remember your username from baby club or toddlers. My dd is also 3 and we've been trying for two years as well. It's really tough. I've had five clomid cycles this year - my symptoms haven't been too bad at all! I take my clomid in the evening so I get most of my hot flashes at night rather than during the day (but they're pretty mild). I had one cycle at 100mg instead of my usual 50mg and had some wierd visual side effects - but I wasn't a crazy hormonal monster or anything!! I'm on timed bd with monitoring & hcg shot. Had no symptoms from that either. Hopefully you won't get lots of unpleasant side effects either. I hope you get the go ahead from your insurance today - good luck & let is know :)
K4th no i didn't have any preggy symptoms from the trigger any of the times i took it - apparently it doesn't mimic symptoms which is interesting! I had pregnancy symptoms last time much before the 10,000 mark so i guess as its synthesized it may be different - who knows! Fx this is your month, honestly i have come to the conclusion there really is no way of knowing, symptom spotting keeps our brains amused but really just stresses us out :( but we all can't help doing it!! When do you plan to test?

Welcom Braven I have had 12 doses of clomid in total (the maximum allowd) The first 2-3 cycles I had horrid side effects headaches, hormonal etc but that was ttc my first- this time i have been fine so hopefully you will be ok! fx the insurance pull their finger out!!!

Fern YAY for the crosshairs :) glad the ajuster page helps - i have found it a godsend :) welcome to the tww!

As for me another pos OPK today and no temp shift so i guess i'll get my shift tomorrow morning if i actually get one lol! So fed up of the bding - DH is great he can just go from nothing to 'ready' and i'm like whoaaa hang on i need a few I'm using concieve plus but when your mentally not in the mood its tough :( Thats the one good thing i'm looking forward to with regard to the ivf , no forced BD!!! We actually normally have a great sex life but ttc makes it so hard :( anyway rant over - sorry!! Just annoyed we have to do it again tonight as not got a high temp!!
Nimbec - hahaha I hear you! We are STILL dtd every day because I'm just a nervous nelly.... Since this is my first month properly charting I have nothing to compare this chart to; am so scared that we stop doing it and I actually ovulate later than what it seems.Especially because my chart is so ambiguous, +OPK after temps started to climb? Really?? :) So will probably keep on "forcing" it for the rest of the week, and then I just need our weekend to be romantic omw so tired of baby-making.

Fxed for your temp SPIKE and sustained rise soon!!! I'll be keeping an eye on that chart of yours ;) to watch for the good news.

Saw a friend in the shops yesterday; she just had her 2nd baby. She asked me when I will start having kids, I'm older than her... I told her that we're trying but it's not happening. So we chat about other things, then after a few minutes she says AGAIN: "Well you just HAVE to get it together and start having kids soon" I wanted to strangle her! I have literally been trying for 11 years (on and off) and I have NEVER had a BFP! That is so freaking awful!!!!! I even had a nightmare last night that DH admitted to cheating on me with high school girls because "their bodies are perfect". He really wants kids and I feel soooo imperfect cause I haven't been able to give him any. At least it SEEMS like I ovulated. Praying so hard. Today is a hard day for me I think because of the nightmares and slight temp drop. :(

Urgh. At least I have lost some weight before bikini-time (by eating no carbs while simultaneously craving K4th's cakes and scones like crazy). Our weekend break can't come soon enough!
Fern - nobody understands unless they've been through this ttc nightmare. I'm sure your hubby loves you for you!!

Nimbec - two days positive opk is great - hopefully your own body is maturing that egg!! Word of warning - one month I had 4 (yes FOUR) days of positive opks & a temp shift 24 hours after that. So don't get disheartened if it takes a while. It is super frustrating but worth it for that natural temp shift :thumbup:
Thanks ladies!!

Fern have you tried altering your chart with the app i gave you? it may change o date as you have an open circle the day of your pos opk - i suspect you O'd where it says 2dpo or you have a slow rise which is perfectally possible you post o temps are higher than pre o so all good!! Something definitely happened its just when!! I would also take out your pos opk and see what FF says with just temps as you may find that you O'd in the evening before or even night and thats why the temp shift is after the pos opk if you know what i mean. - also FF changes its mind sometimes the more temps and data you add etc. The reason you have dotted cross hairs is that the temps don't match the opk result. I'm so impatient and have charted for too many years that i know all the tricks lol! As for hubby i'm sure he loves you - its such a hard struggle this is a cruel journey and your friend should not have said what she did, people can be very insensitive!!!!

k4th fx it doesn't take that long i'm not sure my insides could take it pahhahahahaha!! Fern i'm super impressed at your bd dedication i don't think i'd be able to walk let alone sit down ;) I so so hope it works for you both.
Thanks for the support and kind words ladies you are making me feel better! Last month was much more difficult with no chart, much less knowledge about what is going on, and no forum buddies. What a difference this month.

Nimbec yes I did tweak my temps a bit, I suspect the open circles are due to me adding "sleep deprived" to special data in ff. The only closed circles I have are where I didn't note sleep deprived. Also (the thought came to me as I was washing my car) I took pain&fever meds a few nights before bed cause I was having a lot of pelvic pressure/pain. So maybe that lowered my temps a bit on certain days? I didn't take note of when I took it though so just a thought.

By the way yes at least DH is supportive as well and has said many times that he loves me regardless, thanks girls for reminding me :blush:. Maybe he is also a bit sad but he doesn't say it out loud. Sometimes when he prays for me and for us to conceive I get a bit emotional. He said such a heartfelt prayer last night. From what I've read on this thread most of the hubbies are supportive and involved in the whole process; quite a pleasant surprise!

Have a lovely rest of today and Nimbec jip keep everything crossed for a BFP except your legs! :haha:
Chart is looking good fern!! Yay for crosshairs :happydance:

Braven - :hi: you're very welcome! I think I remember your username from baby club or toddlers. My dd is also 3 and we've been trying for two years as well. It's really tough. I've had five clomid cycles this year - my symptoms haven't been too bad at all! I take my clomid in the evening so I get most of my hot flashes at night rather than during the day (but they're pretty mild). I had one cycle at 100mg instead of my usual 50mg and had some wierd visual side effects - but I wasn't a crazy hormonal monster or anything!! I'm on timed bd with monitoring & hcg shot. Had no symptoms from that either. Hopefully you won't get lots of unpleasant side effects either. I hope you get the go ahead from your insurance today - good luck & let is know :)

I remember you too K4th! Sorry it's taken you so long as well. This stinks! :nope:

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