Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi ladies

We're having a lovely time at the game reserve. Went walking yesterday, was wearing flipflops cause I didn't anticipate it turning into a 2hr hike....So my feet turned into open blisters lol. Was so much fun though and we saw a lot of animals. :)

Mommasboys I'm sorry about your ovary! Were you monitored this cycle? And if so didn't they pick up the cyst formation in the early stages? That's what bothers me about not being monitored! Well hun like Braven said I also have a good friend (cousin) who lost an ovary to cancer and then had 2 kids so yes the remaining ovary takes over the role of both. Xx and now your problem is sorted and you guys can take the next step!!!!! Lots of hugs!!!

Thinking of all of you. Have a good day!
Mommasboys - so sorry to hear about your ovary. I'm sure I read somewhere that either tube can pick up an egg from either ovary so it is good that you kept your tube! Wishing you a speedy recovery hun!!

Braven - I don't really have symptoms on 50mg clomid & it makes me ov & I don't without it. Good luck!!!

Nimbec & fern - you're both well into the 2ww now aren't you? Hope it's going ok!!

Mrsmccurdy - just seen that you have a fertility appointment in November... Me too!! Hope we get some answers. :)

Buttercup - where are you in your cycle now hun?

Afm - starting clomid 50mg again tomorrow. Have follie scan booked for cd11. I was prescribed three months clomid at 100mg so I do have a few extra tablets knocking around. I'm debating whether to take 50mg for three days & then top up the last two days to 100mg. What does everyone think? A full five day dose at 100mg slightly overstimulated me & I had 3 mature follies and three close behind - so I don't want to do a full dose again. But I'm worried that clomid is completely stopping fertile cm so if that's what is stopping a bfp will it make it worse??? (I was going to sneak the 100mg dose & not tell dr - naughty I know but I'm getting desperate!!)

Hi k4th
Good to hear you are moving along and starting clomid:happydance:!! Just to be safe stick with what doctor prescribed but definitely voice your concerns as they should understand your valid concerns. :hugs::hugs: please keep us posted on your progress! xo

Today is CD23 and I'm 9do iui. Not much going on besides me stressing, one minute I'm ok and the next, not so much:shrug:, my temps are kind of whacky this month too,Lol. Glad it's the weekend so I can get some much needed rest.

Best of luck, stay encouraged!:flower:
Hi ladies

We're having a lovely time at the game reserve. Went walking yesterday, was wearing flipflops cause I didn't anticipate it turning into a 2hr hike....So my feet turned into open blisters lol. Was so much fun though and we saw a lot of animals. :)

Mommasboys I'm sorry about your ovary! Were you monitored this cycle? And if so didn't they pick up the cyst formation in the early stages? That's what bothers me about not being monitored! Well hun like Braven said I also have a good friend (cousin) who lost an ovary to cancer and then had 2 kids so yes the remaining ovary takes over the role of both. Xx and now your problem is sorted and you guys can take the next step!!!!! Lots of hugs!!!

Thinking of all of you. Have a good day!

I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying yourself! Ouch, take it easy with the blisters! Ttyl!x
When is AF due buttercup? Will you test before or will you wait to 'miss' her? Really hope this is your month!! We need some baby dust around here!!!

I've just been to the chemist. This months plan is...

B bit complex until ov (have been doing this for months)
Pre-natal vit (taking for months)
Sperm friendly lube (tried last month)
Soft cup after dtd (bought today)
Cough syrup from trigger until ov ( bought today)
Evening primrose oil until ov (bought today)

I am pulling out all the stops. I simply can't do any more.
K4th- what day are you going next month? Is it your first with a specialist? I'm nervous just bc I don't know what is going to happen the first visit and I'm a little scared bc I don't want them to tell me that I can't have kids at all. Not much to base that fear on except I had an obgyn tell me when I was 16 that I may not be able to but would never give an explanation...
Also I saw that you're only taking the B complex until O- are we not supposed to take it after? Just curious bc I've been taking it all through my cycle.
K4th -hi there glad to hear you are still hanging on. I took 100mg unmonitored this month even though I was just prescribed 50mg. And I know it was a risk but couldn't get hold of my dr, didn't get any answers or advice so I read that most women get the increased dose if they don't ovulate so I took matters into my own hands. (Although to tell you the truth I am starting to think maybe I did ovulate last month and the day 21 tests were done too early. .. cause I took the tablets later in my cycle last month and had much the same ovary pain as I had this month?) Oh well in any case so I understand wanting to take matters into your own hands! I agree with Buttercup though; if you can talk to your dr at all, ask them first :) Awesome battle plan though! What is the evening primrose oil supposed to do?

MrsMcCurdy a dr said that to me too when I was operated for severe endo at age 20. I refuse to believe it! Have heard of too many miracles and why not us.

Buttercup how are you feeling? I'm taking this month's different symptoms as a good sign and have decided not to read up on anyone else's EPsigns cause we are all different. Have heard of so many ladies on clomid who had lots of symptoms when bfn and no symptoms and then bfp. And vice versa. We must just make it through the week one day at a time; and if bfn then we try again!!!

7dpo and I'm so nauseated I just threw up. But.... it's probably just from eating junk food since yesterday which I'm not used to lol and not feeling too sick though so not a tummy bug! Just going to lay off the junk for the rest of the weekend haha, embarrassing!!!
Mrsmccurdy - my appointment is on the 27th nov. It will be my third. The first was with a less senior dr who prescribed 50mg clomid and sent me on my way. The second time I saw a senior dr who prescribed 100mg with monitoring. The second dr was lovely & listened to my questions and concerns. They pretty much started with the list of tests they wanted to do (bloods in my case) and have been doing trial and error ever since. If you have anything you want to ask, write it down before you go. It's so easy to forget things when you're there. It's really not as scary as it seems... Promise!! I only take the b complex until ov because it's expensive - no other reason lol!

Fern - the evening primrose oil is supposed to increase fertile cm. I'm really have a problem with this I think. My cm is always sticky or creamy on clomid (sorry for the tmi!!). I had perfect ewcm when I conceived my first. I've tried drinking lots but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm literally tring everything I can think of!!!
When is AF due buttercup? Will you test before or will you wait to 'miss' her? Really hope this is your month!! We need some baby dust around here!!!

I've just been to the chemist. This months plan is...

B bit complex until ov (have been doing this for months)
Pre-natal vit (taking for months)
Sperm friendly lube (tried last month)
Soft cup after dtd (bought today)
Cough syrup from trigger until ov ( bought today)
Evening primrose oil until ov (bought today)

I am pulling out all the stops. I simply can't do any more.

Af is due 10/20, I certainly hope it's all of our time!

I love your plan, you are prepared!! I was thinking about using soft cups too, if no BFP.

Wishing you lots of luck and a BFP sooner than later! :hugs:
I feel so excited. I have a good feeling that at least one of us will get good news in the form of a bfp soon. Don't ask why!
K4th -hi there glad to hear you are still hanging on. I took 100mg unmonitored this month even though I was just prescribed 50mg. And I know it was a risk but couldn't get hold of my dr, didn't get any answers or advice so I read that most women get the increased dose if they don't ovulate so I took matters into my own hands. (Although to tell you the truth I am starting to think maybe I did ovulate last month and the day 21 tests were done too early. .. cause I took the tablets later in my cycle last month and had much the same ovary pain as I had this month?) Oh well in any case so I understand wanting to take matters into your own hands! I agree with Buttercup though; if you can talk to your dr at all, ask them first :) Awesome battle plan though! What is the evening primrose oil supposed to do?

MrsMcCurdy a dr said that to me too when I was operated for severe endo at age 20. I refuse to believe it! Have heard of too many miracles and why not us.

Buttercup how are you feeling? I'm taking this month's different symptoms as a good sign and have decided not to read up on anyone else's EPsigns cause we are all different. Have heard of so many ladies on clomid who had lots of symptoms when bfn and no symptoms and then bfp. And vice versa. We must just make it through the week one day at a time; and if bfn then we try again!!!

7dpo and I'm so nauseated I just threw up. But.... it's probably just from eating junk food since yesterday which I'm not used to lol and not feeling too sick though so not a tummy bug! Just going to lay off the junk for the rest of the weekend haha, embarrassing!!!

Hi Fern,
Doing ok, feel a bit better today. You are so right! :thumbup:

Oh hun, you feel better, and hopefully it's from something else:winkwink:

My uterus feels throbby today...that's the only way to describe it. Full and throbby. Not painful or even uncomfortable. Is this normal?
Mrsmccurdy - my appointment is on the 27th nov. It will be my third. The first was with a less senior dr who prescribed 50mg clomid and sent me on my way. The second time I saw a senior dr who prescribed 100mg with monitoring. The second dr was lovely & listened to my questions and concerns. They pretty much started with the list of tests they wanted to do (bloods in my case) and have been doing trial and error ever since. If you have anything you want to ask, write it down before you go. It's so easy to forget things when you're there. It's really not as scary as it seems... Promise!! I only take the b complex until ov because it's expensive - no other reason lol!

Fern - the evening primrose oil is supposed to increase fertile cm. I'm really have a problem with this I think. My cm is always sticky or creamy on clomid (sorry for the tmi!!). I had perfect ewcm when I conceived my first. I've tried drinking lots but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm literally tring everything I can think of!!!

Thank you k4th!! Good to know and very helpful! I need to start writing now so that I can get everything straight. And I'm glad I'm not the only one trying to stretch the supplements! Lol it gets rather expensive with all of them.
My uterus feels throbby today...that's the only way to describe it. Full and throbby. Not painful or even uncomfortable. Is this normal?

I felt some "throbby" and "stretching" feelings in my uterus pre-ov. Sounds normal to me :thumbup: what cd are you now? The only time I would contact dr is if there was actual pain in an ovary position.... But pinching, pulling, throbbing etc is all par for the course with clomid!
Thanks K4th! No pain so far, just weird throbbing/pulsing sensations. I'm CD 8 today. I go in for u/s on Tuesday to see how my follies are doing.
Fern- No I wasn't being monitored this cycle had I not weny in due to my late period and pain I probably wouldn't have known until it ruptured. She said it was slowly leaking fluid and was in the process when she got in there yesterday. She wants to try the Clomid next cycle and monitor me but I'm not sure about it. I would die if I lost my other ovary and had no chance of ever having another child! I guesd we will wait and see but I'm thinking about possibly a different fertility medicine if possible.

Thank you ladies for all the kind words I'm feeling good today just a little sore. Hubby says watch me end up preggo this month since they took my ovary and we aren't trying. If it were only tgat easy it'd be awesome lol.

Hope everyone is doing good I have my fx for everyones bfp!
My uterus feels throbby today...that's the only way to describe it. Full and throbby. Not painful or even uncomfortable. Is this normal?

Yes, I felt full and cramping! I'd say yes it's normal, unless you began feel a lot of pain or issues with your vision.

Good luck!
Hi ladies

Just. Quicki I will catch up later but catch I know if you are planning to give ovaries a boost it should be the first too tablets not the last ones - I spoke with docs about it for me I perhaps take 2 100's or maybe 2 75mgs and if questioned say oh I did it by accident haha!

Mommasboys you can use injectibles they have a much lower Change of causing cysts. If you where being monitored they can drain tem before they get big!
Hi ladies

Seems like this was quite an uneventful weekend with some of us starting a new journey, some of us still in limbo and Mommasboys healing well!:flower:

I'm thinking of all of you in the following week. I will be testing on Saturday 18 Oct if I can hold out that long (will be 14dpo). For the next 4 weeks my life is going to be super busy (going to be working 12 hour days to accommodate all my students as well as trying to study because my exams start end October!) and then it will be marginally better but still very busy until the 19th of November when my exams as well as those of my students are finished. So if I don't have time to check in as much please remember that I haven't forgotten about any of you and will probably constantly be thinking about ttc in any case :). I will make as much time as possible to check in and say hello; and see what everyone's ovaries and uteruses are up to!!!

Today - we are back from our weekend break and I have been working non-stop (on a SUNDAY, that sucks, am definitely not going to work this hard next year!). So glad we went away before the end-of-year madness strikes everybody. This time of year is hard for me because of exams and the rush to get all my work done before the year is up
Symptom-wise: not nauseous anymore, luckily that seems to have been something that I got over very fast! Bbs slightly sore but only on the sides. Getting weird shooting pains through them every once in a while. My skin is super sensitive, I couldn't brush my hair this morning (I have long hair and it was a bit knotted); felt like I was waxing my scalp! My ovaries pain every once in a while esp right side, I hope it is a corpus luteum growing nicely hehe. And I'm dizzy. Clomid is a right monster when it comes to weird, bad, or non-existent symptoms. Wish there was a set rule regarding side effects: like when you have sore bbs you are definitely pregnant or whatever. Would have made our lives easier!:haha:

Speaking of tww symptoms; Buttercup and Nimbec how are you guys doing? So Buttercup you are not going to test I presume but just go in for pregnancy b/w on Friday the 17th? Or other plans?

By the way: I still have the nagging GOOD feeling that there is a BFP lurking for this thread!
Hi ladies

Just. Quicki I will catch up later but catch I know if you are planning to give ovaries a boost it should be the first too tablets not the last ones - I spoke with docs about it for me I perhaps take 2 100's or maybe 2 75mgs and if questioned say oh I did it by accident haha!

Mommasboys you can use injectibles they have a much lower Change of causing cysts. If you where being monitored they can drain tem before they get big!

Thanks nimbec!!! Had my first "accident" today. Took 100mg - I figured they're monitoring me anyway :shrug:

Might just take 50mg from now on this cycle....

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