Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi ladies,

Chedge - I had an HSG in November. It is an X-ray where they put dye in and want to see that it goes all through the tubes and spills out at the ends where it is supposed. It will show any blockages and can also help clear blockages as the dye helps flush them out. I haven't had the lap and dye procedure, but I believe the HSG is sometimes done after the lap as the two procedures can work hand in hand. It's definitely worth asking your OB about. If you want to know any more about the HSG I'm happy to talk about my experience - just let me know.

Dede - my cd21 bloods and cd28 bloods over 4 months showed I wasn't O'ing naturally and I started on clomid to make me O. I understood clomid kick starts O, so I'm unsure of the benefits of clomid if you are already O'ing naturally? Maybe one of the other ladies on this thread has experience of O'ing naturally and being prescribed clomid? Sorry I can't be of help with your query.
Hi ladies!
I'm currently Cd 11, just waiting for o! So much waiting!
Minnie, what day did you take clomid?
I did 5-9 and my doctor said to expect to ovulate between cd15 and 21, and last cycle I ovulated on Cd 18. We have instructions to bd on 15, 17, 19 and 21.

I did 5-9 too. We are 1 day apart! This waiting is awful. I have never been so anxious. Are you using OPK or just temping or both?
I'm a shift worker and had some night shifts last week so I couldn't temp and it's so difficult since I don't get up at the same time every day. I know it's not really reliable, but I know what my pre and post ov Temps usually are so sometimes I just do Temps the couple days before and after to confirm.
I ran out of opks last cycle and didnt order anymore online. I'm debating if I'll run to the dollarstore to grab a few, but I'm sick of walking in there and buying them. I might skip them this cycle.
I had my progesterone checked last cycle and I do ovulate on clomid, and have been on my own for a while; so I don't doubt that I will this cycle. Just a matter of catching the Darn thing!
What about you? What's your plan for this cycle?

I've been researching iui. My instincts are telling me that we will need to go the route, hopefully my gut is wrong. I'm just mentally preparing myself. My doctor wants me to do 3 rounds of clomid and if we aren't pregnant, then it's iui.

I am using OPKs daily now and am BD every other day right now. I started temping and I love fertility friend.

Fern - thank you for all of the input.... it is so helpful to be able to talk to people who know how long it can feel to wait for O to happen.
Fertility friend is great! I love ovufriend too, but I use the mobile app for fertility friend and ovufriend doesn't have a mobile app.
I'll probably give in and buy some opks, I've been using them every cycle since last summer so I'll probably feel lost without them hahaha.
I've been trying to drink plenty of water and keep hydrated, hopefully my cm will be the right consistency, I'm paranoid about it being affected by the clomid. I have some really sharp pinches on the left, so I'm thinking I may ovulate from that side again (same as last cycle).
How's your wait going?

Congrats on your degree Fern! That's amazing, good for you!
Sorry I missed your question, we live in Canada so don't have private health insurance. I think there is a small cost for iui (few hundred I believe). If we make it to the 3rd clomid cycle, I'm going to call and ask a few more questions, I know we have to do an orientation class before starting iui, so I don't want to miss out on a cycle while waiting for the class. Hoping they will let me book our class before I know if the 3rd cycle works or not (which would be end of Jan approx). Just trying to think ahead. Hopefully we don't need it! My doctor said it will also help if the sperm are lazy hahahahha (doc is blunt and hilarious)
Hi ladies,

Chedge - I had an HSG in November. It is an X-ray where they put dye in and want to see that it goes all through the tubes and spills out at the ends where it is supposed. It will show any blockages and can also help clear blockages as the dye helps flush them out. I haven't had the lap and dye procedure, but I believe the HSG is sometimes done after the lap as the two procedures can work hand in hand. It's definitely worth asking your OB about. If you want to know any more about the HSG I'm happy to talk about my experience - just let me know.

Arohanui - Thanks so much for the input! I knew it was where they run the dye through your tubes to check for blockage, I just haven't heard much about it and my OB hasn't mentioned anything about it. He just said everything looked perfectly normal when I had the lap and dye testing. He said the only thing he noticed was a little scar tissue from my c-section, so he removed it. He said he sees no problem as to why we can't conceive another child and that's when he started the clomid. I took several rounds of it and didn't ovulate at all on 50mg. I did ovulate on 100mg, but we could never time it up right since my husband works out of town. We started back this cycle since he was home 2 weeks around Thanksgiving and will be home another 2 weeks at Christmas. If it didn't work this time, I think I am going to ask OB about it since the ultrasound tech said it is common for women who have had c-section to have blocked tubes. Did the procedure hurt? I've read several reviews and they all vary. Some say it felt the same as a pap and others say it was horrible. Thanks so much!
Hi ladies

Chedge and Dede unfortunately I can't answer your queries because a) I have never had only the hsg and b) according to 1 u/s my dr did, she thinks I have actually not been ovulating until clomid 100mg (her diagnosis was "anovulation due to stress"). BUT as for both the hsg and taking clomid when already ovulating; from what I've read over the past few months both seem quite common!

Dede have you had any other tests? Like the hsg or u/s or OH SA? GL and you are welcome to ask questions here or chat anytime you want!

Hm I'm a bit tired of not knowing what is going on this cycle. But oh well. With my sister's new twin pregnancy, apparently she didn't ovulate until about week 5 of her cycle! So here's hoping for a lot of us. ATM I just really hope my dr will give me that script for 3 more months of clomid. I'm really leaning more and more toward just switching to ntnp; but the lap and dye prognosis gave me hope for the next 3 cycles so I think we're just going to give it those 3 more official tries!

How is everyone else? I might not have time to say hello this weekend; we have a family party Saturday because we won't see my sister over Christmas (they are going to visit her husband's family), then on Sunday it's DH's birthday and our 1 year wedding anniversary so will just be celebrating a lot! Also doing a lot of packing for our beach camping holiday from next Tuesday. (So at least I have a lot to keep me busy!)

Just know I'm thinking about everyone a lot and still hoping & praying for more good news for our thread before the end of the year!!
Fern - I am looking at having an hsg and we will do a sa next week as I am ovulating in the next couple of days and you have to abstain for 3 days prior to the test. Is u/s an ultra sound? I have not had one....would it show anything that the hsg wouldn't?
Fern - I am looking at having an hsg and we will do a sa next week as I am ovulating in the next couple of days and you have to abstain for 3 days prior to the test. Is u/s an ultra sound? I have not had one....would it show anything that the hsg wouldn't?

Hi Dede
Yes u/s = ultrasound. Dr may see pcos ovaries on an ultrasound; or monitor your cycle progress by doing u/s on certain cycle days to see whether follicles are developing and maturing nicely. After ovulation it is sometimes possible to see the corpus luteum as well (my dr said that the fact that she couldn't see a corpus luteum at the end of one cycle @ my first visit to her office, was an indicator that I hadn't ovulated). Certain medical issues such as large endometriomas or unnatural cysts may also be detected by u/s. If on clomid, u/s monitoring may also detect ovarian hyperstimulation (the development of too many follies!). U/s at the right time can also measure the thickness of the uterine lining. There are most probably other indications for u/s that I can't think of/don't know of!
I suppose it all depends on exactly what your medical history is and how closely your doctor is going to be monitoring you! xx GL!!!

By the way ladies I never thanked you for your responses to my adoption question. It was very interesting to read your different points of view!:hugs:
I had an hsg done. For me it was painful, but it's because the doctor used a tenaculum. That thing is a nasty torture device. They don't always used them, my doctor said there are ways to insert the catheter without using them and was surprised the doctor that did my procedure used one on me. It's basically a clamp that pierces the cervix to hold it in place.
I had mild cramping at the beginning, but the tenaculum caused heavy cramping and waves of nausea. The dye itself only caused me mild cramping. The whole procedure was so quick though, so I just breathed through it and soon enough it was over, and he showed me the xray immediately and both tubes are clear.
I don't think my experience was typical though.
I also had an ultrasound before being sent to our RE, to check for structural or functional abnormalities and to see if there was follicle development (not monitoring though).

As for clomid when already ovulating. I have been ovulating on my own with PCOS, buy my cycles are long and vary in length (up to 45 days). I was ovulating late and would have a short luteal phase.
I was put on metformin first to control androgen levels and then started on clomid, the idea being that we improve my ovulation and make me potentially release 2 eggs to increase our odds each cycle. So I'm on 50mg and ovulated earlier last cycle then ever before, and had a 29 day cycle!

I ended up caving and bought opks today! I'm cd14 now and woke up with what felt like menstrual cramps. So hopefully something is happening in there!
It is astonishing to me how many times you can pee on a test and feel hopeful. If it isn't a HPT it's an OPK. Still no ovulation on cd15. I know it can take longer. Clearly I need to vent today. Anybody have any tips to stay optimistic?

Fingers crossed to everyone for this cycle :)
Chedge - I also read a lot of stories about HSG on line and I really worked myself up about it (to the point of tears at the beginning of the procedure) which really didn't help!

First things first - the HSG is so quick! It was over in just a few minutes. Mine was very painful (severe cramping which made me nauseous) BUT it was totally controllable through breathing (and wiggling the big toe on my right foot throughout really seemed to help?!).

I have heard that the more painful, the more likely it is that there were blockages or part blockages that were flushed by the dye, but I don't know how true that is. My cramps lasted around 24hours but were more like normal menstrual pains after the HSG was complete and I had no bleeding afterwards. I think I was more emotionally drained than anything else from being so worked up about it. Now I know exactly what's involved and what to expect I would definitely do it again if I needed to, and I wouldn't be such a mess of nerves and tears next time!

Chances of conceiving go up in the 3 months following an HSG since everything is nice and clear - I would definitely talk to your OB about it. If he doesn't think you need one, ask him why. There might be a perfectly good reason, but better to ask incase it's something that might help you. Good luck!
Timetotry - that sounds absolutely horrific and medieval. I hope you feel it was worth it for you! And yay for OPK's hehehehe!!

Minnie - urgh don't I know that feeling! CD 22 today (last cycle I only ovulated CD22) but no EWCM, no real ovary twinges so I don't know what's happening or if indeed anything is happening!

There are LOTS of us waiting to O around now! Maybe that will help keep us positive ; to know we are not alone? And that this is a prime venting spot! :)

Had my stitches out, cuts have pulled open and not looking very nice; I suppose it's because I'm doing a bit too much.:blush: Oh well I cleaned them up and put bandages on so hoping for OKish scars. Not that anyone really ever sees my tummy, and the lap that I had to remove my gallbladder last year March also left nasty scars but they became lighter after about a year. Didn't see the dr so I couldn't get a script for clomid... but my clever MIL managed to get 2 boxes clomid at her pharmacy without prescription, AGAIN!!! She just tells them that this is what she wants and she is not leaving without it. The pharmacist has never even met me, she totally manipulates him. She is like James Bond, lol, I can't help but laugh. "Mission accomplished"!! (Maybe I should start a covert clomid smuggling operation for all those of you struggling to get hold of it :haha:)

Chedge - have you tested again?

Lace&pearls - any O yet? How are you doing with those supplements?

Girly - hope you are feeling much better and that you can take some leave soon!!

Buttercup - how are your temps hun?

Nimbec - Yours are looking really nice and stable! And you thought you wouldn't O on your own. :hugs:
Never mind 2 boxes; MIL got FOUR boxes! So we're in for 4 more cycles after initially planning to quit trying after next cycle. DH also doesn't want to stop trying just yet so we will just stop with the chemicals after the next 4 cycles, and in the meantime stop with drs, u/s, and other expenses. And then maybe go on to ntnp. I think I should stop overthinking everything and really just take it cycle by cycle.
just a quick question as I've got to head out sorry will reply properly when I'm home tonight x

anyone any good with OPKs? I have done some today which I think are prob positive I decided to de a CB digital one for a change but it was negative? is it possible it's wrong? I am cd 19 and past 2 cycles I have ovulated on cd 19 (and the one before that cd 21 I think) I have taken 100mg clomid day 5-9 so this could poss delay ov but i feel like I should be ovulating soon because I'm getting twingey pains which I think I usually get around Ov time. I've also had tender boobs which I think I had prior to ovulation before. :wacko:

Any thoughts? any experiences with CB digi? I don't think I've used them before.
lace - the CB digis tend to compare tests to find the spike in hormones. Often the first is negative automatically because it needs to 2 tests to compare. If you have the same holder it will start to 'remember' your cycles and not need to be negative the first test.
Hi Ladies :flower:

Fern Congratulations whoop great result on the exams!!! Also yay on the 4 boxes :happydance: Its so hard to stop 'thinking' isn't it, i feel the same as you now we are au natural now as that is all we can do unless i do IVF - for those of you who don't know i have had my maximum life time limit of clomid!! 12 cycles (5 for my first son and the rest this time) I find the NOT thinking so so hard!

lace & pearls i must have taken zillions of OPK's over the last 5 years! Literally 1000's I also did a comparison test for CB using both their digis - dual hormone & normal smiley face. Firstly if you are using standard smiley/no smiley ones they measure the amount of LH in your system and you have to have a minimum amount for an egg to be released so this will only show pos when it truly is - I have had a few days of cheapies where i thought they where pos but the smiley was neg then literally 24hrs later i get the smiley and my temps have always been in line with the CB.

With regard to the dual hormone they look at both estrogen and LH - if you use them 1 stick only at time of ovulation it will still show a smiley face if you have enough LH if not it will be simply a negative but to use them properly as dede said you have to do a few before so they measure the oestrogen levels and this is what determines the flashy high fertility period. Personally for me they where useless i had 8 days of flashing smiley and no actual smiley face - but i used the original CB at the same time and got a smiley. I was amongst a group of girls who did this test...we ran one step cheapies along side both CB standard digi & Dual hormone. We all found the standard digi and the one step cheapies to be the best. I have had long chats with CB as i did a trial with them so have lots of boring info about them....sorry if i have rambled but i hope its helped!! If you feel like you are O'ing then maybe take another test tonight when you get in &b first thing in the morning? I now use cheapies until i think i have a pos and confirm it with the one CB standard digi so this means its cheaper!

Timetotry ugh that sounds awful :( but on the upside yay for the pos opk !!

Chedge any news? Also I had an HSG only a few weeks ago for the same reason I had a section and there is a chance they can damage your tubes. It was painful i won't lie but only for a very short time it was over in minutes and i had period like cramps on and off for a while but honestly it wasn't that bad!!! I was really scared after reading all the stories on line but honest it was ok!

Girly hope you are ok? ugh this journey is a tough one!

Mini i know the feeling i have had O as late as CD24 and even 26 i think even on clomid ! Don't give up!! and yes i so am like you any stick to pee on and i'm super happy with a pos opk!

As for me 7dpo on a cycle I wasn't expecting to O on, now i don't know if my egg was good enough as i have ovulated immature eggs before but i'm still holding out a little hope!! Even hubby asked today when we would know...normally he isn't interested and gets annoyed with all the pee sticks around the bathroom :dohh: So i'd like to say i'll wait for AF but i'm sure that won't happen...12dpo is my goal - next wednesday! FX!

Hi to everyone else hope you are all ok?!!!
thank you Dede and nimbec ! :) xxx you have been so helpful I really appreciate it xxx

I had to go check the box but it turns out they are dual hormone CB digis, I actually got them from a trial with CB which I ended up not participating in due to starting clomid, (which I'm supposed to send back but haven't! Whoops lol) so is it possibly invalid as I haven't been doing them for a few days? I did another one later and it was also negative whereas a cheap one was looking pretty + I think.
Hope everyone is ok! And has a great weekend? Nimbec I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you o'd a gooden'! Xxx
Hi ladies :hi:

Sorry its been a few weeks since I posted here last but Ive been a little down as my first round of clomid failed... Im on CD 44 now and no af as arrived either... I also have tested loads of days since CD28 and I have tested again today and :bfn:

....... :sad2::sad2:

But rung the gynae unit today as they wanted me to be in touch if I reach CD44 and no af arrives and my pregnancy tests is :bfn: So i rang in and they want me to class today as CD 1 again (not CD44 anymore) and start my clomid again tomorrow at CD 2 but this time to do 100mg! Im scared becasue I had so many side affects after finishing 50mg 8-[

I was ure with all my symptoms and my spotting that I ovulated and caught that egg... but must off been the side affects of the clomid. Im really scared right now of feeling poorly again... I went for a can on the 1st december too and nothing there just all looks the same as before :(
Hi SarahLou - I am on CD 9 of my second round of clomid and I have had hardly any of the horrible side effects I had on the first round. The hot flushes and night sweats have started but I haven't had the excruciating cramps, nausea, dizziness, lethargy etc. I had before - just thought that might help soothe your nerves about starting your next clomid round. FX for you!
:hi: everyone. This thread seems to be really picking up the pace recently. I can't keep up lol! Just wanted to drop by & say a quick hello :)

Fern - your MIL is like James Bond!! :happydance: for four boxes!! Glad you have a plan (& now the resources!!).

Nimbec - your temps look really good & how sweet for hubby to be asking about when you will know. Hope Wednesday comes around really quickly for you & the wait isn't too torturous :hugs: keeping everything crossed you get a :bfp:

Minnie - I've ov'd as late as cd30 on clomid. It's soul destroying to wait each day. BUT it's worse to give up, stop the opks & miss ov :dohh: I would know - I did it twice!! Keep poas, keep going & keep hoping!! Fingers crossed it won't be long for you now.

Chedge - I've never had a hsg but I've heard good things coming from the time after them. Good luck :flower:

Sarahlou - glad you're back hun. Hope we can give you the support you need to get to your :bfp: Most of my symptoms on 100mg were less than on 50mg - with the exception if some double vision first thing in the morning that went away really quickly. Hope you're lucky and avoid symptoms this time around :hugs:

Arohanui - good to hear your symptoms on clomid weren't as bad this time around. Hope you get a good ov soon :)

I haven't caught up fully with the thread but girly, , lace&pearls - hope you're both well & are close to catching that egg this month!! And if I've missed anyone, I'm sorry. Hope there are some more :bfp: :bfp: :bfp: heading this threads way!! :dust:
Chedge - I also read a lot of stories about HSG on line and I really worked myself up about it (to the point of tears at the beginning of the procedure) which really didn't help!

First things first - the HSG is so quick! It was over in just a few minutes. Mine was very painful (severe cramping which made me nauseous) BUT it was totally controllable through breathing (and wiggling the big toe on my right foot throughout really seemed to help?!).

I have heard that the more painful, the more likely it is that there were blockages or part blockages that were flushed by the dye, but I don't know how true that is. My cramps lasted around 24hours but were more like normal menstrual pains after the HSG was complete and I had no bleeding afterwards. I think I was more emotionally drained than anything else from being so worked up about it. Now I know exactly what's involved and what to expect I would definitely do it again if I needed to, and I wouldn't be such a mess of nerves and tears next time!

Chances of conceiving go up in the 3 months following an HSG since everything is nice and clear - I would definitely talk to your OB about it. If he doesn't think you need one, ask him why. There might be a perfectly good reason, but better to ask incase it's something that might help you. Good luck!

Arohanui - Thanks so much for all the info and taking the time to talk to me about it. I'm definitely going to talk to OB about it and see what he thinks. I haven't been in and really talked to him since I had the lap and dye. Since then it's just calling or going in to have the 21 day blood testing and getting another RX for clomid or metformin. We also want to talk to him about IUI. When he did the lap and dye he didn't think I needed to have an IUI or anything like that. He just seems to think most of our problem is not timing it up right with DH working out of town. I don't know what to think anymore.

AFM - I decided to wait until at least the end of this week or next to test again because my last 2 cycles have been really close to 40 day cycles, so I figured I was just testing too soon. Well, last night I went to the bathroom and I think AF is trying to show her ugly face. It was only that one time and now nothing since, but I've done that several times in the past hoping it was implantation and it ended up being the :witch: If so, I'm ready to get her over with and try again this cycle.

Hope all of you are well. I probably won't be on much the rest of the weekend. We are about to head out to go snow tubing and stay in the Mountains for a couple of nights.
Hi everyone,

Apologies in advance, I'm going to be a bit of a bummer as I'm feeling really blue right now. Feel free to skip this post if you don't want to listen to me moan, but I feel this is the only place I can talk about my true feelings.

A couple of weeks ago I found out my sister in law is pregnant with her second child (due in July). Her first turned 1 a couple of days ago. I'm happy for her, don't get me wrong, but I'm pissed off that she has managed to have 2 while I've been trying to conceive. Both times she concieved on the first attempt. Then today I got a phone call to say my other sister in law is also expecting and is also due in July. She got married at the end of August and got pregnant on the first attempt a month after the wedding. I'm also pleased for her, but I can't help feeling like it's unfair. We have been trying for so long and it's really, really hard. I have been feeling really sorry for myself today - it's probably worse because DH is away for a few days so I don't have his usual support :cry:

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