Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Arohanui - I am starting to feel like everyone around me is getting pregnant but me! Including those who aren't trying. It can be so frustrating and I am finding it helpfup to come on here and vent to people who REALLY understand.

K4th - I hope I don't have to wait until cd30 , but that is very reassuring to expect and I will not stop with the OPK until AF comes or until I have to take provera again.
Arohanui I totally understand how you are feeling!!! I was the same while I was trying for ds1 everyone was pregnant and some multiple times it's so tough- it's all happening again now as people who had babies with me have already given birth to their 2nd and I've been trying by far the longest only took them 1-2 months :( hang in there tho hun I'm proof that it an & does happen in the end (albeit with a little medication help!) hugs!!!

Mini I think that's a great plan as that was you can be sure!

Well no news here really I'm getting itchy feet to test but know it is really too early and not sure I can cope with a neg!! Temp still up BUT I learnt a few cycles ago that really it means nothing as I had an identical chart to my previous pregnancy inc an implantation dip! So I've lost faith and only really use to confirm o etc :( I hate this part of the tww :( :(
Is anyone else testing soon??
I think part of my feeling so down is the way they have handled the news. Neither of them are 'announcing' yet because it's too soon (neither have had their 12 wk scan) yet they both felt like 'announcing' it to me?

The first one sent me a photo of her 1st child holding a sign saying "I'm going to be a big sister July 2015!" I adore my niece (I really can't get enough of her) and I know I was absolutely fall in love with the next one, but I just feel this 'announcement' was so insensitive. She knows exactly what I'm going through. I talked to her about TTC a lot before she got pregnant the first time. Surely she understands how heartbreaking this news is to me?

The other sister in law had a few family over yesterday for a celebration dinner for something else, and just let it slip - so of course the first thing that goes through everyone's mind is - quick let's call the infertile one and share this happy news! I had to pretend that I wasn't dying inside while giving my best wishes through my tears over the phone to everyone.

I just think there were better ways to tell me this news. I'm quite disappointed in both of them, and the family. Am I just being too selfish to expect my loved ones to be sensitive around this issue? I understand everyone else is over the moon - I just think if the shoe was on the other foot, I would have handled it differently. Or maybe I'm just way too sensitive and I need to harden up and not be down on others great news? I feel like a horrible person for feeling so angry and jealous and disappointed at their news.
Arohanui you are not at all bad person!!! Lots of us are the same way!!!!! I agree people should be WAY more sensitive ESP when they know what you are going through. I spent hours and hours crying and being angry over others being pregnant and I was the same putting a brave face and dying inside :( it's awful hun BUT completely normal in your situation!!!! It is not as bad for me this time as I have my precious first but believe me it still hurts and you get the 'oh it's such a shame he hasn't got a bro or sis to play with - shouldnt you hurry up or the gap will be way too big! ' yup people are SO insensitive - I shut a whole room of people up at a family party they all where in at me and then when stood in a big group someone made an insensitive comment so I announced that I was undergoing fertility treatment and would have loved another straight away but sadly I have had over a year of disappointments, injections, tests, medications ...cue utter silence!! Hahaha
Arohanui I know exactly how you feel! My 16yr old niece announced that she is 9 weeks pregnant. And my best friends due date is today and my other best friend is due in march. And here I am on cd100 aftrr taking 200mg clomid back in September with no luck.

As much as I am happy for everyone it's just super hard and makes me a very jealous and a shitty person, and I feel so bad when I get all upset when I see people close to me annouce they are pregnant. Because all I want is to have my own little rainbow baby and nothing is working.

But my partner and I are going to a fs in January to possibly start our ivf journey.
Thanks for your support Minnie, Nimbec and MissCassie. I have been feeling quite positive since starting Clomid but this has knocked me for six. I wish DH was here but he's not back till tomorrow evening, so it's nice being able to get these thoughts out with you. I know all of us are having a hard time or we wouldn't be on here! It does help to have people who understand. Thank you!

Nimbec - it is nice to have people like you (and K4th and Pinkee) on here to remind me that I'm actually going in the right direction and it CAN happen. I'm going to try and concentrate on that today.

Starting OPKs for this cycle today. Think positive, stay calm, let everything else go!
Hey girls

Had a nice, busy weekend with graduation dinner, DH's birthday and our 1 year wedding anniversary! And a busy week ahead with camping at the beach!:shipw::icecream::yipee:

I totally understand feeling upset about other people falling pregnant so easily, 2 months ago my cousin also announced in such an insensitive way. I ranted away on this thread :) and cried my eyes out... and that actually triggered DH &me to purposefully start focusing on what we already have and to try and make peace with the fact that we might just never have kids; because the ttc journey just became too all-encompassing. (I started trying for the first time 11 years ago and no bfp, ever). I actually started missing out on living because I was so focused on what we DON'T have. It helped a lot to chat to the ladies here! (Oh and by the way I don't know if the new ladies know this yet but my sister just recently fell pregs with twins her 1st month of trying... after having a child 3 years ago also on her 1st try! Even though she has pcos! I love her and her kids but... why not me too???)

We are all very fortunate to have each other; ladies in a similar situation who just UNDERSTAND each other.:hugs:

I just wish this month could be over already... but then again I don't want AF to arrive when we are on holiday hehe. Feeling quite hormonal today, very tired, sleepy, dizzy, nauseous, hungry, headache urgh! If I was symptom spotting now I would have thought that I was pregnant for sure! Just goes to show. These are all probably just clomid effects.

Minnie I agree don't stop bd and don't give up hope - I also missed a freaking great ovulation last month by simply giving up too early!

Lace&pearls sorry I couldn't help with the OPK's I'm also new to CB digi's and have yet to get a smiley face on them...

Have a lovely Sunday evening all! And a good week ahead x
hey ladies! I've just been diagnosed with PCOS, I had a scan on Thursday that picked it up. I'm being referred to a fertility clinic, but it's going to take 6-8 weeks before they'll see me. I have a docs app on Tuesday, and I was wondering if they can give Clomid? or does it have to be from the specialist clinic? I'm really hoping they'll give me something! me and my OH are getting married in April, and a little bump really would be the icing on the cake for us. :) sorry, I'm new to all of this, so I really don't have a clue at the minute! the diagnoses has really hit me hard, I never imagined having trouble conceiving, and I'm feeling pretty useless. :(

thanks in advance for any replies! x
Arohanui- sorry you're having a rough time. I totally understand how you are feeling. I am officially the last of my friends, everyone else has little ones, every announcement hurts, some more then others. I've cried in the bathroom at work, ugh. It's especially hard considering they know what you are going through, I'm sorry they aren't more sensitive about it.

Hope everyone else is doing well! It's hard to keep up with the thread hahaha.

Is anyone ovulating soon? I'm cd17 and got a blazingly positive opk, not sure I've ever had one quite this dark!
Fingers crossed for this cycle!
I'm 20 and this is my first cycle of clomid. I would love to know what to expect from it. I have high hopes but I'm still scared of all the possibilities.
Arohanui I'm sure we can all relate to how you are feeling, it most definitely does not make you a bad person. You are only human after all x
Arohanui - Sorry you are having a rough time. Don't feel like a bad person though. Like most others have said - we have all been there at some point. My sister has 4 boys and is pregnant with her 5th child. She has wanted a girl for so long. Well, she is finally pregnant with a girl and due in February. She is almost 10 years older than me, so the first 2 were lovely because I was in High School and loved spending time with them and spoiling them. Her third was born 3 months after my daughter. I thought it was going to be the coolest thing being pregnant with my sister, but it turned out being horrible. I had some complications with my daughter, so my mother was there for me a lot and my sister seemed to get jealous of that. It was very hurtful. Especially since she had already been through labor and knew what to expect and had no complications with her 3rd. Since then she has had another boy and now pregnant with the girl.

Don't get me wrong, I love my nephews very much and will love this girl just as much, but it is so hard for me knowing she is about to have 5 and here I am with 1 and trying so hard for :baby: # 2. I don't want to be jealous and this sounds so horrible, but I don't think it would bother me as much if she was having another boy. I have the only girl so far and now that she is pregnant with a girl everyone is ranting and raving about it. 1st, it's hurtful because I'm sour at the fact she has no trouble getting pregnant and here I am trying so hard. 2nd, I'm so worried how my little one is going to react with being a girl and this new baby a girl that everyone is soooo excited about. I just don't want her to feel less important. I have really been struggling with this. Like literally :cry: as I type this at work. I'm just soooo emotional and cry about everything lately.

Sorry for the rant. It's just so nice talking to ladies who understand what I'm going through. I hope all of you are doing well.

AFM (besides the drama I just posted above this) I'm out this cycle. The ugly :witch: decided to show her face this weekend.
Hey girls. Wow manic time for me at school. christmas pantomine, drama performances, nativity, carol service etc etc it is non stop!! Only 4 days left and I will be finished for 2 weeks. But it also means only 20 or so days left with my hubby before 4 months apart which seriously sucks.

We are trying to make the most of time together. It doesn't look as though I am going to even ovulate this month which seriously sucks. Got a bit of watery cm for few days but not pain like last month and it seems to have all stopped now. So upset as it was our last month trying. Really struggling to stay positive right now x
Go figure. It's o day and as of today I am coming down with a cold or something.
Does anyone know if there's anything safe to take during the tww?
It seems like a lot of ladies are having a tough time! Thinking of you all xxx
Girly I'm especially sorry for you hun. I can't imagine how you must feel. I pray that you ovulate before hubby leaves.
On our way to the coast, so I might not have a chance to pop in. But I will try to, just want to see how everyone is getting on esp Nimbec testing soon!!

Love & hugs
Hey everyone I'm feeling a little bit worried :-s has anyone had any experience of OHSS? I have always had a few pains on clomid particularly round ovukation but I have had some cramping even since this round. Then last night I woke up with upset tummy / diarrhoea :( which is apparently a sign of OHSS, although thankfully I haven't been sick yet *touch wood*
I have taken 100mg instead of 50mg this month, I'm trying to book a GP appointment but they don't have any today unless someone cancels :(
I think mild OHSS isn't that bad I'm just a bit worried if I did have it and ignored it it might become moderate / serious which is quite bad I think.

edit: I forgot to say I've read OHSS is rare on clomid alone and less rare with injectables etc but it's also more common in women under 30 with pcos, both of which apply to me, but I'm also a worrier! I took some anti diarrhoea tablets last night in the end, my tummy feels quite tender and sore today and haven't really fancied food yet ... On the other hand this could just be a bug or something I ate and just a coincidence 😖
Oh Arohanui:( I'm so sorry that that happened to you. Sounds absolutely awful:( I've learned that ladies who have no trouble just don't understand what it's like. They can try to be sensitive but really, they just don't get it. Both my sisters-in-law and my sister have gotten pregnant and had healthy babies in the time that I've been TTC. It's really hard, I try to be as excited as I can for them, and of course like you, I love my nieces and nephews so much! Just remember that it will happen for you! Even if you have to sit through listening to them discuss all of their pregnancy symptoms, just think "soon that will be me!". Wishing you all the luck this cycle!
Hi everyone sorry you are all having a tough time :( sending huge hugs and positive vibes!!

Lace & Pearls my understanding is that if you have OHSS you would know it's usually extremely painful as in bent over in pain and also mega bloated - what CD are you? It's usually made worse by a trigger shot...fx you don't have it! As you say I think it would be rare but I'm no expert! Hope you feel better soon!!

Crappy news here BFN what a surprise together with a huge temp drop in definitely out...several yrs in this game I know I'm out grrrr so god knows what to do now!! Just waiting for AF she should be here in a few days. Pretty down to be honest and I think we may not actively continue to ttc we either do that or plump for the IVF but at the moment I do t think I could cope with being in debt and seeing a negative!!

Hope everyone is ok!

DH got back last night, I had a good cry and got lots of cuddles and support - it was lovely to have him back home. Thank you everyone for your support and I'm sorry if I took the focus away from what's important - our BFP's. I'm trying to get back on the positivity wagon!

Sweetpea - thank you for your message!

Laceandpearls - if you are bloated I would insist on seeing the GP as an emergency, or visit an A&E to be on the safe side. I'm sure it won't be OHSS, but I don't have any experience of it myself, so if you are at all worried get it checked out!

Nimbec - this might be a stupid question, but have you checked into your eligibility to have any IVF treatments on the NHS? It's not something I have looked into very deeply, but my NHS Infertility Specialist has hinted that it would be our next step.

Fern - have a lovely relaxing time at the beach! It's freezing here. My BBTs were messed up while DH was away as I had to sleep with an electric blanket on it was so cold without him!

Timetotry - sorry your not feeling well. My GP warned me against taking anything for cold and flu while TTC except home remedies - lemon and honey in hot water to soothe, and steam to help open up blocked passageways. Hope you feel better soon!

Girly - sending you positive vibes. Don't give up yet. Stay positive until AF arrives, O might just be late and make the most of your time with DH. So sorry he's going to be away for so long - that must be really tough.

April - welcome to the group. Do you have any specific questions? I'm only on my second round of clomid, but I had a lot of questions the other ladies on this thread helped me with when I started last cycle. Good luck.
Hey just wondering if anyone has had success ovulating after going from 50mg to 100mg. Cd20 and still waiting for a positive OPK. I am testing twice a day.

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