Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

hey ladies! I've just been diagnosed with PCOS, I had a scan on Thursday that picked it up. I'm being referred to a fertility clinic, but it's going to take 6-8 weeks before they'll see me. I have a docs app on Tuesday, and I was wondering if they can give Clomid? or does it have to be from the specialist clinic? I'm really hoping they'll give me something! me and my OH are getting married in April, and a little bump really would be the icing on the cake for us. :) sorry, I'm new to all of this, so I really don't have a clue at the minute! the diagnoses has really hit me hard, I never imagined having trouble conceiving, and I'm feeling pretty useless. :(

thanks in advance for any replies! x

RebeccaLouise - sorry, I missed your post. Was your appointment today? How did it go? Did you ask about clomid? Sorry this answer is a bit late, my clomid comes from my GP, but my infertility specialist wrote me a letter to hand into the GP asking her to prescribe me clomid - I'm not sure if the GP would have given me the Clomid prescription without the request coming from the specialist first though.
Another question for you ladies.
Is your ovulation painful?
I sometimes felt it during my natural cycles, but yesterday I had so much discomfort that I had to walk slower then normally and sitting down/standing up was very uncomfortable.
Did anyone else notice more painful ovulation on clomid?
hey ladies! I've just been diagnosed with PCOS, I had a scan on Thursday that picked it up. I'm being referred to a fertility clinic, but it's going to take 6-8 weeks before they'll see me. I have a docs app on Tuesday, and I was wondering if they can give Clomid? or does it have to be from the specialist clinic? I'm really hoping they'll give me something! me and my OH are getting married in April, and a little bump really would be the icing on the cake for us. :) sorry, I'm new to all of this, so I really don't have a clue at the minute! the diagnoses has really hit me hard, I never imagined having trouble conceiving, and I'm feeling pretty useless. :(

thanks in advance for any replies! x

RebeccaLouise - sorry, I missed your post. Was your appointment today? How did it go? Did you ask about clomid? Sorry this answer is a bit late, my clomid comes from my GP, but my infertility specialist wrote me a letter to hand into the GP asking her to prescribe me clomid - I'm not sure if the GP would have given me the Clomid prescription without the request coming from the specialist first though.

Hey! :) thank you for asking how it all went. Unfortunately the GP can't prescribe me anything, until after my appointment with the fertility clinic - as they're the specialists, and they need to evaluate my case first. He did tell me to buy some folic acid, to make my eggs as healthy as they can be, ready for conception. I'd love to get pregnant without any medication, but I don't see it happening :nope: I think I ovulated last night, due to discharge and other signs, but I only came off the Sunday before last? :shrug: we've been :sex: every day/ every other to cover it all anyway! So, fingers crossed :D x
Thanks for you advice nimbec and arohanui xx

I had a telephone consultation with doctor today (no appointments again! :nope:) he didn't seem too concerned, I had nausea last night and this morning but feeling a bit better now. Have a few pains here and there especially on my left side but I'm always getting aches and pains on clomid especially in tww!

nimbec sorry to hear you are feeling so down :( x are there no alternative options to IVF? (IUI?) sorry if that's a silly question I don't know much about ivf etc.

Minnie00 when I was ttc first time round 3/4 years ago 50mg failed to make me ovulate whereas 100mg worked :thumbup: I think I ovulated about cd 21/22 first time around??

timetotry - I have found this time round on clomid ovulation has been painful. I do think sometimes it's from dtd as well though. From what I've read online it can be painful but I wouldn't like to say it's "normal" incase it isn't, but you are definitely not the only person to experience some pain at Ov time. And mine was definitely more noticeable on clomid, for me it feels like really bad trapped wind.

RebeccaLouise - are you temping / using OPKs at all? that will improve your chances of knowing when you ovulate, although OPKs can be a bit dodgy with PCOS sometimes :dohh:

Arohanui glad to hear you're feeling a bit better :hugs: sometimes we just need someone to listen to us and who better than your DH to understand xxx
Hey just wondering if anyone has had success ovulating after going from 50mg to 100mg. Cd20 and still waiting for a positive OPK. I am testing twice a day.

Hi Minnie!

Yup that's exactly what happened to me. 50mg=No O (progesterone level of 2!) 100mg=Great O (progesterone level of 65 on CD21) and I managed to O on CD14 for the first time in my life (normally late O for me). Unfortunately I tested BFN at 10dpo yesterday so it looks like it didn't stick but I'm hopeful for next cycle! Just glad I found out it was a BFN before Christmas, I was pretty bummed after my test yesterday. I've never had a BFP in my life, it would be nice if it would show up!!
Just a quick hello :hi:

Hope all you ladies waiting to ov don't have much longer to wait. Girly - especially you hun :hugs:

Fern - have a great break.

Nimbec - :hugs: I'm wishing for a late implantation & late bfp for you. I'm so sorry you feel out. And down with it. It's such a sh*tty journey sometimes :hugs: take some time before you think about moving on to your ivf journey - I understand that thoughts about spending lots of money on a possible bfn is soul destroying. I wish you didn't have to face it :hugs: :flower:
Quick question - anyone experienced sharp stabbing pain in the breast and is it a clomid side effect? I've had it about 20-25 times today. Only for about 5-8 seconds each time, but really painful, and becoming more frequent as the day progresses. Only CD13 for me and still waiting for +OPK result. Not too worried about the pain, just asking out of interest really, and to see if you have any advice to help make it stop! Thanks!
Hi all

It's so amazing here. Rustic camping in the coastal forest with very few amenities, not overrun by too many tourists; and endless beaches! DH and I'm really connecting again. Still no ovulation though and I really wish this cycle could just end (hoping AF can arrive on its own because I won't be able to get a script for provera until mid Jan.... Dr's office is closed for our long Dec holiday!).
I'm upset with my sister... She's decided to name one of the twins a name that DH and I chose for when we have our own child. It's the only boy's name we both like and it has special meaning/significance for us. Now it doesn't have any special meaning for her; she just informed me that she is going to basically use the name (just minus one letter) while knowing full well that it is "our" name. I confided this name to her 2 months ago. It's so unfair! I asked her not to and she just said we can also use the SAME name if we have a child!? Sorry for venting but I'm angry and I know you girls will understand :(

Arohanui- I had exactly that sharp pain, just left bb, after O in my first clomid 100mg (ovulation) cycle. It stopped during the start of the next cycle and I haven't had it since. I had a breast sonar just prior to that for an unrelated issue and they picked up no abnormalities so maybe it is just a clomid s/e. Hope it goes away I know it's naaaaaasssssttttyyyy!

Timetotry - I had the most painful O ever last cycle and it ended up being textbook perfect with a very high 7dpo progesterone number. I've read that such a high progesterone number COULD indicate O of multiple eggs and as it happens I did have multiple follies developing that cycle. So maybe painful O can indicate a nice mature follie or more than one! Fx! Hope you feel better soon!

Minnie- I had no O with 50 and did O with 100. Have read that for many ladies 100 is the best dose. Will you be monitored? Sorry if I have asked this already! So many ladies to keep up with :)

Nimbec - hun I'm thinking of you!!!!!! Know just how you feel :(. I saw on another thread that a lady implanted cd16 totally weird for her but she is pregs now. So maybe you still have a shot? And it's great that you O'd on your own this cycle, and having had the hsg you will hopefully be more fertile for a few months! Hoping for the best for you!!

Lace&pearls keep us updated! I also heard that the pain would be quite unbearable with ohss so I hope you didn't get it. X

Hi K4th hun are you doing well?

GL with your busy time at work Girly, I'm still hoping that you will O soon!!!

Hi everyone else and welcome new ladies!!!

Hope the rest of the week is a better one for us all. Xx
Fern! I'm glad you are having such a lovely time, it sounds amazing!! I actually can't believe that your sister would do that! You can't name them the same name, they'll be cousins. So frustrating:( sorry you have to go through that!

AFM- I basically know I'm out this cycle so just waiting for AF to show up so I can get this clomid party started again! I think I'll be doing 100mg as it worked so well for me last month:)
Fern! I'm glad you are having such a lovely time, it sounds amazing!! I actually can't believe that your sister would do that! You can't name them the same name, they'll be cousins. So frustrating:( sorry you have to go through that!

AFM- I basically know I'm out this cycle so just waiting for AF to show up so I can get this clomid party started again! I think I'll be doing 100mg as it worked so well for me last month:)

Thanks for understanding! I hope you still get your bfp BUT love your positive attitude... If not now then soon!!! Since 100mg did the trick for you. X
Last day of term and then I will have a few days to really read all your posts. Only got home at 11pm last night!!

Do you think I really ovulated on Tiesday girls? I got the cross hairs today and I pray that I did. Would mean I am die AF New Year's Eve. If I did do you think I BD enough?

Please God give me the BFP we so want just before he deploys. I would end up being about 5 months when he got home if I am pregnant now lol x
Congrats Sweetpea that is amazing news!!

Girly - I have been stalking your chart and I do think you ovulated then. It's similar to last month's chart. And yes your timing looks good! I'm praying hard for you as well hun especially since your hubby is deploying! !!!!

Afm- still no O, no nothing, blah. Fishing in the estuary today :) so nice here I wish we could stay longer. DH has started talking about kids more and more (I think it's because my sister and also his brother's wife are both in 1st trimester). I really hope we are successful in the next 4 cycles. He has even started talking about my bnb thread and the things we discuss on here (not that he reads it!). Just being supportive and I love him for it!

How is everyone else?

Nimbec my thoughts are with you in particular hun x
Congrats sweetpea!!

Fern- glad you're having so much fun! And supportive hubby's are the best, aren't they :)
Afm- nothing. No O. No AF. No symptoms and bfn yesterday. And it's cd 44. So I know I said that I was ok with whatever came but I was kinda hoping to start clomid before the beginning of the year. Oh well. We shall see. Good luck everyone!
Girly - I think your chart looks good for ov. A few more high temps & it will be a definite. I really hope this is your month!!

Fern - your holiday sounds lovely :) glad you're enjoying yourself. I can't believe your sister did that with your name! I'd be furious. I knew a girl once who told her sister a baby name she liked when she was pregnant and then her sister bought a dog and gave the DOG that name!! I hope you & hubby can start to think of other nice names - and I hope your sister doesn't have a baby of the right sex to nab your name!!

Sweetpea - congratulations!!!

Nimbec - how are you doing hun? :hugs: :hugs:
Hi ladies,

I was hoping I can join in. I am on my second cycle of Clomid, last cycle was a BFN with 4 follies 

I ovulate on my own just fine but our FS prescribed Clomid to help increase our chances by having more eggs.
I am on 25 mg of Clomid and my FS will not up my dose as I had a good response as I mentioned and had 4 follies. They confirmed at my u/s that I ovulated 3 as one was a bit smaller.

I was wondering if anyone has had success on Clomid with unexplained infertility who ovulates just fine on their own, maybe this is your second time TTC or if anyone has any insight or support as I felt very discouraged failing the first cycle.
Hi ladies just a quick message from me - AF arrived lets just say my head is in the shed :( Think this is the end of the road for me :( Sorry if i'm not around for a few days I have some big decisions to make about what to do with my life!! :( :(
Hi ladies just a quick message from me - AF arrived lets just say my head is in the shed :( Think this is the end of the road for me :( Sorry if i'm not around for a few days I have some big decisions to make about what to do with my life!! :( :(

So sorry :hugs: I don't know what else to say hun - if you need to chat feel free to pm me. Take care :hugs: :hugs:
MrsMcCurdy - any chance that you could still get provera or start a new clomid cycle regardless of AF (like Sarahlou did)? Hope you can carry on with your clomid plans soon!!!!!!!!

AandV, welcome. Most of us here have tried for a long time, in some cases for years. So clomid doesn't always work the first time, in fact from reading these forums I think it rarely works the first time! Imo the first cycle or 2 just gets a healthy rhythm going, don't get discouraged!

Nimbec - loads and loads of hugs and love. Ltttc is so hard. Like K4th, I am also available if you need to chat or rant or whatever! I know that the ivf decision is a very very tough one. Whatever you decide, we are here if/when you need us!

AF showed for me too. So definitely no bfp this year (again). Onto the next cycle. Hopeful! Despite saying that we will survive if we can never have kids, I still really wish that I can see 2lines just once in my life! After 11 years I will not quite be able to believe it, should it happen....

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