Clomid club- any ladies on clomid please join x

Hi Everyone! I am just joining. I just started Provera on 12/17/2014 and I am going to start Clomid on my cycle days 5-9!! So far the only side effects I have been having are the fatigue. Almost like an achy feeling. It is mostly in the morning almost like a benedryl hangover. I think I need to start eating more protein in the mornings. :coffee: I have been trying to not have any caffeine. But it has been hard these last 2 days.
Hi ladies I have been ttc for 6ish years and currently on my first month of clomid 50g. It's taken a long time to get to this stage of treatment because in my hospital you have to have a bmi of 30 and below. This year I finally pulled myself together and list enough weight in order for me to receive the tablets I need. I'm due AF sometime Xmas eve onwards. I have my fingers crossed for anyone taking clomid that they have the miracle :BFP
Hey ladies!
Haven't been on in a while. My Thanksgiving BFN/af kind of knocked me out of the ttc mindset. And not to mention I had finals this past week.... so lots of stressful things going on. I decided not to take a break from ttc, but to take a break from trying so hard.... I'm not temping or opking this cycle.... Just going with the flow, taking my vitex, and trying to bd when the cm seems good. Hoping for a nice Christmas bfp, but even without temps it doesn't seem that my cycle is quite cooperating. CD21 and haven't had consistent, good cm or O pains, so I'm pretty sure it hasn't happened yet...... We'll see what happens I suppose.
Fern- you've had a lot of stuff going on this month. Congrats with your schooling/job offer!
Fern- I don't have a prescription for provera but the specialist did say that I COULD start clomid whenever after cd 40 I think it was. I'd have to call to check on that I guess. Idk, hadn't really thought about it, figured AF would show. She's usually fairly good about that.
Babylaw- sounds like a good plan.
Welcome to the new ladies!
Hi ladies I have been ttc for 6ish years and currently on my first month of clomid 50g. It's taken a long time to get to this stage of treatment because in my hospital you have to have a bmi of 30 and below. This year I finally pulled myself together and list enough weight in order for me to receive the tablets I need. I'm due AF sometime Xmas eve onwards. I have my fingers crossed for anyone taking clomid that they have the miracle :BFP

Hi there! 6years.... Hun I really hope that clomid makes a huge difference for you. Good job on the weight loss!! If you don't mind me asking, which cd are you on and do you know if you have ovulated?
Hi all

Babylaw- are you going to start clomid in a few cycles or stay on the vitex? Sorry if you have mentioned this before! Hope you O soon!

MrsMcCurdy- gl with whatever you decide :).

I'm starting round 5 tonight.... Feeling like I'm totally over this today. Just a bit depressed because we are back from holiday and found out that I had a few thousand bucks stolen from me....... Joys of living in South Africa :/ just feeling like whenever we get slightly ahead everything goes down the drain again.

How is everyone doing?
Hi ladies I have been ttc for 6ish years and currently on my first month of clomid 50g. It's taken a long time to get to this stage of treatment because in my hospital you have to have a bmi of 30 and below. This year I finally pulled myself together and list enough weight in order for me to receive the tablets I need. I'm due AF sometime Xmas eve onwards. I have my fingers crossed for anyone taking clomid that they have the miracle :BFP

Hi there! 6years.... Hun I really hope that clomid makes a huge difference for you. Good job on the weight loss!! Which cd are you on and do you know if you have ovulated?
Hi everyone else

I was sure I posted something else but it seems to have disappeared?

Anyway just want to say I'm thinking about you all, having a bad day since a LOT of money was stolen from me today and I am just fed up with living in a country where crime and being a victim of crime, is just a way of life. I don't even feel like starting the clomid today.... even though I will. ... I'm just like "what's the point of struggling with EVERYTHING anymore".
:hugs: :hugs: fern. That is so sh*tty that you've had money stolen while you've been away. Sorry you feel so down. I know you'll find your fighting spirit and positivity again - but in the meantime, take everything one day at a time. This really could be your month after your hcg - sending some positive thoughts your way :hugs:

:hi: to all the new ladies. Good luck on your clomid journey :)
Hi everyone,

Fern - I'm sorry you've had such a terrible time recently. :hugs: sending you positive thoughts and hugs.

Nimbec - I'm so sorry to hear your news too. We're here to support you what ever you decide to to next. :hugs:

RebeccaLouise - do you have an appointment with your fertility specialist yet?

SweetPea - that's great news. A nice wee Christmas present! FX for you.

I'm on CD17. Yesterday lunchtime I got a +OPK (just before leaving to pick up my friends for a girls night away. Had to have a quickie and run. Was still late to pick them up though, Lol). I'm happy to have had a +OPK result, but to be honest CM wasn't good, so I don't think we'll be getting a BFP this cycle :nope: I know some of you take evening primrose oil, expectorants etc. to help with CM. Can anyone give me any tips or advice with anything to help production of the right type of CM to help with conception for next cycle?
Arohanui - my cm was always rubbish on clomid. I took 1000mg epo in the mornings the whole cycle up to ov. Then from my positive opk I took cough medicine with guaifenesin in (the only active ingredient - got it from boots for about £3) four times daily until ov was confirmed. Only did both in my last cycle & cm was much better. I hated the taste of guaifenesin :sick: but it was worth it. Good luck!! & remember you may ov up to 72 hours after your first positive opk so your cm still has time & so do you to get some extra bd in there!! :)
Thanks.... I won't let one bad day spoil everything but it is a HECTIC day so I just had to get it out! Also AF that is making me feel down & blue.

As for the cm: evening primrose oil made a Huge difference for me. My skin is also way better since I started taking it; I think it's regulating my hormones overall. We also use preseed. I have some guafenesin syrup but it has some other ingredients in there as well (dh didn't know) so I only took it about 3 times a few cycles ago and not since; l can't judge its effect. Gl arohanui I hope you catch that egg!!!!!
Just an update:

I am now on cd25 and no positive OPK yet. I have been having ovulation pains for the past few days or what I thought were o pains on the right side but nothing yet.

I am guessing I will be put on 100mg of clomid next round. I will be better at temping next cycle. I find it hard to take it right when I get up.

I am still testing until cd35. Then if no AF and no BFP I start provera again.

Fern- so sorry to hear about everything going on, fingers are crossed for you
Temp dip today. Hope it isn't me out and I never properly ovulated as my temp didn't rise anywhere near as high as last cycle. Tomorrow will tell more. If it stays low or goes lower I don't think it is good. Hopefully it will go back up xx
Think I'm out this month had some light red on the toilet paper. With this being my first month of clomid I had hoped that all would be ok and be lucky to be pregnant 1st Cycle but of course it's me so that wasn't going to happen. I'm sad because I so wanted a nice early Christmas present but alas not to be. For some reason when I was doing my opks not one of them showed positive so whether I was doing them at the wrong times of day or this cycle was out completely from the get go. Oh well dust myself off and start again tomorrow is always a new day...
Hi Sarah,

You may need to get your clomid upped to 100mg. Lots of the ladies on this thread had no luck with 50mg, but got results with the higher dose. Get an appointment with your GP ASAP to discuss upping your dose so if AF does arrive you'll be ready to start next cycle with the higher dose. Did you have any progesterone blood tests done to check if you O'd? If not, I would insist on an appointment with the nurse next cycle on CD21 for a progesterone test. If this shows no O, insist on another progesterone test on CD28, incase you O late in your cycle. This will tell you if the Clomid is working or not.
Hello ladies just wanted to share I finally got my BFP last week after ttc for 11 months and 3 rounds of Clomid 50mg CD3-7. I wasn't expecting a BFP because the night before AF was suppose to show I started getting cramps like I always get before she arrives. I was certain I was going to wake up to her but didn't so went to the dollar tree to buy a test and went to the back of the store to test. It was also my OH bday so I had planned that if I got it I would put in a gift box and give to him. So that's what I did. We are ecstatic. I'm currently 5 weeks and still no symtpoms except the cramps that come and go. Baby dust to you ladies.
Congratulations sweetpea and kbird!

Fern I'm so sorry to hear about what happened :( :hugs: xxx

Hope everyone is OK.

AFM I tested this morning (10dpo) BFN :( Does this mean I'm out? :( I think I probably am tbh.... I kind of wish I could just get AF over and done with now. I'm due boxing day but if it's like last cycle I will start spotting late on xmas day... :growlmad:
Hi everyone else

I was sure I posted something else but it seems to have disappeared?

Anyway just want to say I'm thinking about you all, having a bad day since a LOT of money was stolen from me today and I am just fed up with living in a country where crime and being a victim of crime, is just a way of life. I don't even feel like starting the clomid today.... even though I will. ... I'm just like "what's the point of struggling with EVERYTHING anymore".

OH No Fern!!

I am so sorry this happened. Ughh. I am sending positive thoughts and prayer your way Hun!

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