Clomid Club Graduate Buddies

SBB, that is fantastic! Hope everything goes well for her. You know it actually occured to me the other day that this lil one is going to be here before I know it! When you're like us and you know almost the minute you got pregnant the time seems to drag by. Then, all of a sudden we look up and these babies are coming ladies! much to do, so little time. ROFL.
By the way Kel- I told Ellen (rudeollie) about how you stuck up for her too that day when I was ranting and raving in the Clomid Club about it all- she was very grateful and is missing you all xxx
Thank you hun. I am a very honest and outspoken person and when I have something to say it's got to come out. Otherwise, I would explode like a balloon. LOL I thought it was all very unfair and I will be so happy when she can return to us.
hi peach! ouch sorry about all those shots! what does that do for you? prevent MC?
Yeah, I tested positive for Lupus Anticoagulant which is an auto immune disorder that attacks the trophoblast as it develops. The heparin stops this hopefully! 4 down, 199 to go!! :)
What a lovely little thread we have going here!! It's nice to feel so comfy chatting!!
Kel Im torn if I want it to go quick! On the one hand I need time to do my house, sell, move, do new house before bubs...
On the other hand I want my bump now! (although I've already got a teeny one!) and I want to be past the first 12 weeks and also past the feeling like crap stage! :D

X x x
Peach that doesn't sound good at all :( I hope it works and you'll get your sticky little bean!

X x x
We're gonna have to move house too SBB!! OH is upstairs now as we speak sorting out the bedrooms ready for selling!! :)
SBB, I know what you mean. I think I am leaning towards the slow. I am thinking that this is my last one and I kind of want the pregnancy part to last. Now, I am only saying this b/c my sickness part is over. If you had asked me about 8 weeks ago I would've said hurry it up! LOL Trust me ladies, the sickness does pass and soon you will all feel wonderfully preggers. On the other hand, I can't wait to meet this boy. He is so active and frisky. Also, since it's my first with my DH I can't wait to see the combination of us all in one little human. Hope that doesn't sound weird or creepy but I think you get what I mean..? Hahaha.
Ooh yay loulou do you need more space?

I love moving house! I've seen the house I want we just need them to sell it to us! I've planned the nursery already!

X x x
SBB, you actually like to move? Bless you honey. I do not like moving although I must admit I wouldn't mind too much now if we could get a bigger place. We need more room but that won't be happening for a long time. Hopefully, one day. (ahhhh...big sigh.)
No kel not weird or creepy at all! Yeh every day I think I am so lucky to be pregnant but I also just want the bit where I feel good and I look pregnant!

I can imagine it's better the 2nd time as well because you know what to expect a bit more... All I do is worry!

X x x
Wow, moving house and preparing for a baby sounds like my idea of hell!! Respect to you !! Hope it all goes well!
Lol I don't like moving day, but I love getting a new house! Especially when it's a right dump! I'm an interior designer and I love doing up our houses. As soon as it's done I'm bored and need to move again!

He he I know it sounds like hell peach and it will be but I'm not lifting a finger (i normally do all the work!) I'm going to get eveyone else to do it!
X x x
Well, I think ignorance must be bliss sometimes. With my DD I never thought about MC or other complications but with this pregnancy I worried a lot in the beginning. I think part of it was being much more educated. As you ladies know, when you have to work to conceieve you learn way more than you ever wanted...LOL. Also, I know from experience that every pregnancy really is different. This time is different in every way from my DD.
I just noticed you're due Christmas day. How great is that!
I totally agree with you Peach. I can only handle so much stress at once. LOL
Yeh kel that's totally true, ignorance is bliss! I love this site, but there's no question that it has made me more paranoid and told me lots of things I'd never have even worried about otherwise! So I guess 2nd time isn't neccessarily easier!

Yay Xmas day :happydance: won't actually be born Xmas day i doubt but hey it's cool! We call it our Christmas Pudding :D

X x x
Yes SBB we definitely need more space! We live in a gorgeous little 300 year old cottage with an open fire and a grape plant growing up the house! It's beautiful and I hate the idea of leaving but it is tiny! We have two dogs too so definitely need more space! We live in the Peak District in Derbyshire though and space is expensive- so I think we may have to move area to get more for our money!!

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