clomid club

im on my 3rd cycle of clomid....1st cycle i took it at night bout 6pm and then 2nd n 3rd cycle i have taken it in morning bout 7.30am....have found no difference to be side
thanks 4 replys girls finally got to talk to my fertility nurse today and she confirmed scan would be to check on follicles she said because my progesterone level was 29.8 and she said 30 would show ov they want to make sure that i dont overstimulate by increasing to 100mg so going on thursday then again nxt tuesday to c wots crackin in there like u am worried i mite get a bit excited if everything looks good coz then if it dnt happen ill b thinkin wot went wrong oh well will just have 2 wait and c love bubbles and babies 2 u all xxxx
hi Mrs N and welcome t the thread. I took mine in the morning and suffered really bad headaches and hot flushes in the evening so next month i will be taking it on a night time. I hope it works for you.

Amy- really hope its implantation bleeding. let us know when you test. gt my fingers crossed for you.

Winston- good luck on the scan. ie to see they are keeping an eye on it.

Thanks Laura, I will let you know

wen do you start your second round and have you had any day 21 blood tests?????
OH is away this month so im having a break from it. I will start it next month when AF arrives. Nope not having bloods done but i ovulate on my own anyway so there is no need to. I started having bloods done last year when i got diagnosed with PCSO and it showed ovulation. Clomid just gives me that little push.

Im hoping i get my BFP this year. My sister has started tring for her 3rd. He 2nd is only 5 months old and she falls so easily. I just know it will ahppen for her before me. I could pull my hair out. xxx
OH is away this month so im having a break from it. I will start it next month when AF arrives. Nope not having bloods done but i ovulate on my own anyway so there is no need to. I started having bloods done last year when i got diagnosed with PCSO and it showed ovulation. Clomid just gives me that little push.

Im hoping i get my BFP this year. My sister has started tring for her 3rd. He 2nd is only 5 months old and she falls so easily. I just know it will ahppen for her before me. I could pull my hair out. xxx

I know how you feel, the same sort of thing keeps happening to me with friends and family, Stay positive because the chances of concieving in the first 3 months are very high so you will probebly catch on your 2nd or 3rd.

I am keeping everyhting crossed for you and sending you lots of :dust: gud luck hun xxx
hi ladies i'm on my first cycle of clomid ... gyno put me on clomid as i have close to never ovulated on my own before and so only had AF a few times ever in my life ...

i was just wondering what the chances of me ovulating and getting pregnant are i hear so many conflicting stories i must admit tho the majority are possitive sayin that they got pregnant on 2nd 3rd round .... i was just wondering if any ladies were in my situation and got pregnant with clomid? xx

i was also wondering if its recomended to take the progesterones on cd16 to 26 as before clomid i had used this every month to have AF xx
Hi Ladies,

Can i join your club?! i maybe here a bit early as i'm not on clomid.

Last week i had the results from my ultrasound scan and the doc thinks it have pcos.....they want to do my bloods again, just to check my hormones aren't still high from mc in oct - so am having them taken on thursday and will see what happens from there.

The doc has mentioned putting me on clomid tho - so i thought i'd go on your thread and see what the story is with it.

Good luck everyone with their BFP's i look forward to reading your success stories. x
Welcome Kissy and misskat.

Kissy, im not sure about all the Odds. I believei have read that the chance of ovulation within the first 3 cycles are 60% so thats a good start. Unfortunatly clomid wont make you get pregnant, it only gives you the tools you need to get pregnant ie the egg if that makes sense. I pinned all my hopes on getting my BFP the first round and my world fell apart when i got AF. I cant help you with the progesterone question as i have never been on it. I hope you arent waiting too long for your BFP hun. Are you taking your clomid of an evening? I would reccomend that you do as i had the most horrific headaches when taking it in the day time.

Misskat:- Hope your scan results come back ok. Sorry to hear about your MC also :hugs:
Clomid is one of the cheapest fertility drugs and the first step on the ladder so to speak. I will be starting me second cycle next month. Having a break this month as OH is away in the army. he is marching from Scotland to London bless him. Anyway back to the topic, lol, do you have regular periods ect as i have PCSO but very mild. I Ovulate on my own and have regular periods. Just need that little boost.

thanks laura xx i remain open minded as weather it'll get me ovulated or not i know that were tryin our best at tryin so if i ovulate then i don't see why we shouldn't get pregnant so fingers crossed ... i'm taking it in an afternoon but i have no headache's , my skin is drier than usual n i've developed a little rash on my right hip but its not red or anything just a few little under the skin spots that seem to be goin today ... i have felt uncomfy tho when getting off to sleep since startin clomid i've had to sleep on my right side other than this things are goin great xx
ah glad to hear your finding it ok. I had horrendous headaches that were constant but that was only the 5 days whilst taking the tablets. The i have hot flushes of a night time and wnet very irritable and moody. Poor OH didnt know if he was coming or going bless him. lol. The success rates on Ovulation are really good. Are you using OPKs and having bloods done to check for ovulation?

I really hope it happens for you soon. I have 2 more rounds of 50mg left then its back to the GP. As im not seeing a gyne at the minute (that last one was absolute s**t and with all the stress i just discharged myself and went to a new GP thats who gave me the clomid) im dreading that if clomid dont work for me its back to the gyne i go. Not looking forward to that happening at all. Ill be here forever otherwise.

Welcome Kissy and misskat.

Misskat:- Hope your scan results come back ok. Sorry to hear about your MC also :hugs:
Clomid is one of the cheapest fertility drugs and the first step on the ladder so to speak. I will be starting me second cycle next month. Having a break this month as OH is away in the army. he is marching from Scotland to London bless him. Anyway back to the topic, lol, do you have regular periods ect as i have PCSO but very mild. I Ovulate on my own and have regular periods. Just need that little boost.


Hi, Thanks for the reply and welcome laura6914

Spoke some more with my doc, and he said i have several small cysts on both of my ovaries. MY first lot of blood results came back as high prolactine (mine are 640 should be 500, and high testosterone mine are 4.7 should be 2.9), but as i say these are being repeated as they aren't sure if they are still up from thursday is when i have them redone.

I have no other sign of pcos, other than irregular cycles. i'm not overweight, nor do i have excess hair etc, and i must ovulate to get pregnant july 09 - i just don't know how frequently i ovulate. i've never seen a + opk, and i've tested every day since af. although have given up since being told i may have pcos.

good luck for a bfp soon
HI misskat, i have been on here a while. Im the same as you. I have mild PCSO with no side effects. No irregular periods. Ovulate on a monthly basis. but the scan shown that i do have a few cycts. I think the person who done the scan got it allllll wrong for me....... lol. i wish.

Im sorry to hear about your loss hunny. I ant imagine having to go through that after TTC for as long as i have.

Hope you get your BFP soon to.

just a question to ladies with irregular cycles and on clomid.....

Does taking clomid give you regular periods ie every 30 days? or will they stay irregular, but i'll defo ovulate?
HI misskat, i have been on here a while. Im the same as you. I have mild PCSO with no side effects. No irregular periods. Ovulate on a monthly basis. but the scan shown that i do have a few cycts. I think the person who done the scan got it allllll wrong for me....... lol. i wish.

Im sorry to hear about your loss hunny. I ant imagine having to go through that after TTC for as long as i have.

Hope you get your BFP soon to.


I've not been trying as long as you, so i can't imagine to feel your frustration.

Why do you not get told how hard baby making actually is? no one ever tells you of all the bad things pcos, mc etc etc if i knew i'd have started trying before now, i'm 30 this year and so wanted a baby by my 30th birthday. Thats gone out the window now
I think clomid does bring some sort of normallity to your periods but i was always regular before so i cant quote for definite. It did lengthen my luthel phase to 17/18 days instead of 14 though.

I know, i wish they would have told me. I was told by my GP that PCSO is herreditory (sp) which its not in my case. Or can be cased by long use of BC. im never ever going on the pill again. They miss all the risks out when putting you on the pill and that too which has annoyed me.

Have you had a lap or HSG to make sure your tubes and things arent blocked. My freind who is 30 was TTC for over a year. she had the Lap and fell withint 2 months.
hi laura i do get the moodiness however its kinda settled now when takin the clomid i was all over the place .... my gyno gave me 50mg to start with and he said gp will do 21day bloods i'm not using opk's however were doin the dance very other day so we will for sure catch the lil eggy i hope ... i am temping tho ..

i was told if i hadn't ovulated this month on 50mg then next cycle it will be 100mg..

i am goin to see if fertility friend detects ovulation and if not i'll take the progesterone as usual because no ovulation = no AF i am guessing i will have to research the progesterone thing a little but saying that if i did get pregnant and took the progesterone this cycle .. it's usual effects force AF however if i am pregnant my progesterone levels will stay high and so i shouldn't have AF ...

now i just thought 2 much about it n confusin myself hehe oh my choices choices xx
hi on cycle 3 of clomid...50mg days 2-6.....

has anyone noticed ovulation pains since being on clomid that they didnt notice b4 they started it?? the last 2 mths ive got my smiley face & then that evening have had bad aches in lower back & then it moves to my lower pelvic bad that i had to have a hot water bottle this mth!!! only lasted about 5 hrs...wasnt sharp pains on either side was just a general bad ache in the middle...kinda like period pains!! was this ovulation???xx
I have just got my results from the 1st month of clomid.. My levels were only 3.3 :(
Im now waiting for AF for my second month.. Im only on 50mg and the doctors do not want to up the dose to 100mg till my review in feb..
Anybody had any experiance with clomid on the same dose where they did not ovulate one month but did the next?
Iv read lots of posts about people not ovulating on their first month, then they get the dosage upped and then they ovulate.

Thanks in Advance
morning all.

bexjane, sorry your results werent great. I wish i could help more. Im not being monitored on clomid as i ovulate on my own already. i am due to start my second month on clomid in feb.

Dancingkaty- i had OV pans on it last month. I got my pos OPK at 2pm and then had sharpe OV pains in my right ovary at 9pm and then in the left ovary in the moring the following day. A very weird experiance. lol.

Kissy- did you do any research. you confused the hell out of me to but thats not hard to do. :rofl: hope you found some answers.


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