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Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Everything looks good! I graduated from my fertility clinic!!!!!


  • IMG_7753.jpg
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Glad everything is fine. What a fine quality U/s image <3
Awww beautiful baby TTC <3

Nita thanks for asking, I'm reading as you all post but haven't really had much to share. I'm on cd 9 so I'll start my OPK's tomorrow, we already started our every other day bd routine and will start every day next week till a couple days after I get a +OPK. I haven't had many symptoms yet just hot flashes from the Clomid/metformin and vivid dreams. I was/am really excited about this cy as I think we have a good plan to get a bfp but hubby dropped a bomb shell yesterday and since then I've been pretty stressed so I hope it doesn't affect our chances this month.

He's getting ready to graduate with his masters in adaptive physical education teaching in June. So the job search is on, and he just got offered an amazing position with excellent pay and benefits and bonuses...in ALASKA!! It's his dream job. And it's leaving everything and everyone we know and love. And it's moving to ALASKA! I don't even know what's going to happen from here, we have 4 days to decide if he is going to accept the offer. To top it off we have to be there in 90 days to have just a couple weeks to find a home and get settled before he will start working. There's so many pros and cons, my heart is breaking to leave our families, we are all very very close and all live within a block of each other, I'm just sick to my stomach about making this decision. It's so much more than he can make here where we live, like $20,000 more a year than he can earn here. It's stressful but I'm trying to just keep the faith that God has this all worked out. I keep thinking about having to move while 3 months pregnant, our families not being around for the pregnancy or delivery or the new baby...it's all a lot to consider :(
Four, oh dear, thats a tough descision to make. I was in something similiar a while ago, maybe my story help you xxx

My father in law wants to move to Madagascar, he wants to put up a hotel, and DH wanted to go with. Things in South Africa arent good, and its great to have a runaway place, however, I didnt see a future for myself in madagascar. They arent as developed as here and I dont see myself having much of a career that side. I am an accountant and sure I can do the hotels books, but for the rest of my life? No thank you. I asked myself what it could be like after 5 years, and I just didnt see a future for myself there, so I said no and we are staying. So basicly, imagine your life in a few years there and here and decide which future is the best for you and your family.
Nita, I love that our tickers line up haha. Except it's already Thursday here and I think the tickets are on some other time zone. The baby is the size of a zucchini, game boy or an African four toed hedgehog according to Ovia.

That's really nice of your Mum too Nita. Hopefully you'll be well enough for those extra hours. I still have been having a bit of fatigue in the second trimester but odd days of crazy boosts of energy.

So the appointment went ok. Nothing much happened. He also said I have Sjogren's Syndrome which I kind of already knew but good to have it on paper. None of the lupus/Sjogren's blood tests that can cause heart defects or neonatal Lupus are in my blood (yay good news!). I have to see a hematogist to check on the clotting and platelets. He said that he thinks they'll just keep me on the injections until after the baby is born even if I'm not at high high risk of a clot because no one wants to be responsible if I have a miscarriage. He said if I have a Lupus flare during pregnancy I'll be in hospital, potentially for the remainder of the pregnancy and I'll be treated with steroids (which I'm currently on for pneumonia anyway). He said it's a "very high risk" pregnancy and I need to have very regular scans and check ups with the high risk OB. He said from a Lupus point of view I currently look quite good (no rashes, arthritis etc) so he thinks I'm well enough to work full time but he's not taking into consideration anything pregnancy related because he's not an OB.

TTC, Yay! What a cute ultrasound picture. He/she looks so round and adorable!

Four2five, I'm glad you've got a plan for this cycle, it sounds like you've got it all sorted! Hopefully the hot flushes stop soon! Wow that is a big choice to make. For us (my husband is army) we are just told where to go and it sucks but it takes a lot of the decision making out it. I hate making decisions haha. What is your gut saying? It's a lot of money but money isn't everything and how would you manage being pregnant with two others in a new city without friends and family? I definitely couldn't have moved in the first trimester!
Thank you Nita and Sarah you both made good points that I need to consider! The job is a two year contract, I feel like I can do anything for 2 years, it will fly by...but I'm still on the fence. I don't want to hurt our families by going...and our oldest is 12 so that's a BIG change to consider in her point of growing up. Right now it would be easy to go because we are living with family anyhow so that dh can finish school debt free, so we have no house or anything going we have to deal with or sell.

Sarah we were marine corps for 8 years so I'm used to the moving around thing as far as military goes, we had 3 different stations, first dd went through one move when she was very very young but we've been out of the military life for 10 years now...

Right now I'm a stay at home mom so the move doesn't affect me so much as far as career goes. I have a salon business and photography business on the side that I work at my leisure. We both love the idea of moving and having a new adventure and new start but leaving our families behind is the hardest part to consider.
Four it sounds like you're talking yourself into the idea :) two years isn't forever. If you don't have a house where you are and it's not going to be a huge difficulty to set up a new place, go for it. It sounds like an exciting new opportunity. That's how you have to look at it when you're Military (which I'm sure you know)

Yesterday I went to the library and got some pregnancy books out to help fill my days haha. Well I just read that women on Clomiphene are more likely to conceive girls than boys. Everyone I know who has had a baby in the last year or due in the next 6 months has had or are having a boy. Only 12 days until we find out!
Oh Sarah, is there anything else they can diagnose you with? It sounds like everytime you get back from an appointment its something new :( how horrible.

I also like how our tickers allign, however its also Thursday here haha so doesnt work on our time zone.
Nita, I've come to expect that anything is possible when it comes to my health haha. Yup every time it's something new. Ugh!

Yay our tickets changed! Ferrero Rochers and hot dogs haha.
I think my dh is pretty set on going, I'm trying to be excited, and I partially am, it's just a huge change at this point in our lives where we expect to be pretty settled. Last night he promised me a vacation to Hawaii every year during the dark cold winter months, in the winter in Alaska they only have 3-6 hours of daylight each day!!
Sorry ladies! Lots to catch up on!

Four, that sounds scary and amazing all at once! Alaska sounds beautiful! But so cold! I hope you guys are able to make the best decision &#10084;

Sarah! I'm sorry you're so high risk! I hope and pray all goes just fine with baby!

Nita how are you feeling?

So I'm really struggling with diarrhea! It's not a virus. I'll have it, go 1-2 days just fine, then get it again. I have a call into the nurse line to see what they say.
Ttc, the virus has gone, stomach still trying to recover but it triggered my IBS so I am getting quite intense cramps. Peppermint tea and a bubblebath shoukd do the trick.

That sounds terrible, just make sure you are hydrated :( I hope the nurse can reassure you.
Oh TTc, if they say its ok, and I am sure they will, perhaps you should consider taking a probiotic? You have to take it atleast 2 days before it really works, but it worked for me and its perfectly safe during pregnancy, my OB actually advised me to take it during the pregnancy to help with any stomach issues I may have.
Omg I am totally spamming this thread, so sorry to you ladies having to read through all my stories.

Dh gave me the best compliment tonight, he said he can see my tummy getting rounder, I asked him to touch my belly and tell me what he feels, he then asked 'where is all your flab, its hard now' <3 is it too early to feel like this isnt just bloat anymore,? Or am I just overly optimistic lol

Also, view the video on this link, its amazing https://brightside.me/wonder-curios...e=fb_r69f33&utm_campaign=pub59&utm_medium=cpm
Nita, I always skip ahead and see what next week is going to be haha. And I look at the other options too. Soon you'll be able to feel the top of your uterus. I couldn't find it until my midwife showed me where it was. But basically you would probably want to start at your belly button and with your first two fingers wiggle slowly down. It's best to do it lying on your back. You'll feel what kind of feels like a seam of your clothes and it'll feel different in your tummy. Not exactly sick but you'll feel a little yuk in the moment that you find it. Then you know the baby is tucked up in there. They say you can feel it from about 12 weeks but it's different for everyone. Mine is just below my belly button but you're will be lower at the moment.

Four, the day light hours would suck I think I'd need a trip to Hawaii too haha. My grandparents moved to Alaska with my aunt about 30 years ago. My grandfather is a professor so he did a couple of years at one of the universities before coming back home. They loved it there.

TTC, thanks. I already knew it was high risk but I was hoping that by some luck they might have all changed their mind and say it's really just an overkill. But it's not going to be. The baby is fine, they'll need to monitor the placenta closely but I should get to see the baby lots. Most women with Lupus deliver early so we will see. I hope the nurse can help with the diarrhoea. It's no fun and sounds like it's probably related to the hormones. Drink lots of water.
How is everyone feeling?

Sarah I dont look ahead to see whats next haha its a total surprise.lol.

I have reconnected with 2 old friends from high school this week :happydance: we were very close back then and both are so supportive now with thr pregnancy, so great.

I am constipated, lower and higher back pain, boobs extremely sore, kidneys working overtime, seddenly have to wee 3 times an hour again, the whole day. And my pants are getting really tight, only 1 pair still fits, and barely.

Just out of interest sake, anyone in other countries folllowing the news on whats currently happening in South Africa? Id like to hear what the reporters overseas are saying or if they are laughing at or with us.
I'm doing ok. I went for a walk with mum and the dog today and got incredibly breathless so I'm not sure if it's the pneumonia still or pregnancy. I'm on steroids and antibiotics which should be sorting out the infection. I'm ok when I'm resting.

Speaking of antibiotics, I needed to take my 4th pill of the day with food but I wasn't hungry so I took it with some milk and I don't think it was enough and now I feel really sick :(

That's exciting. It's cool when you can reconnect with old friends :). I'm sorry about the constipation, it's either one way or the other.

Nothing on the news here about what's happening in South Africa. We are hearing about Trump and Syria and Russia, the terrorist attack in Sweden and also we've had a big storm/left overs of a tropical cyclone come through in the past week and there's been a bit of damage and flooding around the place. What's happening there?
Oh my Sarah, sounds like you are having a rough time.

We went to our first baby show yesterday with friends who are also expecting, and we bought our first baby item, how exciting :D and today we went fishing with in laws, was a great weekend and fun to relax a little :)

Oh our very, very clever Mr President fired the finance minister, and that resulted in our economy being downgraded to junk status. So the whole country decided to march on friday to kindly ask the president to resign.. Kinda thought this would be big news for the world...PS if anyone is interested in buying something from South Africa, do it now :p

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