Hey ladies Do you mind if I join you over here? I don't have a bfp yet but feel in limbo between the two boards and if you don't mind I'd like to join over here even though I'm still TTC. I promise not to overpost or bother too much And everything pregnancy doesn't bother me at all, I love seeing your updates and hearing about your growing babies and find myself reading over here more than over on the new thread. I hope it's okay if I stay
I'm on my 4th cy of Clomid. First was 50mg and the next three have been 100mg. Finally O'd last cy on Clomid but bd timing wasn't the greatest. Good news is that my body had an af on its own and I didn't have to take Provera to start it and that is a huge accomplishment because I NEVER get af on my own. My dr also started me back on metformin again, I haven't been on this since I got pregnant with my last dd which was 5 years ago. The metformin has been really awful to my body this week and I've been pretty sick every time I take it. I'm on cd 5 right now but af was super light this month, do you think the Clomid is affecting my uterine lining? I have barely bled on a pad and mostly only been when I wiped, I only had two days of red blood the other 3 days have been brown. My dr will be giving me a cd 21 progesterone test so we can make sure my progesterone is reaching pregnancy capability. Dh and I have agreed to dtd like we did on my last bfp chart which is every other day from cd 10-14 and then every day cd 14-22! Hoping it works, it would put me with an edd around Christmas and as he's a teacher the timing would be convenient
I'm on my 4th cy of Clomid. First was 50mg and the next three have been 100mg. Finally O'd last cy on Clomid but bd timing wasn't the greatest. Good news is that my body had an af on its own and I didn't have to take Provera to start it and that is a huge accomplishment because I NEVER get af on my own. My dr also started me back on metformin again, I haven't been on this since I got pregnant with my last dd which was 5 years ago. The metformin has been really awful to my body this week and I've been pretty sick every time I take it. I'm on cd 5 right now but af was super light this month, do you think the Clomid is affecting my uterine lining? I have barely bled on a pad and mostly only been when I wiped, I only had two days of red blood the other 3 days have been brown. My dr will be giving me a cd 21 progesterone test so we can make sure my progesterone is reaching pregnancy capability. Dh and I have agreed to dtd like we did on my last bfp chart which is every other day from cd 10-14 and then every day cd 14-22! Hoping it works, it would put me with an edd around Christmas and as he's a teacher the timing would be convenient