Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Nita, I am off the progesterone and doing ok! Glad it's gone smoothly for us both! I'm going to ask my doctor about my cramps tomorrow. I will tell you what she tells me.

Four! I'm sorry your lp was so dang long! Got everything crossed that this next cycle will be the one. Have you read any of the studies of clomid days 1-5? May be worth looking into!

Sarah, I'm leaning towards girl! But I'm not 100%. I'd actually really love having a third boy too. So either way I'm truly just thrilled my baby is still ok in there ❤

Lol at your tickers this week ladies! I like the Ovia ones better too ❤
Four, I saw your temp drop, I am sorry you are out but glad AF is coming soon. Try going fot 150mg, I jist hope you dont get the horrible side effects.

My cramps are gone too, and my tummy looks bigger, like its gotten bigger in a day or day, even with a loose shirt I can see my tummy.

We have done a ton of research on safety, and its confusing, you are so right Sarah, thats why we have decided to take advice from those who already have kids. The camp cot we are looking at has too layers, one for the first year which is up high so I wont hurt my back and the a lower layer for later on, also a changing station that fit over the cot along with a place for toys, we will just add a mattress ofcourse. So far this seems like the most recomended here by all the mommies I have bee speaking too.

Ttc, yay, no more prog, I am so glad. We dont get 4D dcans here at all, if I want one I would have to pay another clinic and the only reason they do it here is if you think something is wrong with baby and the normal scans are not clear enough. When they told my aunt her son might have DS she paid thousands for a 4D scan to see more detail.

Exciting day, celebrating my bday with my family tonight and tomorow with DH only :D although my bday is only tomorow. Best gift I could habe is being pregnant on my birthday, feel so blessed.

Ovia says baby is the size of a beetroot...blegh I feel like the tickers and fruits are boring this week. But I prefer the beetroot ober the funny steak thingy on here haha.
Happy birthday Nita!!!!

And yes I was super surprised to get that 4d shot! It was at the high risk clinic but I truly didn't expect it!
TTC what have you heard about Clomid CD 1-5? I'm just curious.

I thought girl too, but it's kind of hard to see. Yup either way, a healthy baby is most important. But I think I would be leaning towards a girl, I think three of one gender would be hard!

I don't like the French bakery one on Ovia though!

Nita, I'm glad your cramps have gone. I found similar, when the baby kicks lots, the next day my tummy grew haha. I think mine grows quickly sometimes and then nothing for ages. I haven't got any stretch marks yet, so I'm wondering if I'll manage to escape them!

Car seat and sleeping safety are both super confusing! I think I'm sorted in the car seat department though. The general message here is that the mattress in the port-a-cot is not firm and strong enough and can be bad for their back. But you do your own research. I'd recommend looking at safety guidelines as well as talking to other mums. It's tricky, sleep is so important and it was be so risky. We are planning to use sleep sacks rather than blankets. Always sleeping him on his back. We will have him in our room for the first 6 months and will be breastfeeding to minimise risk of SIDs. Our neighbour lost their daughter to SIDs and DH's foster sister died of SIDs. We don't want to take any unnecessary risks! TTC and Four (and any other non-FTMs) feel free to give your input!

And happy birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day! I agree, the best present ever! Our wee boy will be here by my birthday!
Oh and DH's probably going to be away for the rest of the pregnancy :( he's probably going to have to go to the South Pacific for this tropical cyclone. He's got a training course after that and then will be going overseas until 3 weeks before my due date. I feel like I'll be doing most of this on my own.
Sarah, I think I would just keep on researching and then just buy in the end what we think is best. Baby will stay in our room too, especially while I breastfeed. We can't do everything perfect, I know my parents barely had anything when I was born since I was unplanned, I didnt even fully develop before birth and I turned out OK, so I think we can just do our best, and give the baby everything we possibly can, and they will turn out just fine. There's moms here in our rural areas who doesnt even have cots or anything and their babies also make it out just fine. I think it's in our nature to know how to care for our little ones when they are here. I have no idea how to be a mom, but I am sure it will come after birth...right? Haha

So sorry about your DH Sarah - that must be really really sucky, isn't there any way for him to get out of it? Or doesn't he want too? I can't imagine doing it without my DH - it must be so hard on you especially since you are high risk and baby might come earlier than expected..

Just realised this morning, its less than 3 weeks till my 16 week appointment - cant wait.
Yup there are mums out there with nothing and they manage. I think of mums in Mongolia or other African countries and their babies survive. But when you know and have better, you should do better in my opinion. I just wouldn't forgive myself if after all it's taken to get this far, something preventable happened. I'm not going to be an over cautious mum that's for sure. But I think safe sleeping and safe car seats are important.

Ugh I'm not even sure if he can or wants to get out of it. The cyclone he probably can't get out of. But with the other stuff he says that he doesn't want to stop doing his job because of a 'what if'. If he's in the same country that's ok, I feel like it would be much easier for him to get back home quickly. But overseas is much harder. Plus the South Pacific still has Zika. But it's not like he'll be getting any being away the rest of the pregnancy hah!

Yay! Do you get another scan then or just an appointment?
Yeah - I mean we can only do our best, I think I will be over cautious :) until number 2 comes along that is.

When did your midwife/OB says you can expect baby again? It was earlier right? I just hope he makes it back in time, because if baby needs to come out, there's no waiting or stopping. Will you cope without him though? I mean who will cook and such? If you are that far along you wouldnt want to. My DH knows he will be taking over some of those things in the last month or 2, and since we know baby will come end October, we can prepare and get ready. 38 weeks feel likes its just around the corner for me. My OB only do deliveries on a Tuesday so I know my baby will be a Tuesday baby :D

Not really sure what happenes at the 16 week appointment - most women have a 12 week and 20 week appointment.. I suppose it will be the normal urine test, and weigh in and then last time she told me to go directly to the scan room, so I guess she will do a quick scan and then discuss any questions I might have? I have half an hour appointment though... 12 week appointment was only 15 minutes.
A common fertility drug could be contributing to shorter boys, a new study shows. This is an old article but quite interesting. I wonder if our boy will be a shortie. I'm 5'9 and DH is 5'10 so we might be ok :)

Yup I think we will be cautious until number 2 haha. Then it's just survival!

Yeah the midwife thinks early but she didn't say how early. I'm going to be having regular scans from 26 weeks I think and they'll be able to see how the baby is growing. If it's not good then I might be induced early. Who knows though it could all be fine and he could come late. The midwife said one of her clients went into labour at 33 weeks (12 hours earlier than my appointment) and they had managed to stall it. But I don't think she had the same complications as me. I'm hoping he'll be back in time.

And in terms of helping me, my mum lives in the same town although I can only tolerate her in small doses. She's not great with small children and she's not much of a cook.

Will they actually induce you at 38 weeks? That's pretty medical. I'd rather not be induced if possible because it comes with other risks.

Yeah at my last appointment the midwife didn't do much. Just listened to the heart beat and felt my tummy. But my midwife doesn't do the ultrasounds so who knows.
wow, 33 weeks is still so early. If I had a choice I would want to carry full term until baby is ready, but OBs here dont work like that, they induce at 38 weeks, unless there is complications and baby needs to stay in me for a while longer. If I wanted to carry baby full term and baby for baby to come, I need to see a midwife (and they wont, since my pregnancy isnt a normal one) or I need to let the doctor on duty deliver my baby - and if it was any other country than South africa I would have done it, but nope, too many stories going around here. I trust my OB and she must do the delivery.

My aunt went into early labour due to stress and she had to get an emergency c-section, she asked them to please delay the birth with 4 hours because she wanted baby to have a birthday the next day (long story) and they said no ways - her baby was born that same day. I think it depends on the reason why you are going into early labour..

I will let you know what happens at my next appointment :) I am just excited to see baby again, dont think I would have wanted to wait all the way for 20 weeks.

Wow that article is interested... but I think it depends more on the genes of the parents though :)
Well finally got to talk to my midwife today, she wants me to try 100mg one more cy and take it either days 1-5 or is cd 1 so she sent my refil in and I'll go pick it up in a bit and try the 1-5. She said since I was ovulating that she didn't want to increase to 150mg just yet but she totally agrees that Clomid is not making me ovulate if I'm ovulating that late. She said hopefully trying earlier days will move it forward and not confuse my body too much. She said my lp is long but it's not a bad thing other than dragging out my cy' I guess that's the plan for now. I just spotted a little yesterday so I'm hoping I start af today.

TTC I'm also curious about this cd 1-5 stuff, can you tell me what you know :)
Yes ladies!!!! Sorry should've explained more!
There was a recent study that had half the women take clomid 5-9 and half 1-5. Only a couple in the 5-9 group conceived but all in the 1-5 group did! It's a little controversial still but I was ready to try it before I conceived!
Four, I hope this does the trick!!!!!
Thank you that's super exciting! I'm ready for this next cy but not feeling optimistic. I'm super worried about multiples with taking it so early I don't think my body could handle multiples or my mental stability :haha: but whatever happens happens!!
Four, its weird that your midwife dont want to up your dose to 150mg if the clomid isnt making you O. But I hope this next cycle is the lucky charm for you. Crossing all my fingers XXX

My DH did the strangest thing ever tonight. His best friend since forever came over for a visit, and just before I went to bed DH pulled me closer, lifted my shirt and told his friend he should touch my stomach, then told his friend thats not fat thats my tummy getting harder, and they went on like that for a few moments. I can just see the glow in his eyes when he talk to his friend about baby. :D
Nita, Yeah she wasn't induced at 33 weeks, labour just happened. Wow they don't do that here. You'll only be induced if there's a medical issue or you're way over your due date. My mum was nearly induced with me, they gave her a few more days and luckily I came on my own but I was over 2 weeks late. My doctor isn't concerned that I conceived on Clomid, according to them, that doesn't change a pregnancy at all. I would be really cautious about just being induced to appease the doctor's work hours. There are complications that can arise with an induced birth.

Four, wow your midwife prescribes Clomid? I thought you needed to see a doctor for that. Dumb, I was hoping they'd up your dose seeing as you didn't ovulate from the 100mg. It's hard to know whether you'll have an increased risk of multiples and whether the risk is higher or lower by doing 100mg days 1-5 or 150ng days 3-7. Especially when you've given yourself only 2 more cycles!! I really hope this works!!

Nita, did he ask about touching your tummy? Here, everyone is always really careful and never touches it without asking first. My DH touches it but everyone else is doesn't or they ask first. I've only been asked twice and once by my neighbour and the other by my sister in law. My sister in law is a midwife so she was touching it to see where my uterus finished so she could use her doppler last night! She said she could hear him doing flips!! She also said that if you don't have a doppler you can use an empty toilet roll and put one end on your tummy and have someone else put their ear on the other end and you should be able to hear the heartbeat!
Things work a bit different is highly recommended that you let your doctor whom you trust deliver your baby, the risk for me is much bigger to let a stranger deliver my baby than being induced (the stories of things happening here are horrid) My OB have been delivering babies for 25 years and is still one of the most recommended in the area, so I trust she wont do anything to hurt me or baby. Asked a friend to ask her midwife if she would take on a patient who conceived on Clomid and she said, no, it is recommended that you go through the pregnancy with the doctor who helped you get pregnant, if not naturally, as that doctor knows what she have done and know the risks you might be having... which make total sense to me. Again, very very happy with my OB anyway :D

DH touch my stomach at every chance he gets, but no one else does, and no one has asked either, maybe they will if my tummy gets bigger. I wont tell my DH about the toilet roll, he will want the listen the whole time.
Of course have someone you trust to deliver the baby. But some of those other practices are quite different to here. It is possible that your midwife might not be on call the day you go into labour and all midwives have a back up which you meet. They usually only take time off during the odd weekend though. Here, on fertility specialists will prescribe Clomid. They don't follow up the pregnancy, you need to see a midwife or rarely an OB. You must have an OB if you conceived through IVF but anything else is a midwife.

That's good, I thought you meant his friend was touching your tummy. My DH touches mine all the time. He puts his head on it and nearly always gets kicked haha.

In the weekend I had a professional development course for work. I'm a teacher and there were about 40 of us. This one very brave make teacher, who must have been about 21-22 years old very cautiously asked me if I was pregnant. Then all weekend I caught him watching my tummy. He kept asking questions and trying to sit next to me. Then, at the end of the course he said "I just get so obsessed with pregnant women. I just can't believe there's a growing person inside of you." Kind of creepy but kind of funny.

My tummy is stretching big time tonight. DH is away for the next 2 weeks so I'm sure he'll come back to a huge bump.
I guess it works differently everywhere.. I know a lot of women who are or either been pregnant over the last years and only 1 has been with a midwife, when I asked her why, she said the midwife was cheaper haha, but there really arent a lot of midwifes close by to where I stay, OB/GYN's are everywhere though... its much more common to see an OB here during pregnancy.

DH told his friend to touch my tummy :haha: and he touched it quickly with his finger and then pulled away, I could see he wasnt comfortable with that. I can just imagine how your DH loves to feel the kicks, I read an article about how men feel left out while his wife can feel the baby everyday, and one thing they recommend for the husband to stay involved and also bond with baby is to feel baby move - so I think its awesome that your DH can feel so many kicks, I think it means a lot more for them than we can understand.

Lol that poor teacher... :haha: My DH likes to look at other pregnant women too, once I asked him why, and he said a pregnant women is the most beautiful thing he can imagine and cant wait for me to have a bump.
Ha the opposite is true here. You only have an OB if you have problems here and that's usually after IVF, if you're old (like over 40), preeclampsia, gestational diabetes or like me with Lupus. Otherwise you see a midwife. We don't see pregnancy and child birth as a medical procedure so we don't believe you need to see a doctor here. A midwife has trained for 4 years and can do everything necessary for a pregnancy and often have a much more caring approach to it. Like my OB is very cold, where as my midwife actually cares about me and the holistical issues in pregnancy.

My sister is law, who is the midwife, said she would be with me if I went into labour and my DH is away. She's only got 2 births in August and said she'd be honoured to be there. But it must be kind of intimidating for my midwife to have another midwife in the room haha. I think they're quite similar people though.

Yeah I don't blame him haha. It must be kind of weird touching your best mate's wife's pregnant tummy haha my DH loves putting his head on my tummy or his hand. Our nieces were doing that the other night too and they got kicked in the head too haha. Last night the baby was kicking SO much and DH put his hand on my tummy and he stopped kicking. I think Dad's going to be the boss haha. And it makes sense of them to not feel as connected.

It was quite cute. Yesterday the baby was asleep and then I turned on the vacuum cleaner and obviously woke him up with the noise haha. He was kicking away.

Haha it is really fascinating to know somethings living inside you. How's the bump growing? I'm starting to struggle to pick things up now.
Ugh, I still look like I had an extra helping at dinner lol, according to DH my tummy are growing really fast, I dont know, looks the same to me. I guess those who knows, know my belly is due to baby, but those who dont must be thinking I eat all my DHs food (he is very long and super skinny - we weight almost the same now, only I am super short) :haha:

We are busy organizing a baby shower for DH's friends who expects their baby now in June, and I had to buy a play doll, and DH almost went crazy saying 'when is our baby coming' and if its a girl he really wants to play dolls with her... so cute.

I think I might be feeling some movement from baby - but I do also have a lot of gas and I dont really know the difference so it might just be gas..

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