Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Mines only recently gone from looking like I've been eating a lot to looking like a pregnant tummy. I'd say around 22 weeks. Before then no one made any comments. But now people are commenting even though I haven't told them. It sucks being in the stage of looking fat. But enjoy it because things start to get uncomfortable pretty quickly!

That's exciting. We will still have dolls for our boy and in the future if we have a girl we will have trucks and cars for her to play with. Where I teach we have dress ups and more often than not it's the boys who wear the dresses, skirts, heels and play with dolls.

That's how mine felt initially. And it was only when I'd felt more movements I knew that those very first movements were actually him. It's probably slightly on the early side, mine were early than they say is normal so I kept it hush hush. Typically first time mums feel movement around 18-20 weeks I think.
Just heard from my OB - Downs screening came back normal :D so we are in the clear.

Lol - I will enjoy being fat for a little longer :)

See, then I am just having a lot of gas :haha: maybe 14 weeks is just a bit too early.

My brother and I played dolls too - but DH says if its a girl he want to play dolls and dress up with her and if its a boy he will have a kick ass lego collection which he and dad can build up... we have a whole bag full of legos already (sometimes I think my DH is still a kid - then again, I played with him) hee-hee

I read up a bit about how to conceive a girl vs a boy. For a girl you need to BD 4 - 2.5 days before Ovulation, for a boy you should time BD to be as close to Ovulation as possible. Girl Sperm swim slower but live longer, boy sperm swim faster but die off sooner. If we get a girl, then I can confirm this theory though. We BDed on CD16 and I Oed either CD18 or CD19
This gender thing is getting the better of me haha - I just want to know already.
That's good. My midwife reminded me that it didn't mean the baby didn't have Down's syndrome but that the chance was 1 in some number of thousands.

At work I have lots of kids to pass me things off the floor but putting my shoes on is starting to be tricky.

Could be gas or could be movements. I felt them just after 15 weeks. They do feel like gas. I often worry that I'm coming down with food poisoning but then I remember that it's just a wriggling baby.

Haha that's cool. I think we are going to end up with a massive Lego collection. My DH is an engineer and loves building things.

I've read about that too but also that the research says there's no truth to BD timed gender selection. But I read that you're more likely to have a girl on Clomid. I know what you mean, it did my head in! It has been the hardest thing to wait for! Hopefully you get a scan at your next appointment and they might give you a hint.
A friend of mine who had her daughter 6 years ago, was totally shocked that I even did the tests for DS - she said they only offered her a very expensive test and said no, but with me it was all included haha, they said the same to me, the risk is just very very small.

We already have a lego collection lol, my DH likes to build things too, I think even if we have a girl he would build her a doll house out of legos lol.

I am not reading too much into my gas/movements just yet, I will just try and keep calm till I can tell for sure its kicks.

Its Wednesday here, so tomorrow is new ticker day :D I peeked at next week, and its much better than this week, can't believe its going over to 15 weeks already.

Exactly 2 more weeks before my next appointment :D
Yeah you can opt out of it here, but I think most people have it. It's free here and if you don't have it you don't get a 12 week scan. Our results which tell us our likelihood are just on the shelf, but I'm feeling too lazy to go and look haha but it was 1 in a few thousand. To be honest though, we weren't too worried. We would have gone through with the pregnancy regardless. My niece has Down Syndrome, she was actually adopted by my brother and sister in law, and she's gorgeous. I know it's been hard work though.

Yup just wait and see, if they get more frequent and you feel them when it's quiet, then you'll know that's what they are.

It's wednesday night here. I haven't peeked haha. I'm looking forward to seeing what it is. I'm 24 weeks tomorrow, only a few more weeks until the 3rd trimester!! That's a scary thought haha.

A boy at work today told me that I should name the baby "Kettle" hahaha!
The only reason I peeked was because this weeks tickers sucked so much, I had to check if next week will be better.

Lol, kettle is such a... Unique name :p

Four, how are you doing?
I'm good, finished my last Clomid pills today, the o pains are pretty intense today so hopefully things are working and I'll get an earlier O :) Been busy with our dd's softball team and having some family drama but I'm trying not to stress about it all. I'm eager to move though and get away from it all, less than 10 weeks :thumbup:
Hey guys,

I was also diagnosed with PCOS quite early on in my teens. I did 4 rounds of clomid at 50mg but my ovaries didn't develop follicles on them. I switched docs because this one never seemed to pay attention to what was going on with me and just handed clomid out. The fertility specialist I went to next did a lot of tests. HSG came out with tubes being clear and no cysts. I just wasn't ovulating on my own. Then they started me on letrozole (i believe its also called femara) and scheduled me for an iui (this april) instead of timed intercourse like previously. I got pregnant on the first try and am hoping that this pregnancy sticks.
Hurry up tickers! Ovia said the baby is the size of a Demi baguette, GI Joe doll, an eggplant and an Atlantic toucan haha.

Haha that's what happens when you take suggestions from a 4 year old haha.

Exciting Four, I hope you O much earlier. Good that you've been keeping busy, I know that can help pass the time a bit quicker!!

Welcome Sassy! How exciting. I'm so glad it worked for you first time. I know IUIs are the next step but often they don't work out so that's so exciting that it did for you! You'll have to add a ticker :) I hope you're feeling ok, if you are, enjoy it now because the first trimester can be hard work!
Hurry up tickers! Ovia said the baby is the size of a Demi baguette, GI Joe doll, an eggplant and an Atlantic toucan haha.

Haha that's what happens when you take suggestions from a 4 year old haha.

Exciting Four, I hope you O much earlier. Good that you've been keeping busy, I know that can help pass the time a bit quicker!!

Welcome Sassy! How exciting. I'm so glad it worked for you first time. I know IUIs are the next step but often they don't work out so that's so exciting that it did for you! You'll have to add a ticker :) I hope you're feeling ok, if you are, enjoy it now because the first trimester can be hard work!

Thanks! I was quite surprised when it worked because I did hope but I was also ok with accepting I might have to try again. I'm feeling good actually I think I am 4 weeks now and so far the symptoms are slight nausea, sore breasts and nipples, intermittent cramps, back aches, getting hungry quite frequently, and feeling a bit cold. It's quite manageable because I am not working so I can rest at home.

To be honest the feeling of being pregnant hasn't actually sunk in because well the doctor did tell me not to expect much since my hcg levels at 15dpiui was only 17. Today it is 43 and they are more hopeful but I feel like I will only think I'm pregnant when its past 3 months or something and I can be more sure.

I am actually very new to these forums so i don't know where I can get a ticker or how to set up some stuff.

Thanks for the reply I'd like to keep in touch moving forward. And almost forgot but Good Luck with your pregnancy. Hope it goes well.
So Exciting Four :D I am glad that you are keeping busy, in no time you will O again and hopefully get your BFP before you even move away. :D

Sassy - Welcome to the thread :D and congratz and conceiving on your first round of IUI. I would not worry about your HCG levels too much if I were you, as long as they are doubling, which it seems to be doing. Enjoy feeling good, as those HCG levels and Progesterone rise you will start to feel worse. Are you taking any Progesterone at the moment to assist your pregnancy? As long as you dont have sever cramps or bleeding, you are OK :D

How to add a ticker: Click on one you like from our signatures (I have 2 since I cant decide which one I like most haha) It will take you to the tickers page, then top left is 3 lines, press those and choose Countdown ticker, follow the steps to create your ticker and it will give you a BBcode - copy that one and paste into your signature.

To edit your signature, go to quick links from the home page and say edit signature - in the box to edit your paste the BBcode from the ticker website and update... and then you have a ticker and a signature :)

So Ovia says baby is the size of a Hass Avocado - yay, finally something I know and LOVE to eat. :D
Exciting Sassy, I felt a bit average the first few weeks, but things really ramped up around 6 weeks. I felt a lot better by 10 weeks. You might be lucky like Nita and not have things too badly. But I had a really rough time.

How many days apart were your HCG tests? I've heard that it's actually less about what the number is and more about it's doubling time. So if you're now about 17ish DPO then that's a good sign. I can't remember what mine were, I think high 80s at 12DPO and then 3 days later it was 320. It took ages for it to sink in for me. It did when I started feeling so sick though, but I wasn't exactly as excited as I am now!

We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you!
New tickers!! Cinnamon rolls, hmmm we have chelsea buns here which I suppose is the same, but its much better than last week. And you have Oreos, Sarah. Yay, we have Oreos here too :D

Let me just say, just because your mother was sick during her pregnancy doesnt mean you will be too - lol!! My mom kept on telling me how sick she was and I will be too... yeah, no. Each person is different.

My HCG was 87 on 15dpo and they only do it once here and dont check doubling time, I only had my HCG tested again at 12 weeks, and it came back normal, I dont know how much it is though.

This morning, I decided to wore a slightly looser shirt to work and I still look fat. I told DH I thought my fat wont show and he asked if I was ashamed of pregnant, I said no, I just dont like people saying I ate all my husbands food haha - I need to feed him more so he doesnt look so damn skinny. I actually like my little bump and cant wait for a proper bump :) Oh and I just want to add, my boobs looks huge, which is awesome!
Yay! We don't really have cinnamon rolls here either, but we have chelsea buns. I'm sure they're about the same size. We have oreos here too, but the picture in the ticker looks like a bigger packet than we have. I love the little captions on the Ovia ones.

Sassy, if you haven't already, download the app called "Ovia". It tells you something new about what the baby is doing or developing each day. I got an "ovia-tion" today. Making it to 24 weeks viability. There's a 50% chance the baby will survive if he is born today (fingers crossed not though!)

I don't think my Mum got that sick. I felt terrible.

I know what you mean. There's a bad phase where you just feel like a blob and like you've eaten too much. I wore looser tops too. But now it definitely looks like I have a bump. I went shopping this evening to buy the baby some merino clothes and I caught my bump in the mirror. It's definitely a baby bump! My DH gets home at the end of next week (hopefully... before he goes away again). I bet the bump would have grown heaps!

This evening he was kicking me lots so I decided to YouTube some Mozart. Within 2 minutes he was fast asleep haha. Let's just hope that works when he's born!
Oreos also come in different packaging here, but atleast I know what it is and have an idea how big it is haha.

My 'Ovia-tion' is that coming next week I should start to feel baby move :D

I think your bump will grow quickly now Sarah, I saw a video on youtube where they show how the bump grow by week, and once your bump start to really grow, I think around 22 weeks, it grows rapidly from there on.

Make him used to Mozart now :) when he is born he will hopefully follow the same pattern.

Whats everyone doing the weekend? I am working and going to a temple with my parents for mothers day on Sunday :p
So Exciting Four :D I am glad that you are keeping busy, in no time you will O again and hopefully get your BFP before you even move away. :D

Sassy - Welcome to the thread :D and congratz and conceiving on your first round of IUI. I would not worry about your HCG levels too much if I were you, as long as they are doubling, which it seems to be doing. Enjoy feeling good, as those HCG levels and Progesterone rise you will start to feel worse. Are you taking any Progesterone at the moment to assist your pregnancy? As long as you dont have sever cramps or bleeding, you are OK :D

How to add a ticker: Click on one you like from our signatures (I have 2 since I cant decide which one I like most haha) It will take you to the tickers page, then top left is 3 lines, press those and choose Countdown ticker, follow the steps to create your ticker and it will give you a BBcode - copy that one and paste into your signature.

To edit your signature, go to quick links from the home page and say edit signature - in the box to edit your paste the BBcode from the ticker website and update... and then you have a ticker and a signature :)

So Ovia says baby is the size of a Hass Avocado - yay, finally something I know and LOVE to eat. :D

Thanks for the help :hugs: I'll get on that now. And yes the doc had me start taking progesterone suppositories the day after my IUI. Twice a day.
I haven't really told many people but I felt like discussing things so I'm really glad everyone on here is so nice. Thanks again everyone.
Exciting Sassy, I felt a bit average the first few weeks, but things really ramped up around 6 weeks. I felt a lot better by 10 weeks. You might be lucky like Nita and not have things too badly. But I had a really rough time.

How many days apart were your HCG tests? I've heard that it's actually less about what the number is and more about it's doubling time. So if you're now about 17ish DPO then that's a good sign. I can't remember what mine were, I think high 80s at 12DPO and then 3 days later it was 320. It took ages for it to sink in for me. It did when I started feeling so sick though, but I wasn't exactly as excited as I am now!

We'll be keeping our fingers crossed for you!

Thanks :flower: Yea I think I'd describe it as feeling average as well. Symptoms aren't that severe but I notice them. I'm a lot tired as well and today I woke up super dehydrated. My nose must have been blocked because apparently I was breathing out of my mouth only and it was like the desert. Going to start keeping a water bottle beside me and the humidifier on.

My tests were 48 hours apart. Not excited yet (haven't started looking at belly and picturing baby) but I guess It'll feel more real when I see the scan hopefully.

You guys are the absolute sweetest. I feel a lot better about this now that I can talk to someone without filtering things. I talk with my husband too but it's different with other women experiencing the same things.

I'll be hoping the best for everyone on here as well. Good Luck!
Sassy, you probably feel tired from the added Progesterone, I started taking it from 8 weeks until I was 12 weeks, it was absolutely horrible. It didnt feel real for me until I got my first ultrasound and saw a heartbeat and saw baby move. You will probably start to feel more and more tired from now, but dont worry once you stop the Progesterone and reach 12 weeks you will see you feel much, MUCH better. Do you have an appointment yet for your first ultra sound?

We are too happy to have you here, and you are welcome to discuss anything here or ask for advice :)
Sassy, you probably feel tired from the added Progesterone, I started taking it from 8 weeks until I was 12 weeks, it was absolutely horrible. It didnt feel real for me until I got my first ultrasound and saw a heartbeat and saw baby move. You will probably start to feel more and more tired from now, but dont worry once you stop the Progesterone and reach 12 weeks you will see you feel much, MUCH better. Do you have an appointment yet for your first ultra sound?

We are too happy to have you here, and you are welcome to discuss anything here or ask for advice :)

No, no ultra sound appointment yet. The clinic had me schedule another hcg blood test for friday (2 days after my last one). So I guess they'll go from there.
Great :) crossing my fingers you get great numbers :D I see you also got the ticker set up, yay! New ticker days (when your ticker goes over to a new week) is really exciting.

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