Clomid/FE Conceived Buddies :)

Sassy, I agree with Nita. It's probably a lot to do with the progesterone. Were you ever put on provera when TTC? It's similar but I think it's a higher dose. Nita and TTC will be able to help you with progesterone related questions. Thankfully I didn't need it.

The fatigue didn't hit me until about 6 weeks but between weeks 4-6 I'd get exhausted doing normal things. Like I went for a bike ride with DH and I kept having to stop every 5-10 minutes. In hindsight I actually did really well hah. But he was annoyed. Then from 6 weeks I pretty much had 2 naps a day and went to sleep for the night no later than 7.30. I couldn't really leave the house or do the supermarket shopping etc. luckily I was on annual leave and my DH was too.

I also agree with Nita about the scan. Once you hear the heartbeat it becomes much more real. I cried haha. But even then it didn't sink in. At that point it just looks like a blob and having had a MC I knew I wasn't completely out of the woods. It also was hard to actually accept after all this time I was pregnant. I kept expecting to wake up and for it to be a dream. When I fell pregnant with my MC baby I felt an instant bond and like I needed to do everything to protect it. But as horrible as it sounds, I didn't really get that feeling this time. Maybe it was to protect myself. What I'm trying to say is don't be too hard on yourself for whatever you're feeling. With all the hormones plus the struggles we've had to get here, you'll probably be all over the place (I definitely was!).

Sassy if you have any questions about what to expect next or just want to get anything off your chest, feel free. It's a pretty awesome group here :)

I think my belly will keep growing. I can't really hide it now. My DH is going to be amazed when he gets home haha.

I have a feeling this baby isn't going to go quietly off to sleep to Mozart when he's born haha. My MIL last night told me it's good to have an active baby because then you can actually do stuff with them rather than them just sleeping all day. She's had 7 of her own and I'd say my DH was the biggest trouble maker of them all!

Nita have you peeked ahead at the Ovia-toons too? Haha.

Not many plans for the weekend. My BIL is having a birthday dinner but my DH is away so I'm not sure if I can be bothered driving 3 hours each way with out him. Nita when you say you're going to the temple? What do you mean?
Sassy, I agree with Nita. It's probably a lot to do with the progesterone. Were you ever put on provera when TTC? It's similar but I think it's a higher dose. Nita and TTC will be able to help you with progesterone related questions. Thankfully I didn't need it.

The fatigue didn't hit me until about 6 weeks but between weeks 4-6 I'd get exhausted doing normal things. Like I went for a bike ride with DH and I kept having to stop every 5-10 minutes. In hindsight I actually did really well hah. But he was annoyed. Then from 6 weeks I pretty much had 2 naps a day and went to sleep for the night no later than 7.30. I couldn't really leave the house or do the supermarket shopping etc. luckily I was on annual leave and my DH was too.

I also agree with Nita about the scan. Once you hear the heartbeat it becomes much more real. I cried haha. But even then it didn't sink in. At that point it just looks like a blob and having had a MC I knew I wasn't completely out of the woods. It also was hard to actually accept after all this time I was pregnant. I kept expecting to wake up and for it to be a dream. When I fell pregnant with my MC baby I felt an instant bond and like I needed to do everything to protect it. But as horrible as it sounds, I didn't really get that feeling this time. Maybe it was to protect myself. What I'm trying to say is don't be too hard on yourself for whatever you're feeling. With all the hormones plus the struggles we've had to get here, you'll probably be all over the place (I definitely was!).

Sassy if you have any questions about what to expect next or just want to get anything off your chest, feel free. It's a pretty awesome group here :)

I think my belly will keep growing. I can't really hide it now. My DH is going to be amazed when he gets home haha.

I have a feeling this baby isn't going to go quietly off to sleep to Mozart when he's born haha. My MIL last night told me it's good to have an active baby because then you can actually do stuff with them rather than them just sleeping all day. She's had 7 of her own and I'd say my DH was the biggest trouble maker of them all!

Nita have you peeked ahead at the Ovia-toons too? Haha.

Not many plans for the weekend. My BIL is having a birthday dinner but my DH is away so I'm not sure if I can be bothered driving 3 hours each way with out him. Nita when you say you're going to the temple? What do you mean?

Yea I was actually put on provera for every cycle we tried because the pcos makes it that I don't get my period usually by myself. I did ask my doc about my progesterone levels when she called to let me know about my hcg and she said they don't check for it because I am on the suppositories. Do they usually do that?

I think I'm feeling the same as you about being pregnant. I'm trying to be sensible with this because after the doc said I had really low hcg I went online and searched through so many forums trying to see if it was still possible. And honestly it was half and half. There were also a lot that said even with normal hcg they had miscarriages. So I guess I'm also trying to protect myself. I'm emotional about petty things like I always cry for any sad scene even if its an animated children's movie or if someone cries in front of me but with big things I don't want to cry in front of others. Not because I'm not sad but them trying to console me will make me feel more sad. So if I act okay then i feel it'll really be ok.

It's kinda hard to talk with people about, because my friends are all my age and not even near kids and marriage so they don't understand. My mother would just stress and worry and people fussing over me makes me embarrassed and shy.

I feel like no matter how it ends I'll be fine. Maybe a little in need of recuperation but I'm not gonna feel like flinging myself off a cliff. I don't know if other people here are but I am quite religious. So I feel like I'll accept the results whatever they may be. Hah I guess I'm the type that's mind over heart. I can convince myself it's alright and i'll start feeling the same.
Sassy - this is the best advice I got, so I am going to share it with you too. Remember, that this is the ONLY time in your life that you will EVER be pregnant with this baby. I know the fear of a MC and honestly until 8 weeks I made myself crazy as I didnt have MS so I thought I would pitch at my OB and she wont see baby... Any way my point being, enjoy the time you have with this baby, whether its a week, a month or a lifetime, no one can take away the fact that you are pregnant with this baby now :hugs:

Having your progesterone checked while being on suppositories will be pointless as they will influence your levels. Here they give progesterone if you conceive on Clomid, IUI and IVF regardless of your levels, as a precaution.

Ugh - I had the worst night. I got heartburn to a point where I started vomiting, then ofcourse I drank a lot of water which made me wake up every hour to wee, and my whole body was just cramping and uncomfortable. Oh boy - its going to be a long, long day today.
Sassy, they did check my progesterone levels here even though I was on suppositories. They say they need to make sure your dose is high enough. But other doctors may not have that protocol. I've heard you get a good amount using them vaginally so try to relax ❤ I had multiple miscarriages before this baby and I still feel afraid and disconnected at times. Just be gentle on yourself and know however you feel is ok! I had extremely low hcg with my second son and was told I'd miscarry. He was totally fine! With my last loss in August I was told my levels were fantastic and baby didn't make it. So you just never know. I like the advice both Sarah and Nita gave. We're here for you!

Nita, that sounds awful! I'm so sorry!!!! Feel better soon!

Sarah, I still want a bump picture!!!!!!

I saw my ob today. My testing results were good from the genetic stuff! Big relief! And I found out I have a yeast infection. My stomach has been aching and I have had greenish discharge so she swabbed and turns out its yeast. Hate that! Still struggling with morning sickness here. Getting quite discouraged about it.

I hope you all have good weekends!

I have PCOS too. That's why I was on Provera. Yeah there would be no point in checking your progesterone levels if you are on suppositories. Just rest assure that your OB is taking precautions to help you here. Mine tested my progesterone and it was fine so I didn't end up taking them. Other doctors just put you on them regardless.

I'm not sure if you've seen this site - It tells you what your HCG should be between on each DPO. It's pretty broad and like I said before, it doesn't matter so much what it is, more about the doubling time. Yeah there are a lot of women who have MC with great doubling times. Most of them could never have been prevented.

I spent the first 12 weeks trying to protect myself. I was convinced I'd had a missed MC. But like Nita said, this is the only time you will be pregnant with this baby. You'll never get another first trimester and it's pretty impressive what happens in the first trimester. There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself though, it's only natural. But do try and enjoy it and appreciate it.

Feel free to talk to us, we get it :). My friends are similar, either they've had kids and it was easy/an accident (for me TTC and being pregnant has been far from easy) or they're not even thinking about it.

I think you'll be alright no matter what happens too. Speaking from experience, if it doesn't end well, it hurts.. A lot! It honestly took me a good 2-3 weeks before I no longer felt fragile. But this time I fell pregnant I knew I had found something that worked and if it did end badly, I knew Clomid would get me back here again.

During the first trimester this website helped me a lot - It gives you the likelihood each day (in a % form) for having a MC. I also just found this site when trying to find that website. I'm not sure if it'll help, but it did for me.


Oh no, was this the first time you've vomited since being pregnant? That sucks! Pregnancy is hard work :( I hope you don't have a busy day.
Oh no TTC - hope the infection goes away soon. :(

Sarah - its the first time vomiting since I got my BFP. It was all yucky sour slime, but thank goodness thats over. I need to watch what I eat, I know I get heartburn easily. My tummy also hurt this morning and during the night, pretty sure its all the gas building up and constipation, as soon as I went this morning, I felt so much better. I need to get more cushions, I am really struggling to sleep with my whole body feeling it doesnt get enough support at night :(
Sorry TTC I must have been replying when you replied too :). Here's my bump photo -

I'm sorry about your injection. I had one about a month or so ago. It wasn't much fun although I don't think it was too bad. They say you're more prone to them during pregnancy. I think I might have had 1 before this. Did the OB give you anything for the morning sickness? I hope it passes soon.

Nita, I'm sorry :( it's not fun vomiting. It's hard watching what you eat. The past 2 weeks I've just been so hungry all the time. I've put on 7kgs so far. It feels like too much but I'm not complaining, anything for this baby. No stretch marks yet but I'm finding it harder to get an 'inch to pinch' for my injections. I've not been constipated at all, I go twice a day (TMI) but I was expecting that to be a problem. My DH is away at the moment and I'm using all the pillows. I've got the triangle one between my knees, a pillow under my tummy/to cuddle and two behind my back to stop me rolling on to my back. The only good thing about him going away means I get all the pillows and all the bed!
wow, Sarah, your bump have grown so much!! You look really pregnant :D Ill post a bump pic over the weekend :)

I already have stretch marks :( but when I was 16/17 years old I picked up about 12kg in one year, that was at that stage 25% of my total weight and I got stretch marks on my tummy and legs. Ofcourse I lost that weight after school and the stretchmarks got less and smaller, so I think mine are just the old ones stretching again.

I am definitely constipated, I go at least once in 2 days, but (TMI) I always feel like there's more.. the gas that builds up over night are my IBS, and that makes my tummy very sore during the night. I have medication for it, but it contains 87% ethanol, so no ways I am taking it.
Yup it's just popped out in the last few weeks. Before that I looked pretty flat! I think it still looks quite small but it's definitely round. Yes post a bump pic, you too TTC!

I've read some people are more prone to them than others. I had some on my boobs but they've faded. I don't think I'm out of the woods yet though. I googled it and a lot of people seemed to develop them in the last few weeks. I've been drinking heaps of water and when I remember, using coco butter.

Oh definitely don't take that. I had some cough mixture in the fridge but that contained ethanol too. I'm looking forward to not even having to consider things like that when he's born, although with breast feeding you still have to careful.

I've been Googling epidurals tonight, it's freaked me out about labour! I know he's got to come out, but now the anxiety is through the roof... At least I've got a few months to worry about that.
Sarah, I need to decide before 34 weeks if I am going fully natural or going with the epidural, I have been ignoring the fact that I need to decide, I keep thinking I will decide closer to time... But I totally understand the panic - I feel it too every time I think about it.

I just used peppermint drops, and I never realized they even contain ethanol, until I started reading about whether its safe or not :o I drink a cup of peppermint tea at night but it doesnt have the same effect. I started a thread to ask how other ladies coped with IBS during pregnancy, and said they live with the pain... Ill ask my OB though what she thinks. I also need to find out about my allergy medicine, Winter is around the corner and I feel already my sinus infections are starting.
wow I hope you guys are all ok because those symptoms sound hard to deal with. I'm not even feeling 10% of that and I still want to sleep all day. Hope you get better!

Thanks for all the great advice. And haha somehow I'm worried about giving birth too (contradicting I know), not even close yet I read up on what happens with labour cause well I don't really know much about it. I realized this week I actually know so little about pregnancy and babies. This 'ring of fire' seems pretty scary and all that talk about tearing. I wish you all luck and after you give birth I wanna know how it was.

I was watching a youtube video on pregnancy tips and the woman said she used burt's bees lemon oil to massage over her body for preventing stretch marks. ( i guess they're hereditary but it doesn't hurt to try right). Oh and she also said her midwife recommended that she sort of massage/moisturize her nether regions with olive oil every day to make it more elastic so you don't tear as much when giving birth.

But i think I should probably consult with the doc before doing that just in case.

My mom tells me eating fennel seeds helps with nausea. You can maybe try that.

Hope you feel better soon.
Oh wow really? Here you can decide at the time. So I could go in saying no I don't want anything but then if I'm finding it all too hard I can change my mind. I know that beyond a certain point they won't give it to you because it's too late. But I'm fully open to any pain relief! I'm thinking I'll be having an epidural. There are the odd horror story but a lot of people saying they're the best thing ever.

I went to use some mouth wash last night and read the bottle and it said it had ethanol in it! I didn't even think of that. But I'm not swallowing it and I know some women actually have a glass of wine in their pregnancy. So I'm sure it's not the end of the world but I might look for an ethanol free one at the supermarket!

Sassy, that's awesome!! Your levels are great :)

For me, the worst bit hit about 6 weeks. I ended up having 2 IV drips of fluid and tried 4 different kinds of anti nausea. If it gets too bad and you're losing weight (I lost about 8lb) then go to your doctor. I powered through it for a few weeks but as my husband put it, I was useless. But after the fluid and the better antinausea pills I could actually function. I haven't vomited since about week 9 except my glucose tolerance test which was hell.

Speaking of glucose tolerance tests, I'm going to ask my midwife if I can use a glucose meter and prick my finger rather than go through the test again. That's what my OB suggested

For a while I wasn't really bothered about the labour and figured he had to come out one way or another. But now that my DH might be away plus the more I think about it the more freaked out I get. I've read about those stretches you can do. My friend who gave birth a few weeks tore and it sounds pretty horrible.

Definitely do what you can for the stretch marks but part of me feels like I don't actually care. We are so lucky to be pregnant, so many others would kill for this. Who cares about stretch marks and a few pounds. They're all pretty minor when we also get such an amazing prize at the end of all of this.

I've heard fennel seeds are also good for milk supply (which is ladies with PCOS can also have a problem with! Ugh is anything easy?!)
Oh Sarah I wouldn't worry too much about the mouthwash. You're not swallowing. I stopped using my regular mouthwash for alcohol free my first pregnancy and had a bunch of gum issues. Pregnant gums are so prone to problems and I think staying on it is a benefit ❤

Ooh and I'm sooooo on the side of epidurals! Loved mine with my first! I'm starting to think about whether I want to try for a vbac or do a repeat c section. Truly labor wasn't bad. I did have a bad tear despite those stretches haha! But really it healed easily and I wasn't ever in much pain from it. Don't worry too much ladies! I'm a huge huge wimp and I really thought delivery wasn't too bad! Even my c section was fine!

I have the same attitude towards stretch's ok if they happen.

Sassy your hcg sounds great!!!!!! If you were at my clinic they'd not draw it again since it's doubled so nicely!
Thanks TTC, I actually completely forgot about it at the supermarket anyway haha. I don't use it every day either, plus you're right I'm not actually swallowing it. I've noticed that my gums bleed when I floss lots more now. I think I'll just continue it.

And thank you for your info on epidurals. I'm a bit of a wuss haha, so I think I'm going to need it. It's nice to hear from someone who's been through it and a self proclaimed wimp haha. I'm hoping the adrenalin will just kick in and I'll be ok, but definitely not saying no to pain meds. So was your first born a vaginal and second a c section?

I'm feeling quite puffy at the moment though, even though I've got more of a bump, I feel like I'm putting on weight all over. I guess that's expected after over a month on steroids, struggling to exercise and increased appetite. Fingers crossed I can breastfeed and that helps! And thanks! Haha I'm loving having a bump.

A question for TTC and Love (as non-FTMs) did you notice your little ones kicking when you had a shower? I feel like he always kicks lots when I'm in the shower but I don't know if he'd actually notice any different in his little sac of amniotic fluid or if it's just my imagination (he does kick all day and all night with only 30ish minute sleeps a few times a day!)? Could he hear the water or feel it?
Sassy, happy to see your HCG levels rising :D thats very good.

I used some extra pillows to support my back during the night and I actually just woke up 2 times with my back feeling surprisingly better, DH ofcourse is not happy at all that I am taking over the bed with pillows lol

We have a coldfront that came in last night, due to snow all over the Southern part of the country, we live up north and only get the cold and thunderstorms. Our tempratures went down from 25 degrees celcius yesterday to only 11 degrees today and its going to fall even more tomorow to -1 degree. Winter is finally here, I guess. We took out our oil and electric heaters yesterday and we put the electric blanky on the bed. I hope winter goes by fast, I dont like the cold.
Oh and I am a wuss too, I almost feint everytime I get bloodtests done, so can you imagine what I would be like when having to give birth lol
I sent my DH a photo last night of how I'd arranged all of the pillows haha. He's not home so I can have them all haha. I'm pretty sure we deserve all the pillows. I tell DH that I contain two thirds of the family so I should get two thirds of the bed and pillows.

That cold front sounds similar to here. It's miserable! I've had the heater on every night this week. We had a high of 12 (celcius) today. Usually I feel the cold really bad and have Raynaud's (my hands and feet get cold and turn blue and purple) but this baby is like an internal heater haha. Maybe it's the progesterone? I'm just grateful that our wee ones won't be born in the cold of winter, it should start getting warmer by the time they arrive.

And Nita, we have no choice haha. They have to come out somehow!!

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